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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Does this mean i won't be a mommie taxi forever YAHHHHHH


Library has free internet and computers Krazycrocheter, don't forgot about us


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you ladies!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.



I only have one square ready for the the mail so far this week. I have been so busy getting stuff ready for the fundraiser for hubby that I havent been working on other things that I really need to!

I sure hope I get it all done!!!!!


need more coffee........ you all have a great day! bbl



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Does this mean i won't be a mommie taxi forever YAHHHHHH


Library has free internet and computers Krazycrocheter, don't forgot about us


My oldest will be ready to get his licence soon, but I have about 12 more "taxi" years before my youngest is driving age. (Being a mom taxi at least we know we are wanted)


I was thinking the same thing about the library computers :)

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Sorry I've missed being around. Still got the nasty bronchitis clinging on. :( Some beautiful squares.


Hershey, :hug and hope things settle down for you.


Hi to everyone. Hope you are all well. I've not even felt like crocheting much but hopefully I'm on the end of this.



aw, here's a hug! :hug


katyallen, for some reason, I had you pictured much younger than having a 26 yr old dd. :lol Hope she had a great bday.


Ha ha, well umm, I am! I had her when I was .........nevermind, lol and she did have a good one, thanks for the wishes!

Sorry for all the news I've missed. Hope to be back in full swing soon.


Just wanted to pop on to let y'all know I'm all right. We decided to put our house on the market to ease our financial burdens so now I am working my butt off to get it ready. I won't have time to crochet much for a while. I also want to say thank you for the few squares I have received the last couple of weeks. Sorry I dont' have pics; things are crazy here right now. They are much appreciated! It always makes my day to receive a square. I take a moment to hug it and look at all the pretty colors and stitches. Then it is back to work. I'll still try to stop in from time to time. TTYL!


NOOOOOOO we can't loose you! Can you check in now and then, so we don't forget You!


I start back to school on Tuesday. i will be staying with nana as she lives closer to the school. Don't have a laptop ans she doesn't have a computer so won't be able to get on much. So sorry I would love to continue. I hope everyone does well and stays well otherwise also.


Aw, school huh, well, you might have a few spare moments to jump on and say hi, from there, yes?? We'll miss both you and cindy, dang i hate this!

Five more puffy's on their way, check earlier post as to who is to expect one! Or you can be surprised!!

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I am going to be doing this in less than six months. :eek (The permit thing..) School starts the 30th, here. I went to day and enrolled our youngest son in his new school. (His old school built a new one- on the North end of town? Don't ask me why?...) So now he has to go to a different school. But he is excited.


Patrick looks like he's got it all under control, what a handsome young man! :)


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you ladies!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.



I only have one square ready for the the mail so far this week. I have been so busy getting stuff ready for the fundraiser for hubby that I havent been working on other things that I really need to!

I sure hope I get it all done!!!!!


need more coffee........ you all have a great day! bbl



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I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know when someone passes away it can be very stressful in every way. My great-grandma (granny) passed away in March. It was so chaotic around here for the longest. But it does get better I promise. Hope your step-dad does good with his chemo. :hug Loved all your squares. So pretty. Such talented people in here.


Thank you krazycrocheter!! Please try to keep in touch here as much as you can while in school. Wish you lots of luck with your studies!!


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you ladies!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.



I only have one square ready for the the mail so far this week. I have been so busy getting stuff ready for the fundraiser for hubby that I havent been working on other things that I really need to!

I sure hope I get it all done!!!!!


need more coffee........ you all have a great day! bbl




Congrats for Patrick!!! So handsome! Remember how I felt when my 2 oldest sons did this. They are now 30 and 28. And to think that I will soon be going through it all over again with my 11 yr. old DD soon. : (

Will send you something for your fundraiser asap!!

Hope all is doing well!!

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Alright since alot of others seem to be doing it.. I may or may not have access to the internet in about two weeks when i go to stay with my g-ma to help her take care of a little cousin whose mum and dad both work. I'll also be there to make sure g-ma dunna hurt herself whilst healing from her busted hip. DX I hope nothing goes wrong! And good wishes for all who need them!

