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Our House Part Two


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Hello everyone. Rainy, cold and gloomy here. I'm having a very lazy day so far. Visited my mil this morning. She is looking good.


I may work on my cotton SBT this afternoon, or knit on the scarf Is tarted 6 months ago. Or maybe I will take a nap....

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The sun is peaking through now- but it won't last- it's very hazy- and humid- it rained earlier. DH and I treked to Trader Joe's, but he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble first so we went to one closer to TJ's- It was a nice one- with some comfy chairs!!! I actually got to read for a bit!! It was very nice and relaxing. Then we went to lunch and then TJ's and now I'm home- ready to hook for a bit!!! I was thinking of a nap but I'm really afraid if I take one I'll be waking up at 2AM!!!:eek

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It's getting harder and harder--DH already won't watch- he watched a movie while I was suffering through the Yankees!:lol I think Posada should have probably just retired- it is very hard from going from the everyday catcher to a DH! Anyhow, switched out my NY Yankee avatar for a Stash buster tote!

I like your new avatar! I had to change mine...and luckily had lots of new pics to choose from;)

Hello everyone. Rainy, cold and gloomy here. I'm having a very lazy day so far. Visited my mil this morning. She is looking good.


I may work on my cotton SBT this afternoon, or knit on the scarf Is tarted 6 months ago. Or maybe I will take a nap....

Sounds like my lazy day here. Except it's humid and warmish:P I made a small batch of homemade potato salad this morning, but other than that, I just hooked and we all tried to amuse Heidi.:lol


The sun is peaking through now- but it won't last- it's very hazy- and humid- it rained earlier. DH and I treked to Trader Joe's, but he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble first so we went to one closer to TJ's- It was a nice one- with some comfy chairs!!! I actually got to read for a bit!! It was very nice and relaxing. Then we went to lunch and then TJ's and now I'm home- ready to hook for a bit!!! I was thinking of a nap but I'm really afraid if I take one I'll be waking up at 2AM!!!:eek

Nice to have hubby sit with you at B&N. Our visits are never long...which is why I feel an urge to go by myself one dayvery soon!


Not much else going on...

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Judy- I'm sure Heidi keeps you plenty busy!!! DH does like to go to B&N, as do I- not the one in EB so much- but we really liked the one at Monmouth Mall today- it has lots of room and was very relaxing!


Cindy- Did you opt for crochet or nap---or both?


Thinking about all of the house residents! Missing lots of you around here- but sending good thoughts your way!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I'm still plugging away on my shawl. I'm just about finished with the second ball of crochet thread that came in the kit...and the kit came with 3 balls!

I work a couple of rows on the knit scarf and also do some rounds on the baby RR I started as a change off...


Have a good night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Hello everyone. This has been a different weekend for me. John had me go to the Coldwater Creek Store nearby to get Kim some summer outfits for their trip to the beach in three weeks. And gave me some money to get me some clothes too, as I'm shrinking out of a buncy of them. I went to the outlet mall to get mine and hit a good sale, so got a lot of bang for my bucks. Also had a Kohl's coupon and got a pretty pair of turquoise earrings with that. That was yesterday. Finished off the day by going with Rosie and her John to hear the North Georgia Symphony Orchestra give a concert at a nearby church. It was absolutely wonderful!


Today I was just tired and stayed downstairs with Sweet Pea and read books.


Weather forecast here is not promising- but late this afternoon, it got sunny and is absolutely spectacular outside- I'm actually sitting on my deck and checking in here!


I'm with you ---give me coffee and hook and yarn and no one gets hurt.....I actually have a coffee mug that says " I drink coffee for YOUR protection"...:lol

Hope you got more nice weather Joanne. Love the saying on your coffee mug.

Linda the quilt is just beautiful. I like the black even more now than I did when you first showed it to us. I think it really displays the beauty of the fabric.

Thanks, Cindy.

My mom is the same, but her mental status is much better. She is a lot more talkative and much more enthusiastic about rehab.

My mil is much better and went to rehab at the end of the week. They expect her to be there approximately two weeks.

Keeping both of them in my prayers Cindy.

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I ended up napping and reading the afternoon away. I am now ready for bed. We haven't had dinner yet. (and I'm not sure we will, maybe a bowl of soup or something light.) We had a very late and large lunch, since ds was here today, and wanted to leave for home by midafternoon.


