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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Thanks Mary, and I hope your hubby will soon feel better. I'm like him about colds. I rarely EVER get them.


Linda- I hope you are doing better today, the meds should kick in now and get that sick outta there .


Cara- I think me and you came from twin families. I have a sister the same way. She is 4 years younger and has ALWAYS been very into her looks ,even as a wee little kid, she cared what she wore every day .

I have always been the opposite, I could give a crap what I'm wearing as long as it's clean . I don't do dirty .

I don't care if my things match or how I look in them . I give myself haircuts, and if it's crooked, who cares ? Not me .

My sister took me to the mall one year and picked out all these makeover clothes for me so I'd "dress my age " .

I hated them. Uncomfortable, tight ,I just looked stupid . Then she buys all the doggone beauty equipment and a spackler to try to patch me up like an old rusty car, then paint over the wrinkles and dents .

THEN she gives me a permanent .

That was the final straw . I went down and bought ANOTHER permanent after she went home, and combed that stuff through my hair til it was straight as a poker ( but sounded like dry leaves crinkling in the fall wind )


Never again. I LIKE looking like I do . Plain, ordinary me . I might stick out in a crowd if I wear my lime green pants with my orange sweatshirt, but that's ok .

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Thanks Mary, and I hope your hubby will soon feel better. I'm like him about colds. I rarely EVER get them.


Linda- I hope you are doing better today, the meds should kick in now and get that sick outta there .


Cara- I think me and you came from twin families. I have a sister the same way. She is 4 years younger and has ALWAYS been very into her looks ,even as a wee little kid, she cared what she wore every day .

I have always been the opposite, I could give a crap what I'm wearing as long as it's clean . I don't do dirty .

I don't care if my things match or how I look in them . I give myself haircuts, and if it's crooked, who cares ? Not me .

My sister took me to the mall one year and picked out all these makeover clothes for me so I'd "dress my age " .

I hated them. Uncomfortable, tight ,I just looked stupid . Then she buys all the doggone beauty equipment and a spackler to try to patch me up like an old rusty car, then paint over the wrinkles and dents .

THEN she gives me a permanent .

That was the final straw . I went down and bought ANOTHER permanent after she went home, and combed that stuff through my hair til it was straight as a poker ( but sounded like dry leaves crinkling in the fall wind )


Never again. I LIKE looking like I do . Plain, ordinary me . I might stick out in a crowd if I wear my lime green pants with my orange sweatshirt, but that's ok .


Good for you! Yeah, she tries to get me to wear makeup and buy a curling iron but that's just too much work for me. Makeup gives me hives and that hurts! I wear a simple bob. I do have someone else cut it and she does a great job. I refuse to color my hair which is a another thing that makes my sister nuts :lol I like to look put together but I don't need to be a fashion plate. My main goal is comfort and at least trying to not look too much like an unmade bed :rofl

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:hi all


Good for you! Yeah, she tries to get me to wear makeup and buy a curling iron but that's just too much work for me. Makeup gives me hives and that hurts! I wear a simple bob. I do have someone else cut it and she does a great job. I refuse to color my hair which is a another thing that makes my sister nuts :lol I like to look put together but I don't need to be a fashion plate. My main goal is comfort and at least trying to not look too much like an unmade bed :rofl


That sounds a bit like me. :lol As long as it is clean, comfortable and sorta looks like it goes together, I will wear it. :D I have never been able to apply make up, so never bothered with it. I couldn't be bothered to have my hair cut. It gets washed, dried and tied up every day. Simple, easy and out of my way. :yes


Now, where on earth did I get a DD that wants a hair straightener, lipgloss and nail polish? :think I shudder to think what she is going to be into when she is a bit older. :eek

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:hi all




That sounds a bit like me. :lol As long as it is clean, comfortable and sorta looks like it goes together, I will wear it. :D I have never been able to apply make up, so never bothered with it. I couldn't be bothered to have my hair cut. It gets washed, dried and tied up every day. Simple, easy and out of my way. :yes



Morning Tracy!! :hi I can't put on makeup correctly either. I think I always end up looking like a clown :lol If I go to something that really calls for makeup I put on mascara and lipstick and that's it. No foundation (like I said, gives me hives and I've tried them all), no powder, no nail polish, no rouge.



