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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Went through another skein of cotton yarn today and started on another one!!


WTD:+6 so far but I have a little yarn coming tomorrow (I'm sooo excited. I finally bought some really nice bamboo sock yarn for a pair of knitted socks).



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My Father was in the Navy during WWII, he didn't talk much about his naval days except if he had a few drinks, and he never talked to my mother about it. I do know that the fourth of July was his favorite holiday. The kids would put up lights for Christmas and decorate for Halloween, But Dad was out there for flag day and the Fourth. To him, the Navy gave him a lot. There are so many things you could do to honor your Uncle and his service with the Navy. I know my Father was on the U.S.S Astoria, and it wasn't until he past away did we find the http://mighty90.com/ site. The site owner has send us a copy of a journal kept by another sailor that tells of the battles and life on the ship during that period.


I believe any man or woman that choose such a career has an untold love for their country. Be it a flag or a ships anchor or simply a navy and gold afghan, I think your Uncle will appreciate it as you recognize the service he did for his family, his friends, and his country.



Hi All,


Happy St. Patrick's Day! :clover I haven't crocheted yet today, but will start working on a green baby blanket when I get home....


I have a question for all of you so please give me your :2c...


I have an Uncle who is retired Navy and I would like to make him a blanket (since he lives in Florida I think it would be most useful more so than a scarf ). I asked my Aunt, his sister what colors he would like and she suggested navy and gold for Navy's colors...as I was looking at the color of yarns I got a thought :think ...do you think he would like a navy and gold afghan or a flag afghan (I know that I have a book with a US flag pattern) better... or would that be considered disrespectful to a retired Navy man???


So whadda think?? I want to have a plan before I go into the yarn store otherwise the results could be verrry dangerous :lol

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Is there a reason you don't ask him what he'd like?



I would ask him, but I want this to be a surprise, and I'm lousy when it comes to getting information and not giving away surprises :blush... my family always waits until the last moment to tell me if we are trying to surprise someone because I inevitably give it away :oops

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Thanks all for your input :hug, my main question in asking that is that I remember when I was a kid you didn't wear a shirt that kind of had a flag motif on it, that it was considered very disrespectful, and you had to be careful to follow certain rules (protocols) for displaying the flag...


I checked with some of my older relatives and they suggested that a non-flag blanket would probably be more appropriate...for him since he is in his 70s and is careful to follow those protocols for flying the flag in front of his house....


...so I will be ordering the yarn from Joann's today :devil and you will shortly see my slowly growing score shrink rapidly :blush

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I am glad you were able to come to a decision on your Uncles Blanket.


Now ladies, I have been working oh so very hard to get my score reduced this week and I thought I was making pretty good progress. I am doing a round ripple in neon colors and have managed quite a bit, but will add up my totals on Saturday. One set back was I ordered Glow In the Dark yarn. I heard it is going to be discontinued and I will need it later this year for a spider ghan for my DD. So I ordered five skeins. Can't really call them skeins though they are really small like 3 ozs each. Anyway, I also ordered a mystery box to go with it. I thought it would be fun to get something unusual. And Boy did I get yarn....18 skeins of yarn on top of the five , and 8 of them are small as well, so I get to subtract an additional 33 points. Guess I am trying to Shoot the moon again this week. Okay, no more ordering yarn for me for a while.....

what was I thinking :think

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I accidently bought 2 balls of lilac aran yarn today, they are 400g each and will go well with the 2 pink balls I bought a while ago.:devil


I only went in there to buy a cat bed:lol


They also had loads of new yarn that was really nice, but it didn't make it into the basket:lol


So -4 for me

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Well 82.75 of my 123 flowers now have their 'leaves' and I'm currently out of frosty green. So that is an exciting plus 2 for me. Which brings my YTD back to zero. :clap


I'm going to start adding the off white to the squares that are in the 'next' pile until I take myself to the store to buy more green. So I'm off to get back to crocheting to see how long it will take to go through my off white skeins. :bounce

