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Crochet Fear

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Hi Everyone


Hope everyone is having a great day well at least a decent one anyways :D


What is everyones Crochet Fear:oops Mine is giving someone something I've made and it falling apart on them.... I always think of this as I am crocheting something for someone:eek

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I have two crochet fears - 1. They won't use it or 2. They will destroy it. I always include washing instructions, but there's some things I want to make for other people's children, and sadly, I don't think their parents will take care of washing it properly (I mean to prevent stains and ripping, not hand washing or anything like that!). I just learned that the blanket I made for my neice is in her closet! How can she stay warm and feel our love if she doesn't even know the thing exists?

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My crochet fear is that one day I may not be able to crochet. I may run out of yarn and it may look funny with two different colors, but it will be made from love. It may shrink two sizes too small in the laundry, but it will fit someone in the family one day. It may stay in the closet for years to come, but one day it will be dusted and used. My fear changed recently..I use to fear the things I listed above. But, recently pieces of a quilt that my grandmother made was found by a family member. My grandmother and grandfather were killed 8 years before I was born. The quilt pieces aren't finished, and one square isn't lined properly, it needs dusting...but it was made with love and the hands of a wonderful woman. So...my fear is that one day I will not be able to share my craft, either because of health or whatever reasons. Although I'm only 25, you never know what the future brings. Seeing the 92 year old lady I spoke about in another post still knitting and crocheting, gives me hope!


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My biggest crochet fear has arisen....I have been trying to make the Seraphina Shawl which I have seen on Jessi and Drew's site and love it. First I bought a fancy yarn and it looked funny so I frogged it out - then I realized I should use Homespun like Jessi and I did but could not make out my stitches so I frogged it again....Then I bought another normal yarn and last night got up to row 8 correctly and when I got to row 9 I was missing stitches where it said DC in the next 3 stitches and I cried and stopped for the night. I will try again tonight after work and hope I can master it....I WILL succeed even if I frog it again....

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You'll love this shawl when you finish it. If it is the pattern I'm thinking about, be sure to read all the notes on the pictures. It'll help a lot.

My biggest crochet fear has arisen....I have been trying to make the Seraphina Shawl which I have seen on Jessi and Drew's site and love it. First I bought a fancy yarn and it looked funny so I frogged it out - then I realized I should use Homespun like Jessi and I did but could not make out my stitches so I frogged it again....Then I bought another normal yarn and last night got up to row 8 correctly and when I got to row 9 I was missing stitches where it said DC in the next 3 stitches and I cried and stopped for the night. I will try again tonight after work and hope I can master it....I WILL succeed even if I frog it again....
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My very worst fear is that I will not be able to crochet someday. :cry If something was to happen to my hands or eyes It would be horrible. :yell I just can not imagine life without my hook. :eek

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Right now my biggest fear is...and I know this is awful....my kittens peeing on my yarn!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to toss 2 skeins because of that. So now I double bag them, tie them tight and hide them in the closet. I think even after they're gone it will be a long time before I stop smelling the yarn before I use it. Everyone in my house rolls their eyes when I take out a new skein because i hunt everyone down...just to be sure I'm not missing anything. It's horrible!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks Dot,


I will try again to figure out the Seraphina pattern...I want so badly to get it right...It only takes concentration to not get the rows wrong....:cheer

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My fear is making something as a gift that's not perfect (not that anything I make is perfect!) and having the recipient look closely at it and find all of the flaws. Also, I'm afraid of things falling apart after I've given them as gifts. I've given many things to my mom and sisters and they've loved everything, so my fears so far have no basis, but you never know.

