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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Julie! Are you still crocheting? Winter is sure showing up with a vengeance - I hope you don't get anything really bad.


Only 6 more squares to make on the IC! :cheer Then I just need to join the last block of 25, 3 strips of 5 blocks and on to the border. Maybe I can get the joining done this week. :hook

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:waving just popping in to say hi and see how Erin was doing :lol making sure I didn't miss the event!! sounds like it could be soon though you never know!!

:blush haven't been working on big top for gd she will get after christmas anyways.making all kinds of other things.

Hope you all have a great night!!

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Howdy doody everyone, :hi

Im still busy with the Grecian Tile Tablecloth, only 15 squares out of 190 left to make, Im on the home stretch.


I already started a list of projects to start in January so when occasions come up during the year I'll be ready:hook


Great idea, I did too, now just have to actually follow through on them.


Judy I'm going to make a bunch of little things like bookmarks and ornaments next year too. :yes I think those would be good for gifts and ROAKs.


Yes thats what I want to do too, then you dont have to start making things right at the last minute.


Howdy to all my good old HH ladies ~~~~ :manyheart


How are you guys in this neck of the woods ?


Any new quilt projects in the works ?


It looks like a lot of you are still doing the saltines, so there must be several quilt-ghans coming to life out there .


Hey Julie how are you going, its great to see ya. :hug Have you done a saltine project lately.


Thanks everyone! :manyheart School is still closed here & i'm not sure if they'll have school tomorrow either. We still have power here so i'm grateful for that. What a week though. On Thursday, Hubbys mom fell & broke her knee on the ice at work & we just found out she needs surgery. Then yesterday I ended up with this nasty stomach bug & still don't feel too great. Geesh! I'm going to go into hibernation until all this over. :lol


I hope any of you other NE peeps are staying safe & warm. :manyheart I'm heading off to rest some more. :ghug


Tabby :hi take care wont you, hope the weather improves and you get the electricity back on. Sorry to hear about your DH Mum's knee.


Well we are FINALLY home...turns out we needed more than just the doctors appointment on our "to-dos" list.


The appt went well. Alex is measuring dead on in uterine inches and his heartbeat 146 so he's strong(I coulda told ya that!) Im ALMOST 2cm :( but Im 80% thinned out :D We asked a little more about the inducing process and she said she was doubtful that will be happening for us. According the DH she said that I may not even make it to next Mondays appt. Im not getting my hopes up but well doctors know what their doing most the time. Too bad babies are unpredictible in every sort of way :blush

I also made a call to my mother to tell her and she was certain it will be happening very soon. I guess I trust their judgements but still trying not to get the hopes high.


Then we went off to discount tire and sears, since the "family car" needed new ones really bad. The guy told us 45-1hour and we were there from 11:30 til after 2!!!!! Needless to say we were happy it was part of our mall and we would go get some Applebees and walk around a bit. I was only mad because I was experiencing some discomforts from the exam and Alex was all worked up.


Once we finally got done with there we went to Joanns for my purse buttons and meijer for a few things. Finally its 4 and we're settled in home. Its been snowing so its good to be warm inside and off my feeties.


The Geo is coming along, but Im freaking out about finishing it before this lil man comes lol!!! Oh well! :lol


Oh you dont have long now do you. All the best with the birth.:hug


Hi Only 6 more squares to make on the IC! :cheer Then I just need to join the last block of 25, 3 strips of 5 blocks and on to the border. Maybe I can get the joining done this week. :hook


Mary :hi Congrats on nearly finishing the IC, thats fantastic. :yay

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Im doing well everyone! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Could really use all that positive energy at this point. It feels good to have people that check up on you and really care =) I cannot call any member of our families now without saying "Im not in labor" before saying hello ;) Most my mornings are icky again unless I eat by a certain time, like right now. My contractions feel like hardly anything Apparently I had a friend go through the same thing, not knowing when and what was going on and how long they were, or if it was just baby moving around and being upset. Oh well. I cross my fingers my labor was like hers ;) We can't wait to hold our little guy, but thats all I can do, wait!

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Erin, how exciting Baby is almost here.


Julie hi again. Great to see you back :hug


Worked on the garden quilt a bit and did a few on the path to the garden too. Didn't get much done though cause I was soo tired and DD5 was coughing horrible so I had to keep stopping to check on her. Gonna be a busy day today. Have to go talk to the insurance, work, grocery shop and hopefully get the last Christmas present.


Alright gotta go get these girls off to school so I can start my day.

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Cara- what is the GEO thing you mentioned ? Sorry if I already asked .


