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Our House Part Two


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Good morning, everyone. I have a doctor appointment for my regular 3 month check-up at 11:00. Then Kim and I will go out to lunch. Not sure where yet.


I got my Kentucky Derby hat finished yesterday and started on John's. He wasn't happy with his as it was, so I'm making modifications and hoping that he'll like it better the second time around. His hat ate up most of my evening time.


I've been crocheting when Heidi sleeps (where I can see her), which surprises me...but I just haven't had the concentration needed to keep up with all my threads here given the time I need to keep an eye on the pup.


Sparkie and Heidi chased each other around the yard today - it's so funny hearing her puppy yips. She and Sparkie are always looking for each other if we have one out without the other. He loves chasing her, carrying his fav squaky ball in his mouth!

Took her to see our vet, and she weighs 15.8 pounds. She fell asleep on the counter while I paid the bill:lol

How cute! I'll bet Heidi and Sparkie are going to be great pals. Sounds like they are will on the way.

Haven't been able to post for a while. My computer was throwing fits and everyone else monopolizes their computer. I could get little bits of time here and there for posting my stashbusting scores but not much else.


Now I have my own computer that I can monopolize as much as I want.

Of course my new computer doesn't reboot every five minutes for absolutely no reason. I'm having a hard time getting used to that.


But now I can put in my city-builder games and sit and crochet while I watch the city come to life.:cheer:cheer:cheer

Yay, for a new computer! Nice to see you in here again, Shannon.

I got back late last night so didn't even turn the computer on. Dusti was right, we went out to eat after boscov's to the diner, which has fiesta night on thursdays :clap (not just cinco de mayo :lol ) and it was yummy. Next on our list there for next week is pizza :yes I didn't buy anything at boscov's last night, so that's 2 trips this week without a purchase :clap:yay Go me!!!!! Mary did get a few things including a pair of sandals for her mom for the summer, which of course were on sale and were cute :yes


I'm leaving straight from work tonight so not sure when I'll get back here, possibly not until I get back to philly on sunday :think But we'll see.


TGIF....have a great day, weekend, and mother's day everyone :hug :hug


Here is the 2nd SB tote I made...........

Sounds like a really full day, yesterday, Marisa. Have a good day and a good weekend, too. :hug

I've got to scoot now and get ready for a Fab Friday in Paradise!!!


(if I forgot anyone- I'm blaming it on lack of coffee---and it was not intentional) Off to grab a cup!

Hope you have a wonderful day, Joanne.

I did mention that I used to have a wild bird feeding specialty shop right?


One day I walked next door to my friends shop. When I walked bak in mine I heard a rustling back in the seed room. (The shop was 3 rooms, you could walk in the front door and walk a straight line to the 3rd room back.)

Well this rustling kept up and I wondered who was picking up every bag of bird seed, one at a time. So I go back to see if he/she needed help picking a mix. Well....... There were no humans back there, but a rather large long taloned sharp shinned hawk sitting on my back windowsill trying to figure out how to get out!! :eek He looked at me. I looked at him. I looked at his BIG sharp beak and BIG long talons. Hmmmm. I wanted to open the window so he could just fly out. He looked at me looking at him, with those piercing eyes. I tried to think how I could reach over him to unlatch the window without him thinking I was trying to grab him, forcing him to retaliate with those big talons and beak. Then he decided to jump up, fly past me and out the front door!! Now my other business neighbor had come out his door just as the hawk sped out of my door!:eek:think (His door was at a right angle to mine) I'm pretty sure he shrieked like a little girl. That hawk sat in a tree right across the driveway from us watching us, and probably looking for the prey it had originally chased into my shop for a good 10 minutes before flying off.

I did later finally find the house sparrow he had chased in, hiding under a dresser in the far back room. I scooted him out when it was all clear.


