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Good morning


Feel better , Beth. Prayers for your MIL.


It snowing and we have about 3 inches. Supposed to stop around 9. I already called work and left message that I'll be in later. I don't like driving in this and since it's supposed to stop I'll just go in later. All the schools here are on delayed opening of 2 hrs. If it's good enough for the schools it's good enough for me


The ice dancing was great last night and I also enjoyed the bobsled. I love the Olympics.


Hope you all have a good Tuesday

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Hiya friends!


Beth-gentle hugs!  hope you feel better soon friend.  It's a bummer being sick, it is hitting everyone this year.  We were hit too..I still feel a bit of congestion but am working through it. 


Joanne-oh my gosh!  you all are getting tons of snow.  I am glad that you are able to go in later, it's too risky driving on icy roads.


The hubby has fixed my laptop, woohoo!  He took it all apart and cleaned it, he also ordered a new fan.  It's working for now but once the new fan comes in, I will be super glad.  I was trying to get used the new computer, but it's hard to re-configure all of my templates that I use.


New yarn arrived today!  it was like a party here at the shop.  The lady that owns the hair salon here in the building brought me bread sticks and sauce..I was in heaven.  I also re-did all of my displays and cleaned.  St. Patrick Day goodies are up and ready..whew!  It's a lot of work re-decorating with the seasons, but folks really like to come in and see the new displays.


We are still running like chickens taking our kiddos back and forth to events, my dd wants to join 4H.. :P I am looking into it..seems like we have events every single night this week and Sunday included..I am keeping up but some things are sliding...yesterday I had to make an emergency grocery run..we were out of food...like bare cupboards..I just hadn't had the time or energy to go shopping.  It was pretty scary..


I haven't been as busy here at the shop, but yarn is selling..thankfully more arrived today but I thought I had ordered yellow cotton yarn but it didn't arrive..will have to order it as my customer is waiting for it to get here.


hope you are all relaxing and watching the Olympics, it sure is awesome to see them :clap :clap   hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, It does seem like a lot of work to redecorate for every holiday, particularly since you make themed soaps to go along, so you have different stock as well.  But it sounds like fun, too.  How cool that you are selling yarn, too.  Sounds like a slice of heaven to me.  I'm sorry you are congested, and so very busy.  Soon your son will be driving himself everywhere, and help with his sister, as well.  It's scary, but so liberating.


Joann, don't get snowed in!  I can't believe the winter you've had!  Of course, we actually had so many snow days, we didn't get President's day off, and the next town is missing one of their Spring Break days.  How is the elbow?


I have actually enjoyed whispering at school.  I pick one of the louder kids to be my voice for the day.  I write something down, they read it to the class.  A lot of time, they will continue to be my enforcer.  I am sad, though.  The 6th grade classes are going to be leaving me.  I had some of the sweetest 6th graders ever!  I get a new batch, but instead of the higher level students, I will be working with struggling students.  I also have a feeling the classes will be bigger.  It's hard to help 25 kids at a time in a 45 minute period.


Coffee is ready!  See you later.

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Hi all


Sad day today. My middle dd had to put her cat down. This cat has been with her through her hardest times and her happiest. She only got him about 3-4 years ago. He was a rescue kitten from the countryside in VA and she raised him in the city surrounded by all her artist friends. He was a great cat. And her best friend. Really got her through this past year. She said that it was like he knew he had to be there for her He had to have his teeth pulled a few months ago and was doing great this week she had him back to the vet because he wasn't eating and he told her cat had a lot of tumors in his mouth and there was nothing that could be done. So she took him to the print shop with her and had him make lots of paw prints on the printing paper. His name was Gordon Hunter, but he was affectionately called Cat. I know this was very hard for her but cat will always be in her heart looking out for her.

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Oh, Joanne, my heart breaks for your dd.  Losing a pet who helped you through the rough parts is hard.  There is such a special bond there.  I hope she will rescue another cat, when she is ready.  Not to replace Gordon Hunter, but because he was such an awesome cat, she wants to give another one a chance to achieve awesomeness, also.


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't working too hard.  It must be  busy for you now.


My MIL passed last night.  I can't post on facebook until my  SIL contacts everybody.  Don't want to learn it on FB. 


My dh is staying home, but I'll be going in to work as usual.


I hope you all have a good day.

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Good morning friends!


Beth-I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother in-law.  :hug :hug  


Joanne-oh your poor dd, loosing a best friend is difficult, :hug :hug


Nothing too exciting going on here, today I am home ALONE...going to pour candles...need lots of them for the shop and lotion..lotions sell fast at the shop..I may get a few soapies in there too.


