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My New Neighbor Crochets!!

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I am so excited. I waited 5 yrs to get a good neighbor, we always get people who have mean kids that are obnoxious and the parents don't care--you know the kind. Well a few weeks ago a Mom moved in, with girls; one girl is near my daughters' age so they became friends. I was happy:)

But the other day, my daughter said "the mother crochets, you should go talk to her":cheer (so far we just said hello when we saw each other)

So this morning I invited her to a craft circle that I run in the apt. complex and she was happy to tell me about her crocheting, show me some blankets, she loves to crochet!!!:hug


Then she tells me she only owns 2 hooks!! and barely a yarn stash. Now I'm thinking "now wait, this won't do!!!" I just feel the need to shower with crochet knowledege and crochet stuff!!lol:yay


Is this normal to feel so excited about another crocheter????lol

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If I had a neighbor who crochets and only had 2 hooks and a pitiful stash, you bet I would be showering her with the gift of yarn, hooks and patterns. You are sooooo lucky. I am envious too!:devil

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How lucky of you to have a "crocheting" neighbor!! I would be "ecstatic" to have a neighbor like that!!

The only time I get to talk to another "crocheter/knitter" is when I go to craft stores!!

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I know exactly what you mean about being so excited to find another crochet person! The last place I worked, I had been crocheting at home quietly. Then one day, I found out there was another crocheter at work. We started bringing in things to show each other and the next thing we knew, another joined us, and another, and another! Before you know it we had 5 regular lunch friends all sharing crochet projects with each other. We talked about how great it was to know other crocheters finally! I decided then that I would start bringing my crochet "out of the closet." Now everywhere I go with my crochet, someone comes up and shares an interest. I think we could make a major comeback for crochet with very little effort! Just being sure to show our stuff more often would do the trick!


Happy for you to have a real life "crochet buddy!" Hope you two enjoy many hours comparing projects. Of course you will have to share a little stash with her. Maybe you could do a Christmas exchange and get her a set of hooks too or just let her know, you can still find the Boye master set for like $30 online. Quite a bargain!

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I sure wish one of my neighbors crocheted. It would be nice to be able to sit with someone, enjoy a pot of coffee and crochet once the kiddies are at school.


Just a thought.




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