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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Yes Pat that is a gorgeous square. It is taking me awhile to decide on a pattern.




Squares is what we are all about. We do what we can when we can. Sometimes we throw in a little extra surprise. I make squares and mail them out but am not collecting them......knew I would never put them together. Several of the ladies here conspired together and secretly put together a friendship-ghan for me. It was one of the biggest and best surprises I have ever had. They have had a couple of swaps for those that want to join in. I haven't participated but its been fun to watch and see what they come up with.




Here's the link for all of them.



I still can't believe I have one (got it one year ago).


We occasionally like to do "secret projects". One of them was a friendshipghan for Brenda because she has made so many squares for all of us. :hug


I got one of Mary Jo's bags in March and still pet and drool over it! :lol


Sue... may I please have an updated list (pdf version)? Thanks - I want to start making squares again when I get some spare time.


Sent! :)



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Brenda, thanks for the info :).


Crochetville Ladies are the Bestest Around! What a wonderful surprise that some of them made a ghan for you!


Thanks for the link for the bags. I think at one time I had a Tampa Doll bag on my wish list but then removed it. I'll just keep hoping...not that I really need one but it would be a very nice treasure.


Squares is what we are all about. We do what we can when we can. Sometimes we throw in a little extra surprise. I make squares and mail them out but am not collecting them......knew I would never put them together. Several of the ladies here conspired together and secretly put together a friendship-ghan for me. It was one of the biggest and best surprises I have ever had. They have had a couple of swaps for those that want to join in. I haven't participated but its been fun to watch and see what they come up with.




Here's the link for all of them.



I still can't believe I have one (got it one year ago).

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Brenda, thanks for the info :).


Crochetville Ladies are the Bestest Around! What a wonderful surprise that some of them made a ghan for you!


Thanks for the link for the bags. I think at one time I had a Tampa Doll bag on my wish list but then removed it. I'll just keep hoping...not that I really need one but it would be a very nice treasure.


You are right! Crochetville Ladies (and Gents) are the Bestest Around and Tampa Doll's bags are a very nice treasure. I can't believe that out of all the members here Mary Jo sent me a bag. At the time I could think of several people that deserved one way before me. She must have been thinking about these people too because several of them have received bags this past year. I remember the month she sent mine it seemed like she was on the later side posting the bag for the month. I was so relieved when it went up because I had started thinking something had happened and she wasn't going to be able to do it anymore. I had looked forward to the post each month and each time thinking it might be coming to me, most likely not, but there was a chance. When that box came I looked at it for a long time. Was I dreaming or was it real? All I can say is just keep wishing because sometime wishes do come true.

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I totally agree with you Brenda. I love this place. Thanks for posting the link to the bags. I can never find it when I'm looking for it.


2 squares will be going out tomorrow. I took a trip to Hobby Lobby today. It's an hour and a half away. I made 1 sq going up and 1 coming back. Keeps me from being a back sheet driver.

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*typin for madyson*





*me now* lol


omg she was so excited when the mailman called her to the mailbox. (they were getting off the bus when he came). and he said IS THERE A MADYSON HERE>> SHE HAS MAIL.. ohh she was excited!!! to get mail.. TY sue

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*typin for madyson*





*me now* lol


omg she was so excited when the mailman called her to the mailbox. (they were getting off the bus when he came). and he said IS THERE A MADYSON HERE>> SHE HAS MAIL.. ohh she was excited!!! to get mail.. TY sue


Tell her she is welcome. I've had it done for a couple weeks, but just so stinkin' busy!



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Pat, thank you so much for the beautiful square - I love that pattern!!! I'll take a pic later tonight, when I'm not wrestling a toddler (it's totally one of those days with her LOL).


Thanks again!


Your are very welcome. I'm glad you like the pattern, first time I've tried it.

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Wow… has this been one heck of a ride this last month!!!


I’m sorry for not being around and not even checking in!!! We’ve kinda been busy!


To recap on whats been going on and is still going on…………


October 15th hubby was admitted to the hospital diagnosed with Leukemia. He spent 25 days there…. Seemed like so much longer. He had his first round of serious chemo and came through that really well.

He’s home and starts his “consolidation therapy” which is more chemo. He will go one hour …twice a day on Monday… Wednesday … and Friday. Then a two week break for his immune system to recover and then another week of chemo… two weeks off.. and one last week of chemo. If you are interested at all in reading more about his adventure… I created him a Caring Bridge site …. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kencarlton Please feel free to hop over and read and even leave him a message if you feel led to.


In the midst of all this Michael went into a relapse. The stress of his daddy being sick really did a number on him.

He’s really having a rough time of it … He’s super swollen and in pain.

He’s missed a couple weeks of school in total so far on and off… we’ve had to barrow a wheelchair from a friend to help get Michael around.


I’ve been busy crocheting … Made Ken a blanket while he was in the hospital… and have been receiving squares to make him another one.

I’m in the process of making scarves right now for Christmas gifts…… for a bunch of the nurses that took care of Ken … and some seriously wonderful friends that have been helping us out during this tough time!


