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community service?

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Its about that time again to fill out scholarship applications at school. I am in the process of crocheting blankets for the local childrens hospital and I am going to start some hats and scarves for homeless shelters, can I use these as community service? Also, what if I send to any of the various charities that things are being collected for on here. Could I list these?The application just asks "what community service have you done?".

With school, work, kids and studying it doesn't really leave much time to go out and do service at an actual building. I figure if I can do it and spend time with my kids then hey we all win.

Thanks for any advice.


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I would think it would count. I would suggest keeping track of hours worked and the type and number of items donated. And of course a list of what was sent to each charity.

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I agree with Amy. Document everything you do! Take pictures! Maybe even keep a scrapbook! Want to know another upside to this? In about 25 years, you'll be able to look at all the things you don't remember making! :D

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I agree with Amy. Document everything you do! Take pictures! Maybe even keep a scrapbook! Want to know another upside to this? In about 25 years, you'll be able to look at all the things you don't remember making! :D

:lolthinking for me 3 to 6 months from now:lol

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I would think it would count as community service. If you think about Habitat for Humanity, you will have professional carpenters, plumbers, and electricians donate their time to help build a house which is community service. You will also have Medical Dr's, nurses and Dentist perform community service. What better way to do community service than by doing something you love like crochet. People need hats all the time. That is a great way to contribute to the community.

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With school, work, kids and studying it doesn't really leave much time to go out and do service at an actual building. I figure if I can do it and spend time with my kids then hey we all win.


It shows that you are a problem solver and team player while maintaining your priorities ... definately list it!


Good luck,


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Yes, count it, and keep track of your hours. Our city's schools have a community service program, that asks for so many hours per year. I taught a group of girls to crochet, then they made squares. We sewed it into a 'ghan, that we donated. The girls kept track of their time, and it did count.

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