We are having a 'meet the new manager' day at work today. He's picking up donuts, cupcakes and dunkin-coffee on his way in. I'll have to pick up a small carton of milk. No cofee for me. I hope today goes quick! I don't feel like working anymore today and I haven't even left the house yet.:blush

Another wonder bird story! With a happy ending for all concerned.


Have a good day, Wrennie.


Time to get cracking here. Catch you all later. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.:hug :hug :hug

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Good morning. I'm so far behind, that I just skimmed through the posts since I last checked in. I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm dragging today.


My mom is still in the hospital and doing about the same. Mil is doing worse today, according to my sil. I haven't seen her yet.


I haven't done much of anything for the past few days besides go to work. However, this morning I got up early and finally finished that hat I started two weeks ago. Then I worked on the stashbuster tote.


After this I'm going to back up the stuff on my computer. Both dh and dd have picked up viruses on their computers in the past week, so I want to get my patterns and pictures onto CDs, just in case I am next. Dhs is so bad that he is going to wipe it clean and start over. Ds thinks he can fix DD's when he is here this weekend.

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Good morning!! The day is running away from me.... I drove everyone in to town this morning, so that we can leave for my parents' as soon as school lets out. There is a Sock Hop planned for the entire afternoon for the students, today, so the girls were decked-out in crinolines, bobby socks, cardigan sweaters, a swing-y ponytail for Kyri and a ribbon headband with her hair curled into a cute bob for Annika. Can you imagine the giggles and chattering that was taking place, while they got ready? I feel for the teachers trying to teach lessons this morning, because I fear all of the students are going to be antsy until the party starts at 12:30. I am going to sneak in towards the end and try to get a few pictures of the children at the party.


The suitcase is packed and in the trunk of the car. My coffeecakes are cooling on the counter, and I will stack them in the cooler, just before I leave the house. MIL's gift bag...not going as well as I had hoped. I ran out of the solid rose-colored cottong I was using, and, ideally, there would be about 5-1/2" more to the height of the bag :(. We drive past a JoAnn's about 85 miles into our trek tonight, and I plan to run in there and see if I cannot pick up another skein. If I can, I can crochet all of the way to my parents', and I ought to have it finished. Wish me luck :hook

Dusti: Good morning back at ya! Oooooh anxious to see your gift bag for your mom-in-law! Yeah... I do alot of driving!!!! One boy here .. one boy there... another over there... thats why I take my crochet projects with me! :hook

Good plan -- I do the same thing :yes


I've been crocheting when Heidi sleeps (where I can see her), which surprises me...but I just haven't had the concentration needed to keep up with all my threads here given the time I need to keep an eye on the pup.


Sparkie and Heidi chased each other around the yard today - it's so funny hearing her puppy yips. She and Sparkie are always looking for each other if we have one out without the other. He loves chasing her, carrying his fav squaky ball in his mouth!

Took her to see our vet, and she weighs 15.8 pounds. She fell asleep on the counter while I paid the bill:lol

Oh, it sounds as though Heidi is doing so well. How cute to hear about her falling asleep on the vet's counter. I hope your days get easier as she gets older and settled into a bit of a routine.


Hi all,


Quick post to say hi and hope all is well with everyone!!! I am one tired girl! But determined to get some hooking in tonight so that is why the computer time will be limited!



It's time to shut this computer off, or I'll never get any hooking done!

Did you actually get any time in with your hook and yarn, or did you call it an early night and close your eyes? Happy last day in Paradise for the week!


I'm leaving straight from work tonight so not sure when I'll get back here, possibly not until I get back to philly on sunday :think But we'll see.


TGIF....have a great day, weekend, and mother's day everyone :hug :hug


Here is the 2nd SB tote I made...........

Very pretty tote!! The black really sets off the bright yarn. Have a safe trip and enjoy your tour of the wineries (Does the tour go to more than one vineyard, or is it just one? I do not think I paid enough attention to your earlier description -- sorry :blush) this weekend. Catch you upon your return :hug


Hi, Shannon :hi Congrats on the new computer, and I wish you well, if you are looking for a second job.


