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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hear y'all need a referee....


OK, here's what I've come up with -


A solid square is ONE POINT

A bicolor square is TWO POINTS (that's diamond OR square in the middle)

A tricolor square is THREE POINTS

A quadcolor square is FOUR POINT


YOUR ENDS MUST BE WOVEN IN to count (wwwaaaah, me.)


Your squares do not have to be joined, since it seems y'all like joining them later anyway. You CAN join them, but it doesn't count for extra.


We can start today, if you'd like, otherwise if I hear someone's not ready, we'll wait 'til the 15th.


You can PM me on YOUR Friday with your total square counts and I'll post the points Saturday.


Whoever wins gets a SMALL gift sent from each of the other players. We're talking bookmark, fridgie, a hook, something like that. NOTHING BIG.


If you can't afford sending a small gift, please don't let that stop you from playing. This is all in fun, and no one is really going to keep track.


Now, who's IN?!?!?!

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I just checked my stash, I have two of the three colours I need. I was trying to decide what to do with the two contrast colours and coloured in some squares to work out which I like best and prefered the second combination and when I went to check my stash, I had exactly the amount needed for the contrast colours in the second combination. :hook :hook

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Linda Ummm...i think you should get half of Wendy's points for every one she makes of them :rofl

:rofl :rofl :rofl


I am here, but don't tell the others cos it sounds serious and I am only doing it for fun. I don't want to get hit by a crochet hook or a ball of yarn when everyone gets going. I am so glad there is going to be a referee, I feel safer. :D

Tracy, this is all in fun! But once the crochet hooks get to flying, you might have to duck once in a while.






All the others have run away on their spindly chicken legs, I think... not a competitor in sight!

Now, now, Krystal. We're here. This is the first I've had a chance to get online. I'm in. I vote we start today, because then the sample squares I crochet for Wendy will count in my total. :lol :lol :lol

I've been designing waves for Wendy most of this morning. Think I've just about got it worked out. At least on paper.

Wendy, how many colors do you want in your waves? Two or three? More? I've come up with a couple of choices. The ones I like best are tight and choppy or larger and more wavy. Tight and wavy is doable, but will be more of a pain/challenge to make.

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Ooooh the Smackdown has begun *rubs hands together*. The timeline sounds great there Krystal :yes Shoulda PM'd you before I turned off the 'puter last night but I was exhausted and not thinking straight. I was planning on sending a prize to whomever wins! :yay So we can do that rather than the other prizes if y'all want :yes That way no pressure :D Figured I could do that because as Mary says....we don't even wanna know how many saltines I've done in my life :rofl


Good luck to all! This is gonna be so much fun!! :jumpyay

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The competition sounds like fun but I don't know if I want to get in it. I do want to just count how many saltines I do this year though so I might just keep a running total from Jan 1 to Dec 31 in my siggy without the points and all if that's alright. :blush


I've only done 56 so far this year. Still working on my patches quilt lapghan and the one for DH's grandma.

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Hey ladies. A couple questions about this saltine smackdown....Does this include grannies daughters used to make something other than a quiltghan? also later on when I get started on my quiltghan it is the wedding ring ghan. it doesn't use squares but other shapes instead...would these count? Would love to join in as it sounds like alot of fun but we will have to wait until I get a few other things done.

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Alright, Krystal

I'm in too . Like I said ,no way I'll win but I'll play . Besides ,you sound a little hot under the collar plus your avatar looks like Darth Vader ,so I'd suggest none of us turn her down, ladies .

And I would have been on sooner too, but my parents were here and just left.

I'm ready to start today ...will this run all year or when is the cutoff date ?

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Hey Wendy

Yep, I'll be working on Leslie's afghan with the purples, green and I am using linen for the off white sections.


This oughta be fun !!!


( Kinda hoping K puts up a new thread so we can keep track separately-- I keep forgetting what area this is in ....)

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I had to be gone all morning and just caught up on posts - this sounds like fun! :hook I'll try and join the 26 squares I already have later today, and start fresh whenever our referee gives us the go ahead. :crocheting

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Im here and you know Im in.


Just woke up, its 6 am here.


Krystal thanks for referring. Do we start now and when does it finish.


Linda thanks for the waves, yes 2 colors would be great.


Ok gotta go get ready to take DH to the hospital now, he is having exploritary surgery on his knee this morning.


Back later.

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I'm in:blush...been doing so many grannies I have to check the pattern on Cara's site again, to see what I s/b doing!

I may not kick it up to competition level because of other obligations, but this is the only way I'm going to get those suckers finished!

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Ok Im back and Im ready to go. Just had Mcdonalds for breakfast, a yummy bacon and egg mcmuffin.


Shay 961 squares, its going to be fun to see what your picture is going to be. Im hoping mine turns out ok and if it does I might do another one. I have a book on small cross stitches and there is another one of a fish with some plants in between it, it would look great with a blue background. The potential for using cross stitches could be endless.


Linda is it easier enough to do a zigzag line over 4 squares to make it look like a bird in the sky. Sorry to ask you all these square questions but you are the expert at these unique squares.

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Wendy, I hope all goes well with your DH. :hug


Hi Shay - I'm a little over half way done with Cara's Just Ducky so I'll continue with that. :crocheting


It seems like there are some questions about our square contest, so I'm going to join what I have already made and wait for further instructions. :D

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Afternoon ladies :flower


Wendy - Hope Kevin's surgery went well :hug


Brenda - I'll leave it to Krystal to make the call on the other types of squares but my initial feeling is that we would want to keep it to the 2.5" squares just so everything even all around :yes


Guess we're just waiting for K to come start us off officially. This is gonna be much fun! :yay

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