Now, where on earth did I get a DD that wants a hair straightener, lipgloss and nail polish? :think I shudder to think what she is going to be into when

she is a bit older. :eek


My poor mother was a hair dresser/beauty school instructor who dispaired of me til the day she died. She was always after me to doll up a bit. She'd tell me I'm so pretty, why not enhanced that beauty. I always told her I was beautiful just the way I am :D She had stomach cancer and on the day she had her stomach actually REMOVED from her body she came out the knock out stuff and the first thing she said was to me and it was, "don't you ever comb your hair?" :blush Hey, it was very windy that day and my mind was somewhere other than my hair :lol

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Cara, I think my mind would be somewhere else, too. :yes Looks like moms get the opposite daughters. :lol


That's okay. My mother had two other daughters that dolled up for her :lol Not that momma didn't love me. Don't get that idea at all. She loved me for my being willing to try anything once, my humor and my creativity :manyheart

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I have two daughters - My DD10 is very pretty, practical and down-to-earth. She dresses conservatively and plain, has a simple straight hairstyle (long) but keeps it neat. She just found out she looks really cute in 2 braids instead of one, but that's as far as she goes to fancy up. She said the other day she doesn't want her ears pierced until she's 18.. (I would have probably allowed 14, HB at 16)


DD5 is a nother story, however. She's all about dressing up each day in a party dress (to school, no less) and tights and hair stuff, and pretty shoes. She despises when I make her wear her snowgear to school, and is all glittery stuff and princesses and fairies. Now I realize some of it is her age, but I can just tell she's gonna be the Teen Hellraiser! Of course, I can dress up, and I do wear makeup (more frequently now than before) and can go either way with caring or not caring what people think about what I wear - depends on if its to my advantage or not. She is gonna be the death of me, though! :rofl


OK, just searched through CPC for 12" patterns, but I think I just had an idea for my own... gonna have to try it. :yes

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Cara, your mom got different kinds of daughters, she was blessed. :yes Any mom would love to have you as a daughter. :yes


Krystal, I am dreading the teenage thing already. :eek Kyla's ears are pierced, have been since she was 5 months old, but she doesn't wear earings much at all. And if she does, they are usually out after a couple of hours. :think

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Mary, please add another 24 solids, 4 bicolors, and 9 4-color saltines to my score.


I wear makeup only occasionally. Just for when I'm going someplace special mostly. I can put it on okay, but it's just too much hassle for everyday.


When I was growing up the only makeup that was allowed was a little lipstick. And my ears got pierced when I was 19 and in nursing school. My folks didn't even know I'd done it until I went home for summer vacation. I did it because I have such tiny earlobes that regular earrings always fell off. Now I've got two sets of holes and wear at least 1 pair at all times. Little ones usually in the top set and long dangles in the bottom set. Sometimes long dangles in both sets.


My daughter is a lot like me in personality. Except she always wears tiny dainty jewelry. Mine is anything but that.


BTW, the soup turned out great. Yummy and nutritious.

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Make up and (pierced) earings...all of the above...plus extra bling:D



SDR likes it when I look put together (his mom's influence, I think - I loved her dearly - and she was always put together). I never go out the door without makeup, and now - after seeing the "before" image in the mirror - I'm more than happy to use it. Five minutes and I'm out the door.


I used to be a Mary Kay rep, too...:lol

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My mom pierced my ears at 14 because she'd just bought this spiffy new piercing gun and she wanted to try it out. I wore earring until I was 20 and DS #1 was born. He was fascinated with earrings and it HURT if he got hold of them :lol That put an end to my earring days, except the day BD and I got married. Those were clipon though because I can't get earring in the holes anymore :rofl

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Make up and (pierced) earings...all of the above...plus extra bling:D



SDR likes it when I look put together (his mom's influence, I think - I loved her dearly - and she was always put together). I never go out the door without makeup, and now - after seeing the "before" image in the mirror - I'm more than happy to use it. Five minutes and I'm out the door.


I used to be a Mary Kay rep, too...:lol


My sister is a Mary Kay rep too. She doesn't send me makeup but once in a whle she'll give me a nice lotion :yes

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My sister is a Mary Kay rep too. She doesn't send me makeup but once in a whle she'll give me a nice lotion :yes

Their stuff is good....but in addition to the fact that most ladies I know don't bother with make up unless they have an "occasion" (and then forget how to apply it) I was giving all my friends a deep discount on the products and wasn't making any money!:lol

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A quick flyby.


50 solid saltines to report! :D


Mary, please add another 24 solids, 4 bicolors, and 9 4-color saltines to my score.

Heather and Linda ~ Squares are added.:hook


I'm almost caught up with Happy Housewife chores...and then plan on crocheting for a while. :D I hope everyone is having a great day.

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I have two sets of holes in each ear (had three, but not sure if the top ones are still open). Mom made both bottom sets with a needle and ice (first when I was 6 weeks old, I think). The third set I went to a professional. :D I had a nose stud, but stopped wearing it when I bought a new one and couldn't get the new one in. :lol

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Heather and Linda ~ Squares are added.:hook


I'm almost caught up with Happy Housewife chores...and then plan on crocheting for a while. :D I hope everyone is having a great day.


