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What's your "crochet" horror story!

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I'm shuddering, reading all these! :eek


Thankfully, I haven't had anything this awful happen, but I do know a woman who spent 6 MONTHS making a lace shawl for her future daughter-in-law. It was a very intricate, complicated pattern. The daughter-in-law opened it at the shower and said, "Oh, GOD, I'll never use anything like this!!!"


Honestly, she could have at least thanked her politely and then maybe found a friend to give it to later on, or SOMETHING. It was just so rude! Especially after all that effort.

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This happened just last night.


The person my family and I are staying with for a few months had a couple and their 3 year old daughter over last night for a little cookout. My daughter and their daughter were playing together inside while the group of adults tended to stay outside since they're all smokers. Usually when there is some kind of get-together with friends, I end up staying inside because I don't smoke and I hate when children are left unattended. This night I chose to hang out with the adults and just come in and check on the girls. My husband says that by me staying inside people think I'm being rude (the best way I can put it without using the word he used). They were watching a movie and seemed to be doing fine. Until... they wanted to watch a VHS movie. The only place to watch a VHS is in my bedroom. Now my daughter is almost 6 and knows not to mess with my makeup and nail polish that I keep on my dresser. I didn't think about the 3 yr old messing with it. I wish it would have occurred to me because at one point when I came to check on the girls she was on my bed with a bottle of purple nail polish, all over her arms and legs and a little bit on my comforter. At this point it wasn't a big deal, we cleaned her up and I could care less about the comforter, it's old and stained anyways. This morning I woke up and got ready to take my daughter to school when I discovered it. My beautiful scarf, my first "perfect" project, with purple nail polish all over it. I want to cry. I just made it maybe 7 months ago and have only been wearing it since probably about halfway through November. This scarf is what started getting me sales, people loved it and wanted one of their own. I feel like I've lost a child who had so much life left to live.

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This happened just last night.


The person my family and I are staying with for a few months had a couple and their 3 year old daughter over last night for a little cookout. My daughter and their daughter were playing together inside while the group of adults tended to stay outside since they're all smokers. Usually when there is some kind of get-together with friends, I end up staying inside because I don't smoke and I hate when children are left unattended. This night I chose to hang out with the adults and just come in and check on the girls. My husband says that by me staying inside people think I'm being rude (the best way I can put it without using the word he used). They were watching a movie and seemed to be doing fine. Until... they wanted to watch a VHS movie. The only place to watch a VHS is in my bedroom. Now my daughter is almost 6 and knows not to mess with my makeup and nail polish that I keep on my dresser. I didn't think about the 3 yr old messing with it. I wish it would have occurred to me because at one point when I came to check on the girls she was on my bed with a bottle of purple nail polish, all over her arms and legs and a little bit on my comforter. At this point it wasn't a big deal, we cleaned her up and I could care less about the comforter, it's old and stained anyways. This morning I woke up and got ready to take my daughter to school when I discovered it. My beautiful scarf, my first "perfect" project, with purple nail polish all over it. I want to cry. I just made it maybe 7 months ago and have only been wearing it since probably about halfway through November. This scarf is what started getting me sales, people loved it and wanted one of their own. I feel like I've lost a child who had so much life left to live.


Aw, so sorry! You know you have to make another to replace it, yes?? That will kill a bit of the loss you feel, so get out that hook, buy more of that yarn, and get your fingers flying, and when and if you do, please show us a pic of it, Im sure it is/was a work of art! :hug

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I made a scarf for my 13 year old daughter (at the time). She got mad at me for some stupid reason, and cut it up. It took me a very long time to ever make anything for her again!



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I spent two months making my niece the absolute CUTEST little dress. She was a year old so I followed the 2T directions to make sure it would fit. I even bought special flower buttons to go with it. Well, either the pattern runs really small or I crochet really tightly because SIL told me they couldn't even get it on her. I wanted her to still have it so I said she could put it on a doll or something so DN could keep it. But I'm willing to bet that it ended up in a Goodwill bag. :( I totally would have taken it back and given it to a baby who it would have fit.


Last winter, my roommate asked me to make him a scarf. It was my first scarf ever and it turned out great. I've never once seen him wear it. And we live in the same house so I'd notice.


I've given lots of handmade gifts but I've never seen one actually being used. From now on, I'm just making crocheted stuff for myself and the baby since I know they'll be used. If someone wants to provide yarn and ask me to make something I'll do it, but that's it.

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This happened just last night.


The person my family and I are staying with for a few months had a couple and their 3 year old daughter over last night for a little cookout. My daughter and their daughter were playing together inside while the group of adults tended to stay outside since they're all smokers. Usually when there is some kind of get-together with friends, I end up staying inside because I don't smoke and I hate when children are left unattended. This night I chose to hang out with the adults and just come in and check on the girls. My husband says that by me staying inside people think I'm being rude (the best way I can put it without using the word he used).