I'm making another of my Geometry 101 for my nephew. Come to find out he's about the only one that doesn't have a quilt! :eek He's 20 years old and he's the one that always asks me to make him something. I love that kid :manyheart


Hi Julie! Are you still crocheting? Winter is sure showing up with a vengeance - I hope you don't get anything really bad.


Only 6 more squares to make on the IC! :cheer Then I just need to join the last block of 25, 3 strips of 5 blocks and on to the border. Maybe I can get the joining done this week. :hook


Woo hoo!! Grats on being so close :clap:cheer:woo


Im doing well everyone! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Could really use all that positive energy at this point. It feels good to have people that check up on you and really care =) I cannot call any member of our families now without saying "Im not in labor" before saying hello ;) Most my mornings are icky again unless I eat by a certain time, like right now. My contractions feel like hardly anything Apparently I had a friend go through the same thing, not knowing when and what was going on and how long they were, or if it was just baby moving around and being upset. Oh well. I cross my fingers my labor was like hers ;) We can't wait to hold our little guy, but thats all I can do, wait!


Some folks never know that they're in labor. My sister was having a backache and then she got a headache and started feeling pretty sick. She didn't want to get the flu (this was December) so she got a drs appt. She got there, he checked her out and then told her she was in labor and sent her to the hospital :lol 3 hours later it was all over :D Hope you can relax a bit. :hug


Erin, how exciting Baby is almost here.


Julie hi again. Great to see you back :hug


Worked on the garden quilt a bit and did a few on the path to the garden too. Didn't get much done though cause I was soo tired and DD5 was coughing horrible so I had to keep stopping to check on her. Gonna be a busy day today. Have to go talk to the insurance, work, grocery shop and hopefully get the last Christmas present.


Alright gotta go get these girls off to school so I can start my day.


Poor baby. Hope that cough goes away soon. :hug Don't want her sick for Christmas :D


Got the scarf for BIL #1 done last night....finally! :lol Making a ribbed scarf is not exactly a quick project. Took me til 4 a.m. which is an hour past my bedtime. I still got up early today like I planned though I think I'm in great need of massive amounts of caffeine :lol


The plan today is to work on the apron and the Geo. Might do the hotpads in the truck on the way to our family celebration this weekend :lol

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Im doing well everyone! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Could really use all that positive energy at this point. It feels good to have people that check up on you and really care =) I cannot call any member of our families now without saying "Im not in labor" before saying hello ;) Most my mornings are icky again unless I eat by a certain time, like right now. My contractions feel like hardly anything Apparently I had a friend go through the same thing, not knowing when and what was going on and how long they were, or if it was just baby moving around and being upset. Oh well. I cross my fingers my labor was like hers ;) We can't wait to hold our little guy, but thats all I can do, wait!


When my grandma had my uncle she told the doctor 'sorry for going to the bathroom while being checked out'. Now if we all could have labor like that. She did not even know she was pregnant until she was 7 months along. The doctors thought it was her gal bladder so they took it out. A few weeks later they are all duh. That was the 1950's for you.

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When my grandma had my uncle she told the doctor 'sorry for going to the bathroom while being checked out'. Now if we all could have labor like that. She did not even know she was pregnant until she was 7 months along. The doctors thought it was her gal bladder so they took it out. A few weeks later they are all duh. That was the 1950's for you.



wow thats just insane!!! I guess I just don't know how people don't know they are pregnant! Maybe thats just cause I knew right away pretty much...hmmm



When we first told my Dad we were gonna find out if it was a boy or girl he got all hissy and tried claiming that they didn't have ultrasounds when any of his girls were born so we should just wait it out and have it be a surprise. I believed him for like all of 2 sec! Then my mom went on to say yeah...they kept making me get ultrasounds on you because they thought you were too little. Dads....

I may be a dummy sometimes but seriously :lol

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Oh I had a secretary once that didn't know she was preggers until about the 5th month. That was during the ultra tight jeans fad. She practically spray painted those things on. Anyway, she was having abdominal pains so she went to the doctor and found out the pain was the baby growing. She stopped wearing those jeans and I swear to you she LOOKED 6 months along within about 10 days :lol

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See my grandma had cancer and the docs told her she couldn't have kids but to have 'odd & not normal' woman problems would be 'normal'. So she never thought about it. When she still had pains & was still sick after her gal bladder that is when they figured it out. He weighed under 3 pounds full term. He couldn't handle any other things but unpasturized cows milk. He is also 95% deaf. She said obviously she was supposed to have kids no matter what the doctors said.

