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Our House [Archive 1]


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when we lost our first burmese(she got run over), I balled my eyes out and said no never again, no more cats. Then 8 years later I said I wanted another cat and this time get 2 one each for the girls. So we got a brother and sister burmeses. Hubby didnt really want anymore animals but he bowed to pressure from us 3 girls , so we got them. Well who is the softy now and who do the cats go to the most, yes you guessed it hubby.

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It's fun to read all the posts from today...sounds like everyone has had a good July 4th. :yes Reading about Fajitas made me so hungry for them and we're too tired to cook much or go out to dinner. :lol In between rain showers, we got quite a bit done at DD's and I spent 20 minutes in the shower getting all the mud off! :eek


The people next door had some fireworks last year (totally illegal here) and they were blowing right into our back yard...the police were here in 2 minutes. :)


Bye for now. :manyheart

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when we lost our first burmese(she got run over), I balled my eyes out and said no never again, no more cats. Then 8 years later I said I wanted another cat and this time get 2 one each for the girls. So we got a brother and sister burmeses. Hubby didnt really want anymore animals but he bowed to pressure from us 3 girls , so we got them. Well who is the softy now and who do the cats go to the most, yes you guessed it hubby.


Our guys just think they're in charge! :lol Great story, Wendy. :)

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Wellllll, Misa doesn't exactly realize that I'm trying to adopt a new cat. The tuxedo cat is outside. I'm not even certain if she's a stray or belongs to the folks across the road. :blush DH just misses his old Ragamuffin that died 3 years ago. That cat thought he was a dog. Would let you carry him around like a baby and sleep in your arms :manyheart Misa, well Misa, if a little "standoffish" :lol

Cara, I've shared a home with 2 cats at various times...I thought the male was more affectionate than the female...I did an unscientific survey too and most people agreed. DH sounds like he needs his own furbaby to pet:D I have heard that about ragamuffins, too - there's one other breed that I've heard is also sweet like that, but I can't think of it.

Has Misa been staring at the other puddy tat??

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Evening ladies.


Guess what i've been working on this evening? My baby gingham quilt-ghan. :cheer I finished up the 2 rows I had going. I have 5 rows left to go. I remember why I left it high & dry though.....I got tired of stitching all those dang squares together. :lol It doesn't bother me horizontally because I can just go from one side to the next but the vertical is a bummer because it's alot of cutting & tucking. :yarn Atleast I had a break so it's not that bad yet. I'm going to finish it because it is just too perdy not to. :)



Have a good night.

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Evening ladies.


Guess what i've been working on this evening? My baby gingham quilt-ghan. :cheer I finished up the 2 rows I had going. I have 5 rows left to go. I remember why I left it high & dry though.....I got tired of stitching all those dang squares together. :lol It doesn't bother me horizontally because I can just go from one side to the next but the vertical is a bummer because it's alot of cutting & tucking. :yarn Atleast I had a break so it's not that bad yet. I'm going to finish it because it is just too perdy not to. :)



Have a good night.

That's great!! I have a batch of pink squares to do that with. It'll get done eventually...

Jusy do it a little at a time - take it out when you want to crochet but can't seem to concentrate on anything difficult.


'nite, Tabby:hug

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Hi, everyone. I've had a really nice 4th. Had meeting at noon, then lunch with friends, home for a bit, then to a bar-b-que potluck picnic at another friend's home with a whole bunch of friends, another evening meeting and now home. I'm about to crash. No fireworks for me this year. :firecrack Tooooooo tired. And a lot of places near here cancelled their fireworks because of the drought, so not even sure where the nearest ones are.:firecrack :firecrack

Oh, and I did a little more work on Mr. Frog. He's getting closer and closer to where I want him. I think he may need just a little more tweeking. :frog

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Linda I can't wait to see Mr. Frog! I'm sure he will be great!

Cara are you sure you are adopting that outside cat or has he/she all ready adopted you? It sounds like hubby has already made that decision! It sounds like everyone has had a great day! Talk to you all later!

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Evening ladies.


Guess what i've been working on this evening? My baby gingham quilt-ghan. :cheer I finished up the 2 rows I had going. I have 5 rows left to go. I remember why I left it high & dry though.....I got tired of stitching all those dang squares together. :lol It doesn't bother me horizontally because I can just go from one side to the next but the vertical is a bummer because it's alot of cutting & tucking. :yarn Atleast I had a break so it's not that bad yet. I'm going to finish it because it is just too perdy not to. :)



Have a good night.


Hi Tabby~Good for you! Can we see a picture of your Baby Gingham? :)

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Tabby I think that's the same problem slowing me down on the calliope. Too many different colors when sewing them :lol


I did get the rest of the squares done for this block of the calliope while sitting in the backyard watching DD play in the pool and soon will have 3/4 of the lapghan done.

