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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Thanks, Basjordan, for posting the monthly scores. It gave me a little chuckle about each catagory. Very cute.


And I'm in the positives for year to date. Even if it's just by one little point!



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thanks Basjordon,

I finally hit 0 for my ytd, and I don't plan on buying any yarn!!! :lookout and I hope I don't. I am really trying to get my stash down, because its huge, and I am doing little projects. Oh, well, :(

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Oh fiddle sticks! Yesterday was Saturday and I totally forgot to even get on my computer. Congrats to all who are keeping their scores on the positive side.

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congrats to all that medaled

I see my ytd score is getting lower as the weeks go by,I really need to stop picking up yarn and bringing it home,can't seem to leave a good deal

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Silver Medal last week and Shoot the Moon this week!



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Oh, I didn't get my score in in time, but it was only a +2 or 3. I'll try to do better at keeping track. At least I'm back to crocheting regularly.

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:cheerYou know I like this stash busting idea, just tell me one thing. How do you get people to "quit" leaving you bags of yarn on your door step while you are gone. Last week some kind:manyheart soul left me three and yes I said three:devil huge black yard trash bags of yarn. Thats twice is the past year someone has done this to me. It would definetly put me in the hole.


Yes when you receive a big bag of yarn or go buy alot of yarn it causes your number to really drop, but the stash busting game really makes you work hard to use up some yarn. I worked as hard as I could Friday evening and Saturday to get my number back to the positive for the week.


Plus don't forget, maybe you will find a person or place that could benefit from some yarn and you can pass a little on to them, thus getting plus numbers to add to your score. :devil


I'll never have the triple digit positives, atleast not this year, because I just don't have that much yarn. Even if I used every skein I owned it wouldn't put me up there, but I still have fun. I still haven't won a medal either, but I am enjoying crocheting, using yarn and having a place that people understand how good it feels to use it up, and how good it feels to get yarn. ;)

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Silver Medal last week and Shoot the Moon this week!




Well, when you use all your yarn, you have to buy more to replace it!!! Plus, did you see how wonderful your YTD score is??? WOW!


I went to your photobucket album and I'm very impressed! My 3 teens love your pokemon! And your little model is GORGEOUS!!!

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Ok, so I didn't shoot the moon my first week in..that's good right? Had I started sooner I am sure that I could have made for an ugly shoot the moon for a week or two.


As it happens I cranked stuff out last night, using up small balls of cotton making face clothes, putting me at +5. Of course I should have been working on a project that needed finishing, or one of the other 100 WIPs I have going, but stashbusting seemed more interesting. Now I should have enough yarn in my stash to make my bag for the purse swap, but the new e-mail I got said final close out for the LYS...choices, choices...

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Just realized my grandmother's birthday is a week away and I haven't started anything for her yet. So last night I went through some patterns and couldn't find anything. I'm working up a broomstick lace shawl pattern in my mind and I think it will work. Will get started on that today as soon as I find a "broomstick" to use. I should be able to get some good points with this. Socks are on hold for a while.

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Well I know I shouldn't be proud of the shoot the moon for year to date but in my defense alot of stress last week so I needed the yarn for comfort

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I need to do this - I just added 20+ skeins to my stash in the past month! Granted, I only spent more than $1 on 4 of those skeins :)

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What is a shoot the moon?:think

Shoot the moon is the person who had the biggest negative that week, the person who bought or got the most yarn. Just about all of us have been there at least once, I know I have!

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Yes, I'm back after 3 weeks off work (and 4 weeks off health club :devil). Couldn't get to visit here last week as I was inundated with backlogged work.


Spain was lovely and I would sure like to do it again soon.


Didn't get nearly the airport terminal and :plane crocheting that I had thought I would. Spanish security made me pack my scissors in my checked bag, so that was a bit of a problem on the return. Should have taken them out after going through customs, since those itty-bitty scissors are allowed on now in the US. Something I learned: nailclippers just don't work all that well for cutting yarn.


I'm really excited about the new photo posting possibilities. I just got my first digital camera before my trip. Still learning how to use it, but if I do anything to take a picture of, I'm ready.


Have to read through 42 pages of posts since my last visit on page 300. That will keep me busy during my lunch. Speaking of which...I've got to go.


I'll have to pick up my hook and start :crochetinging again. Will post my scores on Friday.




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -25

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I busted through another skein of yarn. Woo Hoo!!

Oh no! I need to start :crocheting like mad! (Particularly since I have a huge order coming from a yarn company who I will not mention.):devil I did put half the items in my cart back, though, thinking about going to zero with you!:hug

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It called me last night, my own personal yarn siren song...pulling me to the dollar store. I bought 31 skeins of ribbon yarn & lattice yarn at the dollar store. 2 whole shopping bags. I am planning to use them to make shawls for my craft booth this fall. 4 will also be a gift for a friend, along with a pattern for the shawl she loves so much.


I felt so guilty I went right home and started stitching. I used up 4 skeins last night making a shawl. I was pretty proud of myself, until I tried it on and realized that the hook I used was to small. The shawl was stiff, and it used more yarn than I planned and wasn't done. I am going to have to rip it out. Shoot. Maybe I can get it redone tonight. I retried it with a 10 mm hook, and it seems to be going better.


I can count them as used until I rip it out, right?


Started with +5, bought skeins -62, used 4 (sorta) so total WTD -49, so far. I need a :kick

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Beth, I have looked at the clearance yarn twice this week at Michaels, when I was there for my classes. I was so tempted to buy some both nights, but then I thought about you. When you think on man it will take me longer to get to zero than Beth if I keep buying more, it was easier not to get it. If it was yarn I knew I would do something with or already had a pattern for I'd probably jump on it more. But I still have all the other yarn I bought last month to deal with. ;)


I am on the last full skien of my clearance Soft Boucle. I have a ball of one color I used in it that I am hoping will be enough for a border around it all. I really like the look of it and can't wait until the winter to try it out. I keep calling it my clearance afghan. How often do you get to make something with 7 skeins of yarn and know you spent less than $7 on the whole thing? HeHe.


I'm trying to decide what I'm going to work on next...

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