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Our House [Archive 4]


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Well, I've got good news! I've completed 60 saltines AND I'm completely ready for TS Hanna to make landfall tomorrow! I wonder if she knows her boyfriend (Ike) is following her, and he looks mighty angry! :scared


Congrats on the 60 saltines :clap

Glad to hear you are ready for Hanna. Her boyfriend Ike sure looks mad. Or maybe he is charging so fast and mean looking since his wife Josephine is on his heels :lol


:lol :lol Y'all are too funny :lol

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Finally finished cat quiltghan. :woo





pictures are clicky


this is the first time I have done photos

I absolutely LOVE this - the colors are so bold!:clap:clap

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Morning everyone


Tracy thats great that there are some other kids going the same way as Kyla, she will have some friends to chat to on the way to school.


Cathy congratulations on the job, thats fantastic. :yay:hug Your Desert Star is just gorgeous. Well done. :clap


Tapioca the Casa centre would be great on its own, do you have a photo of the finished item.


Donna your nearing the end of your train journey, bet you are glad when its finished.


Denise I just love your Cat Ghan, its just amazing. :clap


Dusti your making great progress with your IC as well.


Mommy Neel hope everything is ok there, is Hurrican Hanna going to be worse and where is it going to it.


Mel that is just too funny, Joesephine after Ike who is after Hanna. Hope they dont end up causing too much damage.

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I did the center square part of the casablanca as a lapghan for my FIL's 75th birthday, and now MIL wants one for christmas! I'm doing the country hearts, but I'm only doing four of the hearts, instead of six. That makes it a nice square lapghan.


Somehow I completely missed this post! We'd love to see photos of your casa center! :clap And the hearts too. We love photos :D Welcome to the group :hug

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Mary, 13 solids for me, please. :hook

Done! :D



Mary -- 30 solids for me, please. I went for a short walk after dropping the youngest off at school, and then I sat in the car 'til she was finished and crocheted :clap. At this rate, it's probably going to take me until next summer to wrap-up this IC. We'll see. Sorry to hear the Single IC hit the trash, but it really isn't worth continuing with a sizable project in which you have lost interest.

Hi Dusti. I've been known to sit in traffic jams in Ft. Worth/Dallas traffic and make little squares. :D 30 solid squares added.


I'm reporting 33 solids. :hook I had 17 Aran squares made for my single IC and now have enough (50) for the first two blocks. :cheer

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Denise the cat quilt looks great.


Cathy the DS is so pretty.


I got 12 solids done last night.


Wendy when this train car is finished, I'll have one more car left and then the little accessories. I think I'll be glad when this one is finished. It's really cute but a ton of work.

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Good morning from partly cloudy Michigan! :yay Yesterday I began counting the number of squares I will need for the quilt ghans I chose to make. I need to look through my stash to see which one I will begin with, depending on the colors I have on hand. I do have a question, though. I see you guys posting the number of saltines you are making (and some say for an IC). Do these numbers go along with the quilt ghans being made, or is this a project the group is working on separate from them? This curious quilt ghan maker wants to know! ;)

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LOL Oh only that many :lol I'm not sure how many days left till Christmas :think That would be a good project for the square a day CAL :yes


Check Crytal's Row a Day till Xmas CAL. I think she had a counter to Christmas in there.


Good morning everyone! I'm so happy it's Friday! For having a short week, I'm feeling seriously sleep deprived. I got up this morning, took care of my alarm, stumbled into the bathroom and the shower and when I turned off the water, I heard voices. No, I'm not crazy! I was a little worried. I'm pretty sure my animals haven't learned how to talk yet. It was my alarm. I hit snooze instead of turning it off this morning :rolleyes

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JulieKay: i tried to PM you but for some reason i dont have that option for you. i hope it isnt to late to join if its not then please add me to your list! im doing the love letters with my scrap yarn. thanks again! :yay

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Suzanne the saltines we make go into our total from all of our projects, points arent seperate for each ghan. Its just a lot of us are making the IC at the moment so I guess it just looks that way.



Points? IC? :think

Don't worry! I catch on quickly and will be jumping in making squares for my quilt ghans soon! ;)

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lilrnbwshorty... do you have a name we can call you?... no one in particular is running the CAL and you are more than welcome to join the insanity... Cara AKA misa is the founder of the feast... the Happy house is her place and where we get the majority of our patterns... Mary is keeping track of the saltines for those of us in the Saltine Smackdown... so come on in ...pull up a chair.. grab your hook and have fun... just for your info... SALTINE MAKING IS CONTAGIOUS AND VERY ADDICTIVE.....


got to go get #1 DD then pick up #1 grandgirl to go to DR... see ya later...


POINTS... internal competion called the saltine smackdown

IC= Irish Chain... a pattern a lot of us are doing right now..

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