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I didn't :crocheting anything green on St. Patrick's day, but I sold most of my sham rock pins (10 left). I used up a ball (+1) on my bunny :cheer. I finally got the bunny body done. I've got the ears, feet and tail, but now I'm having a hard time with the arm/paws piece. I hope to get it all together by Easter.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 38

Ellie 13

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Aaaah, I'm crocheting like a madwoman now adays!! I'm home from work (have been for a week, and will be for another two weeks, broke a bone in my butt (hehe, don't know what it's called in wnglish) in the carcrash I was in), and since I'm just sitting/laying I can crochet a lot. It's so nice.. :) (yup, I always try to look at the positive side of things)

I have + 10 already! Some of the yarn was thick yarn, but anyway.. I think it's great. :)

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well at least you get to crochet sorry about your accident. Well I went to Michael's and got Bernat Satin Sport yarn in white so -4 for me for today.

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I hope you heal soon, Aphelia! It is good to have a hobby that you can do while in bed.


I finished my fuzzy afghans, and have them boxed up, ready to ship. Now I'm going to make a fuzzy pink hat with my leftover yarn, then go back to the afghans.

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Didn't get any yarn used up today but I was stalking the front window looking for the ups man all day but alas, it won't be here till tomorrow. They're keeping my yarn hostage 30 minutes a way and there's nothing I can do about it. Oyyyy.


Anyways, You all have a great night!!



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Finally had to break and buy yarn. until this week I have only bought 2 skeins of yarn since ThanksGiving .... my Aunt had given me 2 large boxes and a couple of garbage bags when we went for ThanksGiving...I have been busting that stash this whole time... but I had to go buy yarn for a graph'ghan I'm making for my 'to be' son-in-law for Christmas. but............. I managed to bust enough of my previous yarn to cancel out that purchase and still give me a +2 for the week so far. :whew





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Well, i finally finished the baby blanket i have been struggling with the past week,:whew

takes me down to - 12 but i don't think i will make it back into the + #s before sat but will give it a go---:crocheting

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Aaaah, I'm crocheting like a madwoman now adays!! I'm home from work (have been for a week, and will be for another two weeks, broke a bone in my butt (hehe, don't know what it's called in wnglish) in the carcrash I was in), and since I'm just sitting/laying I can crochet a lot. It's so nice.. :) (yup, I always try to look at the positive side of things)

I have + 10 already! Some of the yarn was thick yarn, but anyway.. I think it's great. :)


hope you heal soon, Aphelia! Way to keep to the positive side of things!:hug

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I have been busy crocheting all week, on several different projects. So

far I have not been able to finish up a skein. Its not fair to do so much and not be able to take credit for it. Oh well, maybe by Saturday!

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I finished my bunny :clap. Just need to do whiskers and give him a bow. He's really cute. I'm going to try and get 2 or 3 more done for Easter, that should finish off the pound of white :cheer.

I have some great news. I'm a finalist in the Vanna's Choice contest! :cheer:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay:cheer!

Ellie 13

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I have been busy crocheting all week, on several different projects. So

far I have not been able to finish up a skein. Its not fair to do so much and not be able to take credit for it. Oh well, maybe by Saturday!


I know exactly how you feel. I have been crocheting a ton but I haven't been able to claim a single point yet. I'm very close to finishing several skeins on my jacket but because I'm doing stripes I take a little from each and it's taking a while to kill them. But I guess that means by (hopefully) next week I will have a lot of points.

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I'm a finalist in the Vanna's Choice contest!


Wow! Congratulations! Is that the contest where you submit a pattern? I almost did that but I found out about it a little late. I'll be rooting for you!

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I finished my bunny :clap. Just need to do whiskers and give him a bow. He's really cute. I'm going to try and get 2 or 3 more done for Easter, that should finish off the pound of white :cheer.

I have some great news. I'm a finalist in the Vanna's Choice contest! :cheer:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay:cheer!

Ellie 13


Congratulations on being a finalist in the Vanna's Choice contest Ellie13 that is an awesome accomplishment wtg :cheer:clap:yay :woohoo

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