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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Evening Mates....

How is everyone doing?

All those that are joining the Games of Ancient Greece.... are you ready to get started? have all your yarn and supplies?

I have my things ready! I'm making an original design sweater and a Baby Flannel'ghan! I have 16 days to get them both done...........:faint

Well.. I'm off to finish some crocheting... I'll catch up with you all in the morning!

Sleep well crew!






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No, I mean mine are coming out either under 8 inches or well over 8 inches WIDTH wise. I haevn't done anything differently than with the first two squares, so I'm a little corn-fused. Not to worry - I'll figure it out.

I had a similar problem when I used a different brand/color from my stash. I left it alone, insead of changing the number of the starting chain. A little bit of a difference one way or the other can be fudged - I know, because I've done it often enough:lol

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I'm not sure how many of these squares I'll be working on while I compete in the Games ...but I'll be by every day, regardless of what I do.:hook

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Avast me hearty............

we be on land. We'll be dockin' here for the next couple weeks for the "Games of Ancient Greece" We'll be settin' sail for a new adventure after the Games are over.

So me mateys.... all those takin' shore leave... have fun!!

for those of you hangin' around............ Cant wait to see more finished Jackson Square afghans!!! :hook








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Hey guys

Here's a photo of my Jackson afghan .

Julie, This is very nice. :clap Thank you for posting it. I can start mine now because I was waiting to try to get enough yarn to make like the pattern picture with the diagonal stripe, but yours is so pretty that I can make mine out of my stash. I guess the different squares and the turning is what makes the difference. Again, lovely and thanks. Wanda:yes:yes

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Cindy and Julie your afghans look great. Nice colors to. I have made 4 of the heart dolls and need to finish one more up today. Tomorrow I have to work in the kitchen getting ready for are Valentine's dinner on sunday. Hopefully I'm not to tired to go to crafts saturday night. Hope everyone is staying warm with all these storms that have been going on. We got the rain.

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Arr! I be takin' shore leave, so all you scallywags better be takin' care 'o yer own injuries fer awhile. I'll be seein' ye in a couple weeks.

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:cheerGOOD NEWS! None of my classes were cancelled and 3 out of my five exams ended up being handed out to take home to complete because we couldn't waste any classroom time on them! Ha God must have been laughing at me the whole time I was pulling my hair out and flippin my lid! You know I think he has an awesome sense of humor! It was my fault to an extent because I got so far behind doing other things...:think:hook.


Well back to the blanket.....I am sewing the blocks together now:yes. I actually decided to use a kinda overexaggerated whip stich so it looks like patches sewn together I really like it! although if you were to hold it back a little you probably wouldn't notice. I had planned giving it to my nieghbor who just had her little boy on Sunday. :manyheart


Well thats my update for now have some homework to do and should have pics of the blankie posted by Sunday!

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Ahoy, Mates!


I am back from me voyage to Vegas... a day late, and a few bucks short!:lol


we were held over a day for the weather. but, alas... there is no snow in beantown!


Now I need to catchup on all I have missed at the Ville! :help

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Hi everyone, just quickly dropping in after work. We are going out tonight with friends, only I forgot and stayed after work to help out. I'm just waiting for dh to be ready to leave.


Hope everyone else has a fun evening watching opening ceremonies.

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Hi Gang-

Just a quick check in to say howdy,and for those who want to keep working on this project, that is great ! We're glad to have you here ,and keep on working. I'll check in with you to see how everyone is getting on with it .

I'll be starting my fg afghan for the Games,so will be working on that , but will be available for any questions, etc in here too.

Keep up the good work, guys !

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