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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Val, it sounds like you have a fun evening planned - Enjoy!


Hi Linda ~ Rosie must be a wonderful neighbor and friend. :manyheart What size thread and hook do you use for your snowflakes? I'm trying to decide if my eyes and hands can handle thread work again. :lol


Pickles! So glad you are okay. Your ghans and baby gingham are beautiful. :hook Little Lennon is just adorable and she looks like such a happy baby. :c9 I've added 33 solids.


Has anyone heard from Tracy or Denise? I sure do miss them. :yes

Tracy and Denise should have their internet hooked up on Friday!:clap

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Happy New Year everyone :yay


I just had a lightbulb moment! I can enter DBF's dragon in the contest! It was made entirely of Vanna's Choice :cheer


Anyone have a sledge hammer I can borrow? I think I need to take one to work's servers. Every time we try to access a web based program we keep getting page cannot be displayed. It's very frustrating when the work is already overdue.


I am currently using a sledge hammer to break down rock so we can do retaining, you can borrow it if you like. :lol


The Joseph's Coat is another great pattern, Cara. Those colors sound wonderful for the angel.


The first one didn't pull up for me either, but yours did Priszm, thanks.


Ooooooo! S'mores around a bonfire. Sounds yummy. Now I'm getting hungry for them too.


I'm not sure what happened to yesterday. It just sort of disappeared. I did take Kim for a mammogram in the afternoon. I turned out fine and she doesn't have to go back for a year. And Rosie and I got together in the evening and looked at quilt books and visited for hours. And I made a snowflake with beads. I think my New Years Eve will be a quiet evening at home listening to audio books.


:yay Happy New Year, Wendy. :yay


Thanks :hug Have a great time tonight. I had a quiet evening a well although there was a lot of racket coming from a house 2 doors up.


Hey everyone!

Prizsm you said something the other day about not being able to count while you were on the phone with customers and this struck home for me! :lol I do tech support for a major cell phone company and am lucky enough to bring my crochet with me and no one really bothers me. I have been working on a ghan for my grandma's 80th in February and have found myself paying more attention to my counting than my customer! :blush So i decided to start something a little more mindless. Here are pics of the baby gingham for Project Linus that I started instead!



That is just gorgeous. :clap


And I promised everyone a new pic of the baby! Here's one of Lennon's Christmas pictures and one of her 6 month picture also! :c9




And the hat I crocheted for her



Beautiful photos, she is adorable.


:yay:clap Looks great! Looked at your others on there too :blush



Oh thanks so much. :hug:blush

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Tracy and Denise should have their internet hooked up on Friday!:clap

Super! I'll bet they have done a lot of crocheting without having the internet distraction. :hook


I am currently using a sledge hammer to break down rock so we can do retaining, you can borrow it if you like.

No thanks, Wendy. :lol


My eyes got tired of working with the dark blue, so I'm making a few little squares in Aran tonight. DH and I had a wonderful lunch at On The Border and we're not even hungry for dinner - I think I'll just pop some popcorn. :think

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Tracy and Denise should have their internet hooked up on Friday!:clap


Oh thank goodness!! :clap:dance


My eyes got tired of working with the dark blue, so I'm making a few little squares in Aran tonight. DH and I had a wonderful lunch at On The Border and we're not even hungry for dinner - I think I'll just pop some popcorn. :think


Popcorn is what I had for supper last night :lol Our six o'clock meal is my lunch since I get up so late...that was pork chops :D


Pickles - OMG!!! Lennon has gotten so big already! And she's even more lovely even though I didn't think that was possible :manyheart


I had a fabulous day today! Went to Austin to pick up a light fixture that the family finally convinced my BIL was too big for his dining area but would look great in mine :devil:lol Then I got to meet up with fellow 'Viller Renee (renegade) and she and I and BD all had lunch. We had the best time! I'm plum tuckered out now though but in a good way :D

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Never guess what the DH did today. he bought me a gc for JoAnns. I used it right away of course since we where there. Bought a new 12x12 scrapbook, christmas paper, yarn, etc. I went to the JoAnn Super Store (that is was the JoAnn Etc stores are I have been told) & they had sooooooooo much more yarn! He also paid for my black pepper chicken at Panda Express. He about died with me hunting for the red/black brushed acryllic in JoAnns sensations I am needing for my sons blanket but seeing him suffer was well worth it considering all he has done as of late. I also decided I may attempt the ATW but joining as I go like in the blue star afghan. Yes.... :yes Make it for the SIL who called me up threatening my life. I am just like that. I think an afghan will cure everyones issues. :lol Beisdes she thinks I forgot she said she wanted one.