Hugs n squishes friends!

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My husband is not the king of communication.  I have a horrible feeling that the "meeting" at the funeral home was not to discuss business, but was the actual service for my MIL, and we didn't go.  I wish he would have called his sister and asked her.  Of course, at the time, he was rushing around, trying to find a suit that fits our tall son.  We all bought new funeral clothes.  I hope we will have something to wear them to.


LeeAnn, enjoy crafting for your shop.


Joanne, I hope your dd is doing OK.  How is work?  Did you make it to craft club yesterday?


Back to try to get some sleep...

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-I hope that you get to attend the services and that you are all feeling better.


Joanne-how's it going?  Hope your dd is feeling a little bit better. 


Things are busy..the shop is picking up.  I need to advertise more but today I am really going to focus on Etsy, it is proving to be difficult to list items as folks come in right dab in the middle..not a problem..but it does take me a super long time to get things listed.


back to work!  hugs n squishes!

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Beth- So sorry about your MIL- and I hope you didn't miss the services for her. How's your voice? Has it come back?

I did make it to craft club- and there were only 4 of us- but we all had a good time--the time flew on by!! I really am glad that I get home from work on time now to go.  Tonight I got home early- there was hardly any traffic which was a nice change from yesterday when it took me over an hour to get home!


LeeAnn- Glad to hear that things are picking up --Once the warmer weather hits, you should probably see an increase in your store sales- how's your crochet club going?


Marisa and Stacy- Hope this finds you all well---and you must be busy---- How's school Stacy ? How's Craig, Marisa?


Off to make dinner- DH wants chicken cutlets so that's what I'll  make.==easy peasy!

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I can talk almost normally now.  I still have occasional coughing fits, but it's so much better than it was.  I'd love a whole night of sleep.  That would be amazing, though sleeping in the chair has been great bonding time with the cat.


Joanne, a small group can be awesome, too.  Are you working on the cables any?


LeeAnn, Must be hard to juggle the shop and Etsy.  I hope things are going great for you.


Marisa and Stacy, I miss you!

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Happy end-of-February!  Can you believe it?  Time is going so fast.  My kids are on spring break starting in about 3 hours, when my son gets home from his class. 


Joanne, how are the grandsons?  How is your daughter doing, since the loss of her cat?  Do you still have snow?


LeeAnn, did you want to crawl into that box and ship yourself to Hawaii?  You are selling things all over the place!  Have you kept track of how many states (and countries) now have your products?


Marisa, Are you staying busy?  How is your business doing? 


Stacy, when do you get your spring break?


Well, I was looking forward to a relaxing day at the office, but now I'm going to be subbing for the woman who took my A day classes.  I'm not very happy about it -- I am tired.  Kind of want a day off myself.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-gentle hugs!  A day off sounds like a great idea.  Yes!  I sure wanted to ship myself to Hawaii.. :yay :yay   I haven't checked to see where all my goodies have shipped to but I should, that is a great idea.  :manyheart   Spring Break?  Wow!  That does seem super fast.  Hoping that today flies by for you.


Joanne-I am so very glad that you made it to craft night, ours is next week, new yarn arrived this week..just a tiny bit the BIG order is supposed to be here today.. :cheer   I am going to market the yarn in my shop too, just have to get around to it.


Things have picked up a lot. Custom orders are coming in here at the shop too.  My kiddos have joined so many school and after school activities that I am waking up early to fill orders. I can't seem to keep my studio at home organized.  It's a struggle.  This morning I whipped up 8 new St. Patrick's day post of gold soaps.  I had an order for 16 of them..they are setting up, ready to be packaged and shipped by tomorrow.


Back to work I go,..had a few interesting people in this morning. 


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LeeAnn, LOVE the pictures of the yarn in your store.  I sure wish I could come see it in person.  I'll bet your store is a magical place.  Please don't work too hard! You stay so very busy.


Joanne, how are the cables coming?  How is your elbow?  It was exciting to see the post about the print shop.  That sounds like such a great cause.


Marisa, how are things going?  How is your mom?  How are the turtles?


Stacy, it seems like forever since we've heard from you.  I hope everything is fine.


I had a very lazy day today -- even took a nap and got Chinese carryout for dinner.  It felt good.  Now I am snuggled with my puppy in my chair-and-a-half.  He's so sweet -- so glad I adopted him.



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Hi all!  :clap   Miss you gals! 


