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Crochet Doctor

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I belong to a knit and crochet group on Friday mornings. It's a nice, loud group and we enjoy each other's company.


Two crocheters in the group were having difficulties and came to me to figure it out yesterday.


I was able to read the pattern and see what was going on. And then tell them how to fix the problem. So now my nickname is the Crochet Doctor.


It's kind of funny, considering I am the youngest member of the group. And I'm not a spring chicken, either.:lol



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Sure wish I could find something like that in Texas. I am home in the daytime and I am getting lonely sitting home all day with my "empty nest" since my daughter got married and moved out. I put an ad in Craig's list once, but not one call. Guess most people work in the day, and I work at night. :(

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Texas Redhead, you should check your local library that's where a lot of groups meet. Its where I found mine. I hope you find one and if there isn't any there maybe you can consider starting one. The library gives you the room for free and they put it in their newsletter that the group is starting and people do come, some to learn and some just for the friendship. Another place is the senior centers they have them too. Good Luck.



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How nice to have a group like that to belong to. I would like to belong to one here where I live at. But the one here at Crochetville is really great and I am enjoying it very much.

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Sure wish I could find something like that in Texas. I am home in the daytime and I am getting lonely sitting home all day with my "empty nest" since my daughter got married and moved out. I put an ad in Craig's list once, but not one call. Guess most people work in the day, and I work at night. :(

What part of Texas do you live in? I belong to a super group at our community center. I know that many neighboring cities have similar groups.

It's known as the senior/community center, but they welcome anyone to join. :hook

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Take two Skeins and call me in the morning!


Texas Redhead, you should check your local library that's where a lot of groups meet. Its where I found mine. I hope you find one and if there isn't any there maybe you can consider starting one. The library gives you the room for free and they put it in their newsletter that the group is starting and people do come, some to learn and some just for the friendship. Another place is the senior centers they have them too. Good Luck.




I agree the library or any kind of community center is a great resource. if there is not already a group in action, you can start one! You can post about it here, and on Ravelry if you are a member there, and put up flyers at the library/center where you want to meet. Maybe your local newspaper has a community calendar that you could put a listing in. Also, just show up at the library/community center with your crocheting and chances are people will stop to talk to you about it--they may be crocheters already or want you to help them learn. Our local group is open to any fiber-artist (crocheting, knitting, embroidery, weaving, quilting, whatever) and it is very inspiring to see others' work in not only crocheting but also other forms of working with fiber.

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Sure wish I could find something like that in Texas. I am home in the daytime and I am getting lonely sitting home all day with my "empty nest" since my daughter got married and moved out. I put an ad in Craig's list once, but not one call. Guess most people work in the day, and I work at night. :(


Me too! I would LOVE to belong to a small, local group that meets once a week to crochet and/or knit. The whole problem with Texas is that, unlike in other places where there are a lot of small towns right next to each other, down here EVERYTHING is at least 30 to 40 miles from everything else! Back in Jersey, when you belonged to a group, there were people from five or six or seven different towns in the group, and nobody had more than about a 15 or 20 minute ride! Down here, it's TOTALLY different! It takes you 30 minutes at 70 mph to get to the next town! Ah well, maybe one day I'll get lucky and meet some folks from my town who are into crochet who want to get together. Until then, I guess I shall remain a solo act! :lol

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What part of Texas do you live in? I belong to a super group at our community center. I know that many neighboring cities have similar groups.

It's known as the senior/community center, but they welcome anyone to join. :hook


I live in Matagorda County. Is that anywhere near you? I have already kind of asked around to see if there's something like that and nobody has heard of anything. And again, Matagorda County is so spread out that there are parts of it that take 45 minutes to get to from my home, so even if there WAS a group here, there's no guarantee that I'd be able to meet with them.

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