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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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First things first...Miss Gracie is 11 weeks old already.:dog I took the one on the left with my phone and the one on the right is one of my cook book shelves on a baker's rack. Gracie sleeps there sometimes.
Oh my gosh she is so cute!
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First things first...Miss Gracie is 11 weeks old already.:dog I took the one on the left with my phone and the one on the right is one of my cook book shelves on a baker's rack. Gracie sleeps there sometimes.


Awwww!! Look at the puppy face!! :manyheart And that little pink collar! I'm so sorry about your car! Isn't that about the way it goes with warranties or least it seems so doesn't it? :hug


John showed me how his pellet rifle work last weekend. There are a gazillion squirrels in our back yard and they regularly raid the "squirrel-proof" bird feeders. Yesterday I tried taking a shot at one of them. It's only been about 35 years since I last fired a rifle, mind you. I missed. Big surprise. However, I came close enough that the squirrel leaped from the tree and took off like his tail was on fire. I've never seen one run so fast. This morning about 5 minutes after John left for work I spotted a squirrel just sitting posed in the back yard. Sooooooo...... I took aim at its head and got it. Then I had to proceed to skin and gut it. Never having done that before it was interesting, to say the least. I had the general idea, but........... I did get the job done. Then I called my brother and asked, "How do you skin a squirrel? There has to be a better way to do it than the way I just did it!" :eek He called back laughing. :rofl:rofl:rofl Hopefully it will go much better next time.


:rofl :rofl :rofl What I wanna know is why you bothered :lol One squirrel won't make much of a stew :lol Nice shot though! :tup I have a new .380 pistol that I bought last weekend. Hoping I get to go to the range this weekend and try it out :D


I have had a very unproductive day :yes I got woken up an hour early (9:45) by a phone call from BD. He tripped the alarm when he went out because he forgot to turn it off. Well, I sleep with an iPod with earbuds and the door closed. The basic siren on this system obviously wasn't enough to wake me up :irk So the alarm company called him on his way to work because I didn't respond to the alarm person that comes over the two-way. That's when he realized he tripped it. He called me to tell me that the police had already been dispatched but they put in a false alarm call. They told him the police might still show up depending on their response time. They never showed thank goodness. I love this alarm company. They are johnny on the spot for sure! :yes


We're ordering another ultra loud siren to be added to it :lol This is an extra one that they use with folks that are hard of hearing. I have excellent hearing (hey! something on me that actually works :lol) but I just can't hear over the iPod and with the heavy door closed. I'm just glad we found out this way about the siren instead of when we really needed it.


Anyway, you'd think I would've gotten more done being up an hour early but I think this has all messed me up. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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:rofl :rofl :rofl What I wanna know is why you bothered :lol One squirrel won't make much of a stew :lol Nice shot though! :tup I have a new .380 pistol that I bought last weekend. Hoping I get to go to the range this weekend and try it out :D


I have had a very unproductive day :yes I got woken up an hour early (9:45) by a phone call from BD. He tripped the alarm when he went out because he forgot to turn it off. Well, I sleep with an iPod with earbuds and the door closed. The basic siren on this system obviously wasn't enough to wake me up :irk So the alarm company called him on his way to work because I didn't respond to the alarm person that comes over the two-way. That's when he realized he tripped it. He called me to tell me that the police had already been dispatched but they put in a false alarm call. They told him the police might still show up depending on their response time. They never showed thank goodness. I love this alarm company. They are johnny on the spot for sure! :yes


We're ordering another ultra loud siren to be added to it :lol This is an extra one that they use with folks that are hard of hearing. I have excellent hearing (hey! something on me that actually works :lol) but I just can't hear over the iPod and with the heavy door closed. I'm just glad we found out this way about the siren instead of when we really needed it.


Anyway, you'd think I would've gotten more done being up an hour early but I think this has all messed me up. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

You will note, that I did say "next time." Just not today. :lol :lol :lol


It's good to know the system works and that you need the louder on before you really need it.

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I found this pattern in the original patterns section, "Sheila Ann for Barbie....." and had to try it out. I finished it in one day. I'm going to make one for each of Rosie's granddaughters for Christmas since I don't have a granddaughter of my own to make it for. :D



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Thanks Ladies for the comments on my Desert Star...I really like how its turning out,got 2 more rounds done today so far.



That's is the cutest little puppy ive seen in awhile...what breed is she??I what a puppy that stays small but haven't found what im looking for yet.



You have more patience then i do...ive never been good at making doll clothes...get to mad.

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I found this pattern in the original patterns section, "Sheila Ann for Barbie....." and had to try it out. I finished it in one day. I'm going to make one for each of Rosie's granddaughters for Christmas since I don't have a granddaughter of my own to make it for. :D


That's very cute!



