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Our House [Archive 1]


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I think I'd make both ends of the towelrack show so you can tell more what the green is, and something darker for the border -- maybe a darler green or blue ...


Cara- do you think we are all driving you batty today on purpose ?:lol


Not driving me batty one bit....like I said, I'd never get anything done anymore without my "creative consultants" :hug

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Morning, everybody. I ended up turning off the computers yesterday, because there was so much lightening and thunder going on. But, guess what, only a VERY FEW drops of rain out of all that blustering. :grumpy Grrrrr!!! :irk

My two bits on the pattern, Cara. For me there isn't enough contrast between the peach in the wall and the yellow in the duck. How about a real light blue and a dark blue or maybe a real light turquoise and a dark turquoise for the wall. Then you could leave the yellow border the way it was, because it helps to make the duck pop. BTW, when I was in nursing school, my friends and I did a skit to the song, "Rubber Ducky." Your pattern set off all kinds of good memories. :hug

Have to keep this short, as I have a doctor's appointment today. And I have to be fasting, which means, of course, that I'm starving already. Happy crocheting. :hook

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Good Morning. I've been reading all the posts and catching up! It's another stormy morning and I'm staying in today.


Cara ~ I love the Duck pattern and am honored to be one of your "creative consultants." :hook


Theresa, so glad you're joining us. :)


I'd better get busy; bye for now.

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Linda - Good luck at the doctor :hug Yep, I've had that Rubber Ducky song playing through my head since yesterday :lol Gotta come up with one I don't know a song for :rofl


Mary - Good morning :hug Yep, gonna storm and blow here, too so I'm staying put :hook


Amanda - Grats on finishing!!! :hug Can't wait to see the photo :D

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Cara-Since it is summer, how about a beach bag tote that has like a beach umbrella, or beach ball, or sand bucket and shovel ?



Oooh, Oooh, Oooh!!! Good one! Thanks :hug

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Hi again. I'm having a hard time getting into "Happy Housewife" stuff this a.m. and would much rather be here having fun!


Cara ~ It is so neat to see your designs come to life. The duck is so cute...maybe he could be "Just Ducky." :lol


Hi Amanda, good for you for finishing your Penguin!


Julie ~ You get the award for the best avatars. Now, if we could just get rid of Krystal's. ;)

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That's Just Ducky, Cara!!!! :clap Hehehehe!!! He's perfect.:clap

I knew you just needed the right stimulus to get cracking, Julie. Good job.

Congratulations, Amanda!:yay:cheer:yay

The doctor's visit went well. Antibiotics for the sinus infection. Got a "good job" on the diabetis. Need to see a psychiatrist on the depression management. One of my better visits in a while.

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That's what I'll do , I 'll wear you down. You have to look at that ugly little mug everytime you see your messages on here. Maybe YOU will get sick enough of him to take him out before I have to . :D


I'M still allowed to change avatars every day ..... :D:lol:D

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Sorry, Julie - I've learned that sometimes life has to be difficult for me to enforce my own rules. Arnold will definitely stay until I see that Woven Blocks posted with 12 squares and its border.


C'mon - aren't you the LEAST bit interested in what he's turning INTO?

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Morning everyone,


Cara Just Ducky is perfect, well done.:clap


Amanda congrats on finishing.:clap


Linda Im glad everything went well at the docs.


Julie did you finish another block while I was sleeping.:D


Krystal is Arnold going to change into another picture. How clever is that.



Well I didnt do much last night. About 12 squares then I went to bed around 10.30pm. Earliest I have been to bed in ages, I was obviously tired.

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