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Thank you all. You are all so very sweet. I will try to stay in touch as much as possible. If anyone was wondering I am going to school for Early Childhood Education. I'm want to be a pre-school teacher. I just adore children. Oh sorry I think I might have already posted this. If I did sorry for my forgetfulness.:lol

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Well, my girlfriend and I were just talking about all the stuff that has been happening in our lives all of a sudden. It sounds like the same thing is going on here with everyone so I don't feel it's just me. Every day has been something else going on, either doctor's appointments, tests, issues at the job, just something new to deal with every day which is what has been keeping me off the computer. I started a square for someone on Sunday and it's still sitting where I left it and I haven't been able to get back and finish it. Crazy:yes.


I want to make a little side note on something I read earlier since it's a pet peeve of mine. I believe that no matter what is happening in my life, I will always find a way to say thank you for a gift from someone. If I lose the internet there is always a thank you card that can go out. I just feel that no matter what, it may take a couple of weeks but I will not let that person not know if their gift was ever received. Just my opinion.


Ok, enough babbling. Hello to the newbies, and I'm sorry to say goodbye to any of you not able to stay in touch, but I understand. I will continue to send squares to all that I have not sent one to yet. I'm trying to get them done:lol I am determined to send one to everyone on the list, it's a goal I set for myself when I first started on this thread and I am determined to keep it, even though this list seems to get longer everyday:eek.


Love all the pics, the squares are beautiful. Hope everyone is feeling better. I'm off to work, can't wait to see what happens today, it's been interesting lately. Lot of changes and I'm trying to hire someone which has not been easy. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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Well, I didn't get to even crochet yesterday. My son was sick (flu). He's feeling much better today so hopefully I can get some more squares done. Even though I don't have the money to send out any yet I can sure make a stack of them and tag them. :) Good luck to those who are leaving. I can definitely understand and we will miss you (even though I'm new to this CAL, I've been following it since I joined.)

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Well, my girlfriend and I were just talking about all the stuff that has been happening in our lives all of a sudden. It sounds like the same thing is going on here with everyone so I don't feel it's just me. Every day has been something else going on, either doctor's appointments, tests, issues at the job, just something new to deal with every day which is what has been keeping me off the computer. I started a square for someone on Sunday and it's still sitting where I left it and I haven't been able to get back and finish it. Crazy:yes.


I want to make a little side note on something I read earlier since it's a pet peeve of mine. I believe that no matter what is happening in my life, I will always find a way to say thank you for a gift from someone. If I lose the internet there is always a thank you card that can go out. I just feel that no matter what, it may take a couple of weeks but I will not let that person not know if their gift was ever received. Just my opinion.


Ok, enough babbling. Hello to the newbies, and I'm sorry to say goodbye to any of you not able to stay in touch, but I understand. I will continue to send squares to all that I have not sent one to yet. I'm trying to get them done:lol I am determined to send one to everyone on the list, it's a goal I set for myself when I first started on this thread and I am determined to keep it, even though this list seems to get longer everyday:eek.


Love all the pics, the squares are beautiful. Hope everyone is feeling better. I'm off to work, can't wait to see what happens today, it's been interesting lately. Lot of changes and I'm trying to hire someone which has not been easy. Hope you all have a wonderful day.


Well, I didn't get to even crochet yesterday. My son was sick (flu). He's feeling much better today so hopefully I can get some more squares done. Even though I don't have the money to send out any yet I can sure make a stack of them and tag them. :) Good luck to those who are leaving. I can definitely understand and we will miss you (even though I'm new to this CAL, I've been following it since I joined.)

Well said Pat! I totally agree with how you feel. I am determined to send one out to everyone on the list also not matter what! :lol I have some envenlopes ready now, but haven't been able to get to the PO. Nira, I understand the $$$ issue. I've tried to spread the packages out weekly, but the money still adds up, something that we have to be careful about with all my medical bills. So, some of the squares ready to go out are for the ones leaving. I hope they make it to you in your new place. Good luck to you! We will miss you!

