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Does anyone do this?

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For many years I made my own candles, many types of candles. I did not have a lot of money, but I liked to give little gifts to people, so I would always have a few candles wrapped and ready when I would go out to do errands.


One time I handed one to the toll booth lady on the Thruway who was collecting my fee at the off-ramp. She was so surprised. I told her how much I appreciated the fact that she was always pleasant and even tempered, despite the fact that she had to deal with all kinds of extreme weather and idiots all day long. She laughed.


One time I gave one to the man who gave me free sand for my sand candles at the stone quarry. He was baffled. I had to explain how much I appreciated nice, white, clean sand that wasn't full of dead bugs, animal poop and who knows what else, plus the fact that he didn't charge me.

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In March, left a crocheted shamrock pin for a waitress as part of the tip. About a week later, I was in the same restaurant and she recognized me. She asked If I had any more pins because all the wait staff wanted them. Luckily, I had a baggie full :D. Sometimes I leave other holiday pins (wreathes, hearts, etc.).

Ellie 13

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It's great to buy an extra drink at a drive-through. During the summer, cold drinks & hot coffee in the winter. When you see a crossing guard or a person working outside, stop by and give it to them.


I have a friend who liked one of my sweaters I was wearing. The next time I saw her I gave it to her! She still thinks I'm crazy! LOL!

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How heartwarming to read all the things people have done!

My most rewarding is being a secret santa for the 12 days of Christmas to someone that has had a hard year, such as loosing a loved one . Make or buy a small gift and leave it on their doorstep for the 12 days, ring the bell and run! If you are doing food items you would want to alert a family member that it is ok to eat, but I did this for several years and got my children involved, teaching them it is better to give than to receive and we all enjoyed it.

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I have so enjoyed reading this thread and really can't wait to put some of these ideas into action.


I always try to express my thanks to people, especially employees of places I go to. Especially retail stores during the holidays. I remember from my years in retail that so many people can be downright rude to employees and its not an easy job during this time of year. Especially since many people take holiday work when they are low on funds. I always try to take the extra time to just talk with them and not be so rushed.


I especially like the idea of having something to hand to a mother who is struggling with a young child. (or the child) I know sometimes I've been stressed and frustrated when trying to contain my dd at a store and I always appreciate others who are kind and understanding.

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I too have enjoyed all the heart warming stories and suggestions on this thread. I honestly didn't think it would get such attention. I am definately going to take some notes of all the ideas and really work on making more things to share. Hopefully this will releive some of my stress or whatever it is that has been really bothering me, anxiety issues. Everything sounds so wonderful. I like the idea of ringing door bells and running if need be, lol. This is a wonderful way to use up even more of my yarn.

Thank you all for all you have done and have inspired me to do. You are wonderful people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:nbook:pencilI have so many ideas on what I want to make to share with people. Packages I'd like to make up and send to nursing homes and little secret gifts to drop off at different places or even houses. Keeping in mind that not only christmas time, that this can be done. I've been working alittle bit on what kind of poems to put in, lol. I sadly have some writers block going on, lol. Sooo I thougt I would ask if there is anyone that would like to share a poem they have used for the little secret presents? Or just the tinyest bit to get my lack of poetry writing skills going, lol. :lol

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what a wonderful thing to read at this time of year--i am so glad to be part of the crochetville family!!! this reaffirms my belief in humankind. there ARE good people in the world, and they seem to congregate on this forum.


i to have given away a few projects. i crochet very simple double strand hats with my scrap yarn. warm and thick. so when i took the kids to the playground, i would whip a few out while they played. i would see some kids watching, and when i finished a hat, i would give it to them (with their mom or dad around!!).


i have done this with mittens, toys, small xmas stockings, etc.


makes a person feel good.


now trying to help my teens with "random acts of kindness"



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I might have told this story elsewhere on the 'ville, so if you have heard it before, I apologize. Awhile back, I had gone into our public library at opening time. The door was unlocked and the clock in my van said it was time, but the clock in the library showed 5 minutes til. I went into the stacks only to have the librarian (rudely) inform me that the library was not yet opened to the public. I was somewhat shocked by her behavior, and went back out to my van. The longer I sat there, the more I wanted to give her a piece of my mind! I sat there and stewed for 2 or 3 minutes and decided to go down the street to get myself a cappucino in the meantime and try to calm myself down. All I could think was, "the nerve of her, talking to me like that!" As I was ordering my own cappucino, a little voice said, "get a cappucino for the librarian, too". So I did. The look on her face when I came back in, handed her the cup and said, "I thought you were having a rough morning, so I brought you a cappucino" was worth far more than the dollar or two that it cost me, and it got rid of my own aggravated mood! She came back to where I was after about 10 minutes and admitted to having a bad morning and actually apologized! It pays sometimes to listen to the voices in your head!!!! :lol :lol :lol