I'm ready for bed already. Work tomorrow, and not looking forward to the 5:30 AM alarm! Good night all.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Boy oh boy, where did the day go :think It sure was a long one :lol


We were getting ready to go out to bfast (me and my parents) and Mary called, so she and her mom joined us and then we did our boscov's to get a day out of the way for the week. After that my parents continued home from there and we went to King of Prussia mall just kinda lolling around and then went to Maggiano's for dinner. Mary was craving it and since we were already up that way we just kinda wasted the day between bfast and late lunch/early dinner :lol That area is about 40 minutes away and it's more of a tourist trap, so typically don't go over there :shrug Got back around 5 and then I ran to the grocery store. Came home, threw in some laundry and then worked out. Showered and chopped my lettuce for my salads this week and now here I sit :whew I might work on my sweater sleeve while I wait for the dryer to finish :think


Hope all is well ladies and I'll catch ya in the AM :hug

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I'm still plugging away on my shawl. I'm just about finished with the second ball of crochet thread that came in the kit...and the kit came with 3 balls!

I work a couple of rows on the knit scarf and also do some rounds on the baby RR I started as a change off...


Have a good night everyone:hug:manyheart

That sounds good- mixing it up between three projects!!!


I ended up napping and reading the afternoon away. I am now ready for bed. We haven't had dinner yet. (and I'm not sure we will, maybe a bowl of soup or something light.) We had a very late and large lunch, since ds was here today, and wanted to leave for home by midafternoon.


I'm ready for bed already. Work tomorrow, and not looking forward to the 5:30 AM alarm! Good night all.

Sounds like you had a relaxing day between napping/reading! Hope tomorrow is a good one- and I'll probably be up before my 5:23 AM alarm!!!:lol


Good evening ladies :hi


Boy oh boy, where did the day go :think It sure was a long one :lol


We were getting ready to go out to bfast (me and my parents) and Mary called, so she and her mom joined us and then we did our boscov's to get a day out of the way for the week. After that my parents continued home from there and we went to King of Prussia mall just kinda lolling around and then went to Maggiano's for dinner. Mary was craving it and since we were already up that way we just kinda wasted the day between bfast and late lunch/early dinner :lol That area is about 40 minutes away and it's more of a tourist trap, so typically don't go over there :shrug Got back around 5 and then I ran to the grocery store. Came home, threw in some laundry and then worked out. Showered and chopped my lettuce for my salads this week and now here I sit :whew I might work on my sweater sleeve while I wait for the dryer to finish :think


Hope all is well ladies and I'll catch ya in the AM :hug

Sounds like it was a nice day- and not wasted! I have my lettuce all chopped up for my salads too!!:lol



Linda- That was nice of John to give you some money to get some clothes!! Doesn't it feel great to buy smaller sizes? I had a good dose of retail therapy myself this weekend!!! Sounds like a nice evening with Rosie and John too!!!


I finished the Baby RR!!!:yay Ends are weaved in and it's ready to be washed. I also have enough yarn left over so I may make a matching SBT to put the blanket in!


Off for the night. Morning will be here too soon!:hug

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Good morning!!! Running a tad behind this morning- I actually hit the 'snooze' button this morning!


Have a great Monday- it's a gray dreary morning out there- the kind of day I'd love to stay in my PJ's with a good book and a good hook! But, alas, Paradise awaits.


See you later!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Welcome to monday. I only have a 4 day work week since I have friday off to head to Pitt for the weekend :yay No crafting done yesterday :(


Joanne - :yay:clap:cheer:bounce:woo for finishing the baby rr


I still can't believe it's morning :think

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I like your new avatar! I had to change mine...and luckily had lots of new pics to choose from;)

Shes a cute avatar!


I still can't believe it's morning :think

:eek Its morning? Already? :faint


Another glum & rainy one here today. I get in such a funk when it rains so much. Just want to curl up and wake up to a sunny day.

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Good morning, peeps!


Linda, what a wonderful day you had!!:c9Marisa, sounds like you had some fun too!


I finished the Baby RR!!!:yay Ends are weaved in and it's ready to be washed. I also have enough yarn left over so I may make a matching SBT to put the blanket in!

:yay:yay:yay...and what a great idea for the leftover yarn!:yes


Off I go - we have errands to do in this miserable weather.

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Good morning, housemates. It's overcast and cool so far today. Back to a normal routine with Kim and the pets. And back to sewing on the Challenge Quilt too. Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart Hugs to all those in need. :hug :hug :hug

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I finished the Baby RR!!!:yay Ends are weaved in and it's ready to be washed. I also have enough yarn left over so I may make a matching SBT to put the blanket in!


Off for the night. Morning will be here too soon!:hug




I didn't get my baby blanket done, but it is real close.

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Good Morning Ladies,


Cindy, Keeping your family in my prayers. I'm sure all your work at your folks is appreciated. It's nice that your nephews help your Dad out. Glad you got to have a relaxing day. Hope today at work isn't to hectic.


