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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Ladies. I promise to forgive those of you who don't like cornbread. :D I didn't use to like it either. :lol But now I have a collection of iron pans to cook it in - one is in the shape of a cactus.


Linda ~ Happy Birthday to John! Your filet work is gorgeous. :hook


I went to JoAnn's today. All of their pattern books were 40% off, so of course I had to buy some. I managed to add two more rounds of the border to my IC today and hope to finish it by this weekend. :yes

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Valerie - Hope you feel better soon :hug


Mary - I went to JoAnn's too. Bought fabric that was on clearance and a couple other things but no yarn. Glad you found bargains too :clap

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Jessica - That's great that DH made up some for being a horse's rump :wink I thought Pirates online was the online version of the game Pirates all this time :oops I didn't realize it was based on the Pirates of the Carribean. We're World of Warcraft freaks around here though I haven't played in weeks.


I can't get the whole WOW game. However I have issues if I cannot play Pirates at least once a day. :lol


Hey ladies!! So sorry I won't have time to read back on this thread and actually understand all I've missed over the past few days. I am home now, and with Alexander of course. It was not a fun ride but he was terribly worth it. This was my little "blog" entry from last night for you guys to read...


"As some of you know I was pregnant! Now Im not...finally. After 10 months of pregnancy we had to induce. I didn't feel hardly a thing til around 12pm that night and decided I needed help with pain, so I got the lovely back tube. When it was finally time to push, I did for 2 straight hours. I basically was so tired I feel asleep between contractions. My back pain was the only pain I could feel really, but turns out little Alex was a face up breech and I was WAY too tired to try. Decided to c-section him...and thank god we did, he was NOT gonna fit anyhow.


Alexander Dean Medley was born on December 28th at 11:40am via c-section weighing 8lbs 11oz and 20 inches in length.


He is a doll so far and I could not be happier with how I was treating over the 4 day stay. Look forward to posting more pics soon...but I am supposed to rest! ;)"


So yeah as you can tell it was a really hard delivery, and I basically was not going to have him natural regardless because of his size and breech. :( but hes out and healthy and thats what matters. Im sore and whiney because I hate being so helpless and the husband is trying so hard but hes also worn out. Oh well, one night home what should I expect! Anyways...pictures...




Momma's first time holding booger



Daddy and Alex



First family pic...I look a mess because of fluids and crying/pushing/ect but I have my two loves so thats what matters:)


If you wanna see more of him this link should work http://www.flickr.com/photos/eemedley/ let me know if it doesn't


Thank you all for the support, answers, thoughts and prayers :manyheart


YAY ERIN!! CONGRATS! You all look so happy!


Jessica, Yay for your DH actually thinking of you. ;) I'm glad you had fun shopping at JoAnn's. :hook


It was nice while it lasted. :rolleyes


Uh, I don't like cornbread. I think it's icky :D


Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!


I am so jealous. :devil

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Mary - Mmmm, black eyed peas and cornbread :drool We're having rolls with ours because we're having ham and my sister over who doesn't care for cornbread. :eek I know. I can't imagine anyone not liking cornbread :lol


Sister and the boy are coming over today. My BIL had to work after all :( But we'll send him a plate and he Christmas pressie :D


I have never had cornbread before.


I'm going to try out the new waffle maker in a bit.


Today is John's birthday and here loved the filet piece for his office. He didn't realize Kim and I had framed both his pieces. He was impressed with that too.


Have fun with your waffle maker. Hope John has a great :bday


Uh, I don't like cornbread. I think it's icky :D


Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!


Wow great photos of the fireworks.


Hi Ladies. I promise to forgive those of you who don't like cornbread. :D I didn't use to like it either. :lol But now I have a collection of iron pans to cook it in - one is in the shape of a cactus.


Linda ~ Happy Birthday to John! Your filet work is gorgeous. :hook


I went to JoAnn's today. All of their pattern books were 40% off, so of course I had to buy some. I managed to add two more rounds of the border to my IC today and hope to finish it by this weekend. :yes


Oh cool now you will have loads of wips soon with all your new books.


Happy New Year All,



Still under the weather. Having a hard time shaking illness. Will check back in soon.


Hey there, Happy New Year, hope you feel better soon. :hug

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Good morning and Happy New Year. I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally joined the blogging world and started a blog yesterday. Not much there yet but wanted to announce it if any of you cared to take a peek. Link is in my siggy.

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:hi everyone. We FINALLY have internet. :D


The babies are cute, I just love looking at babies. :yes


Happy New Year to everyone.


Cara, I would also like to join the angel ghan, please? :hook


Mary, 318 solids, please. :hook Only three more rows and then the border for the ATW. :woo Been knitting and crocheting while waiting for the internet. :crocheting

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Good Morning, all. :)


Welcome back, Tracy! We've missed you so much. I hope you're settled in your new home and have had a good Holiday. :manyheart318 more sent you all the way to 2127 squares...another 2000 squares winner on the list. :cheer


Valerie, feel better soon. :hug


Wendy, I've added 10 more solid squares. :yes


Hi Linda M. ~ WTG on starting your blog! What are you working on now?