Wrennie :flower Ooh, the hawk's eyes and talons would have had me scrambling back out the front door as quickly as I could have moved :lol. I sure am glad it was you and not me, because it sounds as though you have a much calmer head about you. Hope you got your favorite flavor of donut to go with your milk at your meeting this morning, and that your day speeds by.


Mary ~ How is Zoe acting this morning? Fine, I hope :cat


Toni :hug


Mary2 ~ Are you off to a rabbit show this weekend, or is all of your time taken up by the new bunnies in the barn? Hope you are doing well.


Cheeria ~ How fast, it seems, that Sean is figuring out walking. Good luck keeping up with him. Does Jaedon have any cute spring songs to sing to you from Pre-School?


I have to run, as I want to wash the dishes and run a vacuum around the house before I leave for the weekend. I will not be back until Sunday night, so I want to wish all of you moms a Wonderful Mother's Day :flower




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Good morning. I'm so far behind, that I just skimmed through the posts since I last checked in. I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm dragging today.


My mom is still in the hospital and doing about the same. Mil is doing worse today, according to my sil. I haven't seen her yet.


I haven't done much of anything for the past few days besides go to work. However, this morning I got up early and finally finished that hat I started two weeks ago. Then I worked on the stashbuster tote.


After this I'm going to back up the stuff on my computer. Both dh and dd have picked up viruses on their computers in the past week, so I want to get my patterns and pictures onto CDs, just in case I am next. Dhs is so bad that he is going to wipe it clean and start over. Ds thinks he can fix DD's when he is here this weekend.

Hope the computer virus gives you a miss. Have a good weekend. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.:hug :hug :hug

Good morning!! The day is running away from me.... I drove everyone in to town this morning, so that we can leave for my parents' as soon as school lets out. There is a Sock Hop planned for the entire afternoon for the students, today, so the girls were decked-out in crinolines, bobby socks, cardigan sweaters, a swing-y ponytail for Kyri and a ribbon headband with her hair curled into a cute bob for Annika. Can you imagine the giggles and chattering that was taking place, while they got ready? I feel for the teachers trying to teach lessons this morning, because I fear all of the students are going to be antsy until the party starts at 12:30. I am going to sneak in towards the end and try to get a few pictures of the children at the party.


The suitcase is packed and in the trunk of the car. My coffeecakes are cooling on the counter, and I will stack them in the cooler, just before I leave the house. MIL's gift bag...not going as well as I had hoped. I ran out of the solid rose-colored cottong I was using, and, ideally, there would be about 5-1/2" more to the height of the bag :(. We drive past a JoAnn's about 85 miles into our trek tonight, and I plan to run in there and see if I cannot pick up another skein. If I can, I can crochet all of the way to my parents', and I ought to have it finished. Wish me luck :hook:manyheart

Have a wonderful weekend with your parents, Dusti. And good luck finding the yarn you need for the tote.


My doctor appointment went well. I didn't get yelled at since my A1C was okay and my weight was down 11 pounds from 3 months ago. We stopped at Captain D's and picked up fish for Kim and I to have for dinner and brought it home to eat. Kim was out of oxygen and she's congested today, so didn't want to push our luck. I'll be giving her at least one extra breathing treatment today. We each ate half of our lunch, so will get another meal out of each.


I started another RR yesterday. This one is in variegated fall colors, burnt orange, a soft warm brown, and gold. :manyheart

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:hi house! Just me checking in. See new puppy in house, new projects, busy mom's and normal life :yay


The local TV station is doing a telethon to raise money for the tornado victims, Hank Williams, Jr is going to do a live show on CMT to raise money, NASCAR teams have been providing money and water for stricken areas, and neighbors are helping neighbors. It is so heartwarming to see all of the caring and sharing and love and not the ugliness you always see on TV.


