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Crochet Burnout!!!

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I have to say thank you for reading this before you even start as it might get a wee bit long. Thank You!


First, I am on a huge crochet burn out!!! I :manyheart making ami's. I did so many of them last year for the toy drive that it was almost a struggle to finish and continue making toys until the end. When I obligate myself to something, I finish! I set a goal last year of 52 toys and exceeded it. To me, that was success. I finished something I said I would, which I always do. I am the type of person that if I say I am going to do something, I do it. (It is actually a huge pet peeve of mine, when people do not follow through!)


I have been slow in starting things lately and even slower in finishing them. I have so many WIPs and UFOs right now. I start something thinking I will finish it but they just keep piling up. I have pattern upon pattern that has been given to me for the toy drive and just have absolutely no urge to start or finish the ones that are already started let alone do the new ones. This I need to apologize for to those that have donated to me. I have a puppy (sorry fran) that is missing one leg and a tail; a football player that is bodyless (sorry EmEyeAaay); a longhorn that is pretty much only a head and part of the body (sorry Chiscrochetcrazy); a doily that I started testing about 1 1/2 yrs ago or longer and only has about 3 rounds left (sorry Katchkan); and starghan for a cal on here that I only have about 1/2 the border left on! A RR from the Geometrics book that is started and about 20 rows or so into it. You see what I mean! So frustrating!


Upon the fact that I have so much started and don't want to finish, with all the ami's my wrists started hurting from crocheting so tightly and other than the afghans lately, any tight crocheting is not good on the wrists.


I tried to tell myself that I will have all the WIPs & UFOs finished by the end of this year but in all honestly, I know I will not do that. I have committed to another 52 toys for the toy drive in another challenge that I started but if you are keeping up on that thread I have ZERO toys done! I honestly am not sure I can do it again this year. I do not want to disappoint people and kids since I said I would but am I being fair to myself? :think


I start teaching crochet classes in a week. Luckly I have my samples all done for it. I have an afghan that needs to be made as a sample for my second class in November, which means an entire afghan in about a month! And then on top of that, just bought enough yarn in the exact colors to do another afghan that needs to be done by the end of October as well.


What do I do?! I need to be fair to myself but need to be fair to others that I have obligated myself to. How can I be fair to both? How do I get myself out of this crochet burn out!? Has anyone else ever been in this sinking boat? How did you get yourself out of this?


Any suggestions would be great! Thanks again for reading through all of this!

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Wow Midds. You are a busy lady and sounds like you've not disappointed in your commitment to the toy drive. Would it be acceptable to you to give yourself a break from the actual crocheting and act a cheerleader for the toy drive toys? It sounds like you need a break. I don't know if it's true for you, but my crochet is what I do to relax and when it reaches the point it isn't relaxing, it must take a break from my life for a while.


I don't know what you'll decide to do, but you are right, you do need to be fair to you.



I have to say thank you for reading this before you even start as it might get a wee bit long. Thank You!


First, I am on a huge crochet burn out!!! I :manyheart making ami's. I did so many of them last year for the toy drive that it was almost a struggle to finish and continue making toys until the end. When I obligate myself to something, I finish! I set a goal last year of 52 toys and exceeded it. To me, that was success. I finished something I said I would, which I always do. I am the type of person that if I say I am going to do something, I do it. (It is actually a huge pet peeve of mine, when people do not follow through!)


I have been slow in starting things lately and even slower in finishing them. I have so many WIPs and UFOs right now. I start something thinking I will finish it but they just keep piling up. I have pattern upon pattern that has been given to me for the toy drive and just have absolutely no urge to start or finish the ones that are already started let alone do the new ones. This I need to apologize for to those that have donated to me. I have a puppy (sorry fran) that is missing one leg and a tail; a football player that is bodyless (sorry EmEyeAaay); a longhorn that is pretty much only a head and part of the body (sorry Chiscrochetcrazy); a doily that I started testing about 1 1/2 yrs ago or longer and only has about 3 rounds left (sorry Katchkan); and starghan for a cal on here that I only have about 1/2 the border left on! A RR from the Geometrics book that is started and about 20 rows or so into it. You see what I mean! So frustrating!


Upon the fact that I have so much started and don't want to finish, with all the ami's my wrists started hurting from crocheting so tightly and other than the afghans lately, any tight crocheting is not good on the wrists.