I'm taking a curriculum class this semester, another child development class, and my required English lit class.  LOTS of written work.  Plus working part-time.  There has been talk of making me a part-time supervisor, but one of the managers isn't sure if I'm serious about staying.  Honestly, I'm not sure either.  :shrug 

Bad news here...Olive died.  :cry   I came home from school on Monday and she was lying on the bathroom floor.  She had thrown up and was bleeding.  I took her to the emergency vet, and her gallbladder had ruptured.  They didn't have a specialist on staff who could perform that surgery, and she died while they tried to find someone in the area who could.  It was so sudden- she didn't show a single sign of illness in the morning before I left.  It's so weird without her.  We all stayed home on Tuesday and just hung out here.  Wednesday I missed class because Mia called from school to ask if she could come home.  :(

Tomorrow I am taking the older two are going to Dodger Stadium for a kids' marathon.  They have been running 1/2-1 mile with the after-school program daily, and tomorrow is their "final mile" celebration.  Eva was chosen to go, also, but she didn't want to.  It should be fun but there is chance of rain.  :xfin that it holds off- I love rain, but don't want to drive the freeways in it! 


I think that's all the news from here.  I haven't read the posts but will go back in a little while to see what you all have been up to.  Love and hugs!  :hug :hug

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Stacy. So sorry to hear about olive!!! Big hugs to you all!!!!


Beth. Haven't worked on the cables since my Elbow tendinitis is acting up I made another appointment with the ortho and go next Monday. I've been working on the garter stitch blanket and a crochet scarf. Taking breaks as I work on them.


We had a water emergency Friday when we got home. DH got home before me. There was water leaking into the kitchen and family room from the ice maker. He turned it off and was using the shop vac to clean up. Looks like we have to replace the sheet rock in several areas. In the big scheme of things it could have been a lot worse I babysat yesterday and had fun with the boys. DH had sine things to do then joined us bearing pizza for dinner. We have to run to the grocery store now. We r out of a lot of things and snow is heading our way again


Lee Ann I love the pots of gold and the addition of yarn to your shop.


Marisa hope all is well.


I'll try and get back later. Auto correct on my iPad is driving me batty is morning !!!

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Oh Stacy, I'm so sorry to hear about Olive.  I hope the girls are OK.  It must be rough -- they loved her, obviously.  It sounds like you've been crazy busy.  Do you get spring break soon?  How was the marathon?


Joanne, I hope your elbow feels better soon.  Sorry to hear about the water leak.  Replacing dry wall is a dirty job.  I hope it goes well for you, minimum of disturbance.


LeeAnn, I hope things are going well for you.  I visited your Etsy shop.  It looks amazing.  I love the addition of yarn to your shop.  What a dream place!


Marisa, Are things going well for you?


Did my grocery shopping, got another guinea pig cage for the next couple of months -- poor boy is so lonely. 

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Good afternoon ladies!


Stacy-I am so very sorry to hear about Olive, :hug   I hope that your kiddos are feeling a little bit better, it's heartbreaking to loose a family member.


Beth-Thank you for the lovely compliment, I can't believe at times that my shop is mine either.  :manyheart   Sometimes I have to remind myself that I actually get to work for myself and get to create the items that I love.  it is really spectacular.  My decorating skills are increasing, I have been slowly learning with the help of Joyce how to display items.  I still need work, I changed the yarn display in the corner a little bit..still a work in progress.  I hope that you were able to enjoy part of your day off, even though your co-worker keeps calling.


Joanne-oh no!  I'm sorry to hear about your elbow, I hope that the doc can fix you up.  I had my thumb re-aligned by Dr. Wiley a chiropractor..Joyce's husband, since then my hand has felt a lot better. 


I have been working at a snails pace today, I made a new batch of Lemongrass Body Butter,..it really smells divine.  It is for a custom  order, I am caught up on custom orders..now on to Easter Goodies.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


Beth some people just don't get it --that a snow day is a snow day=day off work!!! We didn't get a lot of snow- about 2 inches or so- it stopped around 8 ish- I went out and shoveled since temps are dipping into the single digits-0 tonight. I got to work at 9:30--it was kind of nice to take my time and go in then- I had called and said I would be in- but only when the snow stopped since I had to shovel first. I didn't want to have to shovel after getting home. Of course, that didn't help my elbow. LOL


LeeAnn- I love what you are doing with your shop- and how fun to work for yourself!!!


I'm going to brave the artic weather and head to craft club- better grab a bite to eat first.


Stay warm  (although Stacy- I don't have to tell you this since you are in Cali--which is warm already)


Marisa- how are things going?Are you still seeing Craig? I'm guessing yes, since you haven't been around here (wink, wink)

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Well, I won't get to sleep as much today as I did yesterday.  My husband took a snow day, too.  It is so funny that a couple of inches can shut down the community -- but it doesn't snow that often here, so it isn't cost effective to have all the equipment to deal with it. 