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my worst fear came true back in 2000, when i was in a car accident and because of the whiplash i couldn't crochet for over 5 months, it about killed me. all of my enjoyment went right out the window. thankfully the swelling went down enough that i could crochet again, but can't as long as i use to. as i have 3 hernatied disks in my neck:( :( another thing which bugs me is that now i am teaching crochet for a job, it has kind of taken the fun out of doing it just because:P , but on the other hand i so enjoy watching people learn this wonderful art, that i :clap :clap :clap :clap :lol :lol so i guess we all have our fears and little quirks, but in the end, we all love the art of crochet and will continue to just because:D vicki

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I always worry that when I make something and give it as a gift the recipient will laugh in my face. Then tell me "You call THIS a gift!". I didn't make my traditional ornaments for my coworkers last year because of this fear (and I thought nobody enjoyed them). Then at the Xmas party many people were upset because I didn't make them anything. They told me they keep all my ornaments on their trees every year. :eek:think:blush:yay I better get started on this years ornaments! The inlaws up north are already asking what I'm making this year.

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I made an American flag early on. My own pattern. Granny squares. It was a large flag. Around 4' by 7' I believe. I made it all with granny squares and sewed it together. :eek Well, My "Aunt" has it now and I do worry that because I wasn't as experienced then it might fall apart! And I have never washed things before giving them. I guess I should now.




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Well, all the fears I have happened to me, so I guess I'm afraid of them happening again. My first fear was my work falling apart. I've started giving my work an extra slip knot when I tie off. You better make sure that your work is correct, though, because it's a killer to get that double knot undone. I've also made the ends be about 2 inches long before I cut the yarn. I tuck all that into the work. My second fear was running out of thread and not being able to match up my work to the correct color. I have no answer for that. That happens to me all the time. I buy way more thread than what I need, BUT it still happens. The third fear is when I wash the work and the thread has a chemical flaw and discolors. THAT has happened to me. It happened one time right before I was sending the work off to a client. I just about had a heart attack with that one. The fourth fear is making something for a friend, something that is extra special and I would LOVE to keep it for myself, and I never see them use it or wear it. The fifth is someone copying my work. That happened to me, too. Is that enough fears?

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While most of my crochet fears have already been discussed, one of mine that hasn't been mentioned is to make a special item as a gift for someone and have them re-gift it to me at a later date. How on earth could you graciously handle that?

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My biggest fear is giving someone something that took hours to make and finding it in the trash, or having their kids take it across the street to the trash bins (seen that one happen... believe me, she never got anything again from me).

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My biggest fear is giving someone something that took hours to make and finding it in the trash, or having their kids take it across the street to the trash bins (seen that one happen... believe me, she never got anything again from me).

:( OMG, Terri, how devastating. I share everyone else's fears, too, but the biggest is probably that, after they receive it, they throw it out. (I hope they at least give whatever I make to Goodwill.) There are only a few people for whom I make things these days, and they're the ones who I know appreciate them.

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Ack! Terri that story made my heart hurt! I'm so sorry that happened to you! :eek


My biggest crochet fear is that I will forget how to crochet.




I am forever going back and checking my stitch tutorials to make sure I'm doing it right, etc. I'm sure it'll sink in eventually, but for now I keep that little notebook right beside me whenever I crochet.


I also worry about people not liking what I give them because it's not as nice as the work that others are capable of doing.

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I think many of my worst fears have been covered in all the replys. But I have to agree the worst is the fear of not being able to crochet. Believe me I wear a brace at night for carpal tunnel. I won't let it get to me. But there are times I just have to stop for a week or more and pray it will ease up.



Originally Posted by Terri/LadySorce

My biggest fear is giving someone something that took hours to make and finding it in the trash, or having their kids take it across the street to the trash bins (seen that one happen... believe me, she never got anything again from me).

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That really hurts. I put love into everything I make for someone.


Forgetting how to Crochet. There are times I have to review what chain to start in. I just have a brain freeze.


Not washing it first: I had a dear person make me a beautiful red and white afghan. I washed it and it became pink and red. I would fear when she came to visit. I often lied, "oh its at the cleaners. I love it so much"




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I am in the same boat. Keep hoping it will go away, Am begining seriously to consider having the surgery done. I don't want to give up my crocheting. :( Wear the brace at night and when I know I am going to be doing anything that might aggravate it. But some days it's do a row and take a break.

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My biggest fear is that my projects won't be loved with the same amount of love I put into them. Most of my family only gets store bought so they don't really take in mind how much work goes into a project.

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