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Good morning and Happy New Year. I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally joined the blogging world and started a blog yesterday. Not much there yet but wanted to announce it if any of you cared to take a peek. Link is in my siggy.


I'll have to remember to add it to my feed reader!


:hi everyone. We FINALLY have internet. :D


The babies are cute, I just love looking at babies. :yes


Happy New Year to everyone.


Cara, I would also like to join the angel ghan, please? :hook


Mary, 318 solids, please. :hook Only three more rows and then the border for the ATW. :woo Been knitting and crocheting while waiting for the internet. :crocheting

Welcome back!

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Good Morning, all. :)



Hi Linda M. ~ WTG on starting your blog! What are you working on now?


I'm working on the Vertical Vintage Stripe afghan right now. Found it online while surfing and fell in love with the idea. You change colors every row. A link to the pattern and what I did on it yesterday is on my blog. Have already done 4 more rows on it this morning.

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I'll have to remember to add it to my feed reader!



Welcome back!

Ok so I don't blog much but whats a feed reader?


:hi everyone. We FINALLY have internet. :D


The babies are cute, I just love looking at babies. :yes


Happy New Year to everyone.


Cara, I would also like to join the angel ghan, please? :hook


Mary, 318 solids, please. :hook Only three more rows and then the border for the ATW. :woo Been knitting and crocheting while waiting for the internet. :crocheting


:clap:clap:clap:clapYAY welcome back!


I have never had cornbread before.





Oh Wendy you are missing out! If I could get nice warm, fresh cornbread muffins to you I would!!! With a little honey too!




Oh ERIN Alex is beautiful! Don't you feel like the luckiest person on earth! I am here for you with the whole induction process. It took them a total of 3 1/2 days to induce and by that time my body quit but they refused to do a c section! We both ended up staying in the hospital longer because of it too! Hope you are recovering well! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just got all caught up on posts! Thank you everyone for the comments on Lennon and my projects! :hug


Hope everyone had a Happy New Year.

I was working until midnight. So celebrated with whatever customer was on my phone at the time the clock struck midnight! Oh well.....:(

DH and I went home had a glass of wine and went to bed. Better luck next year I guess! :lol


Prizsm, I've been meaning to ask you, and if you don't want to tell I understand, but what do you do from home? I have been looking for somewhere to work from home so I can be home with Lennon. PM me if you prefer!

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Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!

Priszm, your firework pics are great!

Still under the weather. Having a hard time shaking illness. Will check back in soon.

Valerie, hope you get to feeling better soon. There are some nasty bugs around now that are so hard to shake. :hug

:hi everyone. We FINALLY have internet. :D


Mary, 318 solids, please. :hook Only three more rows and then the border for the ATW. :woo Been knitting and crocheting while waiting for the internet. :crocheting

Tracy, welcome back! We've missed you. Boy have you been busy making squares!

Welcome back, Tracy! We've missed you so much. I hope you're settled in your new home and have had a good Holiday. :manyheart318 more sent you all the way to 2127 squares...another 2000 squares winner on the list. :cheer

Tracy, Congratulations on making the 2,000 mark and then some! :yay:clap:yay

I'm working on the Vertical Vintage Stripe afghan right now. Found it online while surfing and fell in love with the idea. You change colors every row. A link to the pattern and what I did on it yesterday is on my blog. Have already done 4 more rows on it this morning.

Ooooo! That's very pretty! And it would be a great stash buster. Where did you find the pattern? It looks like one I'd like.


John's going bow hunting this afternoon. He can barely hobble without the can and he's going hunting! Men!!!! And he sends his thanks for all the birthday good wishes.


I'm still making beaded snowflakes. I fell in love with these patterns. I'm going to try adding some extra beads to one of them and see what happens. :lol

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Ooooo! That's very pretty! And it would be a great stash buster. Where did you find the pattern? It looks like one I'd like.



Here is the link to the pattern




Very simple. Basically double crochet in each space with a v-stitch at the end. Warning....pattern says to chain 250 to start and says it should be between 6 and 7 feet long. Well, everyone that has made it says that it is way longer than that. I normally get 12 dc/4" so that sounded about right. Mine is over 9 feet long! But I'm not starting over; this one will just be extra long. May turn up the bottom and make a pocket for my feet; not sure yet, will see when it is finished.

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Ok so I don't blog much but whats a feed reader?