I didn't get my eye done yesterday, they will be doing it in the hospital Wednesday the 11th, so will be out of comission all day and then dr appts all day Thursday. Chemo starts again on the 19th. Have precription for some good drugs for after surgery :lol


Have decided to make potholders, no sew towel toppers and dishcloths for going in totes for my church ladies. Something to look forward to when they get houses rebuilt or to use now wherever they are staying, but something that says "new beginnings".


That is it from here. Thank goodness for my crocheting, it is my yoga and my life saver.


Hugs, love, prayers and angels to all. I'll check back when I can.

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Hi all,

Wrennie- I 'd have been freaking out with those talons and everything!! You are a much braver girl than I- but I did enjoy the story- and glad it had a happy ending! Hope your day went well.


Dusti- Sorry you won't see this till your return- but Happy Mother's Day right back at you! I'll be the girls looked so cute- did you get to go in and get any pictures!! Hope you had good luck with the yarn at JoAnn's on your trip - and got to spend the rest of the drive with hook and yarn!

And yes, I did get to crochet and finished my Stash Buster Tote #5


Cindy- That's terrible about the viruses on the computers! Knock wood and all that stuff, I've been very lucky ever since I have apple computers- I even converted DH to go from PC's to Apple- We each have a laptop and he replaced the desk top computer with an I Mac ! Love them! Good idea to back yours up- I have an external hard drive and I back stuff up all the time! Can't wait to see your SBT!!


Linda- Great news from the doctor- Good job on controlling the A1C (very important) and on the 11 lbs wt loss!!! WTG!!!! Hope John likes the derby hat you had to re-do! And I hope Kim is doing ok!!!


Judy must be very busy with her new furbaby Heidi!! Takes a lot of energy with a new pup in the house! I think they take more energy than having a newborn in the house!


Toni- I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a very successful eye surgery next week- and that the chemo goes well too!!! How's your Mom doing? Great idea about the potholders, towels and washcloths!!


I'm sending good positive thoughts to you all!!!

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Hi ladies :hi


Just checking in quick to let you know that I made it to my parents house :)


Dusti - we will be going to 17 wineries tomorrow :eek:lol


Joanne - Love the new tote :manyheart


It's an early day tomorrow so I'm off for the night :c9

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Good morning House! Rise and shine and have a cup of coffee (or if you prefer you can have tea or your drink of choice)


Safe travels today Marisa and enjoy the wineries!!!


I started yet another tote last night- but didn't get too far since by the time I started I was already getting sleepy! Now its time to start my Saturday ritual so off I go to get that out of the way.


Hugs to all!!! BBL!

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Good morning!! The day is running away from me.... I drove everyone in to town this morning, so that we can leave for my parents' as soon as school lets out. There is a Sock Hop planned for the entire afternoon for the students, today, so the girls were decked-out in crinolines, bobby socks, cardigan sweaters, a swing-y ponytail for Kyri and a ribbon headband with her hair curled into a cute bob for Annika. Can you imagine the giggles and chattering that was taking place, while they got ready? I feel for the teachers trying to teach lessons this morning, because I fear all of the students are going to be antsy until the party starts at 12:30. I am going to sneak in towards the end and try to get a few pictures of the children at the party.

Sound like a fun day planned!!



Wrennie :flower Ooh, the hawk's eyes and talons would have had me scrambling back out the front door as quickly as I could have moved :lol. I sure am glad it was you and not me, because it sounds as though you have a much calmer head about you. Hope you got your favorite flavor of donut to go with your milk at your meeting this morning, and that your day speeds by.

No way! It was a rare privilege to be able to see such a magnificent bird so up close like that!! I loved it!

Then there was the one that just sbout landed on my shoulder, but thats another story.


It did go pretty quickly. He got muffins instead of donuts and cupcakes for the afternoon. I had a cupcake after lunch. mmm chocolate :)


Just remembered- it's Photo Friday- so here is Stash Buster Tote #5

Very nice tote!


Safe travels marissa and rii!

