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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Yeah, I like it with fried okra too but I'm out and I don't make it from scratch :lol We have the steak probably a bit more often than we should for a smart meal choice but my goodness it's just so good :drool

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I have never eaten chicken fried steak, and I haven't eaten steak PERIOD in about 10 years... maybe more. It's just not something I need. :shrug


Yep, living in NY perfected my chicken fried steak making skills. They've never heard of such a thing :lol Worked with a nurse once that went to SC and had it. She described it as "pretty good, awful heavy though". I told her it was made just right then :rofl

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Thank you Andrea :hug


Just entered Becky's Blocks in the Vanna's contest :yay Here's hoping. I wanted to enter all three today but I couldn't get good pictures of the other two on my own :sigh I'm sure my sister will help me tomorrow :)

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That sounds like a yummy supper, Cara. Enjoy! Congrats on the WM gift certificate.


Here's a picture of the doily I made for my doctor. I'm going in to see her tomorrow about this cold I can't kick. Finally got all the tails hidden and got it starched and ironed. I used size 30 thread and a size 7 steel crochet hook. It's pretty but it generates a gazillion tails, especially in the middle.


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That sounds like a yummy supper, Cara. Enjoy! Congrats on the WM gift certificate.


Here's a picture of the doily I made for my doctor. I'm going in to see her tomorrow about this cold I can't kick. Finally got all the tails hidden and got it starched and ironed. I used size 30 thread and a size 7 steel crochet hook. It's pretty but it generates a gazillion tails, especially in the middle.



Size 30 thread!?! :nworthy It's gorgeous! :clap

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Great job Linda you have lots more patience than i do I gave all my thread away i had tons of it. Your Painted desert ghan is coming along great youve done a great jo with it. I think you have smokin needles though with as much as you do and as quick as you finish something. I wish I was that fast at things.

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Great job Linda you have lots more patience than i do I gave all my thread away i had tons of it. Your Painted desert ghan is coming along great youve done a great jo with it. I think you have smokin needles though with as much as you do and as quick as you finish something. I wish I was that fast at things.

Thank you. Compared to a lot of the others in here, I feel like a real slow-poke a good bit of the time. Mostly it's just that I keep plugging away at things. :yarn


I did sewing projects this afternoon. Shortened a pair of Kim's new pj bottoms. Fixed a hole in one of my socks. Made a draft blocker for the doors in John & Kim's bedroom. I had bought some at Bed Bath & Beyond, but they were too short, so I got some material and a queen sized comforter at Goodwill and made our own. The one I made today is 80" long and works very nicely. I have 2 more long ones to make and one that's only 40" long. Our doors are extra wide to accommodate a wheelchair.


I'm heading for bed now.

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That sounds like a yummy supper, Cara. Enjoy! Congrats on the WM gift certificate.


Here's a picture of the doily I made for my doctor. I'm going in to see her tomorrow about this cold I can't kick. Finally got all the tails hidden and got it starched and ironed. I used size 30 thread and a size 7 steel crochet hook. It's pretty but it generates a gazillion tails, especially in the middle.



Thank you. Compared to a lot of the others in here, I feel like a real slow-poke a good bit of the time. Mostly it's just that I keep plugging away at things. :yarn


I did sewing projects this afternoon. Shortened a pair of Kim's new pj bottoms. Fixed a hole in one of my socks. Made a draft blocker for the doors in John & Kim's bedroom. I had bought some at Bed Bath & Beyond, but they were too short, so I got some material and a queen sized comforter at Goodwill and made our own. The one I made today is 80" long and works very nicely. I have 2 more long ones to make and one that's only 40" long. Our doors are extra wide to accommodate a wheelchair.


I'm heading for bed now.


That's a very clever idea to recycle a comforter into draft stoppers :clap Sleep well :hug

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That sounds like a yummy supper, Cara. Enjoy! Congrats on the WM gift certificate.


Here's a picture of the doily I made for my doctor. I'm going in to see her tomorrow about this cold I can't kick. Finally got all the tails hidden and got it starched and ironed. I used size 30 thread and a size 7 steel crochet hook. It's pretty but it generates a gazillion tails, especially in the middle.



that is just beautiful!!

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Happy Birthday Cara

(sorry this is late,) yesterday turned into one of them busy days you dont expect til they hit you all at once. I LOVE Country fried steak( or chicken fried ,I THINK they are both the same thing, and that white gravy -- my gosh, I could take a BATH in that stuff .

Also congrats on the good results at your Dr's . :)







Happy Birthday Karen -


We must have lots of birthdays in our gang in January .. mine is next week .


30 was ok, the only thing I remember is that I felt "officially old" when I turned 30. As long as I was in my twenties, I thought it sounded young .

40 wasn't bad. 50 was great ( birthday wise) ,only because by 50, you get a confidence in yourself you may not have had before, and you learn to LIKE yourself ,flaws and all. You dont worry as much with petty things like if you look like a fashion model or stuff like that .


50 also sounds POWERFUL .:D


Linda- your doily is gorgeous,as is the painted desert . You have some magical talent in those hands .