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I think I mentioned it before, but can't remember where. The best way to work on colors it to sl st the squares together as you go. Just do a little planning so you can finish the squares you need to join "TO" before you do the square whose color you want to join "with"... I'll see if I can get pics of my method. It REALLY works, and there are so many less ends to weave in.

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Good Morning!


Thanks Mary, i'll get a pic. when the sun shows his face. :)



Heather & Krystal~It's actually not alot of different colors so I can use the one color yarn for sewing. It's that I put them together by two rows so I only have 4" to sew vertically x's however many across. Confusing, huh? :think Well, atleast I get what I mean. :lol

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Tabby, that's great you are working on the baby gingham again.


We had a little kitty and she was a sweetheart. I had to convince hubby to get one and she ended up more his cat than anyone elses. Now he's caving again to another cat. We have told the girls when we move we'll get one. I think he misses having one around though.


Linda, I can't wait to see the frog too.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Glad to hear you rediscovered the Baby Gingham, Tabby :yes I'm no help for innovative joining. I'm still whip stitching those puppies together as I go. Just seems easiest to me :yes Plus, I have learned I can join in the dark in a moving truck :lol


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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cara we had chicken fajitas last night. Then my newphews, son, and dh went swimming. Then the best part was sitting in our front yard watching our neighbor light off his $700.00 worth of fireworks. (Not to mention has free stuff, he does it every year so his has a VIP card to the firework place) We had a nice small crowd and was safely accross the street. (It seems like every year atleast one get knocked over) I really need to get my self in gear and finish my brothers blanket so I can think about starting another quilt project.

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Morning, everyone, Top o' the mornin' to ya.

Couldn't find my colored pencils last night or Mr. Frog would be ready to show off by now. :frog I'll find them later. Probably left them somewhere upstairs yesterday.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have for crocheting today and tomorrow, as we are having company for supper Friday night and I've got cleaning and straightening to do and a meal to plan & prepare. Hmmmm? Deviled eggs decorated with sliced green olives; maybe a chicken & dressing casserole with layers of :broccoli broccoli, onions, & mushrooms & topped with cream of mushroom soup & grated cheese; spinach salad with onions, mushrooms, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, grapefruit, & black olives; and lemon bars :lemon for dessert? I like to cook. Can you tell?

I don't like sewing looong lines of squares together either. That's why I break the patterns down into 5x5 or 6x6 square blocks. The sewing is much easy that way. I sew both the front loops and then the back loops together, so with Kim's Pinwheel I chose the dark brown for all the joining and with the train I'm using linen as the most neutral for all the joining. The Lady of the Lotus is the only one so far where I'm matching the colors so the joining doesn't show. It takes longer and is sort of a pain, but their are so many lines in the pattern created by the many, many solid & bi-color squares that I wanted the focus to be on those instead of on the squares that make up the pattern.:yes

Talk more later.

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....I'm not sure how much time I'll have for crocheting today and tomorrow, as we are having company for supper Friday night and I've got cleaning and straightening to do and a meal to plan & prepare. Hmmmm? Deviled eggs decorated with sliced green olives; maybe a chicken & dressing casserole with layers of :broccoli broccoli, onions, & mushrooms & topped with cream of mushroom soup & grated cheese; spinach salad with onions, mushrooms, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, grapefruit, & black olives; and lemon bars :lemon for dessert? I like to cook. Can you tell?


Well, I like eating and I can tell you that would be a mighty fine meal in my book :tup

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Good Morning. :) It's a lazy morning around here and I've got some sore muscles from yesterday. :eek I need to do some cooking and other things to take to Dad's Birthday party on Sat. It's at my sister's house about 2 hours away.


Linda~What time is dinner Friday? We'll be there! :lol Your menu sounds delicious. :yes

Amanda, it's good to hear from you. :manyheart

Heather~Sounds like you're making great progress on the Calliope. :hook


Better get busy...have a wonderful day.

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Sounds good to me. We usually eat about 6:30 pm. How many extra places shall I set?

Aaaaaaand here is Mr. Frog.




And pictures of the pattern for the Train with its Face.



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Sounds good to me. We usually eat about 6:30 pm. How many extra places shall I set?

Aaaaaaand here is Mr. Frog.




And pictures of the pattern for the Train with its Face.




Those patterns are great! You have the best ideas.


I have been busily working on the Baby Gingham. Still can't tell if I can have it finished by the shower on Sat. but it's going really quickly. I am about to finish stitching the first half and I need to get more yarn for the other half. Hope to have pics to post this afternoon.

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