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Our House Part Two


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Welcome, Ginger Lee!

We all do our own thing here...and sometimes it's crocheting:lol

Joanne explained the rules about giving credit for patterns. Copyright questions are covered somewhere on the main Board.

I'm a Baby Boomer, married for over 42 years, and have a grown son who is a chiropractor. We live in New Jersey, not far from the Shore.

The only thing I don't crochet is jewelry...done everything else but love making graph designs, round ripples...etc...

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The pup is napping again, I think. She was super tired after her vet visit, but has since recovered:lol.


I just started crocheting together strips of saltines (2 round grannies, for those who don't know). Phyllis gave them to me, and I want to go finish one section now before jumping in the shower. Running around with the little furple has me so icky by the end of the day!:P


Have a good night everyone!:hug:manyheart

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:sun·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I stayed busy crocheting!

Got another Stash Buster Tote done yesterday.



I'm hoping to get another one done today!










Another beautiful tote :manyheart


Good morning, my friends. It's going to be another hot one out today. It's been 90* or higher for the last several days. John got home early yesterday and brought home Chinese food for supper. Afterwards I opened two more boxes. #1 was full of pattern books for macrame projects, sewing and how-to reference books, old 'Ideals' books, and such. #2 was more geneology materials and another treasure trove. Included were a copy of the deed to my great-great grandparent's homestead farm and the story of how they got it and pictures of them, & pictures of my great-great grandparents in England, & lots and lots of black-and-white photos of lots of family pictures, grave stones, etc. Also files of correspondence, charts, and other data. This is so exciting because there is so much more available on-line now than there was when I was doing this 30 years ago.



That is absolutely gorgeous, Judy. :clap :clap :clap


:lol :lol :lol


Very pretty dauhter and lovely tote.


It's definitely addictive and I know exactly what you mean.


Wow! You've got a really busy summer on your agenda.


Just heard the weather forecast for today. It's supposed to hit 97*. :eek Too hot for this early in the year.


It was 98 here when I left work at 7 pm :eek Did I mention anything over 70 is too hot for me :(


Tam, that's a pretty color!!:clap


Linda, I'll bet I know what you're going to be spending your free time on real soon! Wonderful geneology finds!:clap


And Heidi went for her 2nd puppy shot today - she didn't want to go, so I carried her to and from the car each time (hubby was working). BUT she was an angel, laying down in the doggie "hamock" (sp) in the back seat - that must smell very interesting to her since we had it for Susie too.

Here's how she looked from my POV in the front seat. She's about 28 pounds now at 3 months old. She gained 13 pounds in less than a month


Such a cutie pie :manyheart


First time to this forum. I am an art teacher and artist, but I love to crochet doilies for the most part to relax. I also do some afghans from time to time. I am a mom of two grown young adults, and a wife. How do I get started here? I love poetry, and write some pretty poor stuff if I might say so! :blush


Tomorrow is my last day at work till summer comes, and would love to chat with other crocheters and share projects.


Can we photograph our own projects as long as we give credit to the designer or book we received the pattern in?


I am not sure how this works but would love to hear from folks with like interests. I primarily paint and draw, but love the textile arts. It would be nice to get to know you guys.:manyheart


:welcome We all pretty much work on our own thing here and share our progress, sometimes we work on the same or similar project too. At times we've all chipped in for a charity project. You just never know what's going to happen with this group :shrug This is the best group of ladies you could've stumbled upon and I consider myself blessed to have found this place a little over a year ago. Very friendly and helpful :ghug


I'm Marisa and currently live in Philly, but soon to move to Pittsburgh at the end of August where my sister already lives and I'm openning my own chiropractic office :yay:eek I don't have any children, but have 2 turtles that my parents affectionately call their grandkids :lol I have a brother who's married with 4 kids in Phoenix and a sister, not married but living with bf in Pitt. We're from the Poconos so I'm about 2 hours from my parents now and they'll plan to move to Pitt as well when my father retires :yes Oh, and I'm single....no hubby or bf :no


Jump right in. I recommend keeping a little notepad to write some keywords down as your catching up on the posts as it tends to get busy in here and by the time you respond, you might not remember what you wanted to say (I'm only 32 and have that problem :eek:lol ) Jump right in :hug Oh, I have a thing for afghans and bags....throw in some socks too :lol


Busy, busy busy- July 16 looks good for me! I've marked my calendar- and yes, we're still meeting on June 18---you know if your car decides to take a detour!:lol



Another beauty!!!!