Hi everyone! I've been working in the yard all day. Now, I'm going to work on my scarf (taking the Basic Entrelac Crochet class here at the 'Ville).


I hope to be around more after Mass tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far.

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I found this pattern in the original patterns section, "Sheila Ann for Barbie....." and had to try it out. I finished it in one day. I'm going to make one for each of Rosie's granddaughters for Christmas since I don't have a granddaughter of my own to make it for. :D


Okay I'm gonna have to go hunt that one down! And heck to making it for a kid I'm making it for MY dress up Barbies :hook

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Last night was a trying night indeed. Did not sleep well at all and slept WELL into the afternoon today :( I think I messed my meds up. That's the only thing that could've made me feel that badly that quickly last night.


But here it is almost quarter past midnight and I'm just now getting my act together :blush

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Howdy ladies :flower


Another rough night. Boy I'm starting to sound like a broken record :lol But gotta get myself in gear today. I have to do laundry and I really need to spend some quality time with that scarf so I can just get it done and over with :hook

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Cara, joining you with the sleep deprivation...SDR had several nightmares last night. I've been up since 3....never could get back to sleep after he woke up.

I'm operating on a bit of caffeine...again:P


I hope you can get some rest tonight...I know we're going to bed early - and he has to get up at 5:45 AM for work again. I think he's sorry he volunteered for this assignment.

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Howdy ladies :flower


Another rough night. Boy I'm starting to sound like a broken record :lol But gotta get myself in gear today. I have to do laundry and I really need to spend some quality time with that scarf so I can just get it done and over with :hook


:hug Sorry you're having such a hard time with insomnia! I'm still hopeful that you'll get it straightened out soon.

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HI everyone, have been slack coming in here as usual, Im sorry about that. Hope you are all well and have lots of projects to keep you all occupied.


First things first...Miss Gracie is 11 weeks old already.:dog I took the one on the left with my phone and the one on the right is one of my cook book shelves on a baker's rack. Gracie sleeps there sometimes.


Oh she is just so cute.


I found this pattern in the original patterns section, "Sheila Ann for Barbie....." and had to try it out. I finished it in one day. I'm going to make one for each of Rosie's granddaughters for Christmas since I don't have a granddaughter of my own to make it for. :D


Very pretty, Im sure they will love it.


Ok here is what i have done so far,Im working my way from the center out..thought that would be more fun this time :lol



Please add 13 solids and 9 Bicolors!!


Nice colors Shay cant wait to see it come together.


I've been being creative over the weekend and came up with four more snowflakes. The instructions are under the heading "Summer 2009 Snowflake Quartet" in the Original Designs section, but I thought you might like to see them here.


Very nice.

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Okay I'm gonna have to go hunt that one down! And heck to making it for a kid I'm making it for MY dress up Barbies :hook

Way to Go, Cara!!! Sorry to hear that you sleep cycle is still so messed up. Here's hoping it won't be for much longer. :hug :hug :hug

Cara, joining you with the sleep deprivation...SDR had several nightmares last night. I've been up since 3....never could get back to sleep after he woke up.

I'm operating on a bit of caffeine...again:P


I hope you can get some rest tonight...I know we're going to bed early - and he has to get up at 5:45 AM for work again. I think he's sorry he volunteered for this assignment.

Judy, I hope that tonight goes better. Nightmares are awful things! I've had some doozies and getting back to sleep afterwards can be hard on all concerned.


Rosie had good news when she saw the orthopedic doctor on Friday. She gets to come home for the rest of her recovery! With any luck at all, she'll be back some time this afternoon. I saw her yesterday and she is doing ever so much better. She can get in & out of bed with no assistance, she can transfer from bed to wheelchair to toilet and back again with no assistance, she can maneuver her wheelchair around the ward without help, can be up for several hours at a time before going back to bed to rest, and is only needing pain meds a few times a day. Lots of progress since Monday. Once she is home, her daughter in Colorado is coming here to see her and help out, too. She still has some swelling in her face, especially toward the end of the day, but that is to be expected.


Kim is doing much better, too. This week is for getting ready for being gone next week on vacation. I'm going to to try making myself several new tops to wear. I picked up all my meds yesterday. We'll be taking Kim to the doctor on Thursday for a recheck on her lungs. And we are both getting our nails done before we go. I need to trim my hair. And of course, packing! :eek Think I've got enough to keep me busy? :lol :lol :lol


Hi, Wendy! We've missed you!

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Linda, that's such wonderful news about Rosie. She's made incredible progress...I guess she really wanted to get out of rehab:D


Where are you going on vacation?

