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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hi everyone,

I was not happy today, went to go online to the ville at lunch and they have now blocked the site, I mean how dare they... not happy jan..:(



Awww, Wendy.:( Have they blocked lots of other things, too? I don't see why they care what you do on your lunch hour. :think

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Wendy, that's a shame. Lunch hours are supposed to be our own, but I had a job where they mandated what could and could not be done on them, too. I think that they are a bunch of stuffed shirts who are afraid of their own shadows. More concerned about appearances than what actually gets done. But I don't work there anymore, so I'll let them stew in their own mess.

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Hi Ladies. :) Yep, it's been unusually quiet here lately. :yes


Hi Heather! Glad you came to visit. :)


I have 7 of 8 rows joined for the next section of the Flower Quilt. Today is dust, vacuum, laundry day...with crochet time later. :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


I'm finally back :D


Linda - Oh wow!! OH WOW!! OH WOW!! The LotL is breathtaking! And umm I can't find the backward square either :blush


Daphne (love that name) - Yep my squares are puffy too. Most of them anyway. I've learned some yarns puff and some don't. I kinda like the puffy but if you don't you could always do a ch 2 instead of a ch 1 at the corners. That makes 'em flat :yes I just don't like the way the joining goes using a ch 2. Leaves a gap for me :P


Wendy - How dare they block the 'Ville! :irk


Heather - Hiya hon!! :hi:jumpyay We miss having you in here :manyheart


Well, what a mess with the computer. I had not one virus but six!! :eek And when I got up this morning my network connection wouldn't work. BD just left for work. He was supposed to be there 10 minutes ago but he's the boss so it won't be a real big deal. It still doesn't seem to be working right though :( Oh well at least it's not popping up ads for very naughty websites anymore :irk

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Krystal ~ 22 solid and 7 bi-color. Thanks!

Have a good evening, everyone. :manyheart


Got it!



I got 43 saltines done today for my ville pinwheel.:)


Got you, too!


K - 12 Solids 7 Bicolors... thanks


Got it!


As for the "puffy", it's because your gauge is tighter. Wendy's probably don't do that because her yarn is a little thinner. If you used a slightly larger hook, the puffy would come out and your square would be a hair larger.

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Just checking in I see that you all are doing wonderful. The lotl is beautiful. Makes me want to finish the kitty quilt I started and still need to do. I am glad everyone is doing well. I do keep tabs just to see what you are all up to. See ya soon,britt:manyheart

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I like the puffy squares I just wanted to make sure I was doing them correctly. Paranoia and all, ya know? :P Today has been a VERY slow day at work and the boss is gone so out comes the crocheting. I guess I’m lucky in someways. People keep telling me my caseload will build. I’m waiting.


Wendy – Thank God my email and the ville are not blocked. Some sites that are like EBAY and inappropriate sites are blocked but what you are describing seems over the top. :(


Heather – Nice to meet ya!


Cara- I hate it about the computer. I messed up once and it basically ate the whole thing. They can be a mess that is for sure. :ohdear


Mary- You sound busy today. Wish you could come to my house and help out with cleaning? I stand by my motto- A clean house is a sign of a wasted life (it makes me feel better). :D

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Sounds like everyone has been having a really busy day. The Lady of the Lotus is finally finished. Had trouble uploading the photos, but finally got the job done by switching to the upstairs computer. So here goes. This is it laid out on the livingroom floor.




Arghh! I resized it and it came through as if I didn't! And looking at the picture I just spotted where a square is in wrong! Oh, blast!


That is absolutely outstanding......................... :eek

Wow... Wow... Wow!

you did a fabulous job!!!! serious ^5 to you!


I've been a bad girl... havent worked on any saltines.... The whole family has been sick with the flu.... me included... *sigh*

Feeling a bit better today... although I have 2 of my 3 midgets home from school today... poor babies.... :sick


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Daphne~I'm glad you're able to crochet at work. :) I sure don't keep this house as clean as I used to. :blush DH travels a lot and his office is here, so when he's gone I try to get caught up...but would always rather be crocheting or out in the yard.


