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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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those sure are pretty! Love the colors too...


ANyone want a sneak peak at what I have so far, on my friendship ghan?? Ok, here's just a tiny portion of what it will be, anyone spot their sqaures in there, lol


Looks pretty so far!

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Hi all ! hope you have been doing well. Ive been on and off here lately, but hoping that changes soon. Ive been working on a few baby blankets, and the blankets for the Seniors home, and playing on facebook ( I have 11 different cities) the kids still have about a month before school starts, then more free time to myself, :)


Im hoping to get back into making and sending squares soon. Id like to say Thank You to everyone who has sent me squares for my blanket, I LOVE them all :hug

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This has been a barren week, the mailbox has been empty all week.

It must be just to hot to crochet. I have a stack to send out, but am too lazy to go to the PO. Guess they will wait until monday.


Sue, I need a new list, there have been a few new ones since my last list.

Everyone have a great week end, maybe it will cool off soon.:think



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This has been a barren week, the mailbox has been empty all week.

It must be just to hot to crochet. I have a stack to send out, but am too lazy to go to the PO. Guess they will wait until monday.


Sue, I need a new list, there have been a few new ones since my last list.

Everyone have a great week end, maybe it will cool off soon.:think




Send me your e-mail again. It usually takes me a couple times to get it down. :lol



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I've been hiding out in the bedroom all day trying to avoid the heat! I got a 12" and an 8" square made. I can add those to the two 8 in ones that I made yesterday, so I'm getting there! These won't go out probably until next week though.

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hehehehe.... okay... here's a pic of the dishcloths I made for my mom.

I'll be giving them to her tomorrow night as we are going over there for a belated birthday dinner for me! :D





I love them Tammy:hook


I think I'm missing some posts but is this right?


Nicole (nicolep), Joann (imanurse) and Susan (smith) all have enough squares?


Congrats guys! :yay

Yes, I have enough- I had mine finished, but then got a friendship square at a meet up so I needed some more to make another row. I stopped at ACM on the way home from work and got some more black yarn so I can border the remaining squares and attach them to my friendship ghan. Thank you to all who sent me squares-:hug:hug


I had posted the finished ghan months ago, but once I border and attach the final row, I'll post a pic of the completed afghan.







Very pretty!!




Did I miss Joann not needing more? Susan and Nicole I got. :think



Yes, you must have missed it---Gee I wonder how---there's only a gazillion posts here:lol:lol:lol:lol


I rec'd these beautiful sqs today from rosebud75. We were swap partners in the purse/tote swap and she sent me two friendship sqs too! :yay Thank you DeeDee!
They are very pretty!!!

STay cool!!!

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I rec'd these beautiful sqs today from rosebud75. We were swap partners in the purse/tote swap and she sent me two friendship sqs too! :yay Thank you DeeDee!

Nice squares!!! Hope everyone is doing good.

Thank you Turtlelvr for my patterns!!! :clap:clap I am so excited.. I can't wait to start my STB!!! Got hubby to go with me to Hobby Lobby (nearest one is 1 1/2 hours away) just so I could get some new yarn to do a couple!!! Thank you!!!

Got several squares made, but will be Monday before I can get them out. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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Have a good weekend everyone!!!


Hot as Hades here as they say- it was 85 degrees already at 7:30 when I went grocery shopping. In for the day now!! (and praying AC stays on- and now power outages)

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I'm with you Joann. I was out on our patio 7:00 this morning and said "you have to be crazy to be out here", in the house I went and inside I shall stay. Think I'll try and crochet this afternoon since I got the new list and saw all the added ones. I definitely need to get busy. I do have some six inch squares done, I just need to work on others.


Joanne, how's that beautiful pen, you lucky dog, glad I got to be the first one to congratulate you :lol


Sue, Nicky said thank you

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I'm with you Joann. I was out on our patio 7:00 this morning and said "you have to be crazy to be out here", in the house I went and inside I shall stay. Think I'll try and crochet this afternoon since I got the new list and saw all the added ones. I definitely need to get busy. I do have some six inch squares done, I just need to work on others.


That's what I decided to do today but I think the heat has melted my brain! I must have frogged the same square 5 times! :bang I was determined to try a new pattern and kept trying one pattern after another when something would go wrong. I finally gave up and went to my old faithful one! Got it done in 20 minutes! :lol Just think of how many squares I could have done instead of wasting my day fighting with patterns! :blink

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I would like to join this group. I don't need or want any squares as I have plenty. I could make and send to others though.


*rhonnifer: 5 or 10", any

Does this person still want squares. I have have some five inch granny squares and I think two ten. Just let me know. You can send me a private message with her information and I will send them to her.

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That's what I decided to do today but I think the heat has melted my brain! I must have frogged the same square 5 times! :bang I was determined to try a new pattern and kept trying one pattern after another when something would go wrong. I finally gave up and went to my old faithful one! Got it done in 20 minutes! :lol Just think of how many squares I could have done instead of wasting my day fighting with patterns! :blink

Never give up! lol

I would like to join this group. I don't need or want any squares as I have plenty. I could make and send to others though.