My email is through Gmail and one of Google's features is a reader. All you have to do is "subscribe" (no cost) to someone you want automatic updates too. So say for my blog for example (since I know the address :lol). In Google Reader I click on the subscribe button, and enter the address of http://throughthepriszm.wordpress.com and add. Then anytime that blog is updated, it shows up in Reader. I don't have to try and keep track of the different blogs or click on individual ones to see if it's been updated. One downside, it doesn't seem to work for Blogger blogs you have to have permission to read. If you use Google, it's on the iGoogle page. I know there's other versions, I'm just stupid when it comes to them and Google's was easy as pie. You can also set up different files for the blogs.


Regarding work at home, I'll PM you. I'm careful about saying company names online in case said companies every try to search for themselves in forums/blogs :lol

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I have never had cornbread before.


Oh you poor deprived child :eek:lol


:hi everyone. We FINALLY have internet. :D


Cara, I would also like to join the angel ghan, please? :hook


It's Tracy!!! Tracy's back! :jumpyay:woo:dance Of course, you can do the angel too :manyheart


Good Morning, all. :)


Welcome back, Tracy! We've missed you so much. I hope you're settled in your new home and have had a good Holiday. :manyheart318 more sent you all the way to 2127 squares...another 2000 squares winner on the list. :cheer



:yay:clap:woo One more I'm behind on :blush


John's going bow hunting this afternoon. He can barely hobble without the can and he's going hunting! Men!!!! And he sends his thanks for all the birthday good wishes.


:rofl Sounds like me yesterday. My hip was so sore and stiff I could barely move but that darn sure didn't keep me from JoAnns and Michaels :lol


I think I've gotten almost if not the entire 3rd section of my GT squares done :clap BD got all the Lost DVDs for Christmas and they've sucked me in :lol Not much sewing but I can crochet and watch TV if it's repetitive. That TV is corrupting me :lol Maybe I'd better go back to my audiobooks next week when he goes back to work :wink

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My email is through Gmail and one of Google's features is a reader. All you have to do is "subscribe" (no cost) to someone you want automatic updates too. So say for my blog for example (since I know the address :lol). In Google Reader I click on the subscribe button, and enter the address of http://throughthepriszm.wordpress.com and add. Then anytime that blog is updated, it shows up in Reader. I don't have to try and keep track of the different blogs or click on individual ones to see if it's been updated. One downside, it doesn't seem to work for Blogger blogs you have to have permission to read. If you use Google, it's on the iGoogle page. I know there's other versions, I'm just stupid when it comes to them and Google's was easy as pie. You can also set up different files for the blogs.


Regarding work at home, I'll PM you. I'm careful about saying company names online in case said companies every try to search for themselves in forums/blogs :lol


Got your pm! :ty:ty:ty

Also I use Gmail AND Igoogle so will check this feature out! Thanks again! :hug

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Got your pm! :ty:ty:ty

Also I use Gmail AND Igoogle so will check this feature out! Thanks again! :hug


No problem! Let me know if you need help setting up Reader.

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Thank you, ladies. :D And I haven't done any :crocheting since I got connected this morning. :lol

No surprise there. :devil How are Kyla and Denise?


I'm working on the Vertical Vintage Stripe afghan right now. Found it online while surfing and fell in love with the idea. You change colors every row. A link to the pattern and what I did on it yesterday is on my blog. Have already done 4 more rows on it this morning.

This is a great pattern! I've made a scarf using the same technique and it turned out really pretty. :crocheting


I'm still making beaded snowflakes. I fell in love with these patterns. I'm going to try adding some extra beads to one of them and see what happens. :lol

They sound beautiful...will you take pictures? :D


I think I've gotten almost if not the entire 3rd section of my GT squares done :clap BD got all the Lost DVDs for Christmas and they've sucked me in :lol Not much sewing but I can crochet and watch TV if it's repetitive. That TV is corrupting me :lol Maybe I'd better go back to my audiobooks next week when he goes back to work :wink

Super progress, Cara! :cheer

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Kyla and Denise are fine, thank you. :D Denise is roasting and getting a tan in SA (they left on Monday for almost three weeks) and Kyla has been on the laptop upstairs all day. She hasn't even changed out of her pyjamas yet. She has been catching up with her friends. We have hardly ventured out this week, nights have been -3*C and days between 2 and 4. :wbrr

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Congratulations to Tracy for reaching and passing the 2000 mark! This should be current as of this morning, but please let me know if you find any mistakes. :hook

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 2127

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Donna (sewnsew) 1083

Cathy (crashcat07) 1076

Val (Priszm) 832

Wendy (Aussie) ***793

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Denise (denisethorpe) 671

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***635

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Heather (hseger) 517

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 281

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 219

Tammy (TammyG) 212

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Mary (Skysmom) *** 197

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Judy (judianne) 153

Dusti (rii698) *** 126

Jessica (jessicagil) 97

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 81

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

Cara (Misa)

*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

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Hi Tracy. Oh I'd forgotten that Denise would be in SA! You and Kyla stay warm and enjoy your new house. :hug It's 84 degrees here today...way too hot for this time of year, but it's supposed to be cold again on Sunday.

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