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Just checkin in. I have the last batch ready to mail out next week, which concludes that everyone that I was able to do one for, has gotten one. THere are only four I haven't done, reasons being, because I don't have in my stash what they want it made from, or color, or they live across the seas, but eventually, maybe as I acquire the correct yarns or cotton, I will do one for them as well. For the most part however, I am done with the list, as it stands today, lol


So what to do now, start over at the top?? I don't know yet. I added up postage too, and it's quite a bit, although never seems too much to bear when I mail four or five at a time. It costs bout 8.55 to mail out five puffys, which in in itself is do-able for once a week mailings. Also, i discovered, two 6 inch ones in one envelope still only cost 1. 71, or one big 12 inch, also 1.71. I don't think I have had one under or over that for the duration of my mailings for this cal.


I am very pleased with the squares I have recieved, and thank you all for helping me make my friendship ghan! I am not in any way not going to be around, Ill be still coming in, and having a diet coke with ya all, now and then, feet up, and enjoying the eye candy. I look so forward to seeing more completed ghans soon, and pictures! don't forget the pictures!! ok, ill be back tomorrow, to "check in" again with ya all and see if there are any newbies to "square for!"


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Oh,and I forgot to add this thought, if anyone is very close to having as many as they need, would post that, and how many more it will take to complete it, I could start to work on a few of those just to get closer to the finished project! SO if you're close and need a few more, let us know,please and thank y ou! I know a lot have it in their signature, which is helpful!

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Just checkin in. I have the last batch ready to mail out next week, which concludes that everyone that I was able to do one for, has gotten one. THere are only four I haven't done, reasons being, because I don't have in my stash what they want it made from, or color, or they live across the seas, but eventually, maybe as I acquire the correct yarns or cotton, I will do one for them as well. For the most part however, I am done with the list, as it stands today, lol


So what to do now, start over at the top?? I don't know yet. I added up postage too, and it's quite a bit, although never seems too much to bear when I mail four or five at a time. It costs bout 8.55 to mail out five puffys, which in in itself is do-able for once a week mailings. Also, i discovered, two 6 inch ones in one envelope still only cost 1. 71, or one big 12 inch, also 1.71. I don't think I have had one under or over that for the duration of my mailings for this cal.


I am very pleased with the squares I have recieved, and thank you all for helping me make my friendship ghan! I am not in any way not going to be around, Ill be still coming in, and having a diet coke with ya all, now and then, feet up, and enjoying the eye candy. I look so forward to seeing more completed ghans soon, and pictures! don't forget the pictures!! ok, ill be back tomorrow, to "check in" again with ya all and see if there are any newbies to "square for!"


Wow, you've made it through the list! WTG!!! I've found your costs to be about the same. The one overseas was $3.46 for a 12". Haven't heard back yet. I hope she rec'd it. :think Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing more completed ghans and I love seeing all the pretty squares posted! Glad you're sticking around! :hug


Oh,and I forgot to add this thought, if anyone is very close to having as many as they need, would post that, and how many more it will take to complete it, I could start to work on a few of those just to get closer to the finished project! SO if you're close and need a few more, let us know,please and thank y ou! I know a lot have it in their signature, which is helpful!

That's a great idea!

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I am putting square making on hold this week.

When I was in TN visiting family my niece asked me to make her another bag because she lost the cupcake purse I made her. I told her yes of course I would. But I was in no rush because sheesh she LOST the last one.

Well what she DIDN'T tell me was that she had her purse in her locker and LOST IT IN THE FLOOD! I know you all remember that awful flood in Nashville,right?

Talk about GUILT! I completely frogged the bag I was making her and am making her a super awesome backpack. She can't use this backpack for school because of school policy on backpacks. She sure can use it everywhere else. I may just run to the store and buy more "cupcake mix" (tan yarn with colored flecks that looks like confetti cupcake and pink yarn for strawberry icing)


I just thought too that they did not have many blankets and things at their new house. I haven't asked but I bet things like that got ruined in the flood as well. So after I am done with the backpack I will start on a couple afghans for the boys.

