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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Thanks for the compliments on the snowflakes, ladies. It was fun to dream up. The first one had every row undone and redone several times to get the right length on everything, but since it's so open it didn't take long even with all that redoing.


Dusti, we a so glad to have you back. :hi You've been missed. Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. :hug Hope you are feeling better. Your IC is absolutely gorgeous! :yay The are so lucky to have it for their fundraiser. :clap :clap :clap


Julie, hugs and prayers coming your way as you have surgery today. :hug


I am definitely feeling better today, just terribly weak and tired. Today is snowflakes and angels, so I better get busy. I never got last week's angel done, so I have two to make today. :hook

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Thanks, Everyone :manyheart


Boy, those pics I posted last night were gigantic :eek I just wanted to give you the life-size feel of it :D I will have to spend some more time with Photobucket and figure out how to post clickable pictures again. I'll be more on the ball next time.


To dive right in to yesterday's chatter...I do not have any piercings or tattoos. I am definitely of the mind, "whatever make you happy is fine with me," but neither really appeals to me. My sisters-in-law all have numerous tattoos and unusually-placed piercings, and I went with my college roommate before graduation when she had an ivy bracelet tattooed onto her wrist, but it never occurred to me to join her :shrug. I find the symbolism of the designs you all chose to be very interesting. As I see age is not limiting our creativity here, who knows how I will feel when I reach my 50s or 60s :D


I have Cara's site open and a pattern book of saltine ghans across my lap, as I try to figure out what to make, next. I have a few saltines finished, as I intended to make a Baby 9-patch...maybe I should finish that, and then make a decision on a bigger project. Hmmmm :think What to start next?? I have two sweaters on my hooks, now, a graph-ghan for my sister-in-law started, and I just finished a hat and bootie set for a friend expecting next month. My hook has not been idle, but I am looking forward to jumping into another saltine project :cheer


Have a Happy Monday!

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Thanks, Krystal. Until I spent 4 months up-close-and-personal with those colors, the yarns I selected for the IC were some of my favorites, too. I am looking for a bit of a change, now.


Linda ~ It sounds as though you are on the mend, but I hope you feel even better in the upcoming days. I have never tried crocheting with thread, but your snowflakes are lovely and entice me to think about branching out in the future. Have a good day with your angel projects.

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Good Morning, all. :)


Dusti ~ It is so good to have you back with us. Lots of big hugs from me, too. :hug Your IC is stunning! What a wonderful contribution to the school fundraiser. :hook


Hi Wendy! Yay for school starting again. ;) I don't think there is any way I can finish the Penguin this week, unless I don't sleep or do anything else. :lol


Tabby ~ I remember your flag ghan...can't wait to see it again. :yes


Hi to everyone I've missed. :manyheart

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I broke down and called an orthopedic doc about my knees. They can actually fit me in today. So then the lady calls back, she's having trouble finding out how much of my $500 deductible I've meet. I told her none. So she says that the office visit can cost up to the $500 (depending on what the doc bills of course). Gulp! My neurologist, a specialist, doesn't cost that much! He didn't even cost that much for a new patient visit.

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I broke down and called an orthopedic doc about my knees. They can actually fit me in today. So then the lady calls back, she's having trouble finding out how much of my $500 deductible I've meet. I told her none. So she says that the office visit can cost up to the $500 (depending on what the doc bills of course). Gulp! My neurologist, a specialist, doesn't cost that much! He didn't even cost that much for a new patient visit.

Yikes!!! :eek

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Oh Val, that does sound high! :( Was she including x-rays and other tests?


We are under an ice storm warning from 6 tonight until Wednesday. I hadn't planned on going out today, but I guess I'd better get a few things in case we're housebound for a few days. :snow Then it will be time for crocheting. :hook

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Well, here it is:






The Double Irish Chain is finished. What a giant it turned out to be -- 86 inches by 92 inches. I donated it to the fundraising auction at the girls' school last Friday. The principal was tickled to have it (and, truth be told, I was pretty happy to say good-bye to it, as it feels as though I have been working with the Cape Cod Blue, Azure and Off-White yarn forever). She said she would like to display the IC in the school's gathering space for the two weeks before the auction to generate interest in the fundraiser. Isn't that great?!?