Going to a wedding this afternoon. Then home for the kentucky derby. (No i didn't make a hat) I love watching the horses run. They're so pretty!

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Hi, peeps!

I haven't forgotten you guys:manyheart


More GSD bragging: once i coincidence, but twice? I told Heidi: "Heidi's room" (her crate in my office) and she walks right in, turns and sits, looking up at me.

Okay - I DID give her a puppy biscuit to train her, but...:lol


Tiring days, esp since she's like a vacuum cleaner, eating everything she sees outside....

but, the best thing, and what gives us the most laughs, is when we see Sparkie having such a wonderful time teasing her with his giant toy, letting her run after him and being so caring every time she cries...



Gotta dash!!!

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Good morning everyone. Its nice and sunny out this morning.


Joanne, nice tote. You are cranking those things out!


Marisa, have fun today.


Judy, sounds like Heidi is just what Sparkie needed.


I will probably be scarce today, we have a wedding this afternoon, (nephew getting married), and my bil and sil from Indiana are coming to Michigan for it. I invited them to come here to lunch, so I need to get some groceries for that, (just having homemade soup, bakery rolls, cold cuts and fruit), and finish my cleaning. I expect that the wedding will be over early, since it starts at three, but I guess only time will tell.

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Happy Saturday, everyone!


Toni ~ It's so good to see your post. :manyheart Next week sounds like a super busy one for you - we'll be here when you can check in!:hug


Shannon ~ Hi! So glad to hear about your new computer. We've missed you! :yes


Judy ~ I remember feeling just like you do for several months after we got Miss Gracie. :lol It is hard to concentrate and keep up with a puppy at the same time! Heidi already sounds like she's taken over and Sparkie is such a good big brother. :)


Joanne ~ Another beautiful tote! :clap I just love all the color combinations!


Cindy ~ Yay for pictures! The hat pattern is so pretty and your tote is, too! :cheer Have a good day at the wedding and visiting with family. How are your Mom and MIL?


Marisa ~ Oooh! 17 wineries! We visited several when we were in Napa a few years ago...it was so much fun and the scenery was gorgeous. Have fun!


Linda ~ Have a great time at the Derby party. You always make the coolest hats - can't wait for a picture! Great news about your doctor's appointment. :clap


Wrennie ~ We have red-tailed hawks swooping through our yard quite often...there is ranch land within 1/2 mile of our neighborhood. Last fall, a wild turkey landed in our yard - obviously confused. :lol Have a good time at the wedding!


Hi to the rest of the House ladies, too. :manyheart


Whatever was wrong with Zoe is gone! She's eating and acting perfectly normal - well, normal for her anyway. ;)


Little Guy will be here about 1 and we'll have him til tomorrow afternoon. :) Can't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day!

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:hi house! Going to try to get back to some normal activities, like keeping up with all of you, no small task :lol


Cindy, they couldn't do my surgery because of all those in hospital from storms and the long time that the power was out. I was a bit upset, but then had a talk with myself about how minor it was in the scheme of things and pulled up my big girl panties and dealt with it :rofl


Absolutely :manyheart that hat! WOW! The tote is great too, but that hat!!!


Joanne, love tote #5! You're on a roll! My mom is barely hanging on but got to sing happy birthday to her when I called last night. Wish I could drive and be there more right now.


Mary, glad Zoe is better and how wonderful to have the little guy for Mother's Day!


Judy, Heidi is an absolute DOLL!!! How wonderful that Sparkie is playing with her and accepting her so well!


Everyone else, I did not go back through everything to catch up. Plan to start from here and try to keep up, the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.


Just know how much I missed you all and thank you for all the hugs and prayers.

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Good afternoon. I finally got John's hat done to his satisfaction on the fourth try and innumerable stabs in my fingers. Canvas is not fun to sew on. I ended up putting padding under the antler skull and sewing the skull onto the first hat through 5 sets of paired holes. Then put more padding around the skull, cut slits in another hat after removing its brim, and sewed the slits back up, sewed the top to the first top with the skull and padding in between, sewed the brimless part of hat #2 to the brim of hat #1, and added ties for extra stability. Not fun, but at least it's done, and he's happy with it.