Anyway… need to run… have been busy today tending to Michael and getting things done around here.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!


*** Welcome to any and all new members!!!! You’ll love it here! ***


*** Happy Birthday to anyone I missed over the last month!!***


Ken's Prayer Blanket I made him **Orange for Leukemia**



Christmas Scarves I'm making......







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Wow… has this been one heck of a ride this last month!!!


I’m sorry for not being around and not even checking in!!! We’ve kinda been busy!


To recap on whats been going on and is still going on…………


October 15th hubby was admitted to the hospital diagnosed with Leukemia. He spent 25 days there…. Seemed like so much longer. He had his first round of serious chemo and came through that really well.

He’s home and starts his “consolidation therapy” which is more chemo. He will go one hour …twice a day on Monday… Wednesday … and Friday. Then a two week break for his immune system to recover and then another week of chemo… two weeks off.. and one last week of chemo. If you are interested at all in reading more about his adventure… I created him a Caring Bridge site …. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kencarlton Please feel free to hop over and read and even leave him a message if you feel led to.


In the midst of all this Michael went into a relapse. The stress of his daddy being sick really did a number on him.

He’s really having a rough time of it … He’s super swollen and in pain.

He’s missed a couple weeks of school in total so far on and off… we’ve had to barrow a wheelchair from a friend to help get Michael around.


I’ve been busy crocheting … Made Ken a blanket while he was in the hospital… and have been receiving squares to make him another one.

I’m in the process of making scarves right now for Christmas gifts…… for a bunch of the nurses that took care of Ken … and some seriously wonderful friends that have been helping us out during this tough time!


Anyway… need to run… have been busy today tending to Michael and getting things done around here.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!


*** Welcome to any and all new members!!!! You’ll love it here! ***


*** Happy Birthday to anyone I missed over the last month!!***


Ken's Prayer Blanket I made him **Orange for Leukemia**



Christmas Scarves I'm making......








Thank you for checking in here. I have been wondering how you were doing. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. I love the prayer blanket and the scarves.:hug:hug

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Wow… has this been one heck of a ride this last month!!!


I’m sorry for not being around and not even checking in!!! We’ve kinda been busy!


To recap on whats been going on and is still going on…………


October 15th hubby was admitted to the hospital diagnosed with Leukemia. He spent 25 days there…. Seemed like so much longer. He had his first round of serious chemo and came through that really well.

He’s home and starts his “consolidation therapy” which is more chemo. He will go one hour …twice a day on Monday… Wednesday … and Friday. Then a two week break for his immune system to recover and then another week of chemo… two weeks off.. and one last week of chemo. If you are interested at all in reading more about his adventure… I created him a Caring Bridge site …. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kencarlton Please feel free to hop over and read and even leave him a message if you feel led to.


In the midst of all this Michael went into a relapse. The stress of his daddy being sick really did a number on him.

He’s really having a rough time of it … He’s super swollen and in pain.

He’s missed a couple weeks of school in total so far on and off… we’ve had to barrow a wheelchair from a friend to help get Michael around.


I’ve been busy crocheting … Made Ken a blanket while he was in the hospital… and have been receiving squares to make him another one.

I’m in the process of making scarves right now for Christmas gifts…… for a bunch of the nurses that took care of Ken … and some seriously wonderful friends that have been helping us out during this tough time!


Anyway… need to run… have been busy today tending to Michael and getting things done around here.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!


*** Welcome to any and all new members!!!! You’ll love it here! ***


*** Happy Birthday to anyone I missed over the last month!!***


Ken's Prayer Blanket I made him **Orange for Leukemia**



Christmas Scarves I'm making......








Glad to hear He's feeling a little better :). And what beautiful things you have crocheted lately. I'll still be thinking about your family and praying that things keep looking up for you all :).

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:hug happy, healing thoughts Tammy!!!



Anyone have any links to NEW squares?


there are a few ones on CPC in the last few weeks, smooth fox has some new ones on her site also....other than that, I'm at a loss. Heather you new celtic scarf on esty is gorgeous!!

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TAM! It's so good to hear from you and to know things may be a little better for ya! Will Keep you, Ken and Micheal and rest of family in my prayers!!!! I have you 2 orange squares but never got them mailed :(, would you still like to have them? I can get them on out for you if you do!!

Sue, in answer to your question, got about half of it made. This was a little harder. I hate decision making! :lol Just hope she likes all the Christmas happies!!!

Hope everyone else is well. I'm afraid we've all been really busy on here!

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Tam, so good to hear from you! Been thinking about you guys a lot lately. I still need to get my square shipped out for Ken's comfortghan. Hopefully Tuesday when I ship a bunch of orders out :)


I have one idea for part of Rene's gift, and it's almost done!. I still need more, but I'm getting there. Couple ideas I need to poke around on the internet for still.... lol


Hope everyone's doing well! My shop has been crazy busy the last two weeks or so, not to mention orders from friends/family, so my time has almost exclusively been spent crocheting/knitting. I suppose I can't complain, though....I DO love when things are busy :D

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