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comfortghan for my mom *COMPLETED! PHOTO ON POST 82*


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Mandy, I mailed a square today, I had wanted to make 2, but ran out of time.




One is perfect, thank you so much!


Sent you a square today.


Thank you!

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Thank you Shawn, Trish, and DMC for the beautiful squares you sent! I received them all today--I think my mailman had to really work to squeeze all of the packages into the mailbox!

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I'll probably finish mine tomorrow and mail it Monday if the snow isn't too bad, or Tuesday if it isn't good to go out before then. Will that be OK?


That's perfect! :)

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Thank you to Deb and Debbie for the beautiful squares you both sent! I'm sorry my thank you is a bit tardy, I've barely been home the past two days. I'll give an official count of squares soon, and hopefully we'll be coming close to finishing up the afghan!

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Tell me how many squares you need and i'll help out! i got 2 out of the 10 squares done already!


I have 15 squares in hand at the moment, and would like 30 total for the ghan. If you're doing 10, that leaves me with only needing 5 more squares!


I just want to thank everyone again for your help with this project...I'm starting to edge the ones I have and I can't wait to get it all together and get it to my mom. I know she is going to love it!

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I just received two more squares today, both from Smith. They are lovely--thank you! :)


glad they made it, I thought I may have sent them to the wrong address..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put the update on the first post, but I'll also put it here--I do not need anymore squares for this project! I have 17 in hand and 13 more promised! Thanks you all very, very much! :hug


I'll get pictures posted as soon as I get everything stitched together!

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  • 1 month later...

I wish I could come and post under better circumstances, but my mom passed away early this morning. I want to thank each of you again for contributing to her ghan, and although she never got to see it put together, she saw the pictures I took of the squares as they came in and I know she would have loved to have it on her bed. Your kindness and generosity towards me and my family is very much appreciated, and I can honestly say this is one of the best groups of people within a forum that I have ever met!


I still plan on putting the ghan together and keeping it, so as soon as I receive the remaining squares that have been promised, I will be sure to put pictures up as soon as it is completed.

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