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Wowowowowow, I got three squares today, the very first for my friendshipghan! :woo


AbbyNormal sent me the super awesome squares on the left and BaseballMom18 sent me the fab-o pretty square on the right :manyheart


Thank you so much ladies, I love these squares and so appreciate you taking the time to create and mail them to me! :hug



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I am putting square making on hold this week.

When I was in TN visiting family my niece asked me to make her another bag because she lost the cupcake purse I made her. I told her yes of course I would. But I was in no rush because sheesh she LOST the last one.

Well what she DIDN'T tell me was that she had her purse in her locker and LOST IT IN THE FLOOD! I know you all remember that awful flood in Nashville,right?

Talk about GUILT! I completely frogged the bag I was making her and am making her a super awesome backpack. She can't use this backpack for school because of school policy on backpacks. She sure can use it everywhere else. I may just run to the store and buy more "cupcake mix" (tan yarn with colored flecks that looks like confetti cupcake and pink yarn for strawberry icing)


I just thought too that they did not have many blankets and things at their new house. I haven't asked but I bet things like that got ruined in the flood as well. So after I am done with the backpack I will start on a couple afghans for the boys.

That's wonderful of you to be making those for your neice. That flood was so aweful!


Wowowowowow, I got three squares today, the very first for my friendshipghan! :woo


AbbyNormal sent me the super awesome squares on the left and BaseballMom18 sent me the fab-o pretty square on the right :manyheart


Thank you so much ladies, I love these squares and so appreciate you taking the time to create and mail them to me! :hug

Pretty squares!!!

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Love seeing those squares Justaddglitter! So pretty! Im still looking for someone to square for, lol I will probably be working on some anyways, in case a herd of newbies sign up! One can never have too many sqaures at the ready, available and able to fill a spot, should the need arise quickly! Always prepared, right? Nice of you to be making a replacement for her too!! Happy Hookin!!

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Thank you so much for the beautiful squares. I will make them work LOL


I am exhausted, but I couldn't lay my head down until I posted a thank you. You made my mailbox & me happy


Well I am glad you like them :hook You are very welcome.

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Wowowowowow, I got three squares today, the very first for my friendshipghan! :woo


AbbyNormal sent me the super awesome squares on the left and BaseballMom18 sent me the fab-o pretty square on the right :manyheart


Thank you so much ladies, I love these squares and so appreciate you taking the time to create and mail them to me! :hug


You're very welcome! Glad it got there safely!:hug

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I received a sweet square from grannieannie in the mail yesterday!! I have no Internet credit so I can't upload the photo. I tried linking through Facebook but it doesn't show me the URL grrr. Phones and forums do not go well without tapatalk.Grannieannie if you have a pic could you upload it for me please? I love the square, the colour is gorgeous! Going by the post date you must of thought it went AWOL! I sent out a square a week and a half ago so I hope it makes it to it's recipient In the next week.

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Teakaycee - At the age of almost 32 I got my learners a few weeks ago. Very exciting stuff. Unlike your son I could not drive at all! But my friends are great and had me on the road on my second lesson. On my fifth I was on a busy road and was cut off by a semi trailer! It was just lucky I had slowed down to let another truck overtake me or it wouldn't have ended well.

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Teakaycee - At the age of almost 32 I got my learners a few weeks ago. Very exciting stuff. Unlike your son I could not drive at all! But my friends are great and had me on the road on my second lesson. On my fifth I was on a busy road and was cut off by a semi trailer! It was just lucky I had slowed down to let another truck overtake me or it wouldn't have ended well.


At 24 I've had my learners a few years. It's expired right now. To scared too actually get my real license.

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I'd try again Ambi. Do you have any backroads that you could Practise on until you got your confidence up. My first couple of lessons were out at a race track. I drove around in circles for hours lol. I live in a small town. We got our first set of traffic lights this year and I am not ready to drive down the main street yet.

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