What a great picture- and hope she's feeling ok after her shot. She is getting big and I can see why you are very anxious to have her climb down the stairs!! WTG Heidi on going down 3 of them--maybe by the time you read this, she'll have mastered that feat!:cheer:cheer


Ya never know.....well knowing me :think ..........

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Well ladies, work went quickly today :yay


I went to walmart to pick up the color I needed for my current sbt and picked up more for another in girly colors. I'm going to send them down to Toni to share with a couple of kids from her community and got some fun kid stuff to go with them :yes I hope they like them.


Now after I finish catching up in here.....over to the couch where I can get a little something done before heading upstairs for the night :xfin

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Just zipping by before I head to my comfy bed. I had to take the baby to the doctor today for he still has an ear infection, so the doctor gave him a stronger antibiotic. He is no longer crawling around the house instead he's walking all ove rand getting into everything that his little eyes find. :think At last I only have 5 more rounds left on my SBT and I'm so happy that I stuck with it. I will probably make another one in the not to near future. :lol I get bored easy and get anxious to try my hand at something new. :D Also, I am working on a navajo rug that seem to me taking all my free time. Well the bed is calling my name time to relax. Hugs to the house family. :hug

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Good mornng housemates :coffee


Morning came too early once again :( But, it's already Wednesday :yay I love short weeks :lol Nothing new to report since last night. Just read a chapter of my book and called it a night. I hope you all have a wonderful day :hug

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'morning, peeps!:hug

Marisa, Im with you on the temps...in fact I often find 70 too warm:lol

Cheeria, I hope this antibiotic helpd the little one get better fast! I used to be able to tell in 24 hours whether or not it was working for DS.

Quick good morning House!!! Time to get ready for Paradise but couldn't start my day without a quick pop in to say hi!!!


Hope it's a good day for all!!!!!

I hope your day goes well!


Off I go...and for those on the combo challenge thread I posted a small pattern for June.

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Good morning, my friends. It's going to be another hot one today. Kim and I are just going to hang out here at home and try to stay cool, but not too cool. I've got a wicked kink in my back, so not too sure what or if I'll be doing any crafting today.


I went out to supper last night just to get out of the house for a bit. I took along a book and was reading when the little waitress came up all flustered. :eek She had forgotten to turn in my order. :lol I didn't care, but she was terribly upset and did I want a free cup of soup or a salad to make up for it. Not really, but she just was so utterly upset that I finally accepted a salad. I was in no hurry and just out to get out of the house. :lol I suppose if I'd been in a hurry I'd have been bothered a bit more, but as it was I could have cared less. I gave her a good tip anyway. And the salad was good. So was my supper which came almost as quickly as the salad. :lol


Tam, that's a pretty color!!:clap


Linda, I'll bet I know what you're going to be spending your free time on real soon! Wonderful geneology finds!:clap


And Heidi went for her 2nd puppy shot today - she didn't want to go, so I carried her to and from the car each time (hubby was working). BUT she was an angel, laying down in the doggie "hamock" (sp) in the back seat - that must smell very interesting to her since we had it for Susie too.

Here's how she looked from my POV in the front seat. She's about 28 pounds now at 3 months old. She gained 13 pounds in less than a month

What an adorable picture of "little" Heidi. She's growing like a weed.


I have no idea what all I'm going to do with my time off. Or rather, I've got a few ideas, but no big plans. I'm planning on kidnapping Rosie for a day and taking her to some of the shopping and eating places that I used to frequent when I lived in Marietta (edge of Atlanta), but other than eating out a fair bit and working on stuff in the downstairs, that's about as far as I've gotten.

First time to this forum. I am an art teacher and artist, but I love to crochet doilies for the most part to relax. I also do some afghans from time to time. I am a mom of two grown young adults, and a wife. How do I get started here? I love poetry, and write some pretty poor stuff if I might say so! :blush


Tomorrow is my last day at work till summer comes, and would love to chat with other crocheters and share projects.