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Howdy doody everyone, :hi

Im still busy with the Grecian Tile Tablecloth, only 15 squares out of 190 left to make, Im on the home stretch.

That is super, Wendy! Hurry up so you can start another saltine WIP. :D


Worked on the garden quilt a bit and did a few on the path to the garden too. Didn't get much done though cause I was soo tired and DD5 was coughing horrible so I had to keep stopping to check on her. Gonna be a busy day today. Have to go talk to the insurance, work, grocery shop and hopefully get the last Christmas present.

Hi Donna. I hope DD5 feels better soon. Take care of yourself, too. :hug


Dallas had lots of icy roads this morning, but our roads are dry! I was able to go to feed the grandcats and run a couple errands. Don't know where my mind has been, but I need to get in gear. :lol MIL's birthday is Saturday and we're taking cake and ice cream to where she lives this year. My sister from D.C. is coming Monday and I think we're having Christmas dinner here. Time to make some lists. :yes

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That is super, Wendy! Hurry up so you can start another saltine WIP. :D


Dallas had lots of icy roads this morning, but our roads are dry! I was able to go to feed the grandcats and run a couple errands. Don't know where my mind has been, but I need to get in gear. :lol MIL's birthday is Saturday and we're taking cake and ice cream to where she lives this year. My sister from D.C. is coming Monday and I think we're having Christmas dinner here. Time to make some lists. :yes



Oh yes I cant wait to get back to the saltines. :woo


Its my Dad's birthday on Saturday as well, we are going there for lunch. Enjoy the cake and ice cream for your MIL's birthday.

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Got the scarf for BIL #1 done last night....finally! :lol Making a ribbed scarf is not exactly a quick project. Took me til 4 a.m. which is an hour past my bedtime. I still got up early today like I planned though I think I'm in great need of massive amounts of caffeine :lol


The plan today is to work on the apron and the Geo. Might do the hotpads in the truck on the way to our family celebration this weekend :lol

You are so speedy...Can I come and go with you this weekend? :D Between DH's sister and my parents, I'm ready to run away from home. :lol


Oh yes I cant wait to get back to the saltines. :woo


Its my Dad's birthday on Saturday as well, we are going there for lunch. Enjoy the cake and ice cream for your MIL's birthday.

Wish your Dad a big Happy Birthday from all of us!


No crocheting for me today, but Zoe helped me redecorate the tree. I just thought she was through taking a nap in the tree. I couldn't be mad at her because it was so cute...and I only had to rearrange ornaments. :)

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Hey there Mary !


I've been fiddling with things here and there, not much progress on anything ,actually, but I keep starting new things . I seem to lack the motivation to keep on task, but thought it might help to come on back in here with you all. I tell you, these CAL groups sure make crocheting all by yourself not NEARLY the fun it used to be .


I'm really lost in this area, it sounds like you are all working on things, but I have no clue what they are ,so I 'll just wait patiently for some photos sometime down the road .


Hey there Donna--- how's it going with you ?



and Cara- yea, I did notice the GEOMETRY pattern on your site - I should have put 2 and 2 together to figure out what GEO meant...

Are you using the same colors or different ones ?


You are doing well to keep up with all your family and see that they each have their own quilt-ghan !


I need to take on a project like that . I've been wanting to do that for a long time ,especially with my grandkids -- they all got baby things, but I havent currently made things for any of them ,which I'd really like to do . I'd like to make something that each of them could keep as a remembrance .My Grandma made quilts for each of her kids when they got married and my mom gave me hers awhile back ,but I keep it packed away. I guess I'm too afraid something will happen to it ,but I really should get it out to at least LOOK at it more often. It's about 53 or 54 years old now.

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Wow, you're going to go out and get batteries just because I asked? What a pal! :yes :yes


Wait... I remember what you said about your temperament out in public as of late... those batteries aren't by chance at Wal-Mart, are they? Maybe you'd best wait until Sam can go and pick them up for you. I don't want to be responsible for any WWF action in your area... :rofl

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Good morning, everyone. John finally made it home about 8:00 last night. His flight was delayed due to weather here in Atlanta. I was so tired yesterday that all I did was to check in here occasionally to see what was going on. Still have a bad cold, but after a sound night's sleep last night, I feel much better.


Julie! :jumpyay:hi:jumpyay Welcome back! :yay:yay:yay We've missed you! :hug


I laid the crib quilt top out on the kitchen snack bar yesterday and got it all pinned together with the batting and backing. Kim watched the proceedings with an eagle eye. Then moved to the bedroom and started sewing it together. Since I used straight pins to pin it together, I got stabbed by them every time I moved the darn thing. :eek Anyway, I got all the horizontal and vertical stitching done yesterday and started on the diagonals. Should be able to finish it later today with any luck.