Wrennie, My hubby will stop the car and get a tutle out off the road. Heyou had a says it takes a long time for a turtle to grow up so he saves them.


Linda, Sounds like you had a good weekend--John giving you money for shopping, spending time with friends and getting a concert in to.


Marisa, Sounds like you had a good weekend to.


Joanne, :clap on finishing the RR and a good idea making a SBT for it to.

Sounds like you had a good weekend to.


Judy, Way to go 1/3 of the shawl done. Good idea trading off on different projects.


Paytons soccer game was a rainy one. We sit under umbrellas until the last few minutes. At least there wasn't any down pours. His team won 3-0. He has one game left but I will be home so I won't see it.

Hubby has an appt at the VA with someone on Agent Orange thursday so I'm going home wednesday. My Mom is coming up to stay with the kids. Not sure how long I'll stay home. Hubby asked me if I could stay home with him and spend some time with him for a few days. Guess he misses me. Good thing he can cook.

Jocelyn has practice days today and tomorrow for Kindregarten. She is quite excited. So I will be running her today and tomorrow. I'll get my stop in at Walgreen's after I drop her off.

We had frost here this morning but the upside of that is that the sun is shining. We will get back on track with are warming up this week.

Need to head for the shower. Hope you all have a nice day!


Hope all is well with everyone we haven't seen for awhile. :hug

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Good Morning, ladies. :manyheart I hope you all have had a good weekend!


Marlene ~ Oh, I bet Maya is excited about coming to stay with you. :) I hope you can spend some time at home - your DH sounds like he really misses you. :yes


Cindy ~ I was so glad to read that your mom is starting therapy. :hug And with helping them move and MIL's illness, take care of yourself!


Linda ~ Yay for new clothes! :clap It sounds like a great time with Rosie and John, too. Will you stay there when Kim and John go to the beach?


Judy ~ Yes, that is the perfect avatar! What a cutie. :c9


Hi to the rest of the House, too!


I have an appt. this a.m. and DH has his eye appt. this afternoon...not sure how I managed to make both in the same day. :lol I started a new skein of the RH Soft and no knots so far.:hook

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Good Monday Morning!


We had a lovely, if somewhat busy, weekend. On Friday and Saturday, DH helped one of his friends finish sanding, seal and varnish the hardwood floors of his home. The friend is expecting his 1st baby this summer, and he wants the house perfect for his new daughter :manyheart. He sent his wife to stay with her parents over the weekend and the two guys worked long hours to get the floors done. I cooked dinners (stew, bread and pecan pie Friday night and Mexican Chicken Calzones, tossed salad and rhubarb crisp on Saturday), provided warm showers and soft beds, and then handed out a quick breakfast (biscotti, pumpkin muffins, yogurt with granola, coffee and OJ) before they finished up the project. The fumes were too strong to allow the guys to stay in the house in town overnight, so they stayed out with us. The project got done, and I have a lot of leftovers to tide us over for a couple of nights :yay Yesterday, the weather was gorgeous :sun. I hung laundry out in the morning, we planted the garden (sugar snap peas, tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds, corn, jalapeno and chili peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli and beets), and then DH mowed as much of the acerage as he could, going around the spots that are still too damp from the spring flooding. The girls were out all day long flitting here-and-there. They helped with the garden, they raked a bit of grass, they rode their bicycles, they jumped rope, they sat in their new, hot pink adirondack chairs on the patio of the playhouse and "supervised" :lol, and they jumped rope. We were all ready to crash from all of the fresh air, at the end of the day. We ate picnic lunch and dinner out on the deck -- no mosquitoes, yet, so we took advantage and dined al fresco. I LOVE days like that!! Today, we are back to the usual routine.


I finished the 5" x 5" baby blocks I was making, and I felted the hexagon tote, so 2 (and counting :xfin) finishes for the up-coming week. I am, currently, working on a ruffled purse for me and a 14-inch decorative flower motif that we will use on a throw pillow in Kyri's room -- I'll have to show you. I am working with Red Heart Shimmer in black for the flower, and it is a project I can only work on in the natural light-of-day, so I have not made great strides on it, lately. Putting it front-and-center this week, ought to change my progress report by Friday.


Catch you all, later :waving

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**~ HEY GIRLIES~** Hope everyone is well- I was MIA for a few days, going to take me a while to catch up on posts! Slowly but surely I will get it done today to get caught up on everyones busy lives!


