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Senior Crochet Group

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This is weird! :think

Okay, first a little background. I moved into a new apartment in February that is considered Senior and Disabled Housing. I currently am 57 years old so sometimes I’m considered a Senior but mostly everything around here you have to be 60+. Well, I’m may not be considered a Senior, but I am disabled so I did qualify to move into this apartment complex. We have a local Senior Center (right across the parking lot) serves lunches 3 times a week plus several more activities. I began going to the lunches about 2 weeks after I moved in. I have made a number of crochet hats (I LOVE hats!) and everyone at the lunches seems to get a kick out of my hats! I have had several requests to make some for others. There are also a couple of other ladies that do crochet but because of my hats, I seem to have become a focal point.

With all of the attention my hats were getting, I thought it might be fun to start a crochet group and asked the Senior Center Director what she thought of the idea. She thinks it’s a great idea. :cheer I approached one of the ladies that lives here in the complex about helping me get a group started. She also thinks it’s a great idea. So, I created a flyer asking if anyone would be interested and oh my goodness, the response was almost overwhelming! :help

So I guess I will be starting a crochet club/group/circle whatever. At the first meeting, I plan to see how often they would like to meet, what they would like to do i.e. bring their own projects to work on, do a group project, or whatever, and maybe find a name for the group (any name suggestions would be appreciated :manyheart ). I also have to keep in mind that most of the ladies myself included, live on a very fixed income (that is why we won’t be using meetup.com or CGOA). I’m also younger than all of them!

My dilemma is that some of the ones that want to come want to learn how to crochet. Ahhhh, I’ve never taught anyone else how, I’ve only taught myself. So, what should I do? :scared



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First of all...good for you!!! wish I lived in CO so I could join... for teaching, I think the best thing to do is to show them what you do.... and keep showing them and they'll catch on....


Keep us posted!

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Sounds wonderful to me that you have found more people that crochet or want to learn - good for you setting up the group, best of luck and happy crocheting.

I sure wish I knew someone local that crocheted like I do, would be fun. :hook

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I think that is great! You not only get to play with your hobby but make a lot of new like-minded friends that live down the hall!


Since some of the group already crochets, you don't have to handle all the teaching yourself, and you can bounce ideas off each other. I'm sure the others would be tickled to help get the newbies started (I would, anyway). :hook

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Yay. This sounds very exciting, and good for you! There is a wonderful crochet primer at the http://www.lionbrand.com that gives you, topic by topic and step by step all you need to teach a student...and refer that student to the site too so they can refresh themselves when you're not available. here's the link: http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi?store=/stores/eyarn&learnToCrochet=1

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I thought the same thing reading your posts, with all the ladies that already know how to crochet, I am sure the teaching wouldn't be on just you :) I know some Seniors are not comfortable using computers, but as others have said, there is a lot of materal to print out and have on hand for learning too. Is there a computer at the center that you could show the short video teaching clips? Just a thought. Good luck and let us know how it goes and if we can help!

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:woothis sounds really exciting and I am thrilled for you! Try to recruit some "partners in crime" who also crochet to help with the teaching. That way you can enjoy some teaching but also some of the crochet time yourself. The crochetville crew have already provided you with some fantastic links for teaching ideas. This sounds like the start of a great opportunity to share something you love and make some new friends too. Let us know how it goes!!

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Does the meeting room have computers? There are a lot of free videos to watch that teach you how to crochet. I would have a problem with teaching too. I don't hold my hook the "right" way and switch hands that I hold yarn with. I think what you are doing is fantastic! Maybe someone else will be willing to do the teaching??? Good luck and have fun!

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Don't forget to check the library. They might have books that show different steps in crochet stitches. A lot of books do today.

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Don't forget to check the library. They might have books that show different steps in crochet stitches. A lot of books do today.


I agree. There's also cd-roms, video's and other media that has crochet lessons on them, and probably available at the local library. You may investigate that option and have the titles ready for those who need help.


I think it's wonderful that you have started a group. We have one at the church and it's so nice. Our group has crocheters and knitters and is called "Stitch and Chat", which we do a lot of both! Also, some people may knit and are afraid to join. Make it open for everyone who knits or crochets.


Good luck.



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The only person I have tried to teach is one of my nieces. She never did get it.

Not sure if it is was me or her. But she did learn how to do hook latch rugs from me and the round knitting loom from me.

Think the crochet was to hard for her.

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i would suggest to have the group a regular get-together type group. then a few times a year, offer it to be a "teaching group". i wouldn't have it a teaching group every week because you want to just sit and chat and have fun. not that teaching can't be fun, but every week wouldn't be fun to me. does this make any sense? i'm so tired today *yawn*

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I just wanted to comment on what the group should work on. Since they are on a fixed income, I would let them pick their own projects. Some projects require quite a bit of yarn, so they may not be able to participate.


Best of luck!

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I think it is a great idea to have regularly scheduled meetings. Have a set time, once a week (or twice a month) that you all meet in a specific area and crochet or knit.


I like the once a week thing because if you miss one, then it doesn't seem like quite so long a gap in between.


Is there a meeting room, rec room or someplace that your building has that people can use to meet in? Find a day that works for you and a few others and schedule this meeting. Put up flyers so that people know when it is.


Good luck. I think it's a great idea. And think of the new people you will meet, and that you have something in common with.



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I recommend you look at all the videos on the web and then mimmick them when you teach. One word of advice...when teaching a lefty (if you are right handed) have them sit directly in front of you and copy you (this is a mirror image and works). Or vice versa if you are a lefty teaching a right handed.


Start with swatches. Little squares. Then move on to simple projects. I always teach this hat pattern after they have learned to chain, slip stitch, single crochet, and double crochet. It is done in the back loops only. It can be done in single crochet or double crochet (I prefer single). You basically make a rectangle and sew it into a hat. Rectangles are as basic as it gets.

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I want to thank everyone for all of the suggestions. They really helped me be organized for the first meeting. :clap


We met today, and there were 8 ladies besides myself at the meeting. They decided that they want to meet once a week, and we gave our group a name. We are “The Happy Hookers of Rifle”. :wink We will focus on crochet, but we welcome knitters or anyone who does embroidery or whatever.


I discovered a couple of things. One thing was that that there are several other members that are willing to help with the teaching. Today, we didn’t have anyone to teach but the next meeting will have at least 1 person. She was unable to come today. :( I did print out the crochet primer at the www.lionbrand.com as suggested by “Knit Happens” and the others thought it was a very good booklet to give a newbie.


The second thing was that it seems there was a group once before several years ago but some of the regulars moved on and it just kind of went by the wayside. Everyone was so pleased that I suggested we meet. We also decided to just bring our own things to work on for the time being. We may decide to do a group project later but for now we will just do our own thing.


We don’t have access to a computer at the Senior Center but there are several of us who have computers so we will be able to gather almost anything we need from the internet.


Thanks again for all your input! I'm giving everyone a big hug! :2hug


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I am so glad that your group started up. The group will be great. Something to look forward to each week. And since there was a group a while ago, I think your group will be successful.


I am so happy for you.



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