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Dog Beanie


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So, I was bored the other day and looked at my dog and and thought he and his brother would look cute in a beanie so this is what I came up with....


My Lovely Models are Mac and Mr. Man, My two weenies :D



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Awww that is just too cute!

I used to have 2 little weinies. They have both passed on now.

But I love dogs...anykind, I love em. Just so they aren't mean, I love em.


Those beanies would be cute made up in colors for all the holidays.

Now they need little sweaters to match!

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Oh how adorable!!! I showed Gracie and she asked if you shared the pattern but I told her no, but that I hoped you would. That made her all happy and got her tail wagging. She thinks they would be very nice for winter too. So if you get the idea to write out the pattern and would like a tester PM me Gracie is just under 7lbs (3Kilo if I converted the right way) so she would be more than happy to asset in modeling. :hook

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So cute!!! I made a hat for our dachshund- no where near as nice as that. She likes it, though- is proud to wear it (all the other dogs have erect ears and can't wear hats so she realizes she is special to get a hat!) I would love to make her one this nice if you ever write out the pattern!!! Thanks for sharing. I just love your little sweet-faced doggies!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh those are just toooooo cute! What adorable models too! Wish my 2 dogs could wear those but they are 70 and 80 lb Golden Retrievers. They'd just look silly! lol

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