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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Morning everyone! I have today off but sadly did not get to sleep in. The puppy is getting her teeth cleaned today, so drop off for that was between 7:30 and 8, then I had my own dental appointment. I'm jealous of Ciera, she gets to be put to sleep for hers. I had fillings done, and told them to do them all at once so I don't have to take off MORE time from work. I'm having trouble telling if my tongue is in my mouth and if my mouth is closed. Took 3 shots of novacaine for the left side and it still wasn't 100% numb. I had a very very small amount of pain when they did the last tooth. I'm so numb over there that even part of my left ear is numb :lol


This afternoon I get to do my annual well woman. I think I'd almost prefer being at work today. On the plus side, there's definitely a nap and crocheting in my future today :D

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Oh, Priszm, what a way to start the day! Ouch!!! Hope the rest of the day goes better.


Kim's mom, Lou, and our friend, Sue, are coming up for a quick 2 day visit today. Haven't seen them in quite a while so it will be nice to be able to get caught up and chat. I've already got the guest bedroom cleared of my sewing things for them. (Actually, most of it is hidden under the bed. :lol :lol :lol)


I finished joining and putting the border on 2 preemie afghans yesterday and have hopes of get 2 more done this weekend. I'm using up left over yarn from the stacked blocks for them. Will post pictures when I get them done.

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Cara~I'm so happy your tests were normal. :cheer:hug As for your sister I hope she gets some rest. :manyheart Unfortunately, most of us women think we can be superwoman & just haven't learned yet that we can't be.


I agree wholeheartedly and my sister is one of the worst but she means well :manyheart


Oh, Cara! Reading your pattern sounds like it will work! I hope to have time to play with it tomorrow. Thank you. :manyheart


You're welcome :hug


You know I've been wondering about the mouth too. Someone else made a reference to a hooker too. So I was thinking of maybe just doing a smile for her the same way we're doing the nose and eyes. I'm interested in seeing the square you figured out Cara.


Hmmm, another possibility. I'm pondering all these because I'm at the mouth square and I'm questioning the pattern, too :lol See now? That's the drawback of doing a graph along with me...I end up changing my mind :lol


Morning everyone! I have today off but sadly did not get to sleep in. The puppy is getting her teeth cleaned today, so drop off for that was between 7:30 and 8, then I had my own dental appointment. I'm jealous of Ciera, she gets to be put to sleep for hers. I had fillings done, and told them to do them all at once so I don't have to take off MORE time from work. I'm having trouble telling if my tongue is in my mouth and if my mouth is closed. Took 3 shots of novacaine for the left side and it still wasn't 100% numb. I had a very very small amount of pain when they did the last tooth. I'm so numb over there that even part of my left ear is numb :lol


This afternoon I get to do my annual well woman. I think I'd almost prefer being at work today. On the plus side, there's definitely a nap and crocheting in my future today :D


Oh dear! I think I'd rather be at work than all those doctors too :eek But good idea to get it all done in one day. Hope you can get some comfortable time to yourself today :hug


Oh, Priszm, what a way to start the day! Ouch!!! Hope the rest of the day goes better.


Kim's mom, Lou, and our friend, Sue, are coming up for a quick 2 day visit today. Haven't seen them in quite a while so it will be nice to be able to get caught up and chat. I've already got the guest bedroom cleared of my sewing things for them. (Actually, most of it is hidden under the bed. :lol :lol :lol)


Have a great visit! :hug I hear ya on the stashing stuff. I have to tell guests that I hope they don't have anything that needs to go in the drawers because they're full of yarn :rofl


Oh I overslept today! I'm trying to be up by 9:30 but it was 10:40 when I woke up. But that's okay because I'm still feeling pretty good. Wide awake anyway :lol I think I do need to get some housework done today. I really can't stand these floors anymore and I seriously need to dust :P


But we'll see how the day goes :devil

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As of today - 34,227 squares made since January, 2008!

Please let me know if you see any mistakes. :)


Cara (Misa)

Donna (sewnsew) 1647

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Denise (denisethorpe) 1052

Heather (hseger) 1046

Val (Priszm) 1008

Wendy (Aussie) ***962

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***820

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 697

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Mary (Skysmom) *** 552

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 480

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Dusti (rii698) *** 229

Tammy (TammyG) 212

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Judy (judianne) 153

Selanda (crocrazy) 145

Jessica (jessicagil) 107

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.


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Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here . I have been making some saltines anyhow, so why not put them to good use ?


Mary, can you put me on the saltine list ? I will go way down at the bottom, I only have 37 made so far, but it's a start .

I saw a photo in the show-n-tell section today of Cara's Rail Fence quilt, so it was kinda like a light bulb went on when I saw it .

I have 4 colors of squares started, so it'll work out perfect .