I rather feel as though I dropped-in and just ate & ran, but I hope to jump right back into the conversations tomorrow. Tonight, it is time to :sleep. G'night, All!


That is beautiful!!!


I broke down and called an orthopedic doc about my knees. They can actually fit me in today. So then the lady calls back, she's having trouble finding out how much of my $500 deductible I've meet. I told her none. So she says that the office visit can cost up to the $500 (depending on what the doc bills of course). Gulp! My neurologist, a specialist, doesn't cost that much! He didn't even cost that much for a new patient visit.


Dude that is a lot! :eek


I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.



The snowflakes are beautiful!

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We are under an ice storm warning from 6 tonight until Wednesday. I hadn't planned on going out today, but I guess I'd better get a few things in case we're housebound for a few days. :snow Then it will be time for crocheting. :hook

Get it done before the ice starts. Stay safe and warm. (BTW, you don't need to send that to us here in Georgia. :lol)

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Thanks, Everyone :manyheart


Boy, those pics I posted last night were gigantic :eek I just wanted to give you the life-size feel of it :D I will have to spend some more time with Photobucket and figure out how to post clickable pictures again. I'll be more on the ball next time.


I have Cara's site open and a pattern book of saltine ghans across my lap, as I try to figure out what to make, next. I have a few saltines finished, as I intended to make a Baby 9-patch...maybe I should finish that, and then make a decision on a bigger project. Hmmmm :think What to start next?? I have two sweaters on my hooks, now, a graph-ghan for my sister-in-law started, and I just finished a hat and bootie set for a friend expecting next month. My hook has not been idle, but I am looking forward to jumping into another saltine project :cheer


Have a Happy Monday!


You could join us all in making Caras new pattern the Angel ghan, we are all starting first of feb. :D


I broke down and called an orthopedic doc about my knees. They can actually fit me in today. So then the lady calls back, she's having trouble finding out how much of my $500 deductible I've meet. I told her none. So she says that the office visit can cost up to the $500 (depending on what the doc bills of course). Gulp! My neurologist, a specialist, doesn't cost that much! He didn't even cost that much for a new patient visit.


wow that is a lot of money isnt it. :eek


Oh Val, that does sound high! :( Was she including x-rays and other tests?


We are under an ice storm warning from 6 tonight until Wednesday. I hadn't planned on going out today, but I guess I'd better get a few things in case we're housebound for a few days. :snow Then it will be time for crocheting. :hook


Oh dear I hope its not too bad, but yes thats a good idea to get a few things just in case. Take care out there. :hug


Hi Tracy! Yep, I'm leaving shortly...Maggie and Zoe are both low on food and I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy if I ran out. :D

:lol yes they wouldnt be impressed if they had no food.

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I'm back and thankfully they didn't do $500 worth of stuff! It was only $190 something. I know they wanted me prepared since none of my deductible has yet been meet. Doc wants me to go to PT and get some exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees. I'm also slightly bow legged, which apparently happens frequently with women, and that might also be affecting my knees.

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I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.



Wowsa!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! :drool You really are becoming a fabulous designer, Linda! I'm so proud of you :hug


Oh! Isn't tomorrow the day for Julie's knee surgery? Miss Julie - Take care and please let us know how you are doing! :hug


Yep, today's the surgery. I can already see we're all sending many good vibes her way :manyheart


Hello My Dear HYH Friends :waving I have missed you all SO much. I did not have Internet over the Christmas holidays with my folks, but I figured I would be able to catch up right after the New Year. Well, I suffered a miscarriage and was moving a little slow for a bit at the beginning of the month, but I am back on my feet, now :crocheting I am trying to catch up, bit-by-bit, though it may be another day before I am quite up-to-speed with your chatter. Off the top of my head, I want to say:


Oh Dusti, I'm so very sorry about the miscarriage :hug Been there twice and that's rough. But we're just so tickled to have you back :manyheart

Your DIC is fabulous! :drool


Cara ~ Happy Belated Birthday! A new computer, GC for yarn shopping a

and good news at your doctor's appointment -- what a day! Congratulations on everything. Your Angel-ghan is beautiful. I am tempted to join all of you in starting it on February 1. Tomorrow, I will go down to the basement to check my bin of extra yarn.