So good so far around here :D I ended up doing a bunch of Happy Housewife stuff too. I just went to peel potatoes, next thing I know I've done an hour worth of cleaning :lol

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Lots of squares were added this week.:cheer Please let me know if any changes need to be made. :)


Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Donna (sewnsew) 1283

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Cathy (crashcat07) 1076

Val (Priszm) 837

Wendy (Aussie) ***812

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***771

Heather (hseger) 751

Denise (denisethorpe) 694

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 437

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Mary (Skysmom) *** 280

Tammy (TammyG) 212

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 190

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Judy (judianne) 153

Dusti (rii698) *** 126

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Jessica (jessicagil) 97

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Selanda (crocrazy) 22

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

Cara (Misa)

*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

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Love the piercing stories! I have two in each ear, but only wear the diamond studs that DH gave me for our 25th anniversary...I almost never take them out. :manyheart Years ago, my sister and I were at Valley View Mall in Dallas and she finally decided to get her ears pierced. Back then, Sears had a booth just for ear piercing. So, she finally got up enough courage, the lady was great...and my sister fainted! Luckily, it was right by the furniture area and she could lay down for a while. We have laughed about that ever since. :lol I got mine done in the dorm in college with the needle and ice cube.

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Hello happy hookers!! :hi I'm sooo not ready to be home. And the next time DBF gets the bright idea to take a cruise in January, we're going further south! That cold front that moved through everywhere this week? Yeah, it hit the Bahamas too. I was meandering around Nassau in jeans and a sweater. It was chilly! Didn't stop me from spending money though :lol And we also won't be doing another 4 day cruise. It's just not long enough. Need a 7 day one next time :D

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Love the piercing stories! I have two in each ear, but only wear the diamond studs that DH gave me for our 25th anniversary...I almost never take them out. :manyheart Years ago, my sister and I were at Valley View Mall in Dallas and she finally decided to get her ears pierced. Back then, Sears had a booth just for ear piercing. So, she finally got up enough courage, the lady was great...and my sister fainted! Luckily, it was right by the furniture area and she could lay down for a while. We have laughed about that ever since. :lol I got mine done in the dorm in college with the needle and ice cube.


My momma used to tell us that a lot of folks fainted. I didn't faint or get sick. The noise that gun made will send you right of your skin though :lol


Hello happy hookers!! :hi I'm sooo not ready to be home. And the next time DBF gets the bright idea to take a cruise in January, we're going further south! That cold front that moved through everywhere this week? Yeah, it hit the Bahamas too. I was meandering around Nassau in jeans and a sweater. It was chilly! Didn't stop me from spending money though :lol And we also won't be doing another 4 day cruise. It's just not long enough. Need a 7 day one next time :D


Welcome home Val!! :hi:hug I'm so glad you had a good time in spite of the weather. Yep, plan one for spring or summer this year and have yourself a nice long cruise too!


Brother! I've been trying to read and answer posts for what I'm thinking is about an hour. Suddenly I just could not stay awake. Never had it hit that badly. Guess my meds really took it out of me today :lol


Got up and walked around a bit and got another glass of caffeine. Hopefully that'll help. Don't wanna take a nap because then I'll be up all night :P

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I got my ears pierced by a co-worker: ice cube method in the rest room.

Believe it or not, I didn't faint. Now if I were to do something like that today, I'd be on the floor.


Priszm, we went on one cruise years ago...a 7 day one, and it was just the right amount of time.

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Old Lady clothes are the way they are because it takes you that long to not give a **** about what people think and you dress the way you want and be comfortable. It's really a secret society that you have to be smart enough to enter, not a humiliation!


Oh my if I dressed how I wanted my kids would get made fun of. I do like all black & black hair, & black everything. I was dressing this way but even the kids teachers where asking about me. the church they where going to kept trying to get my kids to get me to church so I could be saved. I never knew why I felt like I was burning in church although I do now. So I wear black pants, huge sweats (when I am bloated but nothing else happens thanks lupus :irk), and different colored shirts. I must wear bigger shirts then I should as my top shelf is huge. I get looked at like now I been cleaning too much. At least they leave the kids alone now... I still can't wear jeans even if I find any to fit right. I do tend to wear make up when I have a meeting at school but never to the doctor. they need to see how I really look. :lol I did find a fondation that hide the butterfly rash thing on my face rather nicely... if I mix it with lotion.


Anyhow I am off to think about starting an ATW. I am tired though. I stayed up till 330 this morning readung Harry Potter 5 & I am still not done.

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