Good to be back among all you fun ladies . Hopefully I can keep up in here and keep in touch with you here .:)


It sounds like several of you are working on the angel-ghan. I can't wait to see it come to life ! It'll be another pretty one, I'm sure .


Val-the baby 9 patch is so cute !


Hope all is well in here ,and Tab, if you happen to read this, your new red-white and blue quilt-ghan is a stunner ! I saw the photos of it the other day ,but not sure if they were here or elsewhere .

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.


That is gorgeous!!! I love the bright colors:yay

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.



That's really nice! Great job!

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Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here . I have been making some saltines anyhow, so why not put them to good use ?


Mary, can you put me on the saltine list ? I will go way down at the bottom, I only have 37 made so far, but it's a start .

I saw a photo in the show-n-tell section today of Cara's Rail Fence quilt, so it was kinda like a light bulb went on when I saw it .

I have 4 colors of squares started, so it'll work out perfect .


Good to be back among all you fun ladies . Hopefully I can keep up in here and keep in touch with you here .:)


It sounds like several of you are working on the angel-ghan. I can't wait to see it come to life ! It'll be another pretty one, I'm sure .


Val-the baby 9 patch is so cute !


Hope all is well in here ,and Tab, if you happen to read this, your new red-white and blue quilt-ghan is a stunner ! I saw the photos of it the other day ,but not sure if they were here or elsewhere .



:hi Julie, great to see you again. :hi

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Hi there Linda and Judy ~


My knee, they say is doing well . I am at the point where I'm getting impatient, but it'll just be one month on Monday since the surgery .

I've been going to therapy and they cut it back from 3 times a week to 2, so that is good .


I have a Dr appt this next Thursday, so I'll have a better update then .


It doesn't hurt as much now, and I am using a cane to walk, but can walk without it for short distances, like in the kitchen, so I have something else to hold onto .


I can't for the life of me figure out how tough and brave these people are who have both knees done at once .


Anyhow, I decided today that I need to get back in here and get busy on something else, to keep my mind busy ,along with my hands. These winter days get on your last nerve sometimes anyhow, so it's best to keep busy to get through them .

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Hidey-Ho there Tracy --

It's good to see you too. What are you working on right now ? I'm sure you have mentioned it someplace, but I'm too lazy to read through thousands of posts .

Are you one of the ones making the angel-ghan ?


I guess I SHOULD have just clicked on your blog page -- guess I'll go do that right now, and I bet it'll show what you are working on !


Holy Canoli, Tracy ! You HAVE been busy ! What a lot of beautiful projects . The baby irish chain is so pretty ! Everything you have done is pretty .


It makes me wanna get on the stick here and get busy.


Back to squares ......

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Hello ladies,


Quick check in. Mary put me down for another 61 .


Val, your 9 patch is what my friend at work would call "cutieful"!


Everyone have a great day. I will try to check back later.

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.



Oh Val! That's wonderful!! :clap


Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here .


Hi Jules!! :hi I think that's an excellent idea! Some days I feel like I spend my whole day just reading posts :lol


Hi there Linda and Judy ~


My knee, they say is doing well . I am at the point where I'm getting impatient, but it'll just be one month on Monday since the surgery .

I've been going to therapy and they cut it back from 3 times a week to 2, so that is good .


I have a Dr appt this next Thursday, so I'll have a better update then .


It doesn't hurt as much now, and I am using a cane to walk, but can walk without it for short distances, like in the kitchen, so I have something else to hold onto .


I can't for the life of me figure out how tough and brave these people are who have both knees done at once .


Anyhow, I decided today that I need to get back in here and get busy on something else, to keep my mind busy ,along with my hands. These winter days get on your last nerve sometimes anyhow, so it's best to keep busy to get through them .


A great mindset :cheer I think it's best to keep busy :hug I'm glad your knee is improving. Remember that you're still healing and it'll be better before you know it :D You'll learn to do like do. I have to walk with a cane if I'm outside the house because it's unfamiliar terrain but in the house I have the furniture placed so that I can brace myself without it :lol I see you're learning that in the kitchen anyway.


Holy Canoli, Tracy ! You HAVE been busy ! What a lot of beautiful projects . The baby irish chain is so pretty ! Everything you have done is pretty .


I don't know how she gets so much done! I'm in awe of Tracy :nworthy She can keep up with the posts and get incredible amounts of things done :yes


Hello ladies,


Quick check in. Mary put me down for another 61 .


Val, your 9 patch is what my friend at work would call "cutieful"!


Everyone have a great day. I will try to check back later.


Howdy Selanda! :hi

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Hidey-Ho there Tracy --

It's good to see you too. What are you working on right now ? I'm sure you have mentioned it someplace, but I'm too lazy to read through thousands of posts .