Can we photograph our own projects as long as we give credit to the designer or book we received the pattern in?


I am not sure how this works but would love to hear from folks with like interests. I primarily paint and draw, but love the textile arts. It would be nice to get to know you guys.:manyheart

Welcome to "Crochetville" and "Our House" Ginger Lee. :welcome We're more than happy to have you join the group. We're from all over the place and our love of crochet and other crafting is what has brought us together. We love to gab about everything in our lives and it's a great support group as well as a group of very talented friends.


I'm Linda T and have been a member of this thread almost since it's beginning. I'm 61 with two adult children and one grandson. I've been crafting since I was about 8 or 9 years old. My mom taught me to knit (her specialty) and my grandmother taught me to crochet (one of her specialties) and multiple great aunts helped to teach me to do embroidery, cross-stitch, and other needle arts. I taught myself to sew after getting married and my next door neighbor (Rosie) started teaching me to quilt 2 1/2 years ago. I alternate between crochet and quilting for the most part. I've got several quilt projects in the works at the moment, one of which I'll be entering in a competion if I get it done in time.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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:sun·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I stayed busy crocheting!

Got another Stash Buster Tote done yesterday.



I'm hoping to get another one done today!










That's beautiful!

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Tam, that's a pretty color!!:clap


Linda, I'll bet I know what you're going to be spending your free time on real soon! Wonderful geneology finds!:clap


And Heidi went for her 2nd puppy shot today - she didn't want to go, so I carried her to and from the car each time (hubby was working). BUT she was an angel, laying down in the doggie "hamock" (sp) in the back seat - that must smell very interesting to her since we had it for Susie too.

Here's how she looked from my POV in the front seat. She's about 28 pounds now at 3 months old. She gained 13 pounds in less than a month


aww, she is so cute!

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First time to this forum. I am an art teacher and artist, but I love to crochet doilies for the most part to relax. I also do some afghans from time to time. I am a mom of two grown young adults, and a wife. How do I get started here? I love poetry, and write some pretty poor stuff if I might say so! :blush


Tomorrow is my last day at work till summer comes, and would love to chat with other crocheters and share projects.


Can we photograph our own projects as long as we give credit to the designer or book we received the pattern in?


I am not sure how this works but would love to hear from folks with like interests. I primarily paint and draw, but love the textile arts. It would be nice to get to know you guys.:manyheart




I've been married to my dh for over thirty years, I have three grown children and four grandsons. Also a crazy Brittany named Sophie.


I'm a nurse and work in an intensive care unit.


I sew, knit, crochet, embroider, cross stitch, make jewelry and cards, garden, quilt, and generally do whatever I can think of to keep from doing housework.

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Good morning. Nice sunny day here, although very windy.

We ended up going over to a friends house on Monday evening.

I had yesterday off, but ended up doing housework, running errands and working on my granny ripple, which is close to finished. Four more stripes (8 rows), and then a border.


I also did some knitting on my scrunchable scarf which is about 50 inches long now. I'm going to knit on that until I run out of yarn. I don't think it will make it much over 60 inches in length, but its hard for me to estimate with knitting.


My mom is scheduled to go home in mid June. She is making such good progress in rehab, that they no longer think she had a stroke. I was there last Friday and she could just barely move her right hand and right foot. My brother said as of yesterday she was walking and could use her right hand to pick things up. He also says that she is really upbeat and acting like herself again. They finally got a neurologist involved, and they repeated an MRI and did a whole body CT scan. Now they are certain that she has a mass in her brain and that it is cancer. However, they are not able to find any tumors anywhere else, and they think that it is a tumor that has spread from elsewhere. My mom does not want any invasive testing done, so the only thing they are still going to do is a mammogram. I suspect that my mom would refuse aggressive treatment as well, and that's her choice.


Well, I'd better get to my laundry.

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Good Morning! Just a quick pop-in to see how everyone is doing. I should be getting my stitches out today!:clap Hopefully, anyway....I want to be able to take a real shower!:lol I'll check back in later. :hug:manyheart

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:sun ~.~.~.~Good Morning House!~.~.~.~




Have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me. I have my coffee... my laptop... and yarn... and I'm all tucked away quietly in my closet.

