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Our House [Archive 2]


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Sorry to hear you're so sick, maybe it's bronchitis . I had that once and it really takes the sap out of you . I'm glad you're going to the Dr today- he'll figure it out and get you fixed up .


Welcome back, Linda Y ~~ good to see you !


Cara- you are a crochet machine ! How you get that much done, I'll never know. If I stayed up that many hours I still wouldnt have that much done .


Hey TAB - like your new colors ! They add a lot of brightness to your posts !

( not that you aren't BRIGHT without them ,because you are )


Mary- good to hear from you, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time.

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Hi all


I have not got much crocheting done but I did get to work all the squares together and the cat is coming to life:D


I have a problem I want to make everything everyone else is doing. My list is getting longer and longer.:think


Linda it is best to go to the doctor just to make sure that it is nothing serious:clap


Mary enjoy your holiday:c9


Cara I wish I could go with less sleep and more crochet time.:hook


Tracy thanks for the lite hook. Hope it comes in the post today:yay


Enjoy the day everyone

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Cara 60 squares that is just amazing.:clap:yay I wish I could stay up that long and not sleep so much. The other night I stayed up till 1.30am and boy was I feeling yuck the next day. I guess its just what your used to.


Mary Im glad your having a great time at the beach.:hug


Denise cant wait to see your cat ghan.


Linda hope your feeling better soon.:hug


Here is a photo of a Baby Koala that came into our garden tonight.


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Good Morning.


Wendy~I think we have such issues staying awake because we have kids & they don't allow us to rest or nap through the day. Once they move out & we can nap then maybe we'll be able to stay awake to crochet. Ahhhh, the life........ :hook

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Hi Ladies. Thank you all for "happy vacation" wishes. It has been a long time since we've been able to get away and we are having a great time...and keeping fingers crossed we don't get a phone call about any problems with MIL. :yes DH went fishing yesterday and I crocheted for a while, but mostly walked on the beach!


Linda, I hope the doctor can help you feel better soon. :manyheart

Wendy~the baby koala is adorable. Thanks for the picture!

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Awww, what a sweet baby koala :manyheart That's the second one y'all have had come to visit isn't it? All I get are strays cats, pigeons and insane squirrels :lol


Denise - It is hard being on here sometimes wanting make everything but it sure is fun :hook You must've raised Tracy right! Good for her sending you a lite hook! Hope it shows up today :yes


Tabby - Yep, the kids definitely cut into the crocheting time :yes


Julie - Well, yesterday I didn't get squat done :lol Just couldn't seem to get in the mood. It was a busy day anyway. Monday's usually are. Laundry, housecleaning, etc :yuck


Mary - Glad y'all are having such a good time. We,too, will keep our fingers crossed that MIL has a quiet week so you can have one too :manyheart


Well, off to see if I'm more in a crochet mood today. Hope so because I just might be able to finish that fall ghan if I am :hook


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Morning, all. Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still in the land of the living. I even added a row to the RR last night, just 1 1/2 more to go. I've been reading but that's about it, other than taking care of Kim. It was a string of good books though. Which is fun. I'll let you know what the doc says about the chest.

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Linda - Good luck with the doctor today :hug


Denise - I don't know if koalas are dangerous but I sure wouldn't wanna get too close to those claws of thiers. They look painful :lol

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Evening everyone.

I am almost finished with the cot blanket I have been working on, hopefully will have pics soon. It was all in light colours, so had no reason to use my lite hook, but maybe soon. :)

Denise, hope your hook gets there soon, it has come all the way from America, so it has travelled quite a bit so don't tire it out too much. :devil

That koala is cute, Wendy.

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Back from the doctor. Diagnosis is bronchitis. I've got an inhalor to use and antibiotics for 10 days with a recheck in a week. They also did a whole bunch of tests to check out the kidneys and liver. So hopefully I'll start feeling better in a few more days when the meds kick in.

Loved the picture of the koala, Wendy.

Sounds like you are all making lots of progress.

I checked out the ME CAL site. It sure is hopping. I've got a bunch that needs doing before Christmas. Don't think there's any way to jump on that bandwagon at the moment. If I do something for me right now, it will have to be something small, no two ways about it.

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Linda T - what about making a facecloth for YOU!! C'mon, you can milk that project for at least a few days!:lol

And I'm so glad you saw the doctor - bronchitis is nothing to fool around with!!

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Facecloths!?!?!? :eek :eek :eek

How about a scarf out of that ribbon yarn I got on sale? That's more my style.

There ya go! See you on the ME CAL!!:devil

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Hello everyone hope everyone is having a good day it was very quiet in here yesterday I started to get worried. I put down the casablanca squares for a bit to work on some projects for christmas that I just decided to do lol. I have been working on the spiderman round robin and it is almost finished it goes really fast. I would love to do a blended ripple like the ones in the van gogh post just need to see what all is in my stash that I can do for men and woman, not sure the pastel colors will go over big for a man. Thought about doing white , grey and black for one but not sure how that will blend together. I hope everyone has ag reat night.

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Andrea, try a small swatch with the black, grey and white and see how it looks... The extremes (black and white), if memory serves me well, may not work with the blending technique.

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Morning Ladies,

Andrea-What color is your casablanca? I'm presently doing one of which I haven't worked on in a week. My colors are Dark Rose, Medium rose & cream. Going back to bed. Just took my niece to work and I have to go this afternoon. Closing again tonight and opening again tomorrow morning.

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