Have to get a shower and get myself dressed now. Just had some brunch of yesterday's fish dinner.


Hope everyone has a great Saturday. :manyheart


:hi house! Just me checking in.

The local TV station is doing a telethon to raise money for the tornado victims, Hank Williams, Jr is going to do a live show on CMT to raise money, NASCAR teams have been providing money and water for stricken areas, and neighbors are helping neighbors. It is so heartwarming to see all of the caring and sharing and love and not the ugliness you always see on TV.


Have decided to make potholders, no sew towel toppers and dishcloths for going in totes for my church ladies. Something to look forward to when they get houses rebuilt or to use now wherever they are staying, but something that says "new beginnings".

Oh, Tonie, that is so sweet of you. And how nice that everyone is pitching to help out those in need.

Just remembered- it's Photo Friday- so here is Stash Buster Tote #5

Beautiful tote, Joanne.

Hi, peeps!

More GSD bragging: once i coincidence, but twice? I told Heidi: "Heidi's room" (her crate in my office) and she walks right in, turns and sits, looking up at me.

Okay - I DID give her a puppy biscuit to train her, but...:lol


Tiring days, esp since she's like a vacuum cleaner, eating everything she sees outside....

but, the best thing, and what gives us the most laughs, is when we see Sparkie having such a wonderful time teasing her with his giant toy, letting her run after him and being so caring every time she cries...

Gotta dash!!!

sounds like you really picked a winner in Heidi, Judy. And what a sweet big brother she has in Sparkie.

I had a couple of finishes this week.


Hat and Stashbuster tote, which is a patern by Turtleluvr and is available to buy from her Etsy store or her Ravelry store.

Love, love, love the hat! The tote is nice, too. Great work on both!

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Whatever was wrong with Zoe is gone! She's eating and acting perfectly normal - well, normal for her anyway. ;)


Little Guy will be here about 1 and we'll have him til tomorrow afternoon. :) Can't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day!

Oh, how special, to have Little Guy for Mother's Day. Enjoy! I'm really glad that Zoe is back to being her usual crazy self.


Toni, sorry that they couldn't do your eye surgery this, but glad they'll get it in next week before the next go round of chemo.


Marisa, have a wonderful day today with the winery tour. Sounds like a blast.

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Hello house.


Things are looking a little rough here right now. Money's getting really tight and tempers are starting to get a little short.


But I think we can make it through all right. It will be a little tough going at times but we'll get there.


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms, grandmoms and so on in here. Hope everyone has a great one.


Talk more later.



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I had a couple of finishes this week.


Hat and Stashbuster tote, which is a patern by Turtleluvr and is available to buy from her Etsy store or her Ravelry store.

Oh my word- that hat is AWESOME!!!!! :manyheartand of course I love the Stashbuster Tote!!!


Hi, peeps!

I haven't forgotten you guys:manyheart


More GSD bragging: once i coincidence, but twice? I told Heidi: "Heidi's room" (her crate in my office) and she walks right in, turns and sits, looking up at me.

Okay - I DID give her a puppy biscuit to train her, but...:lol


Tiring days, esp since she's like a vacuum cleaner, eating everything she sees outside....

but, the best thing, and what gives us the most laughs, is when we see Sparkie having such a wonderful time teasing her with his giant toy, letting her run after him and being so caring every time she cries...

Gotta dash!!!

You will be very busy for a while- so happy that Sparkie is getting along so nicely with Heidi!!!



Joanne ~ Another beautiful tote! :clap I just love all the color combinations!


Whatever was wrong with Zoe is gone! She's eating and acting perfectly normal - well, normal for her anyway. ;)


Little Guy will be here about 1 and we'll have him til tomorrow afternoon. :) Can't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day!