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I might have told this story elsewhere on the 'ville, so if you have heard it before, I apologize. Awhile back, I had gone into our public library at opening time. The door was unlocked and the clock in my van said it was time, but the clock in the library showed 5 minutes til. I went into the stacks only to have the librarian (rudely) inform me that the library was not yet opened to the public. I was somewhat shocked by her behavior, and went back out to my van. The longer I sat there, the more I wanted to give her a piece of my mind! I sat there and stewed for 2 or 3 minutes and decided to go down the street to get myself a cappucino in the meantime and try to calm myself down. All I could think was, "the nerve of her, talking to me like that!" As I was ordering my own cappucino, a little voice said, "get a cappucino for the librarian, too". So I did. The look on her face when I came back in, handed her the cup and said, "I thought you were having a rough morning, so I brought you a cappucino" was worth far more than the dollar or two that it cost me, and it got rid of my own aggravated mood! She came back to where I was after about 10 minutes and admitted to having a bad morning and actually apologized! It pays sometimes to listen to the voices in your head!!!! :lol :lol :lol

Wow, That's a really good story and reminder. Especially this time of year when everyone is in a hurry and maybe a little stressed. Thanks for that Renee'!!!



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One Christmas someone wrote a note to the school nurse about my kids and I. It was the first christmas without my exhusband & we where by ourselves. Just a tree & whatever gifts the dollar store has left over at that late date. The people who do Operation School Bell in our town brought over a months worth of food including christmas dinner to feed 20. Someone told them that I had just gotten out of an all around abusive relationship, had to be on aid, and the ex was off getting high somewhere. I was also supporting my mother. The rent took all but $300 which went for diapers & bills. I will never forget that stranger could care so much. Also a few years ago our local domestic violence centers regional office did a thng where we could get 10 presents for each kid & the kids could pick out 1 present for the mom. The presesnts where the expensive ones you would buy your kids if you had no money problems at all. I sadly had to stop going to my meetings there due to my sun issue.


You know there's always a screaming child in a store you go to & the mother is hanging her head in shame :lol How bout giving the little one a crocheted child safe toy. Of course ask the mom first :lol

I have been there done that. The looks & the threats of CPS because my son screamed cuz he could not have a toy. Whenever I see a parent that has a kid like mine (or just acting like mine lol) I say "Reminds me of my son." The look on their faces to know they are not the only ones is so worth it.


I usually cannot afford to buy anything for people or pay their food at restaraunts. But even the non-monetary things you do can change a person slife.

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Saw a bell-ringer just yesterday on my way to the PO to receive a package from my Mom... I dug around for some change ($ is tight) and let DD put it in the bucket. (She loves doing that) Then I dug in my purse for a bookmark I had tucked in a few days earlier--to have handy to share--and gave it to the lady standing in the cold, ringing her bell. I said it was just a little gift for her. She was quite surprised. But it felt soo good.

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You know, it's so nice to see this post and all of your responses. I went shopping yesterday (holidays - ugh!) and I felt so good holding doors open for people of all ages. I wasn't in any big hurry, but they sure were. The thing that made me sad though, is only ONE person said "thanks" - gladly though - it was a teenager. :)

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At our annual Tree lighting a few weeks ago they had a Santa and I paid for the lady behind me to get pics for her daughter. The visit with Santa was free but pics cost 10 dollars. She did not have the money but I thought no parent should miss out on those pics. I always have things in mind that I want to do but I get very shy and I never do it. That day I did it anyway. It was hard but I did it! She hugged me and was crying. My husband just looked at me like he was proud. That was the best.


I also posted for people to send me some "ami's" for my husbands work and I got about 12 and I donated my "stash" of about 20. Still didn't have enough though.


I leave ami's laying around on like the bus or in a shopping carts with little notes to take them home as gifts. I hardly ever keep anything. I have to refil my stash of ami's now.

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Ever since reading this weeks ago, I tried to find a time to go through the drive-thru at McD's but the line was always long and I was always in a hurry. Finally, after having lunch inside with my mom and my daughter, I just walked up to the empty 1st window and told the girl I wanted to pay for the next person who happened to be ordering at the time. She gave me a big smile and took my card and processed it and handed it back with the receipt and a big thank you. I didn't look back but just jumped in the van and took off. I got to explain to my daughter what I just did and why. It is a nice feeling to do something like that and not wait for any accolades or acknowledgments. Even better was to be able to do it in front of my daughter. I hope she remembers this when she's older and has her own money (10 now). Great thread!

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I think its very loving to make people feel they are worthy just because they are here on earth with us. I make sm. bears and just leave them where ever I am. Library, post office, grocery store etc.. I have a little poem that is put in with them in a baggie. I don't hang around to see who finds them. Try it! make little hearts, animals a million ideas. Just do it!

I was thinking of some type of thing like this. What is your poem like if you don't mind my asking.

I think that in this economy and struggle more raok can sooth a lot of hurts.

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