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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I added +1 to my signature line this morning, then went to walmart for groceries and had to buy a skein of yarn (at least it was only 1) so I need to change my signature to -1.

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:hook I'd love to say I'm surprised :eek that I got Shoot the Moon...but I would have been surprised if anyone had gotten instead of me!!!! :D:devil Thankfully stashbusting will start over again soon! :lol
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I added +1 to my signature line this morning, then went to walmart for groceries and had to buy a skein of yarn (at least it was only 1) so I need to change my signature to -1.


I must have been even more tired:yawn than I thought when I posted that message last night because I totally forgot about the wonderful package I received:mail. I received the yarn I won from the "I love yarn day" give away yesterday. 6 skeins of yummy Red Heart shimmer!:jumpyay So now I need to go change my score again and finish :crocheting:crocheting current projects so I can get to my new yarn.

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Well, I finally had a chance to sneak the bag of yarn in that I bought on Saturday. It seemed every time I remembered, my husband was nearby. So the poor yarn just sat, in the cold, dark trunk until I had the chance. My husband just went to the "reading room", and I headed out to the car. The yarn is safely in the closet, waiting for me to bring it to the bins in the other room. At least, it's in the house now.


Does anyone else "sneak" yarn into their house?




And it was only 9 skeins.

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Well, I finally had a chance to sneak the bag of yarn in that I bought on Saturday. It seemed every time I remembered, my husband was nearby. So the poor yarn just sat, in the cold, dark trunk until I had the chance. My husband just went to the "reading room", and I headed out to the car. The yarn is safely in the closet, waiting for me to bring it to the bins in the other room. At least, it's in the house now.


Does anyone else "sneak" yarn into their house?




And it was only 9 skeins.


Do you really thing anyone else on Crochetville would stoop to sneaking yarn into their homes so that their husband's don't know that they've been yarn shopping yet again? :devil;)

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Do you really thing anyone else on Crochetville would stoop to sneaking yarn into their homes so that their husband's don't know that they've been yarn shopping yet again? :devil;)


We have NO IDEA what you're talking about!!! :lol :lol :lol


Like I always say, "Pay cash and burn the receipts!"

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Does anyone else "sneak" yarn into their house?


I'm lucky enough to have a husband that has not one, but several, hobbies that take up more room and are more expensive that my crocheting! Besides being able to say--it's a gift for someone.


I guess that's why my score it -551. That's my excuse anyway!

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My husband is one of the few, the brave... the ones that doesn't care. As long as I don't put us into bankruptcy with it he doesn't really care *chuckles*


Besides, if he were going to say something of my hobbies, I think it would be my "education hobby" - continuing education is an expensive hobby!



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Well, I finally had a chance to sneak the bag of yarn in that I bought on Saturday. It seemed every time I remembered, my husband was nearby. So the poor yarn just sat, in the cold, dark trunk until I had the chance. My husband just went to the "reading room", and I headed out to the car. The yarn is safely in the closet, waiting for me to bring it to the bins in the other room. At least, it's in the house now.


Does anyone else "sneak" yarn into their house?




And it was only 9 skeins.


Sneak? I take hubby with me to the craft stores so I can use more coupons!! :lol



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Sneak yarn into the house. Yep, guilty as charged. It was easy when hubby worked. It usually was delivered before he got home. Now that he is retired can't do that anymore. But since he likes to buy baseball cards off of ebay, I don't complain. He knows not nto complain about yarn. It looks like my score this week is going to be -10 this week. My yarn will be delivered tomorrow. Thought I could crochet with my arm wrapped for lymphadema therapy. Can't. There will be 2 days this week it won't be wrapped. Doubt if I will be able to finish a project though. Will see.

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Sneak? I take hubby with me to the craft stores so I can use more coupons!! :lol




Would you believe my hubs actually takes me without my asking to go *laughing* I avoid one particular LYS simply because if I go in there, I will spend a lot of money.... and sometimes, he surprises me with a trip there and when I anguish over buying anything he will say "I thought you were going to buy something anyway"... so I do - he has a way of making my addiction seem normal :)

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Don't have husband. Have roommate. Roommate has no room to complain. Roommate has a book buying habit. My yarn has mostly taken over my room. Roommate's books have taken over the rest of the house.


Sounds like the Roommate could use a Kindle or Nook! :lol

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Started today with a -1, bought 4 skeins and put me at -9. Boxed up my swap package with 14 skeins in it leaves me with +19. Hope to finish an afghan tonight so if I do it will give me another +2 since it will finish off a pounder for me. :)



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My yarn came today. It was nice to find it on the side porch when I came home from radiation and an errand afterwards to be fitted for a sleeve and glove for my lymphedema. Ran into problems concerning the measuring for sleeve/glove and was very frustrated. Yarn waiting for me soothed my soul. I goofed on my figuring when I posted earlier that my score this week would be -10 because of getting new yarn. Since each skein is 2 points (+/-) and I bought 10 skeins my score should be -20 instead. I will be doing some crocheting tonight and tomorrow but I don't think I will get enough done to change the score. We will see. Friday my arm and hand gets wrapped again. I must leave it on until Sunday. I have found with it wrapped its very hard to crochet as the yarn will not slide over my fingers (They get wrapped also.). Although this Friday when I get home I am going to experiment with some slick cloth tape I have. I am going to see if I put a piece on my little finger and on my index finger if the yarn won't slide over that. I hope it works as I will not be a happy camper this weekend if it doesn't.


Score : WTD -20

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Started today with a -1, bought 4 skeins and put me at -9. Boxed up my swap package with 14 skeins in it leaves me with +19. Hope to finish an afghan tonight so if I do it will give me another +2 since it will finish off a pounder for me. :)




bragger.... :lol I hope to finish an afghan and get some balls wound in the next day or so.

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Hi Everybody! ~ Well, I probably won't be posting scores for a while. Aside from my NICU premie ghans that I do, I won't be doing much crocheting until after the new year. I have other crafts that I need to get done for Christmas. So, CLLinda, if you need to remove my name, that's fine. Otherwise, I look forward to jumping back in when I can get back into yarn stashbusting! Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and the happiest of holiday celebrations! :cheer

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had to work on a scarf for my granddaughter instead of the afghan...she specifically asked Grandma to make her..what was a grandma to do??? At least I was able to stash dive to do it. Found the yarn that I've made her a hat and sweater with already!

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