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Bitter Sweet :/

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My 21 year old son is spreading his wings and has got his own apartment. Although I am really pleased for him, I am terribly sad at the thought of him leaving, even at 6' 3" he is still my baby boy.


Husband though, helpful as ever, gave me a different perspective. If Callum moves out there is a spare room in the house. That craft room that I have always wanted, the chance to arrange and store all my stash in one place. Permanently set up my knitting machine. Have a large craft table and a comfy chair by the window to sit and crochet in.


It has definately softened the blow of my son moving out, but it is still a bitter sweet pill to take!

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My 21 year old son is spreading his wings and has got his own apartment. Although I am really pleased for him, I am terribly sad at the thought of him leaving, even at 6' 3" he is still my baby boy.


Husband though, helpful as ever, gave me a different perspective. If Callum moves out there is a spare room in the house. That craft room that I have always wanted, the chance to arrange and store all my stash in one place. Permanently set up my knitting machine. Have a large craft table and a comfy chair by the window to sit and crochet in.


It has definately softened the blow of my son moving out, but it is still a bitter sweet pill to take!



Hey this is better than renting the room to a stranger. You could always have a big picture of Callum (poster size) put up on the wall, then it is technically still his room.

Ah the empty nest syndrom, gotta love it, and think of all the excuses you have now for buying yarn and storage bins.:hook

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I bet you'll be surprised at how often he comes home to visit. When me and my older brother were both moved out, we still came back to my parents' house all the time. :-)


But a craft room would be lovely.

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Awwww! I'm sure you will miss him dearly! I still have a few years before I have to think about my boys leaving the nest, but I've already laid claim to the older boys' room for my craft room!

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My 21 year old son is spreading his wings and has got his own apartment. Although I am really pleased for him, I am terribly sad at the thought of him leaving, even at 6' 3" he is still my baby boy.



Congratulaions on a job well done. :yay


Obviously you have raised a confident young man who is ready for responsibility and hard work.


Enjoy your craft room and be sure to make him a set of hot pads for his kitchen and an afghan for the back of his sofa!

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Not being a mother myself, I've always had a craft room (I only have to share it with a couple critters), so I don't know what you are gonig through or feeling about Callum moving out. But I know you will love having a craft room and you will be so busy filling it up and making things it will occupy your mind and not think about what use to fill up the room. :hug



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Aw Tilly, I remember feeling much the same when each my two sons fledged the nest -I totally understand the bittersweet feelings you're experiencing. :hug


Yep, in fact, as I recall, there was a period spent roaming their empty rooms, reminiscing... then, eventually, tidying up this, that, and the other boyhood treasures left behind... and then finally, yet with a respectful gradualness:

rearranging, repainting, replacing, reclaiming,...enjoying

their independence!!!... while being so very, very proud that I had a part in helping them develop and strengthen those wings.


Tilly, just remember that our sons have homing instincts that will have them circling back around often; you'll see. Mine call me often, visit regularly, and we're all enjoying new freedoms...and each other, as always. :manyheart


I type this from 'my' sunny room that use to be my sonny's room! ;)

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Wishing Callum success in his new home...and wishing you happy memories of him as you enjoy YOUR new room!


What a lovely generous thought of your husband to try and show you the upside.

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What a thoughtful husband you have.


It's hard seeing them grow up sometimes.

My daughter had some itches that her father claimed her room the very week she moved out (she only told me, not him), maybe you could include Callum in the designing of the room to avoid that.

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I too am experiencing my oldest leaving home. He will be graduating at the end of the month and just informed me he isn't coming home. :eek I still have 2 at home, but he is my firstborn. Missed him terrible while he was away at school, just keep thinking he will be closer now.

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When my younger son move out, he came back on the weekends, A LOT! Then one day he said commented on how much he loved having me cook for him - he didn't realize how hard it was to get a meal on the table and have everything ready at the same time! That made me feel great! You'll have moments like that, too

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Thank you for all your messages of support. He is my first born, I still have one at home. He informs me he will be home at least once a week for a decent meal, which is good. It is hard to let go, but we all have to do it at some time. However I had not considered all the things he is going to need, so I will get crafting now, take my mind off of the move which is next weekend!

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Yes, empty nest is harder than we ever think it might be. My hubby was a great help to me in much the same way and pointed out that I could do the same with our boy's room. :hook Little things like that do help soften the blow.

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I should be so lucky. I have 3 boys. The middle joined the Air Force and got married. They're now in California. So one is gone. But it dosen't look like the oldest or youngest is leaving anytime soon. I guess it's okay to still have some at home. :)

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I didn't have children so did not go through the "empty nest" syndrome as a parent. I did go through it sort of when I left my mother's house and moved into my first apartment. I was the "baby" and it was hard for her when I left but a couple days after I moved she visited my little 2 room apartment (kitchen and living room/bedroom combination) and was "ooooohhh and aaaaahhhh" about how cute it could be fixed up. That was May 1972 and in December 1972 I married my first husband and we only lived in the apartment for 2 weeks before moving to a larger apartment. I enjoyed my first apartment and living by myself. That experience helped ease my fears about living by myself again some 11 years later when my husband and I separated and divorced.


Good job Mom on raising a son who wants to be independent. I was 21 when I moved out. Think of it as "not" losing a son but just gaining a craft room instead. Enjoy. And I bet your son will be visiting and calling you quite often. I enjoyed being on my own but I missed my Mom also. Thank goodness she just lived a few blocks away.

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