Joanne, I hope your elbow isn't hurting too much after shoveling snow.  I'm glad you got to go in later.  How was craft club?


LeeAnn, I'm glad you are enjoying your shop.  I keep thinking that I'd like to work for myself, but it probably wouldn't be  good idea.  I can be very lazy some times. 


Marisa and Stacy, I hope you are both doing OK, not working too hard, and having a great time!


I have been crocheting a scarf.  One of my bosses wants to learn to crochet.  I have a pattern on the wrapper of some old Amore yarn that I've had forever, I thought we could make that together, but decided to make mine first, so I would know exactly how to make it.  It's a very easy pattern, mostly v-stitches, so it should work up quickly, even for a beginner.


Not much else going on here.

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Good afternoon ladies!


Whew!  Busy morning, I have had a few customers..always nice and then brought in new products, printed labels, swept and painted new yarn signs.  Just took a small break to eat lunch and then off to work on Etsy for the rest of the day.


Beth-I love whipping up scarves!  I have one more that I had forgotten that I need to make.  What color/colors is your scarf?  I'm glad that your hubby had a snow day too.  Are your inventions enjoying Spring Break?  What are they up to?


Joanne-how's the elbow feeling?  How was craft night?  how fun!  And your dd?  I hope that she is doing well.


I yarn bombed a lamp over the weekend, going to take pictures to share with you all, I must admit..it's tacky and bright and I LOVE it!  Joyce thinks someone may want to purchase it..but I may just keep this one for myself.  I bought the lamp here at the antique shop for a steal but then had to buy a new lampshade because the other one was cracked.


Other than that, nothing too exciting..just trying to keep up.


Marissa & Stacy-miss you gals!


hugs n squishes!

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I honestly liked it better when my husband went to work, so I could nap in my bed all day!  I know it sounds horribly lazy, but I have been pushing myself the entire time I've been sick, and I've been exhausted.  At least I didn't have to worry about him coming home.  I had to scrape sheets of ice off my windows today before I could go to work.


LeeAnn, I can't wait to see your yarn-bombed lamp.  How cool!  I am using blue yarn to make the scarf.  I should give it away when I am done.  I have too many to store now.  I'm glad you are so busy at work.  That means you are doing well!


Joanne, Hump DAY!


Stacy and Marisa, I hope you are doing great.

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Hi all


I went to visit with the boys after work. I was driving home and got a call from Ryan asking if I was coming over. I wasn't originally planning to but how could I say no? :-). Dd told me it was Ryan's idea to call Grammie to come over. I had fun with the boys Then I got home and was in bed soon thereafter.


Beth. Sorry you had a rough day yesterday. Here's hoping today is a better one


Lee ann how was your craft club last evening?


Gotta get a move on and typing in the iPad is much slower than the laptop. Lol. Have a good day


Hi to Marisa and Stacy too!

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Joanne, how very sweet, that Ryan asked you to come over!  They are such lucky boys to have a devoted grammie so close!  I am so happy for you.


LeeAnn, are you teaching in your craft club, or do most of the participants know how to crochet or knit?


Stacy, How is the family doing?  Are you counting down to spring break like I am? 


Marisa, How is business?  How is your mom?  How are the turtles?


Well, I was mad at my husband, and did not get up and fix his breakfast and lunch today (BAD wife!!!) and I feel a tad guilty about not feeling guilty.  I have to throw a roast in the crock pot for dinner tonight.  We shred the meat, and make sandwiches.  I don't want to start too soon.  I have to unplug the coffee pot to plug in the crock pot, and coffee is much more important than dinner at this point in the day!

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-how ya feeling?  I hope that those naughty kids finally let up.  That is horrible.  It has to be tough and then when you aren't feeling up to par it is really difficult.  The new scarf sounds yummy. 


Joanne-that is soo very sweet of Ryan to call and ask you to stop by.  :manyheart   I am sure that made your whole day.  How's your elbow feeling?


Craft night is this evening. :yay   I am ready I think..put the tea to brew, I always serve a little snack.  Tonight it is popcorn, crackers and hummus, coffee, tea, water and hot cocoa.  I always have a few snacks here in the kitchen, I have the entire kitchen to myself, it has a small refrigerator, I have a microwave, crock pot and coffee maker..I need a drain rack.  That is my next small purchase.  The kitchen has two tables for the ladies to spread out and work.  All in all it's fabulous!


Also working on Easter Goodies, I'm attaching  a few pictures.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!  I can't seem to find the picture that I just uploaded of the yarn bomb in better daylight..will keep looking but here is a dark picture.


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