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I've got my stuff dropped off at the Fair

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This is the first time since I was in 1st grade that I have entered anything into the Fair so it was really exciting.


I was able to enter 10 items.


I Entered


1: Baby Round Ripple



2: Black & White Cat Afghan



3: Blue & White Round Ripple



4: A Camel Colored Round Ripple made with Rainbow Boucle, didn't get a pic yet


5, 6 & 7: 3 Doilies, the Stargazer is Kathy's Stargazer Pattern and everyone oooohh'd and awww'd about it



8: 5" Baby Doll Outfit







9 & 10 were 2 of my Cradle Purse's and the ladies were so amazed by them






I seen one of the most beautiful and large white and blue doilies. I have to get pics when we go on Saturday to the Fair.


Even if I don't win anything, I have had fun already. One of the ladies said that the Stargazer Doily will get 10 points right off the top she can see, Woo Hoo!!


I'm patiently counting down the days till I see how I did.


In the mean time I am going to start working and planning for next year.


Wish me luck!!

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These are lovely. I remember having cradle purses as a child. You make me want to do them for my granddaughters!

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Good luck to you. Our fair starts today too. I can't wait to see how I did.


It's just the fun of entering that makes it so wonderful.



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Thank you everyone. I am just on pins and needles having to wait. Our Fair starts on Friday but we won't be going till Saturday.


I would really like to start working now on a Tablecloth or a Bedspread for a large project for next year. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.


I spent last night looking through all the usual websites but haven't found anything yet that really jumped out yet and said "me, me, me".


Good luck to everyone who has items entered in thier Fairs that are now going.


Thanks again

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Everything is beautiful. That pink ripple is gorgeous and I love the little doll dress. Is it your own pattern? Can you tell me what yarn/colors you used for the pink ripple? Your little cradly purses are adorable. I keep telling myself I need to make some of those. Just don't know who to give them to. LOL




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GOOD LUCK at the fair..I LOVE fair time.Reminds me FALL is COMING!!!..That has got to be my most favorite time of year. Especially when the air has a cold "bite" to it.Curl up in front of a fire and crochet or read.Anyway I hope you win LOTS of ribbons.Can't WAIT to hear..

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Thanks again everyone for your kind compliments.


Debby, I used RH Soft Baby yarn in the following colors White, Powder Pink, Bright Pink & Fizzy Print. That particular RR flew from WA State to VA and back so I put some miles on it, LOL. The ladies even commented that they never thought about mixing the colors like I did. If you want more detail I will have to wait ti I get the afghan back.


The doll dress was a pattern I purchased on Etsy for the doll, sad to say, I have to do a lot of working with it to make the items fit. I did Convo the lady and ask her if she used testers and she stated no that she write the patterns as she is making them. Sad as I found errors I need to let her know about. She also uses a different thread than what is found in the more common stores so that may be a factor in why the headband and diaper especially did not fit and I had to completely start from scratch.


Oh well give me incentive to put her patterns away and make my own doll clothes but have to wait til I get my baby back (she's the only one I have) or wait till my 10" baby arrives.




Nope not Kitsap, but Clark. It starts tomorrow but of course don't get to go until Sat. to see how things turned out. We are going to stay for the evening act and listen to Eric Church. Wish it was Trace Adkins instead, LOL like a few yrs ago. I was trying to find which game to play to win him as my prize, LOL, hubby just shook his head *snicker*


We have to make sure the grandkids get to go, even if we have to take them, we promised mollie we would take her to where the horses are, she is a major horse lover.


Ocean Breeze, you are right about fall. I can't wait for it to chill down and put a fire in the fireplace (wood burning) and sit and cuddle up to crochet and sip on a hot cup of cocoa, I can almost hear the crackling of the fire now, LOL but have to wait, it's to be in the 80's today, no fire.


Thanks again everyone

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