I tried to tell myself that I will have all the WIPs & UFOs finished by the end of this year but in all honestly, I know I will not do that. I have committed to another 52 toys for the toy drive in another challenge that I started but if you are keeping up on that thread I have ZERO toys done! I honestly am not sure I can do it again this year. I do not want to disappoint people and kids since I said I would but I am being fair to myself? :think


I start teaching crochet classes in a week. Luckly I have my samples all done for it. I have an afghan that needs to be made as a sample for my second class in November, which means an entire afghan in about a month! And then on top of that, just bought enough yarn in the exact colors to do another afghan that needs to be done by the end of October as well.


What do I do?! I need to be fair to myself but need to be fair to others that I have obligated myself to. How can I be fair to both? How do I get myself out of this crochet burn out!? Has anyone else ever been in this sinking boat? How did you get yourself out of this?


Any suggestions would be great! Thanks again for reading through all of this!

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I don't have any words to make you feel better, but lots of :hug :hug :hug to make you feel better. Sometimes we just take too much on ourselves, and can't do it. Explain your situation, and hope for the best. We all need a break from crocheting, sometimes, so please, PLEASE, don't be so hard on yourself....

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DO NOT take on more committments. If you find yourself starting to do it, bite your tongue!


Be realistic. Can you do the afghans by the deadlines and are you really up to teaching right now? If not, talk to the appropriate people and change it now, rather than later.


If you really feel burned out, take some time away from crochet until you feel good about it again, then start finishing up the projects you already have in progress. You are so close to being done with some of them. It will feel very satisfying when you feel right about it and not stressed.

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I love teaching crochet classes so that in itself is not the issue. All the samples for my first class are done so that really is not a stressor for me.


I too crochet to relax. Lately though it has not been relaxing. It has been more of "I feel like I have to" rather than a want to.


I guess if I am looking for a silver lining in this, I do want to read more rather than crochet. I have been searching for peace and quiet lately. I enjoy the quiet more. I like to also watch tv but I used to enjoy crocheting while I watch tv and now I would rather just watch tv and not crochet.


Is it being fair to not meet the things that I have obligated myself too? I really need a happy medium in this but I don't know what that is. :think

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If anyone deserves a break it is YOU! Everyone goes through burnout, but you've crocheted as much as a dozen crocheters put together. :hug


I go through cycles where I crochet about three things, then won't pick up the hooks again for six months because I can't even stand the thought of making anything. lol....


I think you should give yourself a long, extended vacation.

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When you're doing something just for the heck of it, you can do it all day long! I understand exactly how you feel. I have a crochet commitment addiction. I have a file on my computer called "Crochet Commitments" and the list is very long. I always manage to get everything done, but sometimes it is tough. I am currently signed up for 5 swaps between 3 groups. Since I've had my son it seems as though crocheting has become my job. I was going to make an afghan for my MIL for Christmas, but decided there is just no way I can do that to myself... not to mention we have the typical inlaw relationship! :lol I luckily found an afghan I almost finished a few years ago for her.. one side is missing fringe. THAT is the reason I didn't give it to her! I didn't feel like finishing the fringe? How sad is that? LOL


I also get very into the charity stuff. I have to remind myself that it is not humanly possible to help everyone. I did use a little bit of common sense (this is absolutely not an insult to anyone) and only committed to 12 toys. I knew that there was no way I could make more. So far.. I've bought every toy, 12 total. However, I bought to bags of legos that aren't resealable and need to make bags for them. I have yet to do that, probably 2 weeks later. I am going to just send 10 of the 12 for now. I also only committed to 1 scarf so far for victims of abuse, but would love to do more. I had to force myself to crochet that one and I don't hate making them!


I crochet every chance I get, but always have "something else" I'd rather be crocheting. Making squares is my guilty pleasure. Not so guilty, because they go to great causes, but guilty because I have so many other things I need to do.


Sorry for the long, long message, but I fully understand. And about the amis. I crochet a little tight anyway and making amis can be uncomfortable for me to make as well. So, guess what swap I signed up for not too long ago?? The amigurumi swap here on the 'ville! :lol


Take care :hug,


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Is it being fair to not meet the things that I have obligated myself too? I really need a happy medium in this but I don't know what that is. :think


I think it is fair, because the children will know no different. You have helped a lot by just promoting the toy drive. And believe me.. everyone understands.