Are you one of the ones making the angel-ghan ?


I guess I SHOULD have just clicked on your blog page -- guess I'll go do that right now, and I bet it'll show what you are working on !


Holy Canoli, Tracy ! You HAVE been busy ! What a lot of beautiful projects . The baby irish chain is so pretty ! Everything you have done is pretty .


It makes me wanna get on the stick here and get busy.


Back to squares ......



I am making the Angel ghan with everyone. :yes Denise is nagging me to make a list of all my WIP's, she says there are too many. But I don't think there can be too many. :no


Wendy, you will back me up on that, won't you? :devil

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Oh Val! That's wonderful!! :clap




Hi Jules!! :hi I think that's an excellent idea! Some days I feel like I spend my whole day just reading posts :lol




A great mindset :cheer I think it's best to keep busy :hug I'm glad your knee is improving. Remember that you're still healing and it'll be better before you know it :D You'll learn to do like do. I have to walk with a cane if I'm outside the house because it's unfamiliar terrain but in the house I have the furniture placed so that I can brace myself without it :lol I see you're learning that in the kitchen anyway.




I don't know how she gets so much done! I'm in awe of Tracy :nworthy She can keep up with the posts and get incredible amounts of things done :yes




Howdy Selanda! :hi



I only get some things done because I hardly ever leave the house. :lol And Denise and I share the housework and I have a slave child to help too. :lol

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Yay! Julie's here. :hook I will add you to the scorecard with 37. So glad your knee is feeling okay. :manyheart


Val, your baby nine patch is so cute. :c9 I love your choice of "happy" colors. :yes


Hi Selanda! 61 more are on the list. :)


Tracy, oh yes! I think we need to see a list of your WIPs. :D

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:whewToo late to turn back now. Amy Angel has a round rose pink mouth. :lol DH liked it - of course he always wonders why I have such a hard time making decisions. ;)


Time to start dinner. Have a good evening. :manyheart

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Hi there Linda and Judy ~


My knee, they say is doing well . I am at the point where I'm getting impatient, but it'll just be one month on Monday since the surgery .

I've been going to therapy and they cut it back from 3 times a week to 2, so that is good .


I have a Dr appt this next Thursday, so I'll have a better update then .


It doesn't hurt as much now, and I am using a cane to walk, but can walk without it for short distances, like in the kitchen, so I have something else to hold onto .


I can't for the life of me figure out how tough and brave these people are who have both knees done at once .


Anyhow, I decided today that I need to get back in here and get busy on something else, to keep my mind busy ,along with my hands. These winter days get on your last nerve sometimes anyhow, so it's best to keep busy to get through them .


I'm going through PT right know to strengthen the muscles in the the inside. Do your PT people love making you do squats as much as mine do? I swear, every week they make me do them.


Hello ladies,


Quick check in. Mary put me down for another 61 .


Val, your 9 patch is what my friend at work would call "cutieful"!


Everyone have a great day. I will try to check back later.


Oh I love that phrase!


Thanks everyone! I'm happy with how it turned out overall. My co-worker had a boy so I didn't want to use the Brights for the blue and purple, I thought they should be the darker shades for a boy.

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.


Oh that is adorable. I love how bright and cheery it is.


Hi there Linda and Judy ~


My knee, they say is doing well . I am at the point where I'm getting impatient, but it'll just be one month on Monday since the surgery .

I've been going to therapy and they cut it back from 3 times a week to 2, so that is good .


I have a Dr appt this next Thursday, so I'll have a better update then .


It doesn't hurt as much now, and I am using a cane to walk, but can walk without it for short distances, like in the kitchen, so I have something else to hold onto .


I can't for the life of me figure out how tough and brave these people are who have both knees done at once .


Anyhow, I decided today that I need to get back in here and get busy on something else, to keep my mind busy ,along with my hands. These winter days get on your last nerve sometimes anyhow, so it's best to keep busy to get through them .

:hi Julie I'm glad your knee is doing better and you are starting to be mobile again.


I am making the Angel ghan with everyone. :yes Denise is nagging me to make a list of all my WIP's, she says there are too many. But I don't think there can be too many. :no


Wendy, you will back me up on that, won't you? :devil

Tracy I agree with you on there never being too many WIPs :yes:lol


Working on the angel ghan again tonight. I'll post my totals in the morning though because I don't think I'm done making saltines yet. Right now I'm sewing the 5th row on.


Cara that's why I started at the bottom. It gave me more time to decide on her mouth.

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Hey do you think the black will look okay for the shoes? My sister thinks that it should be a lighter color. Like white or aran. I was wondering what you all thought.


Could be any color you want. What color are you using for the background? I think most are using Aran. I'm using Pounders in Lace. That would make white or aran shoes too light but if you're using a much darker background then a lighter color should work.

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