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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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Thank you :ty Linda, for the great job scorekeeping. Congrats to our medal winners, and to Braxxi for getting new yarn to play with. I'll be there next week, when my order comes in. :devil:heart As a group, we are doing a lot of great stashbusting this year. That reminds me, :think we are supposed to post YTD scores next weekend. Don't forget!

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I used up the ball I was using, so that's my first point of the week. I have to keep trying to use this stuff up, so I can get more!



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I forgot to post this weekend - I was house/dog sitting Fri and Sat. And when I got home Sat night, hubby and I went our driving in the wooods then to a party at my son's house.

I ended up with a whopping goose egg for the week. No change is not too bad, right? A yo yo ghan was completed and I worked on a scarf. Things are getting marked off my WIM list, but the yarn just is not disappearing!!! lol

Hope everyone has a great week :)

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Good golly, we may have to have a "Build the Stash" thread next year to counterbalance the past few years of stashbusting. So many of us have been so good at busting and not buying for a few years now, we're having these really low shoot the moon scores. Good for us!


But I miss wishing I was the person with a shoot the moon score of -56 or -80. Daydreaming about what that pile of yarn must look like. C'mon, someone do some shopping so I can live vicariously! That dratted roof repair this spring totally ruined all my yarn fun.





I hate to say this, but I think part of the low Shoot the Moon scores is because people either aren't joining in or aren't posting thier scores because of having to do the totalling if they get Shoot the Moon. It's really too bad because doing the scores really isn't that hard.

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I realized that when I posted my score I said my ytd is -4, when it's actually -1. Doesn't really matter since don't do ytd until next week but wanted to be accurate. I am going to try to wait one more week before shopping for my christmas yarn so I can have a positive ytd, but don't know if I can wait that long!

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I don't know about my totals for this coming week. I hear the clarion call of the Yarn Sirens...they're telling me I need to get to the LYS to pick up some Plymouth Encore for my next project. I keep trying to tell them that I have three projects that need finishing up, but they are insistent... :lol

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I hate to say this, but I think part of the low Shoot the Moon scores is because people either aren't joining in or aren't posting thier scores because of having to do the totalling if they get Shoot the Moon. It's really too bad because doing the scores really isn't that hard.


Braxxi your right scorekeeping isn't hard at all. I was shoot the moon winner in wip stashing busting and all I had to do was look at how everybody else kept score.

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Well I bought a skein of yarn today -2 but I gave a skein of cotton yarn to the neighbor girl I am teaching her to crochet. Those it was weird teaching her because she is left handed but in the end it became easier. So will see her progress tomorrow.

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Well I bought a skein of yarn today -2 but I gave a skein of cotton yarn to the neighbor girl I am teaching her to crochet. Those it was weird teaching her because she is left handed but in the end it became easier. So will see her progress tomorrow.

Hooray for teaching someone to crochet!!! :cheer:clap:hug:yay:manyheart What an awesome gift you are giving her. It is a challenge to teach someone to crochet who uses the other hand. Spread the addiction! Keep the yarn companies in business!!!:devil:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Hooray for teaching someone to crochet!!! :cheer:clap:hug:yay:manyheart What an awesome gift you are giving her. It is a challenge to teach someone to crochet who uses the other hand. Spread the addiction! Keep the yarn companies in business!!!:devil:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn



Yes exactly I'm hoping I have some Joann's coupons left over so I can have her give them to her mom to buy her a hook and yarn. I would give her my hook but I don't have anymore aluminium I hooks. Unless I get another what does anyone think of that?

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well the neighborhood kids came to my door to return my yarn and hook so far -2 again but the girl did ask for another crochet lessons and they will be around until Spring then they will move into a house instead of an apt. So I will have sometime probably with school and all.

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I used 2 balls and finished another Christmas stocking (+2) :cheer. To all those who are using scraps to make yo-yos, Crochet magazine shows how to join as you go with yo-yos. There's also a new book out with all kinds of patterns for yo-yos (join as you go). I made some yo-yos and made smilie :) pins out of them. With tiny squares being called "Saltines", you'd think the round ones would be called "Ritz" :lol.

WTD: + 2 YTD: + 92

Ellie 13

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I confess there was stashbusting straying...


I ended up following the clarion call of the Yarn Sirens, went to the LYS, and got 4 skeins of Plymouth Encore for a friend's baby blanket. :blush


I'm, of course, rationalizing this by saying it's for a present...of course, I could have used yarn out of the stash, but I wanted to make a particular blanket, and needed a specific color yellow that I didn't have...:devil

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I have not posted in ages, but then I haven't crocheted much for a couple of months. There was no change - I neither bought nor used up anything. :blush Anyway, I did just get 4 skeins of yarn from Knitpicks (3 to finish up a kitty cat bed), so:


Week ending July 24th



I am working hard on a granny afghan, so maybe some completed skeins this week!

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I destashed one skein (+2) of ugly dark olive green by giving it to Scrap (scrapaction.org) and another one of wool (+2)given to my knitting friend. Finally, I crocheted out another small ball into yo-yo's (+1). And I'm back out of the minuses!:yay


2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +5 / YTD: +4


Off to the Washington County Fair tomorrow. I love the county fair! I get to see the crafty things people have made (maybe my knitting friend will win a ribbon), win a ribbon or two for my jams, see the farm animals and equipment, and eat generally forbidden foods (funnel cake, anyone?).




2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +5/YTD: +4 (Shot the moon 06/06/10 with -28)

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2010 CAL

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:cheer:cheer:cheer:clapHooray, Marzee for getting into the positives!!!


18 skeins of yarn came to my house today! I cannot wait to play with them!!! But my score is pretty ugly right now -- WTD -34, YTD -10, but I will bring it up eventually. Pretty, PRETTY yarn!!!:manyheart:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn

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I had a really good week stashbusting. I used up 7 points of yarn, and finished my Christening Gown that I'm making for the County Fair, that's due at 12:00 noon on Monday. I had messed up the second sleeve, so I put it to the side for a couple weeks. I decided I was going to finish it, so I've been working on it like crazy today. I have to run out and get better buttons. I made the holes a little bigger, and the small, dainty buttons I bought will be too small. So It's off to Hancock to get more. And I will stay out of the Yarn Department!


WTD=+7 YTD=+4


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