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How many pregnant people do you know right now??

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My goal for the last several months has been to crochet a baby blanket for each of my friends/relatives when they are expecting. At the time there was just 1...

Within the last 3 months, 6 friends/relatives have announced they will soon have a new little bundle of joy!


So my question is, were there this many pregnant people before I decided to make everyone blankets and I just didn't notice? ORRRRRRRR did they plan this on purpose to make me want to pull my hair out??

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I think they all got together in a huddle and said, "Let's drive Supermom nuts! On the count of three, let's all go forth and multiply!" And that's precisely what they did. It's part of a cunning plan, cooked up by non-crafters to drive us to distraction. They mightn't even be really pregnant - it might be a strategically-placed cushion under their t-shirts, just to stress you :lol

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The sad part is, I gave the first blanket at the baby shower and everyone ohhh'd and awww'd over it, so now I have to make them for the rest of the ladies or someone will feel left out and get their hormonally-charged feelings hurt and then they may just gang up on me and stab me with my own hook or something...

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Oh my gosh! Yesterday while at the store, I noticed 4 pregnant ladies! wow! I commented to dh "this must be a baby year!" It seemed like a lot to me. I am making a baby ghan, it's my car project-always have it just in case I have a few minutes. It is nice to have baby ghans handy...good luck!

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Not a single person, darn it! Guess I'm going to have to make things for the two dolls I got at Good Will to donate at Christmas.



If I were you I'd go ahead and make a couple baby blankets just to keep on hand! Because if you don't, 3 people will announce they're expecting next week!!:devil


I think if I ever get the rest of these blankets done, I'm going to make a spare boy and girl blanket just to keep on hand!

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I know only one person (my next door neighbor) and she is having a girl, so I have to find a pattern that I want to make and get busy. She isn't due for several more months so I have plenty of time.

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It can be overwhelming when you feel like you need to make "certain things" for people. (I got stuck in THAT loop with a group at church...blanket, sweater, hat, and booties. So, for my husband's LARGE family, with 30 first cousins, I decided to do something small for everyone so I didn't dig myself into that hole again.)


Currently, I am pregnant and then a friend is in the process of adopting a baby (and feels like she has had an elephant-length pregnancy.) Also, four of the therapists where my daughter goes for speech therapy are pregnant (something must be in the water, the week after we went for her evaluation, we found out we were expecting our son.) However, none of them do therapy with Clare, so I don't feel the compulsion to make them something.

I do concur with having some blankets on hand though, as you never know when you will need a gift. I have about 5 blankets waiting on babies, and although I prefer crocheting with a baby in mind, it has been handy to have them about. In the last month, I sold one to a friend and then my mother in law was looking for a unique gift to give a friend's daughter who was having lots of complications with her pregnancy, so I told her to pick one out for that little boy. I also try to keep a few pairs of booties hanging about because they are a good, quick gift. I'm actually trying to build my on hand things a bit, as I know when our son arrives, it will get crazy around here. (An hey, who needs to know WHEN you made something for their child....)

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I have 2 family members that are preg. and having boys and my friend is preg and having a girl, one of my sister in laws recently had a baby boy a couple months ago.

I was trying to get ahead a few months ago so made a couple starghans but they were all girl colors. My one sister in law requested one of my scrapghans and the other 2 live so far away that I am not going to worry about making anything. ( I stink at getting stuff into the mail, I have a afghan I finished for my mom laying around because I hate going to the post office)

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I don't know anyone who is expecting right now. We had 4 neighbors who all had baby boys last summer.

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