I'm part way through putting the third block together on the Stacked Cubes. I put in the wrong block in the middle of the fourth row and didn't see it until the row was all the way done. I managed to undo the middle and get it out, but that's as far as I got. That's where I'll have to start on it.


The final "CAYLOR" filet piece is down to one more letter and the end border, so I'm making good progress there. When I can't do any more on one thing I just switch to a different project. :lol :lol


Have a good day! Be careful on the roads and in the cold, those of you up north! Time for me to get busy. :hook

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You are so speedy...Can I come and go with you this weekend? :D Between DH's sister and my parents, I'm ready to run away from home. :lol


Sure you can! We'll be visiting Kerrville in the breathtaking Texas Hill Country :D Tell those people to knock it off or else we'll send Krystal over there with her bat :tryme:lol


Mary - 5 more solids for me please. I'm almost at 2000!!





and Cara- yea, I did notice the GEOMETRY pattern on your site - I should have put 2 and 2 together to figure out what GEO meant...

Are you using the same colors or different ones ?


You are doing well to keep up with all your family and see that they each have their own quilt-ghan !


I need to take on a project like that . I've been wanting to do that for a long time ,especially with my grandkids -- they all got baby things, but I havent currently made things for any of them ,which I'd really like to do . I'd like to make something that each of them could keep as a remembrance .My Grandma made quilts for each of her kids when they got married and my mom gave me hers awhile back ,but I keep it packed away. I guess I'm too afraid something will happen to it ,but I really should get it out to at least LOOK at it more often. It's about 53 or 54 years old now.


It'll be the same colors as the one on the site. Everyone wants stuff in black and brown this year. I'm going blind :lol No it's no fun crocheting by yourself...more productive, but not nearly as much fun :D That's a great idea to make quilts for everyone :yes I try to keep up with it but sometimes someone slips through :blush I should be caught up now though. Just the Under 10s left and I've got a few years for them yet :lol


Jules - if you DO get that quilt out to look at it, by all means show a picture here. I absolutely LOVE looking at family heirloom quilts! :yes:drool (pretty please?)


Absolutely! I can look at quilts for hours! :c9


Good morning, everyone. John finally made it home about 8:00 last night. His flight was delayed due to weather here in Atlanta. I was so tired yesterday that all I did was to check in here occasionally to see what was going on. Still have a bad cold, but after a sound night's sleep last night, I feel much better.


Glad you're feeling a bit better :hug And remember, the pins go through the fabric and batting, not flesh! :eek:lol:hug


Newphew called this morning and he's bored. He wanted me to let him take me running around today. Well, I only have the dollar store to go to but his mom and I can do that tomorrow. Plus, I'd have to move his Geo off its comfy spot on the couch and it might not get done :lol Of course, one would think the better thing would be to spend the day with him but then I'd have to actually get dressed :P If he'd just called last night I'd have been ready and we could've run to the store and then had lunch or something without me getting too behind.


So today it's finishing up BIL #2s apron (just the ties left) and more work on the Geo. Only two more rows of blocks to go :hook

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We got 5 plus inches last night(hard for me to see from inside) THANK GOD we got new tires on our main car before baby boy comes. Now I just hope the weather settles down before my in laws make the drive up. MIL and SFIL will be coming sometime this weekend, the FIL and SMIL along with their kids will be waiting for our call. Im so discouraged right now about it all happening. Mostly Im afraid that DH is gonna be at our bestest friends wedding and I won't be able to go and then the thought of me having to pull him from the wedding for baby delivery breaks my heart...lucky for us our friends are so understanding.


on a happy note, I think I only have 8 more little squares to make and then all I gotta do is sew the last squares into stripes and attach the last 2 stripes! Then its weaving in ends time. Lucky for me when the hand hurts-tingles too much I can at least weave some ends in so hopefully I won't be so overwhelmed here shortly. DH helped me clean really good this weekend so I don't have a ton of things to really do but rest and crochet! YAH! but that just brings me back to the "waiting" downer blah....

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DH helped me clean really good this weekend so I don't have a ton of things to really do but rest and crochet! YAH! but that just brings me back to the "waiting" downer blah....

Hang in there, Erin. Baby will soon be here. Probably sooner than you think. No matter what plans he does or doesn't change, he'll be a happy event. Rest while you can. :hug :hug :hug

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