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I too have been here many times. Just remeber to be true to yourself and do the best you can. You still have lots of time for the toys so pic easy ones that you ca make a lot of quickly and do those between other projects and you will get them done. I too will keep obligations I make but have had to learn to say to myself "no you can't do that one even if you really want to." That is the hardest thing for me. I also get very bored working on the same thing all the time so I have now limited myself to no more than 5 wip at a time (usually 2 thread and 3 yarn) to help me keep commitments. Its tough and we all get burned out so take time for a break now and then and you willl see you willl want to crochet again. When i did not take a break I would have to force myself to work on thngs and that took the fun out of it. remember we are only human and can only do so much. If we don;t take care of us no one will. hang in there. :hug

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This too shall pass. Been there done that. Sounds like you need to let your wrists have a break. I know form experience if you keep pushing they will only get worse. I've gone for several months at a time and not done a thing. If you keep forceing yourself you will hate what you are doing.



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It sounds like you need to take a break from crocheting and your wrists are telling you to do it sooner rather than later. Do not make anymore commitments until you have managed to resolve the ones you have already made. Since you said you are the type of person that if you say you are going to do something, you do it and that it is actually a huge pet peeve of yours, when people do not follow through you are going to make yourself really sick if you keep making commitments and getting farther behind. As far as the toy drive you can purchase things to donate to meet your commitment. When you feel like you need to commit to a charity say you will do only one or two. (If you have time and feel like it you can most always donate more but you have only committed yourself to the one or two). When your wrists feel up to it finish those projects that are already so close to being done and get them out of the way. Then maybe you will feel like you are ready to move on.

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BTDT!! I starting making jewelry last fall just for myself and for fun well it turned into a part time job literally overnight. My co-workers started wanting stuff, Dh's co-workers, a couple of shops in my town, etc. At first I loved doing it b/c it was fun and I was making money but after a couple of months it wasn't fun anymore and was more like work and then it got to the point where I dreaded getting any orders and would drag my feet getting anything done.


Seems like you are in the same boat. You need to stop taking on more projects and finish the ones you already started.


Since you haven't started on the toys yet, I would bow out of that one.


As for the projects you already started, I would start with the ones that require less time and work to get them finished. Finishing a few may give you the motivation to tackle the larger ones.


Good luck!

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i have been trying for about 3 weeks now to get back into crocheting. I just moved back from Germany to the states, so on a certain level, sure crocheting can take a back seat...but i don't want it to...but I just can't drum up even a thimble full of interest in crocheting right now. Just way too distracted and drained. I could have taken crocheting with me to the driver's license office yesterday, but I wouldn't have been able to focus on my work and I would have made mistakes and gotten more frustrated than I already was to begin with...


I'll be back in the groove soon, but I hate when I get like this...mainly 'cause I'm so afraid I'll never pick up the hooks again and I have way too many WIP's to complete first.

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I agree with the others-- just be a cheerleader for the toy drive and any ami's you do make for it are just gravy, everyone will understand (No guilt-- you hear me?!?). Do what you need to do-- take a break, read all you want and after a short time you may want to crochet. I know this is hard for you, but your WIPs will still be there waiting for you when you feel the joy for them again. Concentrate on one thing at a time. Perhaps you work on things for the class you will teach or finish the WIP that is the closest to being done. You are overwhelmed thinking about every single thing you need to do.


Take care of yourself and everything will follow...

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I don't have any real advice just wanted to offer hugs and understanding. I find myself over extended pretty often with my crochet and have no one to blame but myself. There is nothing wrong with taking a break when you find yourself in this situation. I have paired down my charity commitments for next year because this year I found myself overwhelmed and didn't get anything accomplished.


You have done such wonderful work and there is nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.

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Thank you all so much for your advice. :hug


You all seem to be a very understanding bunch. So this is what I have decided to do:


I will be a :cheer for the toy drive and the challenge and leave my goal set to 52. I will make what I can and if finances allow will buy the rest if I don't make 52 toys; if finances do not allow me to buy the difference I will accept what I have done as being great. I guess something is better than nothing! :)


I will finish the swap that I am in now but then that is it for awhile. I :manyheart swaps but am not doing myself or partners any justice if I feel overwhelmed and obligated to doing them. That takes all the fun out of them.