Sounds like the perfect Mother's Day to me!! Enjoy Luke!!! Thanks for the compliment- just love this tote pattern! :clap that Zoe is back to HER normal self!!!


:hi house! Going to try to get back to some normal activities, like keeping up with all of you, no small task :lol


Cindy, they couldn't do my surgery because of all those in hospital from storms and the long time that the power was out. I was a bit upset, but then had a talk with myself about how minor it was in the scheme of things and pulled up my big girl panties and dealt with it :rofl Love that!!


Absolutely :manyheart that hat! WOW! The tote is great too, but that hat!!! I know that HAT is awesome!


Joanne, love tote #5! You're on a roll! My mom is barely hanging on but got to sing happy birthday to her when I called last night. Wish I could drive and be there more right now.:hug:hug:hug



Everyone else, I did not go back through everything to catch up. Plan to start from here and try to keep up, the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.


Just know how much I missed you all and thank you for all the hugs and prayers.

No worries there- good plan to start fresh and try to keep up!


Good afternoon. I finally got John's hat done to his satisfaction on the fourth try and innumerable stabs in my fingers. Canvas is not fun to sew on. I ended up putting padding under the antler skull and sewing the skull onto the first hat through 5 sets of paired holes. Then put more padding around the skull, cut slits in another hat after removing its brim, and sewed the slits back up, sewed the top to the first top with the skull and padding in between, sewed the brimless part of hat #2 to the brim of hat #1, and added ties for extra stability. Not fun, but at least it's done, and he's happy with it. That sounds like a TON of work for the hat- but glad that John is finally happy with it. Have fun at the party!


Beautiful tote, Joanne. Thank you!




Hello house.


Things are looking a little rough here right now. Money's getting really tight and tempers are starting to get a little short.


But I think we can make it through all right. It will be a little tough going at times but we'll get there.


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms, grandmoms and so on in here. Hope everyone has a great one.


Talk more later.



Sorry that things are rough-:hug:hug:hug And Happy Mothers' Day!

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☼ ♥ ☼ :::: Evening House :::: ☼ ♥ ☼


Judy: I love hearing how much fun you and your puppy's are having! Heidi apparently fits right in to the family!


Hey Miss Joanne! :hi


:hi Hi Shannon!!!


Marisa: I love your Stash Buster Tote!!!! Very pretty!


Oh goodness Cindy..... continued prayers coming from me!!! :hug






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Dusti: Oh that Sock Hop sounds so fun!! you have a wonderful time at your folks!!!

and save me a piece of cheese cake... :) Happy Mothers day to you too my dear!


Linda: So glad your Dr appointment went well!! and yay you for 11 lbs lost!

I'm working on a round ripple too........ but not a blanket...... hehehehe.. I'm designing a vest!


Oh Toni sweetie........ continued prayers for you and your community!!!

I have my yarn picked out to make a couple Stash Busters to send to you to give away! Might cheer someone up!


Joanne: LOVE Stash Buster #5!!!! :hook







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Good morning House and:flower Happy Mother's Day!!


I'm up bright and early as is the norm!! Looking forward to a nice relaxing day and going to my "mom-to-be" DDs for breakfast. Then we (she and Middle DD) are heading over to Rutgers gardens to get some hanging flower baskets!


Hope you all have a good day!


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We had a blast yesterday and bought a lot of wine :D I sewed in both linings in the car and gave them to mom and aunt last night :clap


Cindy - Gorgeous hat and tote :manyheart


I am reading all the posts but haven't really had time for individual comments :hug :hug


I'll be back later after I'm back to philly

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Marisa- Sounds like a wonderful day was had by all!!! Safe trip home!


I did the grocery shopping and it's all put away (was going to let DH do the shopping- but I wanted to make sure we had healthy food- LOL)


Off to DD's- have a wonderful day everyone!

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♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼Happy Mother’s Day ♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼











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