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Day of Reckoning

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I have been more than "off" mentally lately. Just feeling kind of blah and very slow-brained. When I make a doily I have learned that it is wise to check my work obsessively so that I don't go too far with hidden errors. Let me tell you, pulling out a row or more of thread is many yards and can be many hours of work down the tube. But lately, I have just had trouble making myself check my work. My brain has vociferously protested that it just can't think well enough to stop and check. Besides, surely it's right. Right? (Poor pitiful brain.) And amazingly, it has all seemed to go together beautifully on this little doily. Until this afternoon. Take a look.


To add insult to injury, I mistakenly clipped the stitch a row below where I had to take out and now have just ripped out an extra row of crochet! :lol


Have you ever done anything so incredibly stupid that you just cannot believe how messed up you got it? I am going to slowly back away from this mess, put it up for a while (yes I WILL mark which row I am on now) and try to think about something else.


Good grief.


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Oh yes. But I think I have a good excuse. I was in the hospital fighting infection in a bile duct so my gall bladder could be removed. I was trying to crochet some placemats using worsted weight yarn so I was not using delicate thread as in your case. I had made the pattern before so I knew what I was suppose to do. I don't know if it was the effects of the antibiotics they were giving me or my body fighting the infection but somehow in the middle of making one of the placemats my yarn got all knotted up. I suspect I must have been half awake and half asleep while crocheting. Anyway my yarn was a real mess. I tried to straighten it out without cutting the yarn. I even had my sister try to straighten it out. Neither one of us had any luck with it. Eventually at home I had to give up and cut the yarn. For some reason I never finished that placemat so I have a set of three royal blue placemats stashed away somewhere in this house. So I have been there and done that.

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Ooo yes, I see it, Carla -You know you're not alone, though, sister. Mistakes are one thing, frustrating as they can be, but an additional mistake made while correcting the first one??? well, it's reason to sing the blues....or let out a primal scream! (oh, yes I have! :lol)...definitely time to step away for a breather. My mistake-mistakes are most likely to occur when I'm up past my bed time.


Best wishes once you reconvene, Carla...Remember to breathe. :hug

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I did that today while i was making an i-pod case for my daughter, I was 1/2 done when I realised I was supossed to single crochet in back loops only LOL so ripped it out and started over, I am glad it was a small project hehehe

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oooh, Carla! yuck! Frogging rounds of thread has got to be one of the worst things! esp. as you get going and those rounds grow. eeep! Time for a good piece of chocolate ;) The doily will have to wait for a bit. I feel your pain.

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Oh yea, been there many times. I thought something was wrong with me because I get frustrated when I have to undo many rows to get to the goof. Sometimes it's just one little stitch...AAAAAARRRRGH!!!!! :thair:bang:yell

I like Momcrochets idea-chocolate! Chocolate always helps! :lol

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Been there, done that. Although not with thread -- I avoid the stuff like the plague. Also happened in the hospital. Spent most of last fall in winter in the hospital. In more than I was out. On major drugs for pain. Making bedspread for my queen size bed while laying in little hospital bed or sitting in small hospital chair. Fell asleep while working and woke up to find that I had not only pulled out almost a whole 200 yards of yarn but that I was wrapped up in it as well!!!


Definitely put the doily aside and work on something simple for a while. Just learn from another of my experiences and check your gauge before restarting. I am making a sweater for my sister and the sleeves are made of 4 pieces each. I put it aside for the summer because it was too hot to work on it. When I made the pieces for the 2nd sleeve, I found that they were almost 3 inches too short and an inch less in width. I tried to loosen my work, but they were still too small. Tried a larger hook, but then they were too large. Because I had already attached the 1st sleeve to the body (which is done with 10 separate pieces) I had to redo the 1st sleeve, remove it, and when doing that, encountered problems removing the sleeve from the 3 body pieces it was attached to..... You all get the picture, right? Anyway, this project is making me crazy and is still not done and my sister's birthday, for which this was her gift, was in May!


We've just got to laugh at our mistakes and move on from there. Fix it if we can, and if not, rip it out and use the yarn for something else. Also, I'm really sorry that you had a rotten day. Hope the next was better!

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I do this more times than I care to think about. I just figure it's part and parcel of crocheting. I am always frogging anyways when I am designing so I guess it doesn't bother me too much anymore. I just tell myself, at least it's not tatting and not a laborious chore to take apart.

When I had my accident a few years ago and I spent three days in the hospital on morphine I was designing a doily. ( Husband knew what to bring me to keep me quiet. ) When I got home I had to start all over, there were so many errors it wasn't even worth frogging. I still have that little piece to remind myself how lucky I am to be here.

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i find on days like this i just put my hook down an slowly back away... make a pot of coffee. grb something sweet.. Hug my kiddies then go back to my work.


dun worrie we have all been there and hit that wall...



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I know I am not alone. This was just so... so... — well, you know how it was — that I decided to share because misery loves company, right? ;) LOL, I haven't touched it since yesterday. In fact, I am eyeing my embroidery again. Or maybe my knitting. This doily and I are going to have to have time out from each other in order to be on speaking terms again.


Morphine, Kathy? :eek While designing? :eek

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I know I am not alone. This was just so... so... — well, you know how it was — that I decided to share because misery loves company, right? ;) LOL, I haven't touched it since yesterday. In fact, I am eyeing my embroidery again. Or maybe my knitting. This doily and I are going to have to have time out from each other in order to be on speaking terms again.


Morphine, Kathy? :eek While designing? :eek

Yup while on morphine.

I named the doily Morpheous It is one I will never part with. It reminds me of how fragile life really is.

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