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Just entered Becky's Blocks in the Vanna's contest :yay Here's hoping. I wanted to enter all three today but I couldn't get good pictures of the other two on my own :sigh I'm sure my sister will help me tomorrow :)

:cheer This is so exciting! Have they said when the winners will be announced?


Here's a picture of the doily I made for my doctor. I'm going in to see her tomorrow about this cold I can't kick. Finally got all the tails hidden and got it starched and ironed. I used size 30 thread and a size 7 steel crochet hook. It's pretty but it generates a gazillion tails, especially in the middle.



It's beautiful, Linda! The colors are just wonderful together. :hook


Good Morning Ladies!


12 more squares Mary.


Love your doily Linda!


Everyone have a fantastic day!

Hi Selanda! 12 more added to the list. :yes

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Happy Birthday Cara

(sorry this is late,) yesterday turned into one of them busy days you dont expect til they hit you all at once. I LOVE Country fried steak( or chicken fried ,I THINK they are both the same thing, and that white gravy -- my gosh, I could take a BATH in that stuff .

Also congrats on the good results at your Dr's . :)







Happy Birthday Karen -


We must have lots of birthdays in our gang in January .. mine is next week .


30 was ok, the only thing I remember is that I felt "officially old" when I turned 30. As long as I was in my twenties, I thought it sounded young .

40 wasn't bad. 50 was great ( birthday wise) ,only because by 50, you get a confidence in yourself you may not have had before, and you learn to LIKE yourself ,flaws and all. You dont worry as much with petty things like if you look like a fashion model or stuff like that .


50 also sounds POWERFUL .:D


Linda- your doily is gorgeous,as is the painted desert . You have some magical talent in those hands .


Thank you, doll :hug Yes, I could bathe in white gravy too. It'd probably be better if I did bathe in it instead of eating it :rofl :rofl I ended up making so much steak there's leftovers for today :drool Boy was it good, too, if I do say so myself :D I'm totally excited about 50! I think 50 is when folks actually start taking you seriously. Even at 43 I'm still treated like a child at times. :irk 50 does sound very POWERFUL! :D



:cheerHappy Birthday (Late) CARA..

WOW, A laptop is a WONDERFUL gift.:clap



Thank you, sweetie :hug


Good Morning Ladies!


12 more squares Mary.


Love your doily Linda!


Everyone have a fantastic day!


Morning Selanda! :hi


:cheer This is so exciting! Have they said when the winners will be announced?


Yeah. On or about May 1st. How's that for decisive? :lol I'm sure it'll be May 1st and they're just hedging their bets, just in case :yes


Today is my day out and I have clothes shopping to do :dance BD finally settled into letting me spend 100 bucks on a couple of new outfits. I was so embarrassed at the drs yesterday. Was trying to hold my britches up and my book with one hand and trying to remove a floppy entirely too large overshirt so they could take my BP :blush I went back out the to truck and the first thing out of my mouth to BD was, I need new clothes NOW! :rofl Poor guy :lol

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Cara- nothing wrong with getting some new duds every so often . I went after Christmas and got me some new things ---


I think I have been eating a little too much gravy. I needed bigger pants .


So even if I WASN't 50, I'd be powerful .


I could probably pick up a 2 ton pickup truck and toss it across the road .

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Hidey Ho Miss Judy

It's going better today. Yesterday wasn't so great, I was having a case of CHICKEN-ITIS and threatening to back out on my new Inspector Gadget knee . :sweat

I made the mistake of stopping by the therapy room at the hospital to ask what all they are gonna make me do and for how long .


The lady I talked to looked suspiciously familiar.

A little like Jillian on Biggest Loser . :scared


I happened to ask her if she knew who that was, and she said yep, and I'm just like her. :ohdear


You will probably be crying and puking when I get done with you .


Well, I made the mistake of telling HER that I have the ability to bring out Jillian in myself.( she's just hiding under several layers of skin, but she is in here . ) :grumpy


We kinda had a face-off yesterday ,or to put it more kindly, kinda like a stare-down .


It was like in the Gunsmoke show, where the 2 cowboys are in the street, hands on their guns .......... :cowboy


If we vote on QUICKNESS, she will have me beat. There are SLOTHS that move quicker than me . If we vote on pure flat-out STUBBORN , I think I will win . :kick


There could only be one left standing in the end .


( It'll probably be her, since I won't have a leg to stand on . )


I'm now worried that they will saw on the wrong leg, find their mistake, but too late, so to cover it up, they will saw that leg OFF. Then they will repair the other knee ,put a pillow down under the blankets where my leg SHOULD be ,and send me upstairs .


If you all have a new member named The STUMP, it's just me, half the woman I used to be .

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Julie, you think too much! You and SDR do the same thing...borrowing a problem before you even know if there is any!

Seriously..I know this is easy for me to say, given my temperment and also the fact it's not me going under the knife...but you need some time to decompress and just tell yourself it'll be fine and that you'll do what you need to do in therapy and it'll all work out.

Because it WILL.:yes

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