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Hi, Judy. I'm going to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to visit my daughter, Joy, and my grandson, Ayden. We'll also go over to Ames, Iowa and visit my mom and one of my brothers. I get to talk to Ayden on the phone with fair regularity, but I haven't seen him in person for two years. He's 5 1/2 and going to start school in the fall. I'm counting the days now. I'm planning on taking lots of pictures while I'm there.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) The weekend was hectic and I sure hope things are quieter this week. I guess we should be used to family trauma (and drama) by now. ;)


Linda, the Barbie outfit is so cute! I still have DD's Barbies stored away and can't remember if any of them still have all their hair and parts. :lol All of my mom's family are in the Cedar Rapids area (LaPorte City) and many of my cousins still live there! I know you'll have a wonderful time. :manyheart


Cara ~ :hug to you and I hope you'll be able to work out the meds and sleep schedule. I could bring Gracie down for you to play with, since she likes playing at any hour. :devil


Shay ~ Gracie is a Cairn Terrier and will be about 12-14 pounds when grown. How is your Desert Star coming along?


Hi Nicole ~ I can't wait to see the scarf you make in the Entrelac class! I love the look of that pattern. :yes


:hug to those I've missed. They didn't get my car finished on Saturday, but said we could pick it up about noon today. Then I have errands and will take advantage of DH puppysitting while he's in town. :lol

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Hi, Judy. I'm going to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to visit my daughter, Joy, and my grandson, Ayden. We'll also go over to Ames, Iowa and visit my mom and one of my brothers. I get to talk to Ayden on the phone with fair regularity, but I haven't seen him in person for two years. He's 5 1/2 and going to start school in the fall. I'm counting the days now. I'm planning on taking lots of pictures while I'm there.

Have a great time and enjoy Ayden!! Maybe you can get Joy to start another project while you're there...:devil

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Have a great time and enjoy Ayden!! Maybe you can get Joy to start another project while you're there...:devil

:rofl :rofl :rofl She's keeping pretty busy already with quilting, tatting, aquarium plants, work, the gym, and Ayden.

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Way to Go, Cara!!! Sorry to hear that you sleep cycle is still so messed up. Here's hoping it won't be for much longer. :hug :hug :hug


Judy, I hope that tonight goes better. Nightmares are awful things! I've had some doozies and getting back to sleep afterwards can be hard on all concerned.


Rosie had good news when she saw the orthopedic doctor on Friday. She gets to come home for the rest of her recovery! With any luck at all, she'll be back some time this afternoon. I saw her yesterday and she is doing ever so much better. She can get in & out of bed with no assistance, she can transfer from bed to wheelchair to toilet and back again with no assistance, she can maneuver her wheelchair around the ward without help, can be up for several hours at a time before going back to bed to rest, and is only needing pain meds a few times a day. Lots of progress since Monday. Once she is home, her daughter in Colorado is coming here to see her and help out, too. She still has some swelling in her face, especially toward the end of the day, but that is to be expected.


Kim is doing much better, too. This week is for getting ready for being gone next week on vacation. I'm going to to try making myself several new tops to wear. I picked up all my meds yesterday. We'll be taking Kim to the doctor on Thursday for a recheck on her lungs. And we are both getting our nails done before we go. I need to trim my hair. And of course, packing! :eek Think I've got enough to keep me busy? :lol :lol :lol


Hi, Wendy! We've missed you!


I'm so glad Rosie and Kim are on the mend! :manyheart


Hi, Judy. I'm going to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to visit my daughter, Joy, and my grandson, Ayden. We'll also go over to Ames, Iowa and visit my mom and one of my brothers. I get to talk to Ayden on the phone with fair regularity, but I haven't seen him in person for two years. He's 5 1/2 and going to start school in the fall. I'm counting the days now. I'm planning on taking lots of pictures while I'm there.


It sounds like a wonderful trip to me :manyheart


Cara ~ :hug to you and I hope you'll be able to work out the meds and sleep schedule. I could bring Gracie down for you to play with, since she likes playing at any hour. :devil


Oh dear! :lol Thanks anyway but I do believe Tuon and Misa would become a trifle miffed at me if I did :rofl:cat


Slept a bit better last night. Only one crazy dream that I can remember. Can't remember what the dream was about but I remember having it :lol Now if I could just get to sleep before 4 am I'd be good :rolleyes


Finished up my June scarf last night. It actually turned into more of a stole than a scarf. I'll have to spend today and tomorrow deciding if I like it like that :lol


Today I'm concentrating on laundry and my baby daisy which only has one square done :blush I'm supposed to start the Stained Glass Window afghan off the cover of 50 Sensational Afghans and Throws today as well. BDs grandmother gave me the book for my b-day so the plan is to make her that ghan for *her* b-day :D


I spent my time last night laying out some new quilt charts while waiting to get sleepy. I have it narrowed down to two to choose from that I'd also like to try to get done this month.