Thank you, dear :hug Yes, it was an excellent b-day. One of the best I've had in years (of course I say that every year :D)! Yes, please come join us on the Angel ghan. :hook


Yes school starts again Tuesday and I am so ready. :D


:lol :lol



Wow you sure sleep a lot dont you. :lol


Yes, I do and it's beginning to irritate me greatly :irk Woke up today still very fatigued and mad about it. So I've already done a mess of chores and kept moving until now. That's when my back said "that's IT! I need a break" :rofl


I am definitely feeling better today, just terribly weak and tired. Today is snowflakes and angels, so I better get busy. I never got last week's angel done, so I have two to make today. :hook


I'm SO glad you're starting to feel better. :hug That was a rough road getting there.


We are under an ice storm warning from 6 tonight until Wednesday. I hadn't planned on going out today, but I guess I'd better get a few things in case we're housebound for a few days. :snow Then it will be time for crocheting. :hook


Uh-oh. I'd better check the weather report! It's raining here which irks me no end. Usually I don't mind the rain but I was gonna take pictures today :grump


Hi Tracy! Yep, I'm leaving shortly...Maggie and Zoe are both low on food and I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy if I ran out. :D


Oh yes, gotta get that food first. Nothing like being housebound with two hungry critters :lol


I'm back and thankfully they didn't do $500 worth of stuff! It was only $190 something. I know they wanted me prepared since none of my deductible has yet been meet. Doc wants me to go to PT and get some exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees. I'm also slightly bow legged, which apparently happens frequently with women, and that might also be affecting my knees.


Glad the visit wasn't too bad. My rheumy charged me $658 for my first visit and I didn't have insurance then :eek Took two years until he started taking out insurance for me to go back :lol The PT might not be too bad. If they don't have you using special equipment you can usually do it at home. BUT you have to do it. If you don't think you can do it at home on your own (I can't lots of times :blush) then it's best to go in :yes Man, I ramble don't I? :lol Anyhoo, I hope it improves for you quickly :hug


It's raining. BD rigged up a special short clothesline for me yesterday so that I could take pictures outside on my own and get better results. I was so jazzed about getting up and doing that this morning. Open the back door to feed the porch cats and there it was...rain :( Hopefully it'll all dry out soon :D

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Afternoon everyone. I've got 21 solids to report.


So far I'm working on the scrappy doo only.


I figure for the angel ghan I'll work on the colors I have and then grab the others when I can afford the whole color. I'd hate to have trouble with the color lots. And we all know how RHSS no dye lots can be different.

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Howdy Ladies. :manyheart I finished one block on the flag ghan & made 8 saltines for the last block. The end is near, yippee! I figure even with work the rest of the week I should still be able to finish it. :cheer


Mary~Stay safe & warm. We are suppose to get a storm Wed. night but it is suppose to be just snow, PLEASEEEEE keep the ice away from here. :wbrr

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Afternoon everyone. I've got 21 solids to report.


So far I'm working on the scrappy doo only.


I figure for the angel ghan I'll work on the colors I have and then grab the others when I can afford the whole color. I'd hate to have trouble with the color lots. And we all know how RHSS no dye lots can be different.


Why yes, yes they can :irk Especially on Ranch Red I'm noticing.

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Howdy Ladies. :manyheart I finished one block on the flag ghan & made 8 saltines for the last block. The end is near, yippee! I figure even with work the rest of the week I should still be able to finish it. :cheer


Go Tabby!! :cheer Go Tabby!! :cheer


Howdy Tracy!! :hi

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:hi Cara. I need to say thank you. :devil Mom shared her peppermint stick sweets. :drool


Aren't those the best? I love them because they're soft and melty :drool I left my second packet of Wotsits to share with BD but he hasn't touched them. They may end up my afternoon snack :rofl

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