Jessica thanks :hug what is pirates online.


It is a role playing game for Pirates Of The Caribbean. You make your own pirate and help free the black pearl from the Navy. You must pay $10 a month to get unlimited access. basic access lets you go no farther the level 5 quests on average. However you can level all the way up to 40. I heard rumors that they are adding more to the story party of the game to get to the end of the first POTC. It sure would be nice as I am all done with everything except leveling my weapons. Yes I do think I am addicted lol. I made the DH buy a game card for it today. You can pay for it through cc, atm card, or buying a game card. I dunno if game cards are available over there though.


I just had a lightbulb moment! I can enter DBF's dragon in the contest! It was made entirely of Vanna's Choice :cheer


GO PRISZM GO!!:cheer


Hey everyone!

Prizsm you said something the other day about not being able to count while you were on the phone with customers and this struck home for me! :lol I do tech support for a major cell phone company and am lucky enough to bring my crochet with me and no one really bothers me. I have been working on a ghan for my grandma's 80th in February and have found myself paying more attention to my counting than my customer! :blush So i decided to start something a little more mindless. Here are pics of the baby gingham for Project Linus that I started instead!



It's gunna be very pretty!


And I promised everyone a new pic of the baby! Here's one of Lennon's Christmas pictures and one of her 6 month picture also! :c9




And the hat I crocheted for her



Awww a baby! :manyheart She is adorable!

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After another go at the Christmas clearance material at HL today, I told Rosie that she has created a monster and that I am incorrigible. She laughed and then talked me into going back there with her so she could buy some, too. :lol :lol :lol I've been busily making beaded snowflakes this evening.


I can here fireworks going off somewhere in the neighborhood.:firecrack


:firecrack:party Happy New Year!!!:party:firecrack

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After another go at the Christmas clearance material at HL today, I told Rosie that she has created a monster and that I am incorrigible. She laughed and then talked me into going back there with her so she could buy some, too. :lol :lol :lol I've been busily making beaded snowflakes this evening.


I can here fireworks going off somewhere in the neighborhood.:firecrack


:firecrack:party Happy New Year!!!:party:firecrack


Happy New Year Linda :hug You're becoming a fabric junkie too are you? :lol I'm a sucker for fabric too :D I can hear fireworks somewhere but not real close as usual. Thank goodness. It's just too dry here and I'd really rather the house didn't catch fire :irk Maybe we'll get lucky this year :D

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Jessica - That's great that DH made up some for being a horse's rump :wink I thought Pirates online was the online version of the game Pirates all this time :oops I didn't realize it was based on the Pirates of the Carribean. We're World of Warcraft freaks around here though I haven't played in weeks.

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Hey ladies!! So sorry I won't have time to read back on this thread and actually understand all I've missed over the past few days. I am home now, and with Alexander of course. It was not a fun ride but he was terribly worth it. This was my little "blog" entry from last night for you guys to read...


"As some of you know I was pregnant! Now Im not...finally. After 10 months of pregnancy we had to induce. I didn't feel hardly a thing til around 12pm that night and decided I needed help with pain, so I got the lovely back tube. When it was finally time to push, I did for 2 straight hours. I basically was so tired I feel asleep between contractions. My back pain was the only pain I could feel really, but turns out little Alex was a face up breech and I was WAY too tired to try. Decided to c-section him...and thank god we did, he was NOT gonna fit anyhow.


Alexander Dean Medley was born on December 28th at 11:40am via c-section weighing 8lbs 11oz and 20 inches in length.


He is a doll so far and I could not be happier with how I was treating over the 4 day stay. Look forward to posting more pics soon...but I am supposed to rest! ;)"


So yeah as you can tell it was a really hard delivery, and I basically was not going to have him natural regardless because of his size and breech. :( but hes out and healthy and thats what matters. Im sore and whiney because I hate being so helpless and the husband is trying so hard but hes also worn out. Oh well, one night home what should I expect! Anyways...pictures...




