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I could use some advice from my fellow 'villers. About 5-6 months ago, my cousin asked me to make her an afghan for her son who was outgrowing the newborn one that I made for him. I happily went out and found yarn that I thought they would love. I even matched the colors to the father's favorite sports team. They only live about 10 minutes away from me. I don't drive, so it was up to her to come and pick it up. Mind you that I was not charging for this blanket, not even the price of yarn. This afghan has sat at my house for almost 6 months now. I have told my cousin repeatedly that it is finished and awaiting p/u. She always says "Oh I forgot! I'll be down on (fill in day of choice here)" and then constantly flakes on me. So here is my situation. I am about to donate some afghans to Project Linus, where I know that they will be going to a good home. I am thinking of donating the afghan I made for her son also. I don't want to be mean but I feel like it's been plenty of time for her to come and get it and she hasn't. So if you guys were in my shoes, what would you do? Thanks for listening, sorry so long, I'm just feeling stuck on this one.

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I'd definitely give her a "heads up" phone call, too. You made the blanket, you set it aside for her, and if she doesn't want it anymore, of course you want it be used and loved by someone. I'd let her know what you're planning to do...and if she really wants it, she'll come and get it, and if she doesn't, perhaps she'll be more relieved than not to know that you've done something else with it.

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I'm with the others - a heads up phone call and then if she has not come and picked it up by the end of the agreed day send it off to someone who will be sure to love and cherish your work.... :bounce

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yah, give her a warning cause there is no point in keeping it laying around for someone that can't take a few minutes out of the day to come get it. Charity could use it if shes not that concerned with it

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I agree, let them know you are about to make a donation and that if she has changed her mind then you will just be donating that ghan as well. Give her a date and if she doesn't pick it up by then, donate it.


Although if you normally give him a Christmas gift it would be a good idea to save it until then and give it to him for a gift.

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I'm going to try calling her one last time tonight. I don't want it to seem like I am trying to punish the baby for the mothers lack of respect. I love kids. I've only seen him once since he was born back in January. And I even understand that she could be busy with the baby. I get that, it's just that she has flaked out on me so many times. And she is the one person in my family who has always been eager to have something made by me. She even drives by my house on the way to and from his daycare! I'm going to be the bigger person though, and try one last time. Wish me luck.

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