Livingroom is full of noise and distruction. :(

Hope all is going well for everyone!












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My mom is scheduled to go home in mid June. She is making such good progress in rehab, that they no longer think she had a stroke. I was there last Friday and she could just barely move her right hand and right foot. My brother said as of yesterday she was walking and could use her right hand to pick things up. He also says that she is really upbeat and acting like herself again. They finally got a neurologist involved, and they repeated an MRI and did a whole body CT scan. Now they are certain that she has a mass in her brain and that it is cancer. However, they are not able to find any tumors anywhere else, and they think that it is a tumor that has spread from elsewhere. My mom does not want any invasive testing done, so the only thing they are still going to do is a mammogram. I suspect that my mom would refuse aggressive treatment as well, and that's her choice.

Oh, my. I can't say that I blaim her. :hug :hug :hug

Good Morning! Just a quick pop-in to see how everyone is doing. I should be getting my stitches out today!:clap Hopefully, anyway....I want to be able to take a real shower!:lol I'll check back in later. :hug:manyheart

Good luck with the stitches and hooray for a real shower. :manyheart

:sun ~.~.~.~Good Morning House!~.~.~.~




Have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me. I have my coffee... my laptop... and yarn... and I'm all tucked away quietly in my closet.

Livingroom is full of noise and distruction. :(

Hope all is going well for everyone!



Noise and destruction! :eek Oh, dear! Have a good day. Hope Ken is recovered by now. Are the boys out of school yet?

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Morning House, one grand darling down for a nap and the other grand darling is coloring. So I have a moment to zip by and say HIYA. :cheer I'm hopeful that I will have some time today to do the final rows on my SBT and i not maybe tonight. :hook


Tam - love your SBT, nice colors.


Ginger Lee - WELCOME :hug


Cindy - so glad to hear that your Mother will be going home soon.


Judy - WOW Heidi is growing up fast, cute furbaby


To those at work in Paradise have a nice day.


Well got to run and color with my grandson. HUGS :hug:hug

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Cindy, it has to be so very hard for you right now. Tg she's coming home... If it were my mother I would support the decision she seems to have made.

It's just so hard knowing what's happening.

Sending you lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies. I've lost track of days.:lol My computer went out on Sunday...the Geek Squad came today and replaced some part (too techie for me ;)) and everything is fine. Thank goodness I didn't lose anything! I've missed you all terribly.:manyheart DH left his laptop at the office for the long weekend - being without a computer is really hard. :yes


I will be back soon - I hope!:)

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First of all ~ Thank you for the compliments on the scarves and tile. :manyheart We spent a good part of the weekend putting the beds around the patio back together...they had to pull lots of dirt/mulch out of the way.


Ginger Lee ~ :welcome from me, too!


Tam ~ Beautiful totes! I love the small one with the big flower! :clap


Wrennie ~ Irises are one of my favorite flowers. Ours are through blooming, so it's fun to see some blooming now!


Judy ~ Love the pictures of the "children." :D Your RR is lovely - great colors!


Joanne ~ Another wonderful tote.:hook The diaper cake turned out really cute...aren't they fun?


Toni ~ I love the black and white tote! Did you get the car situation worked out?


Well...obviously I only commented on pictures. :lol I sure hope to stay caught up better - until next Wednesday, at least. Luke will be here from then until the following Sunday while DD and SIL go to Playa for a legal conference. I need to rest up!

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'morning, peeps!:hug

Marisa, Im with you on the temps...in fact I often find 70 too warm:lol

Cheeria, I hope this antibiotic helpd the little one get better fast! I used to be able to tell in 24 hours whether or not it was working for DS.


I hope your day goes well!


Off I go...and for those on the combo challenge thread I posted a small pattern for June.


Hmmm, I haven't been going into that thread anymore, but will go check out this months project :yes I've just found that I don't have enough time to keep up with reading and actually participate in conversations about the books :shrug:lol


Good morning. Nice sunny day here, although very windy.

We ended up going over to a friends house on Monday evening.

I had yesterday off, but ended up doing housework, running errands and working on my granny ripple, which is close to finished. Four more stripes (8 rows), and then a border.