Momma's first time holding booger



Daddy and Alex



First family pic...I look a mess because of fluids and crying/pushing/ect but I have my two loves so thats what matters:)


If you wanna see more of him this link should work http://www.flickr.com/photos/eemedley/ let me know if it doesn't


Thank you all for the support, answers, thoughts and prayers :manyheart

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Good morning and Happy New Year everyone :yay We had a quiet evening at home and were snoring by 10:30 :blush We are heading off to San Francisco later today - I have a conference there and we are staying a few extra days to sightsee. We have never been and are excited! We come back on the 9th


Karen, 37 more added to the list. :hook Are you almost finished?


I am getting closer to finished. It is as wide as it needs to be (19 saltines) and I have one more round to go to have it as long as needed (25 saltines) Then I need to fill up the corners. I like doing the ATW beginning in the middle and working around. It shouldn't take too long once we get back home. I'd like it in the mail by the 19th so that gives me a bit of time after we return (although I'll be back at work then and only have evenings and weekends to work on it).


Catch you all later! I'll have internet access and my laptop while away so I might be around a bit.

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Oh, Erin, congrats to you and DH!! Your pics brought tears to my eyes...there's such love in every shot. He looks to be all boy, too! Even his expression!

Enjoy, heal fast, and remember: they grow up way too fast!:hug:manyheart

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Erin ~ Alexander is precious! :c9 All of us have been thinking of you and are relieved everything went well. :manyheart


Cara, that is so cool that you met Renee and got a new light fixture, too!


Karen, have a wonderful time in SF. :yes


Linda ~ Have fun playing with all your new fabric. I noticed our HL has lots of it on sale now, too. I should go through all of my fabric one of these days...I haven't quilted in several years. :blush


Jessica, Yay for your DH actually thinking of you. ;) I'm glad you had fun shopping at JoAnn's. :hook


I need to run some errands and then will be back to cook our Black Eye Peas and cornbread. Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year Happy House Ladies :flower:manyheart


Erin - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Oh he's just adorable! I'm so glad you did well as could be expected. Recover and enjoy your little family! And you were not a mess...you're beautiful :manyheart


Mary - Mmmm, black eyed peas and cornbread :drool We're having rolls with ours because we're having ham and my sister over who doesn't care for cornbread. :eek I know. I can't imagine anyone not liking cornbread :lol


Sister and the boy are coming over today. My BIL had to work after all :( But we'll send him a plate and he Christmas pressie :D

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Erin, Alex is a beautiful baby. Thanks so much for the pictures. The link worked very smoothly. I'm sorry the induction was rough, but glad you're both doing well and back home now.


Another quiet day planned here. I'm going to try out the new waffle maker in a bit.


Today is John's birthday and here loved the filet piece for his office. He didn't realize Kim and I had framed both his pieces. He was impressed with that too.

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Mary - Mmmm, black eyed peas and cornbread :drool We're having rolls with ours because we're having ham and my sister over who doesn't care for cornbread. :eek I know. I can't imagine anyone not liking cornbread :lol


Uh, I don't like cornbread. I think it's icky :D


Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!

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Uh, I don't like cornbread. I think it's icky :D


Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!

Very good pictures!!

And I love bread....corn or otherwise...which is why I had to join Weight Watchers:lol

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Erin, Alex is a beautiful baby. Thanks so much for the pictures. The link worked very smoothly. I'm sorry the induction was rough, but glad you're both doing well and back home now.


Another quiet day planned here. I'm going to try out the new waffle maker in a bit.


Today is John's birthday and here loved the filet piece for his office. He didn't realize Kim and I had framed both his pieces. He was impressed with that too.


That's great that John loved his filet pieces so much :clap And :bday to John! :clap:party



Uh, I don't like cornbread. I think it's icky :D


Hey, check out my blog! I have pictures from last night on there and I got some really awesome shots of our fireworks! Have I mentioned lately just how much I love my new camera? Fireworks is one of the special shot features!


Fabulous photos!


I love cornbread, especially the jalapeno cornbread they used to serve at a restaurant I used to waitress at. I'm pretty sure that I lived on that food for a year or two. :lol


Ooooh I like that too :drool

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