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Hit the Wall

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Has you ever been working on a project and all of the sudden had no energy to work on it? I feel like i've hit a wall. I know I need to finish it, I'm almost half way done with it, and can't get back in the groove to get it done, and it's a gift for a friend of mine. I wanted to get it done for her birthday on the 18th of Feb. and today is the 14th already :sigh.I had 2 good evenings and to sit and work on it, and I just could not do it. How do you get back into the crochet groove?

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Try working on it in a different place than you usually work on it. Sometimes if I need to finish a project by a certain date and I am so bored with it or don't have the umph to work on it, instead of sitting on the couch and trying to keep my attention on working on it, I'll sit at the diningroom table where I can watch the world go by while I work on it. And before I know it, the last stitch has been hooked!

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Happens often enough to be annoying. I have finishitis. I have several projects that just need finishing touches... some even just need to have the ends sewn in.


I find it good to work on something different for a bit, maybe whip up a dishcloth or a charity square.


Autumn had a great suggestion too. Might have to keep that one in mind!

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I have a baby out fit that just needs booties, and I am dragging my feet because it's a new technique I will be using. I have also lost the needle to it, but I could probably find it if motivated enough. I think it happens to all of us, sometimes you just have to make your self do it if it's a dated thing. But crocheting is supposed to be fun. I have stopped for months at a time with projects needing to be finished. I hope you find your mojo.

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Happens to me too, thats why I dont like doing things with a deadline or that people ask me to do. For me it takes the fun out of it and it becomes a chore.


I have lots of boredom busters that I drag out and work on, then I feel like I am doing something new.

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Happens to me sometimes too. Especially when there's a deadline.


A good way to keep going is to think about the person it's for and how they'll feel when they get it. I've also found that listening to music can help keep me more focused on it, or rather keep me from thinking too much about it while I work...lol

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Oh yes, have been there several times. Sometimes my attention span is short and during those days working on certain projects is too boring, so I spend more time on the computer reading about crochet and looking at pictures of crocheted items rather than doing it BUT I always go back to whatever it is, what usually helps is working on something else for a little bit. I work with thread too so I've made bookmarks in between projects or just started something else, even if I can't finish that, just to distract myself. After that little "vacation" from the tedious project I find my determination to finish it has kicked back on again.

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Another motivation I have is I come to this board, find another pattern that I really want to make, buy the yarn for it, and then start it. Well, then I feel guilty that I didn't finish the other project I was working on, so I go back and finish it so I can continue on with the new project worry free!! mind games...hehehe

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I do what others have mentioned...take a break and work on something simple like a square or dishcloth. Something that will work up quick so that I feel like I accomplished something, lol! That way I usually have little gifts or square on hand when needed too! :cheer

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I do like the others have mentioned - I will start another project small or large. I have had as many as six projects to work on. After a while, I get enthused over what is not finished and want to see it done. This week end I put the finishing touches on two items and began the fringes on a baby blanket that will be going to our hospital here in Las Vegas. Good luck.



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When a crochet project begins to "wear" on my interest level I will put it away for a day or so. I won't crochet on any other project but I will take out a few of my crochet magazines and just look through them. Kind of a "crochet psych up".

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Happens often enough to be annoying. I have finishitis. I have several projects that just need finishing touches... some even just need to have the ends sewn in.


I find it good to work on something different for a bit, maybe whip up a dishcloth or a charity square.


Autumn had a great suggestion too. Might have to keep that one in mind!


I also have finishitis. I have several items that either just need to be sewn together, or the ends weaved in...I just keep putting it off, but I don't know why. It is rather irritating.

As for being in the middle of a project, I do that quite often, too. :blush Usually I will whip up a square, clean a little, or check my email (or boards) to get my mind off it. Sometimes I just don't want to do it at all, and put if off for a week or so.

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Oh yes, have been there several times. Sometimes my attention span is short and during those days working on certain projects is too boring, so I spend more time on the computer reading about crochet and looking at pictures of crocheted items rather than doing it BUT I always go back to whatever it is, what usually helps is working on something else for a little bit. I work with thread too so I've made bookmarks in between projects or just started something else, even if I can't finish that, just to distract myself. After that little "vacation" from the tedious project I find my determination to finish it has kicked back on again.

I do that a lot! Sometimes I think I spend more looking up patterns and figuring out weather or not I can make them, then actually making stuff. And I need to get this afghan done, so I can start on my next project for a friend of mine. She wants a bed doll dress for her niece. For some reason, I like making them, and I have not made one in a long time.

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I agree with getting out the crochet patterns and looking at them. That always makes me want to crochet and create.


I also have finishitis. I HATE to weave in ends and I am always concerned that they will unweave...and they have. Anybody have a good way to weave them in?

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Yes. I started a blanket during March of last year... and I finished it in December. It went a long time with just sitting in a pile in my bedroom until I made myself finish it.

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i usually look at my stash of patterns and get all excited abt the next one.. BUT to start that i gotta finish the one im dragging my feet on... this is what works for me..

it takes trial and error but im sure you'll find a way to motivate yourself!!! in the meantime take a break and do something small! :)

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'Explore your feelings, Luke'


I find that if I am making something from the heart and my heart is not in the right place that it is next to impossible for me to work on it. Sit back, relax and think of your friend. See if there is some feeling hindering you.

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Yup. I started a blanket in March of last year and I didn't finish it until December. I also was working steadily on my panda today, but suddenly just didn't feel much like crocheting anymore. It's like writers block for crocheters.

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