Rude - no. Someone expecting the hostess to watch or ignore a 3 yr old wouldn't be invited back to my house. I don't leave toddlers unattended and it's not my job to watch them. We've had company that didn't come back because of it. Then again - I'm very outspoken.


I'm very sorry to hear about your scarf. It is heartbreaking when something with so much effort into it gets ruined.

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Some of these stories are just leaving me completely shocked. I've made lots of stuff through the years and been given many thanks. I recently posted pics on my FB of a scarf I made one niece and my sister-in-law immediately said thanks and she'll love it. And a starghan I made for another niece, my sister showed it to her and then posted to tell me she said "arrrrggh and Thank you!" lol.


My one bad story is involving my sister, same one with the niece and the starghan. I made her a large black afghan one Christmas as she and my BIL love black, I have no idea where it is I've never seen it in their house. However I did make a hug rainbow monet RR for them when my niece was born it's the rug in her room, she loves it. I think my sister appreciates my crochet things now more since her mother-in-law also crochets and she and I have both commented on the work the other has put into things we've made for my niece.


I guess I do have another story. I made a full size ghan for my now former SIL. I had never made a full size ghan before, this one was a shell design, different color each row, with the center of the ghan done in single crochet. I then crocheted the outline of three dolphins across the center of the sc section. She was thrilled when she opened it at Christmas and even asked me to teach her to crochet. She did use it for a bit, then it disappeared. When she and my brother moved to their house it was nowhere to be found, and now she's out of the family. ah well such is life I suppose

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Wow! Your stories are heart wrenching. Mine isn't too bad. Mom's hair is thining and she asked me to make her a hat for the winter. I found a very nice, difficult for me, pattern. I made it and frogged and frogged it many times till it was just right. She said thanks when I gave it to her. She hasn't worn it once. It is sitting in on the top shelf of her closet. I asked her why. She said it is well made and a nice pattern but she doesn't like it. Would it be wrong of me to take it back? She still complains about how cold her head is when she goes outside.

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Sja, I agree with Katy...get her to tell you why she doesn't like it. Maybe she just doesn't feel the style is flattering to her face. I know I am more picky as i get older about the shape of hat I think looks OK on me.

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I asked Mom. She says she wanted a "guy's "cap. The hat I made her is a gray/blue with ridges going down the sides. It can be turned up around the edges. It doesn't have flowers on it. I think she wanted a knit stocking cap.

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I remember spending many months on a knitted christening outfit in feather and fan pattern very thin baby yarn it came out beautiful my first try and my mom made a matching blanket my niece got to wear and we both ask for pictures of her in it we never got one showing us at all it was promptly taken off after the christing and never was seen again or even thank for it. I will share one beautiful story a friend who has since gone to heaven made a beautiful afghan in broomstick lace pastel pink and soft white I have tuck away to keep it safe is a treasure to me I think all the hard work she took to make it for me. Another beautiful story about an afghan that I sent a friend who herself crochets many things said to me I was the first person that ever made her an afghan she treasures it and makes good use of it. I was told by her it brought tears to her eyes that I was so considerate to give a special gift. So even the horror stories there are miracles of appreciation.

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Some of these stories are just heartbreakers. I have seen some of my gifted work used as a dogs bed, I would have thought it could have at least been placed where I couldn’t see it when I visited but no there it was in the middle of the living room floor where everyone could see how little she thought of the many hours spent making it. I have had the experience of realizing the gift I made was a disappointment to the receiver because it wasn’t store-bought. Sometimes it seems common courtesy is a thing of the past. John Hablinski Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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I think people who don't make things themselves just don't appreciate the work involved.

17 years ago I had 2 boys aged 3 and 5 and a 5 month old baby girl who had been very ill in hospital for over a week. I never got any help whatsoever from my hubby (now ex thank goodness) and wasn't allowed to go out without the kids.

It was coming up to Mother's Day and I didn't want to take the kids out as the boys had colds and the baby still on a nebulizer so I decided to make cards.

All I had in was some card, plain white material and embroidery threads so I drew flowers onto the material and embroidered them before sticking them to the cards. It took me a few days to finish them.

My mum and Grandma loved theirs, mum still has hers in a photo frame and Grandma's was placed in her coffin as everybody knew how proud she was of it. She even took it in hospital and had it next to her when she passed 8 months later, it was November but she didn't care.

My MIL on the other hand upset me greatly. She opened hers and laughed then said "can't you afford a proper card? She didn't even put it up.

From that year on she was given the most horrible cheap card I could find and now she's my ex MIL she gets nothing..