I also did some knitting on my scrunchable scarf which is about 50 inches long now. I'm going to knit on that until I run out of yarn. I don't think it will make it much over 60 inches in length, but its hard for me to estimate with knitting.


My mom is scheduled to go home in mid June. She is making such good progress in rehab, that they no longer think she had a stroke. I was there last Friday and she could just barely move her right hand and right foot. My brother said as of yesterday she was walking and could use her right hand to pick things up. He also says that she is really upbeat and acting like herself again. They finally got a neurologist involved, and they repeated an MRI and did a whole body CT scan. Now they are certain that she has a mass in her brain and that it is cancer. However, they are not able to find any tumors anywhere else, and they think that it is a tumor that has spread from elsewhere. My mom does not want any invasive testing done, so the only thing they are still going to do is a mammogram. I suspect that my mom would refuse aggressive treatment as well, and that's her choice.


Well, I'd better get to my laundry.


:hug :hug :hug Sometimes it's bitter sweet to get an answer :think I don't blame your mom for her decision and am glad you are taking this news ok :hug :hug Continuing to send her, you , and your family prayers


Good Morning! Just a quick pop-in to see how everyone is doing. I should be getting my stitches out today!:clap Hopefully, anyway....I want to be able to take a real shower!:lol I'll check back in later. :hug:manyheart


:yay:clap:cheer:bounce Isn't it amazing how we take getting a shower for granted :think


Morning House, one grand darling down for a nap and the other grand darling is coloring. So I have a moment to zip by and say HIYA. :cheer I'm hopeful that I will have some time today to do the final rows on my SBT and i not maybe tonight. :hook


Tam - love your SBT, nice colors.


Ginger Lee - WELCOME :hug


Cindy - so glad to hear that your Mother will be going home soon.


Judy - WOW Heidi is growing up fast, cute furbaby


To those at work in Paradise have a nice day.


Well got to run and color with my grandson. HUGS :hug:hug


I hope you stayed inside the lines :lol


Hi Ladies. I've lost track of days.:lol My computer went out on Sunday...the Geek Squad came today and replaced some part (too techie for me ;)) and everything is fine. Thank goodness I didn't lose anything! I've missed you all terribly.:manyheart DH left his laptop at the office for the long weekend - being without a computer is really hard. :yes


I will be back soon - I hope!:)


:hug :hug I also hate being without a computer. Trying to decide what to do when I go to my sisters. Should I just use hers or bring mine with me :think Decisions, decisions...... :lol

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It was a super long day at work today and I'm glad it's over :whew


Nothing really to report, just hectic. Have a load of laundry in, my undershirts for my uniforms needed to be done since I wore my last clean one today :eek Have the turtles in their feeding tank and when I'm done here, I'll get to craft a bit :clap


I'll be popping in through the evening :yes

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Hi all,

Long day in Paradise- and a hot one at home!!! Very humid- and it's sapping my energy just sitting her reading my threads and posting! Fingers crossed that this doesn't last too long!! Amazing how used to central AC I've become---I can't stand being without it!


Cindy- I'm glad that you are good with your Mom's decision- My mom, God rest her soul, had a mitral valve replaced in her 40's-they said it would last about 25 years and then she would probably need another one. She decided back then that she didn't want to go through what she did after the first one (she had to be taken back to the OR and was vented for a while). Sure enough, 25 years later or so, it started failing- she still insisted she didn't want to replace it. I am a firm believer in honoring people's wishes- I hope that she will not suffer much and that the rest of the family is at peace with her decision. Continued prayers coming your way!


Linda- I actually thought about going out tonight too- but I don't have the energy to put on something presentable to go out-- Your waitress sounds like she really wanted to please you---


Tam- How was your closet crocheting today?


Judy- Hope Heidi and Sparkie didn't want to play outside too much today- much too hot/humid!!


Mary- Glad they got the computer fixed. I'm glad we have a couple here so if something happens to one, always have a back up.


Marisa- Enjoy your crochet and or blocking knitting time!!!


Have a good evening all!

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Thanks, Judy. I think its the right decision for her, and I am good with it.



:hug:hug:hugTo you and your mom and family. I totally understand her decision. Glad she is doing better and is getting to go home. I'm sure that's where she wants to be and is better for her mental health.

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