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Finish By Christmas Along Christmas Gifts


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OK... the DIL's all converged on me asking for various things so I have to revamp my list


To Crotchet:

5 scarves

4 fingerless gloves

2 hats

50 candy canes


AND I haven't finished the Christmas afghan yet.... off to get my fingers working!!

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Okay, I finally have an actual list to share with y'all:


Hazel's tea set~still need to stuff and make the strawberry appliques

Preston's Adventure Set~still need to make the adventure bag

Jamie's K'night~still need to begin~LOL! I'll hafta see if I can fit in a dragon....

Allen~still debating on crocheting dice with embroidered symbols for his homemade game (it's what he asked for) or try my hand at a chess set I saw at etsy...

My darling~a grey hat with a Cowboys star


My best friend is getting the slippers I crocheted for myself that turned out a hair to small. OH are they LUSCIOUS!


The women in the family are getting sweet pea shawls (without fringe)~I picked colors I thought each would like~right down to a camouflage one for my Goth SIL~it's AWESOME! I'll just keep doing these until the holiday is over and see what happens. I've got seven here I think....


For forgotten gifts (~gasp! It does happen!) or extras and our four FABU librarians and the twelve women I attend monthly brunch with I'm making Broom Handle Dusters. SOOO quick and easy and doesn't used much yarn. WOOHOOO!


Don't ask about the men~I haven't gotten that far!


I started early this summer, but I still find myself feeling behind and worried about gettin' it all done. After the New Year I'm hoping to start an afghan for each child.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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Hey are you guys still crocheting? can I join with some knitting projects? Most of the rest of my gifts are knit. Just got done with a scarf today just need to put the final touches on it. And I am working on a hat for my daughters fiance'.

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Finished the second panel on my MIL's Aran Sampler Tote last night. It's slow going right now with all the other things to do this time of year. I still don't know what to do for the men in the family...maybe I should just let DH take care of all that...I'm sure he'd appreciate that! :P

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Here is a suggestion for the men that I thought of last night (It is just a thought no pattern - or even a clue!!!)


Plow and Hearth and ACORN catalogs have something called a pistachio Basket. It is two small baskets (approx 5' square) attatched to a wooden base. One basket is for Pistachio nuts and the other for the shells.


Crochet today has some small basket patterns in the Nov/Dec '08 edition.


So, make two small baskets, place them in another rectangular basket (I think the peachers n creme website has the rectangular pattern) and fill with nuts.


I might do this for the men next year.


If anyone wants to 'steal' this idea and make a pattern feel free! It is Up for grabs!


(again it is just a thought, maybe someone can work out the fine details. )

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i finished the one scarf I started (pic on show-n-tell), halfway through a table runner for a gift game.

Got stuff to do 2 fleece blankets for my son and my daughter's BF, will crochet around the edge for them, but haven't started yet.

I want to do a set of placemats for my mom, but am thinking of doing 1, and giving an i-o-u note on the other 3...

Would you recommend cotton or ww for the placemats?? She uses them everytime she has a plate, so they would get used alot...not just on occasion.


O, and i started that stroller blanket in the Nov/Dec Crochet Today - the one with the circles - but i'm making it in different colors for a lapghan for an elderly lady.

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*SIGH* So the afghan I had been working on for two weeks got to about the 80% mark then I decided I didn't like the way it was turning out. So last night I frogged the entire thing so I could start over. I'm not sure I can get it done in 3 weeks but I'm going to try. It may end up being a birthday/Christmas gift instead.


On a higher note, I finished a scarf for my grandma, now I'm going to make a matching hat.

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here's my update....I need 1 and 3/4 scarves finished... one pair of mitts...7 dish towel toppers, a bunch of candy canes and something for my nephew who is spoiled rotten...( he's 9)


.. I need to do transfers on 4 shirts, do name tags & make pedestals for two different grad parties I am hosting ..cookies and food for three get together s there are 3 basketball games to go to... a Red Hat function..the two grad ceremonies... my mom is coming for 10 days and I have to help her shop and wrap along with my own...


..I am taking my crochet to the game tonight....

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That's too bad about the afghan, B. I hope you get it done. I am going to get another skein of mocha to put a row of shells on the shawl I made for my step daughter for christmas on another cal. Then knit the hat and crochet another scarf. Once the scarf is done the scarfs for teachers, aids and bus driver will be done.

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I still have a few more things to finish on my list but I wanted to share my kitchen towel sets. Here is one complete set I did, and some greenies and my Christmas star dishcloth.






If anyone wants any of these free patterns, I posted the links on my blog here.

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Slowly, but surely making progress on the tote for my MIL. I was going to crochet something for my mom, but my church had a bazaar and silent auction today, and I was able to find great deals on two fun gifts for her instead. I know she'll love what I got her, and now I can save the project idea I had for her birthday!

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done i'm done!!!!

finished afghan for DS

tote for mom

and made one of these for each family(mom,son, aunt and inlaws)


Everything is wonderful and the tote is my favorite. I just love the colors you used and the stitch pattern. Very pretty!

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