* My weekend was super busy and a lot of fun! Aree played in Orem- which is 2.5 hours south of where we live. Fri evening, so she and I left at noon on fri and did a couple stops,we did a little shopping and we had a very enjoyable day---we FINALLY had great weather---80 deg. day! So, Aree and I cruised with my sunroof open and got some much needed Vitamin d! The girls played 2 games fri night and won both, the 2nd was a nail biter, and got ugly for a minute! Whew,.....we made it out on top!. Then she couldn't play on Sat because she had a dance competetion---she danced fabulous too! Should find out today where they placed.

Yesterday I did much needed yard work, my boyfriend is forbidden from fertalizing my lawn until he can either move here to help me keep up on the thing or something. It is requiring a mow 2 times a week, I've been so busy everyday after work, there's not time to mow! So then when I get to it on Sat or sun its tall enough I almost lose my lil Pixie dog in it. I weed eated every little corner yesterday, then sprayed all my weeds and edges. It was another beautiful day with some more Vitamin D soaked up! I'm sure my skin will be hollering at me later on in life.

Last night we had a get-together with my Aussie mates and 3 others of us that were friends in High school----OMG----LAUGH!!!!!!!!!! Did we ever! Had a very late night but a lot of fun. This is their last few days here so we are planning lunch and dinner again in there somewhere. I'm sad to see them go, I have become very close to them all this trip! :0(

Anywho.....haven't done much crocheting- no time! lol but will do soon. Loves to you all!

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Howdy ladies

Long time, no see. I am about 10,000 posts behind,so wont even attempt a catch up .

Sorry I have been MIA again, but sometimes too many things pile up on me and I just have to step away from everything for a bit . I wish I could have some of Sam's outlook on life.Nothing gets him rattled.

I always compare us to boats. He is like one of them big ice crusher boats that goes straight ahead and nothing makes it go off course. I'm like the little dingy (fitting name for me, because I AM dingy ) ,and every wave that comes along rocks my boat . Lots of waves tip me clear upside down ,so I have to empty out the water and climb back in again.

So.. we'll just leave all the gory details out and move on to something happy,which was Cam's birthday .He turned 9 this past weekend and Steph had his party at the park . Steph got him a trampoline,so he is in 7th heaven . He is growing so long and tall and skinny now --almost as tall as me already ! Anyhow, he is the one thing that can brighten my day when nothing else does .

Hope you all are having good weather .wE had several nice days in a row, but then it has rained for about the past week straigh,with more most of this week too .

Cam has started baseball games which I didnt even know about,so I promised him we'd try to come watch him play,but not sure they will get either of them in this week with all the rain predicted .

Hope everyone is doing well. :hug

I will try to check in more frequently .

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Julie! It's so good to see your post! :manyheart Sounds like Cam had a wonderful birthday and I hope his games aren't rained out! Take care of yourself - you know we'll be here. :ghug

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Hi Dusti ~ Oh, I'm so glad you are finally having some "outdoor" weather! You have so many projects and finishes lately. :cheer Looking forward to more pictures!


Kiyo ~ Wow! Your schedule makes me tired. :lol Congratulate Aree for us on all her accomplishments. :clap Enjoy the next few days with your Aussie friends. :)

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Howdy ladies

Long time, no see. I am about 10,000 posts behind,so wont even attempt a catch up .

Sorry I have been MIA again, but sometimes too many things pile up on me and I just have to step away from everything for a bit . I wish I could have some of Sam's outlook on life.Nothing gets him rattled.

I always compare us to boats. He is like one of them big ice crusher boats that goes straight ahead and nothing makes it go off course. I'm like the little dingy (fitting name for me, because I AM dingy ) ,and every wave that comes along rocks my boat . Lots of waves tip me clear upside down ,so I have to empty out the water and climb back in again.

So.. we'll just leave all the gory details out and move on to something happy,which was Cam's birthday .He turned 9 this past weekend and Steph had his party at the park . Steph got him a trampoline,so he is in 7th heaven . He is growing so long and tall and skinny now --almost as tall as me already ! Anyhow, he is the one thing that can brighten my day when nothing else does .

Hope you all are having good weather .wE had several nice days in a row, but then it has rained for about the past week straigh,with more most of this week too .

Cam has started baseball games which I didnt even know about,so I promised him we'd try to come watch him play,but not sure they will get either of them in this week with all the rain predicted .

Hope everyone is doing well. :hug

I will try to check in more frequently .

Welcome back, Julie! :yay :yay :yay

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Hi, Jules, Marlene, Dusti, Kiyo and Linda!


I have an appt. this a.m. and DH has his eye appt. this afternoon...not sure how I managed to make both in the same day. :lol I started a new skein of the RH Soft and no knots so far.:hook

Yay for no knots! I detest those. Found a knot in one ball of the bamboo thread:P

I hope your appointments went well:hug

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