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Well, I'm with a few of you ladies....I never ask, and I don't hide it either. My husband and I lived together for 12 years before we got married. We each had certain bills to pay. After that, anything goes. I also respect my husband and my marriage and don't feel the need to run to him for his approval over every detail. He has his hobbies, I have mine. As long as the bills are paid and there is food on the table, he doesn't care...

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I don't ask but I do hide!!! :lol If I don't squirrel it away, somebody inevitably trips on it and hubby will be forced to comment on my ever-growing stash that I add to way faster than I deplete. ;) More so for the storage problem than the price so if I can find a place for it then hey, no storage problem! Hard to pass up some of the 99 cent bargins I've been seeing. Hubby and I make major purchases together ... house, car, computers, appliances ... we're in the process of replacing 70% of the flooring in our house right now and we're doing that together. We don't discuss my $25 yarn purchases here and there. He doesn't care about yarn like I do. :P I'm the one with the head for finances in the family so I wouldn't make a purchase we couldn't afford anyway.

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I stopped asking "permission" years ago when I came across a freezer in a section at Montgomery Ward's where they put appliances that have been marked way down. He worked in sales and would have been difficult to reach in time to take advantage of such a bargain. However, there are still times when we talk about a major purchase, but I NEVER ask permission for small purchases such as yarn or small kitchen tools or appliances. Just recently, I purchased a microwave oven at a yard sale for $50. It was a Panasonic in new condition. I'd had one before that died recently and we've been using a GE model that we put aside when I purchased our older Panasonic. We didn't REALLY need a newer microwave, but I preferred the way the microwaves were directed in the older Panasonic. Anyway, I thought DH would be mad for such a frivolous expenditure, but I could put the blame on him because HE pushed me to check out the yard sale for a patio table that he saw there. I wouldn't have seen the microwave if he hadn't pushed me to go to the yard sale and I wanted the microwave more than the table. BTW, DH went back and got the table, lol....didn't ask MY permission.



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If I ever comment on my husband's "permission" or whether or not he will pleased relates both to budget issues and also to the fact that any excess 'stash' occupies space in the house we share - his issues tend to relate more to the space taken up by the materials than to the price of them - he also has a hard time understanding WIPs and starting a new project before a previously started one is completed...



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I don't ask for permission - I don't really need to. We've been married for 15 years now & I'm the main income in the household (not by choice - he's self-employed & income is irregular). I do tell him about the yarn that I buy, though. (Well, almost all of it - I just remembered that there's some in the trunk I haven't shown him yet :)) He tells me about his purchases too...neither of us make major purchases without the other's opinion, but for tools, yarn, model cars, books...those hobby things that we love so much, we just do what feels right. It makes both of us happy & that's what matters most.

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Well, I'm with a few of you ladies....I never ask, and I don't hide it either. My husband and I lived together for 12 years before we got married. We each had certain bills to pay. After that, anything goes. I also respect my husband and my marriage and don't feel the need to run to him for his approval over every detail. He has his hobbies, I have mine. As long as the bills are paid and there is food on the table, he doesn't care...

same here

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My husband & I discuss all of our purchases with each other before we make them (even small ones) We are on a tight budget. Usually he asks me do I really need it? If I say yes he asks what is it for I tell him the project. Then he usually lets me buy it.

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I don't get "permission" per se but if I get a special treat I like to let my Husband know that I appreciate having it. I will joke around about what HE bought me for (fill in special occasion) even if I picked it up myself.


(and, FYI I gave him permission to get the PS3 for playing Blu-Ray)


Besides, when it comes to gift shopping, I do almost all of it because he works very long days and I ENJOY buying gifts. So, I do the leg work and he is grateful that I take care of family gifts.


(BTW this year I am hoping for a set of Turn of the century hooks for Christmas. Since I pay the bills I will be letting him know if he can get them for me for Christmas)

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I have so much yarn that, even tho each skein was usually cheap, it adds up to a lot. I used to just buy a few skeins here and there but then we realized it was adding up to quite a bit each month.


Now on my job I get a mileage reimbursement check and that has become my mad money. And of course mad money usually means yarn money!!

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When we were first married, we set aside a certain amt of $$ that we were each to receive each month.. after savings and bills were paid. We call it our MOMO money. MoneyOfMyOwn. That amount doesn't have to be accounted for.. spend it all at once or save it up and splurge on something big.. doesn't matter.


As our financial situation improves or not.. the monthly MOMO $ may change, but we don't have to account to each other for that amount.


Sometimes I tell dh what I'm spending my momo on and sometimes I don't. All depends on whether I think he's interested or if the purchase is a surprise for him. He doesn't consult me on his momo purchases either.

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I don't get permission per se but I always let him know as a courtesy, what card I used or if I used cash. We also have a budget, he does the same with movies he purchases. And if it is going to put us below our "must have preset dollar amount in our checking account", we discuss the purchase beforehand.



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