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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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IMO: You're never too old to get a tattoo...as I mentioned, I was in my mid 50's...:D

And I saw a show where a guy in his 80's kept adding to the art work on his body!

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I've been wanting a tattoo. I've got it pretty much figured out as to what it will be. I plan on getting two hearts and having the girls names in chinese symbols in the heart. Then I'll have a vine of forget me nots going around them. Not too big mind you. The only thing I haven't figured out is where to get it. Although I might have to copy Judy and put mine on my upper hip :scrachin Never thought of there. I was thinking of one side of my lower back but I think I like the hip idea better :yes

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I've been wanting a tattoo. I've got it pretty much figured out as to what it will be. I plan on getting two hearts and having the girls names in chinese symbols in the heart. Then I'll have a vine of forget me nots going around them. Not too big mind you. The only thing I haven't figured out is where to get it. Although I might have to copy Judy and put mine on my upper hip :scrachin Never thought of there. I was thinking of one side of my lower back but I think I like the hip idea better :yes

It is a good spot - fleshy and just below the belt line:D

It sounds like you have a good design in mind...now you just need to find the right tattoo parlor:yes

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The tongue piercings bother me because everyone I've ever known that had one sounded like a person with a speech impediment. :no If you've got one, that's one thing - but why would you MAKE yourself sound like that? :shrug


Not everyone has issues talking with it. I have no lisp or any other issues. I talk completely normal just like before and no one even knows I have one when talking to me. No one can see it or notices. When I say I have one they're shocked & make me show them because they don't believe me. Most tongue piercings are towards the front & mine is more towards the back. I'm not sure if that's why I don't have issues. :think Anywhoo, I like it. :yes

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I reread this and reread it, because I kept reading "my upper lip" and I've seen pics of you and knew you didn't have one on your upper lip...:lol


That what I saw at first too :rofl


The tongue piercings bother me because everyone I've ever known that had one sounded like a person with a speech impediment. :no If you've got one, that's one thing - but why would you MAKE yourself sound like that? :shrug


I've only ever met one person that didn't talk weird but yeah most of them sounds like Sylvester Stallone :lol


I've been wanting a tattoo. I've got it pretty much figured out as to what it will be. I plan on getting two hearts and having the girls names in chinese symbols in the heart. Then I'll have a vine of forget me nots going around them. Not too big mind you. The only thing I haven't figured out is where to get it. Although I might have to copy Judy and put mine on my upper hip :scrachin Never thought of there. I was thinking of one side of my lower back but I think I like the hip idea better :yes


You too? What have we started :lol


Not everyone has issues talking with it. I have no lisp or any other issues. I talk completely normal just like before and no one even knows I have one when talking to me. No one can see it or notices. When I say I have one they're shocked & make me show them because they don't believe me. Most tongue piercings are towards the front & mine is more towards the back. I'm not sure if that's why I don't have issues. :think Anywhoo, I like it. :yes


Long as you like it that's really all that matters :yes

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Well, here's something to break up this convo. :lol


I promised pics. of the scarf I made last week & forgot to post them. I made this scarf for a teen girl. The pattern is from SNB:HH but I didn't have enough green so I just did more pink & white. :yes Oh and the pic. is Jaden & Santa, I just had to show off my cutie sporting his mohawk. :D









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Tabby, we women here are independent thinkers...whatever makes you happy ... no explanations are needed;)


Yep and convince DH that I won't chicken out halfway through. :lol He says that's the only reason we haven't done it. He knows I hate needles and pain. But now I'll tell him about wanting it on my hip :yes

I lay on my stomach...so no danger of getting too lightheaded:lol


'nite all...I'm finishing Amy's square:hook

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Well, here's something to break up this convo. :lol


I promised pics. of the scarf I made last week & forgot to post them. I made this scarf for a teen girl. The pattern is from SNB:HH but I didn't have enough green so I just did more pink & white. :yes Oh and the pic. is Jaden & Santa, I just had to show off my cutie sporting his mohawk. :D










OMG! Isn't Jaden just too cute! :manyheart Love that scarf. Excellent color choices :yes


BTW~I know the scarf isn't HYH related but all my friends tend to hang in here. :manyheart


Doesn't have to be HYH related to just share and hang out :manyheart

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My cousin has been a tattoo artist for 30+ years and has kept a clean shop even before it was required by health code. He's such a talented artist and can do such a beautiful job with the colors that I can usually look at a tat and tell the owner that it was done by him. He's hard to get - he only books once a month and is filled up within 2 hours. NO ONE breaks their appointment. Even his tribal tats are different than the rest - very dimensional.

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Hi everyone. Today has been a great day...DH and I watched movies all afternoon beside a big fire. I crocheted and he dozed. This never happens, because he usually can't sit still and has to be doing something. :lol


Tabby, thanks for sharing the pictures. Jaden is such a cutie and the scarf is so pretty!:hook


I love all the piercing/tattoo talk. My feelings have always been that everyone has the right to do whatever they want to as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. Live and let live. ;):D Gee, that's about as analytical as I can get tonight. :lol


Five rows joined on Mr. Penguin! :cheer I also made a few squares for the next row.

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I like the idea of a tattoo, but I know I could never decide on what to get. Plus there's the whole needle issue. I can't stand them, and have enough issues with giving myself a shot 3 times a week :lol


So I did it! I submitted my enteries today. Fingers crossed now.

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Jaden is adorable in his mohawk haircut. And the scarf is lovely, too.


I'm watching "Prayers for Bobby" on Lifetime and just finished a block for the PD. One down and 11 to go. :devil

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Good Morning Ladies.


Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


Well, i'm hoping to get some :hook done today. My hours at work have been cut again this week so now i'm only on 4 days a week. An extra day to rest, relax & hook. :yes


Sorry your hours have been cut but at least you have a day to yourself.


I finally uploaded the picture of my scrappydo #1



Oh I love it and I like how you put those 2 colour squares in it. :clap


Good Morning, all. Yesterday was 84 and this morning is 27. Brrr!


Linda, I hope you're all better soon. :hug


The phone rang at 4:30 - they were taking MIL to the ER. She's okay now and back at the Nursing Center. DH came home and went straight back to sleep...unlike me who has been up since 4:30.:lol The laundry's done, the taxes are almost done, bills are paid and it's not even 11 a.m. yet.


Who all is going to make Cara's Angel ghan? Is everyone using the pattern colors? :think I emailed the picture to DD and she absolutely loves it!


Im using dark green instead of the marone for the border section. Hope your MIL is ok. :hug


Cara, I think I will borrow that excuse. :lol I have heard it is painful, but never been with anyone while they have had one done.


Yes I couldnt do it, dont need that sort of pain.


Yet more symbolism! All the people I've seen have things like snakes crawling out of a skulls eyesocket or daggers. Only reason they got them was because they were "cool" :lol Now I did know a gal that had the entire lyrics of an Elton John song done on her back because it was her favorite song. I cannot even imagine that one :eek


Oh how painful would that be. :eek


Actually I think it took about a month a few days a week. The pain was just too much and the tattoo artist got tired after awhile. My twisted little brain kept thinking "I hope they spelled everything right because that'd be one heck of a typo to try to fix" :rofl :rofl


Yes and I dont think liquid paper stays on the skin very well either. :rofl


IMO: You're never too old to get a tattoo...as I mentioned, I was in my mid 50's...:D

And I saw a show where a guy in his 80's kept adding to the art work on his body!


What a waste of money though, just think of the yarn you can buy.


Well, here's something to break up this convo. :lol


I promised pics. of the scarf I made last week & forgot to post them. I made this scarf for a teen girl. The pattern is from SNB:HH but I didn't have enough green so I just did more pink & white. :yes Oh and the pic. is Jaden & Santa, I just had to show off my cutie sporting his mohawk. :D










Nice scarf and your son is so cute.


Hi everyone. Today has been a great day...DH and I watched movies all afternoon beside a big fire. I crocheted and he dozed. This never happens, because he usually can't sit still and has to be doing something. :lol


Five rows joined on Mr. Penguin! :cheer I also made a few squares for the next row.


Great progress on the penguin ghan :cheer

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Hi everyone. Today has been a great day...DH and I watched movies all afternoon beside a big fire. I crocheted and he dozed. This never happens, because he usually can't sit still and has to be doing something. :lol


Tabby, thanks for sharing the pictures. Jaden is such a cutie and the scarf is so pretty!:hook


I love all the piercing/tattoo talk. My feelings have always been that everyone has the right to do whatever they want to as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. Live and let live. ;):D Gee, that's about as analytical as I can get tonight. :lol


Five rows joined on Mr. Penguin! :cheer I also made a few squares for the next row.


Sounds like you and DH had a lovely day :manyheart


So I did it! I submitted my enteries today. Fingers crossed now.


Good luck!! :cheer


BD got us new book credits from audible :dance So I've been listening to a new book all evening. Pretty good so far. But now it's beddie bye time :yawn

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hey ladies

Holy Canoli , you guys have some interesting talk in here . I have nothing against people getting pierced, tattooed or anything else they wanna do, it's their bodies .


Hey Miss Tab - good to see you here. I missed out on all the main talk, Cam was here all day yesterday and spent the night,so I'm taking a 5 minute break to check in here while he's getting dressed .

I'm a little bamboozled that your sister SHOWED you and your mom her piercing. There is NO WAY I'd show either of mine. One would faint dead away and the other would call me every name under the sun, so I think I'd pass on the showing them .


Well, gotta get off, you guys all have a good day .

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About the two colored squares. Those are because I didn't have enough yarn to do a full saltine so I did half and half. LOL No design thinking involved. Just trying not to waste the yarn :lol I'm glad you all liked them though.

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hey ladies

Holy Canoli , you guys have some interesting talk in here . I have nothing against people getting pierced, tattooed or anything else they wanna do, it's their bodies .


Hey Miss Tab - good to see you here. I missed out on all the main talk, Cam was here all day yesterday and spent the night,so I'm taking a 5 minute break to check in here while he's getting dressed .

I'm a little bamboozled that your sister SHOWED you and your mom her piercing. There is NO WAY I'd show either of mine. One would faint dead away and the other would call me every name under the sun, so I think I'd pass on the showing them .


Well, gotta get off, you guys all have a good day .


Have a great day with Cam :manyheart



About the two colored squares. Those are because I didn't have enough yarn to do a full saltine so I did half and half. LOL No design thinking involved. Just trying not to waste the yarn :lol I'm glad you all liked them though.


Smart gal! :tup


So I'm up. For now :lol Probably won't last long though. Have to go to WM in a bit because we're in desperate need of yarn and milk :hook

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Good morning. I'm up. I think my head feels better today, but not so sure about my chest yet. Too soon to tell. I'm planning a quiet day again. Not enough energy for anything else.


Hi, Julie! Have a fun day with Cam. Give him a hug for me. Wish I lived close enough to my grandson to give him a hug myself.


Will check back in later.

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