Tam, I hope you all get better soon. :hug

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Hi Daphne nice to meet you too!!! My saltines are slightly puffy too.


Today I'm working on my SP projects but hope to get back to joining some of the many saltines I have ready for my pinwheel. I'm getting anxious to get a bit more added to my rows of blocks.

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Morning everyone,


Yeah I wasnt happy that I couldnt go on the ville site at lunch. They also cut out Crochetaustralia so I couldnt look up books and I usually go to the channel 7 site to look up Home and Away(Tv Soapie) and you can go into a yahoo message board to get the gossip and thats been taken away as well. Oh well I will just have to go sit in the garden and make saltines now I think.


Tam hope you all feel better soon, as Krystal says at least you all have it at once.:hug


Cara, has BD fixed your computer yet, it sure is a pain when it messes up like that.


Britt its nice to see you again.:hug


Heather your going well with the pinwheel, you will have it finished in no time.


Tracy hope your daughter is better soon.:hug


Ok I picked this pretty blue to use for my sp project and Im not sure if I will have enough, do you think if I crochet faster that I will get all the saltines I need done.:lol

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WOW that LOTL is GORGEOUS! LOVE IT! Still waiting on getting my yarn for the Jasie Blanket~workin' on some Crochet Today patterns in the meantime~a beret and an Entreloc Wrap. LOVE that mag! I have had to schedule in my crochet time during my littlest's nap~sometimes it's fifteen minutes, sometimes it's forty-five~but it's ALWAYS such a refresher! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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Cara, hope BD fixes the computer soon. :hug

Today was DD's turn to be home sick. When I phoned the school they were not that surprised, so I think it must be going around. :think

Oh, I hope your DD feels better soon. :manyheart


Ok I picked this pretty blue to use for my sp project and Im not sure if I will have enough, do you think if I crochet faster that I will get all the saltines I need done.:lol


Makes sense to me! :lol

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Hi Sandi ~ Glad you can get some crochet time while the little one is napping. We're looking forward to seeing what color you use for the Jasie ghan. :crocheting


While joining 2 rows, I joined 5 squares before I realized 1 row was upside-down. :yell It took forever to take them apart, but I didn't ruin any. That's what I get for talking on the phone and crocheting at the same time. :blush

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I have been taking a bit of a break from saltines for a few days... I'm making wheelchair / walker totes... I offered to make a couple for the Special Angels group and everyone seemed so enthusiastic I thought I better make some more.

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The advantage to everyone being sick at one time is that you can all cuddle up in bed together and watch movies. At least, that's what we do (as long as it's the flu and not that OTHER illness! :yuck).

Oh... and we did.... lots of cuddling in mommy and daddy's big bed watching movies.

Tam, I hope you all get better soon. :hug

Thank you dear... appreciate the get well wish.

Morning everyone,

Tam hope you all feel better soon, as Krystal says at least you all have it at once.:hug

Thank you!!! Yup... getting it all over at once will be nice!

**K** Well............... I tried to make up for being out of it. :crochetingI have a total of 44 solids and 4 bicolor done now. I made a few saltines while waiting for school to get out.


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HI everyone,


I found more blue to use so thats not an issue anymore, thank goodness. I have done most of the picture squares now its just the plain blue, all 70 of them left to do to finish this sp project.


Shelly your wheelchair/walker totes sound interesting, cant wait to see some pics.


Mary isnt it a pain having to undo squares, hope you got it all sorted.


Sandi its great to see you.


I see Cara hasnt been in here, she must still be having problems with her computer.

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Way to go on the square making everyone. :yay

Shelly, those totes sound interesting. :yes

DD back at school, thank you for the thoughts everyone. She recovers really quickly, she was the only one that didn't get sick last week when the rest of us were. :think She isn't sick very often, even though she does try her luck sometimes with saying she has headache. :devil

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