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Nice things said about crochet...

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On Ravelery there was a thread on Crochet Liberation Front group to post nice things you have heard said about crochet, or nice things that have be said to you about your crocheting.


Since "we" tend to get so riled up about "crochet discrimination". I thot it would be nice to have an on going thread here to post such things.


I'll start:


When I'm at my In-Laws, it has become a given that I am always, at some point going to pick up my hook & yarn. Sometimes I just get "the look". DH has a large family. Christmas 2009 I made BICOs for the new niece, & 2 new nephews. I asked the parents to open them simultaniously (sp?). Everyone (17) in the room gasped & gushed - even the SIL that has NEVER said anything about my projects.

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Great thread idea!


My SIL always loves the things I make, and keeps encouraging me to sell things. I say I'm too busy making things for the people I love to start making things to sell!


When I go somewhere that I know I'll be waiting - like a Dr's office - I always take something along with me. Invariably somebody will comment on it and sometimes even tell me that they wish they brought their stitching! I always mention Crochetville and suggest that they join us!

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My brother is amazed at what I whip up with a hook and yarn. He will keep saying over and over "You MADE that?". Besides my Mom I think he's ended up with more of my handmade gifts than anyone.



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Oh the things I could add to this thread!


My mother used to be the one in the family to make all the new baby things. When she (and my dad) passed away suddenly in an accident there was no one who did it, so I learned how. My cousin had gotten married to a lovely girl and, of course, eventually she became pregnant with her first child. My aunt was just hystreical because there was no one to make sweaters for the new baby. My sister called me to tell me this. I called my aunt and left her a message not to worry, that the yarn was already bought and the hooks were already flying.


Surprisingly enough at the baby shower the things I made were the only hand made items she got. Everyone just oohed and aahed over each piece as they were passed around. They were the hit of the shower. Not that I was trying to do that, but it was nice that others appreciated the work. It was fun to make them all!

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My three adult DD's are happy that I've taken up the hook! They ask me to make them scarves, hats, blankets, fingerless gloves, leg warmers and whatever else I feel like making. Middle DD had her first "lesson" from me and wants to have a "crochet day" soon so I can help her! :manyheart


And my step granddaughter just loves her blanket I gave her for her birthday- she says she likes my "yarning"! Her mom, (my stepdaughter) has asked for a blanket now! And DH raves about his flannel'ghan to anyone who will listen!:lol


I have taken hook and yarn with me to Dr's office visits and to coffee shops and I hear lots of positive things about crochet and it makes me proud to be a "hooker"!:yes

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When I was in graduate school, I would crochet to release stress. One of the bus drivers who drove the university buses saw a baby blanket that I was working on. He asked me to make three of them for him. One of them was a white one for his grandchild's Christening. I was so pleased that I could do that for him. He was so appreciative. He wanted to pay me for them. I told him that I made them for him for free. I couldn't take payment for them. Once I start taking payment for my crochet, I won't enjoy it any longer. It will just take all of the fun away.


Also, my DH rarely says anything to me about my crochet. Once, he asked me to make him purple slippers to keep his feet warm. I made him a pair, and he wears them all of the time. He gets very upset when he can't find his "purples." I was so pleased that he enjoys his crocheted slippers that much.


Thanks for starting this great thread. It's so nice to read other crocheters experiences.

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I have a crocheted sweater that I made years ago with a Melissa Leapman pattern. It's a simple, seed-stitch pattern with three colors. I constantly get compliments on it--especially from the people who assume it's knitted but then ooh and aah when I tell them it's actually crocheted.

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A couple come to mind

I think the best compliment is that my nineteen year old son actually likes and wears a scarf I made.

I recently made a scarf for my MIL and a friend actually could not believe that it wasn't store bought. Apparently it is impossible to crochet 3-d carnations! LOL!!!


I made a baby blanket that she gave to a friend as a gift, after the baby shower the friend was almost moved to tears, because it was the first time anyone had made anything specifically for her.

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I drive a school bus and work on my crochet during my down time.

I get so many compliments about "beautiful work" "great color combinations"

and "what are you making now?"

The funniest time was when I was making swatches of various yarns with

various size hooks, and the scheduler walked by and said, "I think you have

ADD, can't you stick to just one thing?" It was just funny cause she has no

clue how to knit or crochet, let alone what it means to make a swatch.

I have sold some of my stuff, for the cost of the yarn to my friends that

asked. If a total stranger asked me, I'd sell it for more than the cost of

the yarn but cheap enough to make us both happy. I love to do it and

my co-workers love seeing the progress I made with a project. We have a

certain table that we (knitters and crocheters) sit at, its called the yarn

table LOL

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Last summer when there was a fire at my nephew's apartment building (due to a guy upstairs), I arrived to find my nephew in the front yard, clutching an ami pig I crocheted for him not long before this. He's an adult, but the pig resembles one he had when he was growing up.

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No matter where I go I bring my crocheting. My 25 yo nephew knew I was making an afghan for his then 10 yo brother. He looked at me and said "I won't come out and tell you to make me an afghan, like some people, but if you want to make me one I'll accept it."

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I sent a :crocheting baby afghan and a teddy bear to a cousin's baby shower (I couldn't go :(). When it was opened everyone loved it. 2 little girls wanted to take the bear. My mom told me to make 2 more bears ASAP. Even kids appreciate my work :D.

Ellie 13

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Here in the (U.S.) South crochet is more taken for granted, especially by the older ladies. But like most crafts, there seems to be an age gap where not so many people know how to do any crafts, let alone crochet. I sometimes get amazed comments along the lines of, "I could never do that! I don't see how you can make it happen!" These are flatteringly positive. The comments I really love are when I do thread and someone starts remembering a grandmother or aunt who "used to do that". They will talk about all the lovely things their relative made and how my crochet makes them think of them.


It's so fun!

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  • 1 month later...

this past march my daughter was getting a mani-pedi while she was in Arizona and she wore her flip flops I crocheted fun fur on, and the girl who did her nails loved them, she thought they were designer, she asked DD where she bought them and she said my mom made them :) the girl was shocked.


I made my DH partner at work a baby blanket and a bunny hat for her first baby, she loved it, and she asked me if their was any special washing instructions cause she didn't want to wreck it....

the next day a guy from DH work told DH that I should sell the blankets cause they are really nice. DH tells him I keep telling Lynn that all the time.


two years ago I made bunny lapel pins for my kids to pass out to their teachers and friends, and one of the teachers my son had the previous year came up to me and told me how cute the bunnies were, and I pulled out my bag of bunnies and let her pick one out. she was thrilled...


for me crocheting is cheap therapy, it has helped through some hard times the last two years with depression and then knee surgery. I love my hooks and all my yarn.....

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I can't make the turn on themselves potholders fast enough. I make them on the large size so they are good to set larger pots on. My family loves them, the neighbor loves them, my DH's cousins love them. One of my stepmom's friends stopped by and wanted to see what I had been working on and she wasn't leaving here without a couple.


I made one sister some scrunchies and another one wanted some too.


My stepmom, sisters, and nieces love their fuzzy scarves.

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