*rhonnifer: 5 or 10", any

Does this person still want squares. I have have some five inch granny squares and I think two ten. Just let me know. You can send me a private message with her information and I will send them to her.

She has not visited the forum here for while. And please email or pm turtlelover, she will get you a list of those participating, and what size color etc, sqaures they are looking for...and welcome!!

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Ann, I made my old standby today and it looks a little wonky but if you put it on a flat surface it seems ok. Must be something in the air today! :lol


krazycrocheter, welcome to the group and yeah... what Katy said. ^ :U

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I would like to join this group. I don't need or want any squares as I have plenty. I could make and send to others though.


Welcome to the group!!!


Never give up! lol


I'm not giving up! As a matter of fact, I've started another new pattern that I found on Rav last night! :lol


Ann, I made my old standby today and it looks a little wonky but if you put it on a flat surface it seems ok. Must be something in the air today! :lol


Good to know it isn't just me! :lol

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Hello, Ladies! I had a marvelous weekend! I drove to MI for a family reunion and it was great. Well, the drive wasn't, but the reunion was. My baby screamed for most of the drive there (I guess that is our payment for older dd being so wonderful in the car). I turned my ears off and whipped out a few squares. Yay! I'll put them in the mail tomorrow. This family reunion was my first one ever. It was so exciting to meet family that my mom has been telling me about my whole life. I can't wait for next year! While researching my family tree, I located some distant cousins on facebook and invited them to the reunion. THey couldn't make it this year but will next year. Sigh....It is nice to be home though, with all my yarn. I only took my yarn balls so the squares I made are stash-busters :P

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I received 3 squares from abbynormal this weekend. a purple and 2 cream colored. thank you very much.

I have been looking for all my squares I think a few are in with all my space bags from when I was sorting my yarn, I had some help from my youngest. so i will be going through it over the next couple days and then I can take a pic of them all together.

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I rec'd these beautiful sqs today from rosebud75. We were swap partners in the purse/tote swap and she sent me two friendship sqs too! :yay Thank you DeeDee!

Nice!! :yes


I would like to join this group. I don't need or want any squares as I have plenty. I could make and send to others though.


*rhonnifer: 5 or 10", any

Does this person still want squares. I have have some five inch granny squares and I think two ten. Just let me know. You can send me a private message with her information and I will send them to her.

:welcome aboard, krazycrocheter!! This is a wonderful place to be with the nicest ladies around!! Are you SURE you wouldn't like more squares??? :lol


I got 3 more squares from schelscat!! A few days ago actually but the internet wasnt cooperating till today.[ATTACH]42659[/ATTACH]

How pretty!!


I received 3 squares from abbynormal this weekend. a purple and 2 cream colored. thank you very much.

I have been looking for all my squares I think a few are in with all my space bags from when I was sorting my yarn, I had some help from my youngest. so i will be going through it over the next couple days and then I can take a pic of them all together.

I have been doing the same thing tonyal!! I have found them all and counted them, but will try to get pics maybe tomorrow. Today the light in my house is not good because of yet more rain here!! :(

On a good note I have 5 packages of squares sent out today!!:clap

Looking forward to working more and more on the list. although, I ordered some of turtlelvr's patterns and they are SCREAMING my name!!! :hyper:sofunny

I'm also getting excited because I pick up DD Friday from her father and get her back for school year!! :yay She doesn't know it yet, but we've already booked reservations in Destin for 4 days starting that Saturday!!! :jumpyay:jumpyay

Hope everyone has a happy Monday with some :crocheting time!!

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I will later today, chose some more puffies from my

tote, and send those out tomorrow, as I am not going to get to the post

office today, unfortunately. Ive been keeping busy otherwise doing some 10 and 12 inchers, for the next mailing or the one after that, whenever I run out of 6 and 8s in my tote, lol.

Found a zip lock full of yo yo's and brains busy working on how and what to use them on, I have a couple ideas, lol well, off to the craft room, everyone has a nice day, and keep hydrated in this heat!

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.:: Good Afternoon ::.


Well….. I have my new “hand-me-down” furniture from my mom… and boys is it nice! Made a new little crochet space in my basement until I can get my craft room back! (remember… it’s a step-by-step project after my daughters destruction. I got my 15yr olds room clean on Saturday… so one of the recliners I got from mom went in his room.

Today is a nice relaxing day with my new little craft spot. Later we will go to the Sr Legion baseball game! Gotta cheer them on! J


This is my new little spot…

As we keep working on the upstairs… I’ll get my craft room done… but until then… I will happily sit here! J

Still have to put the feet on the loveseat.... Need to find the special bit for the screws.






off to crochet some squares to mail out this week :hook



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