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Just to maybe make some feel better and only my opionion (obviously) -


If you find something you made being used as a dog bed or a cat mat that doesn't necessarily mean the person though little of your gift. My cats are my babies. If I give them something, it's out of love. I don't give them the stuff I don't want around. They get the good things as much as a child would. They deserve the best!


When I give gifts whether handmade or store-bought, I do so with the intent of letting it go. No one has my permission to make me feel bad about something I did out of the goodness of my heart. I absolutely appreciate it when someone tells me they really enjoy something, etc. However, I choose to let it all go when I hand over the gift. Once it leaves my hands, I no longer own it and can't be upset about how they chose to use that gift.


It took some time to get my brain wrapped around this idea. It was either the above or stop making things for people. I feel good about making things for others. I didn't want to give that up. I can give up the bad feelings.

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I asked Mom. She says she wanted a "guy's "cap. The hat I made her is a gray/blue with ridges going down the sides. It can be turned up around the edges. It doesn't have flowers on it. I think she wanted a knit stocking cap.


gray and blue with ridges and a turned up cuff sounds pretty much to me like something a guy would wear:think it certainly sounds unisex.


Do you think she is emotionally attached to the hat even though she doesn't wear it? If so, she may want to keep it for sentimental reasons. If not, and if you would use it, I would consider asking her if I could have it back. otherwise, maybe you could assist her with trying it on and finding the most flattering way to wear it. it might look best pulled back a little or something, not just plopped on and scrunched down as far as it will go---which is what i tend to do if i don't stop and think about it:P

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gray and blue with ridges and a turned up cuff sounds pretty much to me like something a guy would wear:think it certainly sounds unisex.


Do you think she is emotionally attached to the hat even though she doesn't wear it? If so, she may want to keep it for sentimental reasons. If not, and if you would use it, I would consider asking her if I could have it back. otherwise, maybe you could assist her with trying it on and finding the most flattering way to wear it. it might look best pulled back a little or something, not just plopped on and scrunched down as far as it will go---which is what i tend to do if i don't stop and think about it:P


I tried to help her try it on diffferent ways. She doesn't like it. I think I will go to the store and buy her a " guys cap" and ask for the one I made back. Mom isn't sentimental.

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I tried to help her try it on diffferent ways. She doesn't like it. I think I will go to the store and buy her a " guys cap" and ask for the one I made back. Mom isn't sentimental.


sounds like a plan! "hats off" to you for helping your mom have a warm head :)

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well, many crochet horror stories here in the naked city, but many good ones too, as mentioned before. I guess it's a game of chance, we all are gamblers when we gift to another, and we learn to play the hand we get in return, or bow outta the game! I won't quit making things, nor gifting them, because of one or two instances that weren't pleasant, there are many more good ones, than bad!

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  • 6 months later...

I luckily haven't had any of this happen to me yet, but I'm also really new to crocheting. So far I've only made things for people that have asked for them or shown interest in them. I crochet during work (I'm a scorekeeper for the rec hockey games so there's a lot of downtime between whistles and it helps keep me warm, all the hockey players are cool with it because they know I still pay attention) and it's gotten me a few weird stares and a guy asking for my number haha. He wanted a scarf (I made him an infinity scarf/snood) before he deployed to Bahrain and when I finished it he came over and thanked me and asked for my number and said we'd keep in touch while he was gone. I got a text from him about a half hour later that said "This thing is awesome! I just wore it the whole way home!". He said he's going to use it when he gets back to New Jersey this winter. :)


Another hockey player (friend of mine) made fun of me for several weeks when I first started. He then approached me a few weeks ago asking for a scarf in our college's colors (he's the teams head coach). I gave it to him Thursday night and he LOVED it. Two of my coworkers wore it that night, too, because they were cold and he was refereeing and it was in the office. I worry though that his dog is going to get a hold of it. I know he will take good care of it, but his dog finds his hockey pucks and tears them apart.... so we will see.


I do hope I don't ever have that happen with my crochet stuff. I did have that happen with a painting I made for my grandma one year. I'd sent it up with my dad and then when I came up to her house at christmas time I found it sitting in the fireplace with other stuff. I was really really upset.

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My most recent story... I made this HUGE round ripple blanket and gave it to my sister and her family,when I was there visiting last it wasn't in their house or anywhere else I could detect. They have had it maybe a year and now it is gone. If I knew it wasn't going to be loved I would have kept it for my family.

Oh well.....I can always make another.

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Oh yeah..I forgot this.....I have this friend that constantly asks for me to make her things. Then she NEVER uses them. This last thing I made her if she doesn't use it she doesn't get anything else from me. Friend or not that makes me feel used and my time worthless.

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