Hmmm, that's a rather ambitious list for the month isn't it? :think I didn't even finish last month's goal yet :rofl But at least I have what I want to work on laid out in my mind anyway :hook

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:rofl :rofl :rofl She's keeping pretty busy already with quilting, tatting, aquarium plants, work, the gym, and Ayden.


Eh, what's one more project? :rofl :rofl

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Sounds like you've got quite a list there, Cara.


Kim and I are up front this afternoon. So far, we've gotten one pattern cut out and I'm getting ready to start on the second one. The first one is rust colored and the second one is a loud floral print. I'm thinking of making one that uses the front and back of the first one with the sleeves of the second one. How's that for getting creative? :lol :lol

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Rosie had good news when she saw the orthopedic doctor on Friday. She gets to come home for the rest of her recovery! With any luck at all, she'll be back some time this afternoon. I saw her yesterday and she is doing ever so much better. She can get in & out of bed with no assistance, she can transfer from bed to wheelchair to toilet and back again with no assistance, she can maneuver her wheelchair around the ward without help, can be up for several hours at a time before going back to bed to rest, and is only needing pain meds a few times a day. Lots of progress since Monday. Once she is home, her daughter in Colorado is coming here to see her and help out, too. She still has some swelling in her face, especially toward the end of the day, but that is to be expected.


Kim is doing much better, too. This week is for getting ready for being gone next week on vacation. I'm going to to try making myself several new tops to wear. I picked up all my meds yesterday. We'll be taking Kim to the doctor on Thursday for a recheck on her lungs. And we are both getting our nails done before we go. I need to trim my hair. And of course, packing! :eek Think I've got enough to keep me busy? :lol :lol :lol


Wow! That's great news about Rosie. I bet she's going to be thrilled to be home. There are few things in the world I hate worse than having to be away from home for too long.


I'm glad to hear Kim is doing better also! Have a great time on vacation. How long are you going to be gone?


Good Morning, Ladies. :) The weekend was hectic and I sure hope things are quieter this week. I guess we should be used to family trauma (and drama) by now. ;)


Hi Nicole ~ I can't wait to see the scarf you make in the Entrelac class! I love the look of that pattern. :yes


:hug to those I've missed. They didn't get my car finished on Saturday, but said we could pick it up about noon today. Then I have errands and will take advantage of DH puppysitting while he's in town. :lol


I hope things are quieter for you, too. No matter how much family drama there is, one could never get used to it.


I will definitely post a picture of the scarf once I'm done. I hoped to finish it tonight, but realized I need to get a potholder done for tomorrow. I'm making a set for a co-workers birthday. I thought I had until the end of the week, but she's on vacation after Wednesday. Oops! :D


Slept a bit better last night. Only one crazy dream that I can remember. Can't remember what the dream was about but I remember having it :lol Now if I could just get to sleep before 4 am I'd be good :rolleyes


Finished up my June scarf last night. It actually turned into more of a stole than a scarf. I'll have to spend today and tomorrow deciding if I like it like that :lol


Today I'm concentrating on laundry and my baby daisy which only has one square done :blush I'm supposed to start the Stained Glass Window afghan off the cover of 50 Sensational Afghans and Throws today as well. BDs grandmother gave me the book for my b-day so the plan is to make her that ghan for *her* b-day :D


I spent my time last night laying out some new quilt charts while waiting to get sleepy. I have it narrowed down to two to choose from that I'd also like to try to get done this month.


Hmmm, that's a rather ambitious list for the month isn't it? :think I didn't even finish last month's goal yet :rofl But at least I have what I want to work on laid out in my mind anyway :hook


Goodness you have a lot going on! I'm glad you slept better. I was on some medicine that made me having crazy dreams and nightmares. No fun!!


Kim and I are up front this afternoon. So far, we've gotten one pattern cut out and I'm getting ready to start on the second one. The first one is rust colored and the second one is a loud floral print. I'm thinking of making one that uses the front and back of the first one with the sleeves of the second one. How's that for getting creative? :lol :lol


I wish I was better at making clothes for myself. I love all of the cute sewing patterns (and crochet for that matter), but I don't have the patience to learn sewing nor the patience to finish crocheting! I do fairly well when making something for someone else. But when it comes to making something for me, I also get over it quickly and move on. It can be frustrating.

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