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Dishcloths of 2010 CAL.....


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Oh how you love to torture us Villers! Oh, wait. So do I. Never mind. :roflLOL ... Oh so true!


Mine will be mailed to you tomorrow! AWESOME! There are a couple little things in there for you. you rock! You'll know which ones they are! hehehehe... ;):turtle No, its not Homer. :lolOh Darn!!! Oh well.. I cant wait to hug that little sweetie in December! :hug










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If any of you have done dishcloths for craft fairs, do you stick with one style? Or do you make a variety of stitch designs? I am wondering if I should just keep it simple with the hdc ones.


Personally, I would do whatever is quick. I would also probably try out a few fancy cloths just to see how they sell.

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:sun............ Good Evening kids.............


Sharon........ your dishcloth for the gifting game came in the mail today! LOVE IT!!!



Here is our list of players and who I have recieved from:




















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Watch the mail Tammy! The package went out today!




:yay Mine too :yes


Mine too! (((((HUGS))))) sandi



ROCK ON LADIES!!! I'll be watching!!! :yay






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Oh, this is so fun!!! I can't wait to see all of the different dishcloths...


My mil is coming over today, and we are going:cheer yarn shopping:cheer. She doesn't crochet, so she is picking out some yarn for me to make her some dishcloths/potholders. I will share pics when I get them done...

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I just made a trek to our local walmart-- closest place I go for my yarn supplies. They have redone the whole yarn section -eliminating some shades of RedHeart , got many new shades of Simply Soft ,and also Vanna's yarn in new shades .


** Now for you folks that like dishcloth cotton : They have put a LOT of new colors of it out. I was SO excited !


They may be colors that you guys have seen before, for you that are lucky to live close to bigger craft supply stores, but I have our little old Walmart to find most of mine in .


Anyhow, I didn't buy ALL the new shades, but I do believe I'll find reason to run BACK to walmart to pick upthe ones I didnt get this morning . :D

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Well, my MIL bought some yarn for me to make her dishcloths...and yarn to make her sister dishcloths...and yarn to make her mother dishcloths:lol I will be busy for a while!

It's nice to have someone else buy the yarn, isn't it? Have fun!:hook

I have a stash of cotton I've been gifted over time...need to put a dent in the pile so I can buy some of the new colors coming out!:yes

Good morning, I haven't been over here in a while. What you have going on looks like a lot of fun. I would like to get in on the next one! Here is a dishcloth I just made. [ATTACH]23936[/ATTACH]


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Good morning, I haven't been over here in a while. What you have going on looks like a lot of fun. I would like to get in on the next one! Here is a dishcloth I just made. [ATTACH]23936[/ATTACH]


Very pretty! I love the red and white together.

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:sun .......... Good Morning kids.............

How is everyone this morning? I'm doing good... still struggling with my eyes... good thing I can make the screen big on my computer and can crochet without needing to see well... LOL


I had one cloth done and then completely changed my mind on what I wanted to put in the gifting box.... so I'm working on a new one today. :knit



If any of you have done dishcloths for craft fairs, do you stick with one style? Or do you make a variety of stitch designs? I am wondering if I should just keep it simple with the hdc ones. You know.... I would make the majority something simple... and then maybe a handful of fancy ones. You might even bundle up a few with a bar of soap or small bottle of dishsoap as a quick/ready-made gift.


Oh, this is so fun!!! I can't wait to see all of the different dishcloths...


My mil is coming over today, and we are going:cheer yarn shopping:cheer. She doesn't crochet, so she is picking out some yarn for me to make her some dishcloths/potholders. :yay............ have fun!!! I will share pics when I get them done...


I just made a trek to our local walmart-- closest place I go for my yarn supplies. They have redone the whole yarn section -eliminating some shades of RedHeart , got many new shades of Simply Soft ,and also Vanna's yarn in new shades . Oh how nice!!! I need to take a yarn shopping trip out. But need hubby to take me! My eyes have been really giving me trouble last few days and I cant see well enough to drive.


** Now for you folks that like dishcloth cotton : They have put a LOT of new colors of it out. I was SO excited ! :yay....... need to check this out!!! Thanks so much for the Walmart announcement!


They may be colors that you guys have seen before, for you that are lucky to live close to bigger craft supply stores, but I have our little old Walmart to find most of mine in .


Anyhow, I didn't buy ALL the new shades, but I do believe I'll find reason to run BACK to walmart to pick upthe ones I didnt get this morning . :D


I sent out my dishcloth today... sorry it took me a little while. Oh wonderful! No worries!!


Well, my MIL bought some yarn for me to make her dishcloths...and yarn to make her sister dishcloths...and yarn to make her mother dishcloths:lol I will be busy for a while! :woo ..... How Cool!!! Cant wait to see pics of what you make from all your new stash!


Good morning, I haven't been over here in a while. What you have going on looks like a lot of fun. I would like to get in on the next one! Here is a dishcloth I just made. [ATTACH]23936[/ATTACH] That is super Nice!!!








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I haven't been on here (been reading it though!) much... I just finished up a cloth a couple days ago. I can't post a picture of it yet, though; since the person I am sending it to is in this CAL. :devil (Hi, Heather!) :P


Glenda, I like that cloth. Reminds me of a peppermint candy. Except with a red center. The ones with red centers are usually cinnamon, though; aren't they? :think Anyway~~ I like it. :hook

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Well, my MIL bought some yarn for me to make her dishcloths...and yarn to make her sister dishcloths...and yarn to make her mother dishcloths:lol I will be busy for a while!


Heather, if your MIL is just feeling the need to go yarn shopping and you have enough, just send her my way :D.....I know you are going to be busy :hook up a storm!


Thank you everyone for the nice coments! I have seen so many on the CAL that are just amazing!

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Here's the dishcloth I originally made for the gifting game... but I decided to do something new............. I think..............LOL








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Here's the dishcloth I originally made for the gifting game... but I decided to do something new............. I think..............LOL









Love it! Is that what they call a mitered corner? Cool colors!

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