As for the WIPS/UFOS-I will work on one thing at a time and finish it. Once all of them are done I will start something new. I will not start anything new until they are all done.


Patterns that were donated to me or given to me to test will be done in the order they were given to me and at a nice even enjoyable pace. I may actually enjoy doing ami's once again then. :D


The CAL's that I signed up for come next or worked in between the donated/testing patterns so that they can also be finished up.


I realized that I am crocheting for everyone else but never for myself. As selfish as it sounds I need to crochet for me, to relax, and to remember why I taught myself to crochet - for me!


Thanks all for everything!

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I realized that I am crocheting for everyone else but never for myself. As selfish as it sounds I need to crochet for me, to relax, and to remember why I taught myself to crochet - for me!


It's not selfish at all. It's called "taking care of yourself."

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Midds, The only person you are being unfair to is yourself. I mean this in a loving way... if you have crocheted yourself to the point of injury to your wrists, then it's time to take a break! Anyone will understand that you have to consider your own health and well being first, and those who don't understand don't deserve your charity. (JMHO)


With that said... I tend to build huge piles of WIPs/UFOs as well... I had a little ami that all the peices were crocheted, all that was left to do was sew on ONE little leg. Do you know that project sat in my "to-do" pile for WEEKS! So trust me, I understand what you are going through!


Take it easy, take some time for yourself and your wrists to relax and heal. Your projects will still be there when you get back, and I promise they won't be mad at you or yell at you! The only thing YOU need to do is not be mad at yourself!


Midds, without you even knowing it, you are the one who inspired me to add KristieMN's toy drive to my list of charities. I've already sent her my first batch of toys and some bookmarks, but I still plan to do more. In your honor, and for introducing me to this great cause, I am going to make and send 10 additional toys. This will not affect my own toy count, I will still do my 24 that I pledged (and then some. :)) What I make for you will be over and above my own contribution. I can either send them to you to add to your own box, or I can send them directly to Kristie. Just let me know which you would prefer. ;)


It's not much, just my way of saying :ty for all you do :manyheart


Thank you all so much for your advice. :hug


You all seem to be a very understanding bunch. So this is what I have decided to do:


I will be a :cheer for the toy drive and the challenge and leave my goal set to 52. I will make what I can and if finances allow will buy the rest if I don't make 52 toys; if finances do not allow me to buy the difference I will accept what I have done as being great. I guess something is better than nothing! :)


I will finish the swap that I am in now but then that is it for awhile. I :manyheart swaps but am not doing myself or partners any justice if I feel overwhelmed and obligated to doing them. That takes all the fun out of them.


As for the WIPS/UFOS-I will work on one thing at a time and finish it. Once all of them are done I will start something new. I will not start anything new until they are all done.


Patterns that were donated to me or given to me to test will be done in the order they were given to me and at a nice even enjoyable pace. I may actually enjoy doing ami's once again then. :D


The CAL's that I signed up for come next or worked in between the donated/testing patterns so that they can also be finished up.


I realized that I am crocheting for everyone else but never for myself. As selfish as it sounds I need to crochet for me, to relax, and to remember why I taught myself to crochet - for me!


Thanks all for everything!

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Midds, without you even knowing it, you are the one who inspired me to add KristieMN's toy drive to my list of charities. I've already sent her my first batch of toys and some bookmarks, but I still plan to do more. In your honor, and for introducing me to this great cause, I am going to make and send 10 additional toys. This will not affect my own toy count, I will still do my 24 that I pledged (and then some. :)) What I make for you will be over and above my own contribution. I can either send them to you to add to your own box, or I can send them directly to Kristie. Just let me know which you would prefer. ;)


It's not much, just my way of saying :ty for all you do :manyheart

You are so incredibly sweet! :hug


Thank you so much for doing all that you do. I am glad that I have inspired you and that you have agreed to help with the toy drive.


You can just send the toys to KristieMN. No sense in paying postage 2 times. Please just post a pic so that everyone can see your great talent!


Thank you so very much! :hug

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You're welcome Midds. Glad to help!! I will send them to Kristie for you :)

I'm not sure when I will get them done. I have a few swaps I need to get finished up then I'll start working on them within the next few weeks and post pics here and in the show & tell. If I understand how the count for the annual toy drive works, the official count doesn't start until June? If this is correct I will keep them in a ziplock bag(s) for you and mail them so they will count toward the 2009 totals. :D

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