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starry night

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So I have a chance to actually crochet my final project for my English class. It would have to be one of the Van Gogh paintings mentioned in the book that we read for class and I think that Starry Night might be the easiest one to do. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might do this? I only have 2 or 3 weeks, but it does not have to be very big. I can work with thread or yarn.

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What a fun assignment! And a challenge too. I love that painting and would love to see how it could be changed into crochet.


I'm not sure what the best way to do this would be. I figure it'd be more a representation of the picture, using the basic shapes as there is so much detail in the painting. Based on that I could only come up with two suggestions.


One would be as a graph, but I imagine that would take far too long and be very complex.


Secondly, I wonder if you did it in parts, sort of like using appliques onto a plain background? That way you could sort of shape the pieces to fit (like for the swirl of cloud, that might be hard to crochet in that shape otherwise. The stars and moon could easily be done as circles.

You could also embroider over the top of the stuck on parts for any detail you wanted to add like the houses down the bottom (kind of like how you can add faces to crochet toys).


I'm probably not much help but I wanted to applaud you for taking an assignment and making it so interesting! :cheer I wish you the best of luck and would love to see what you come up with!

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there is a thread on here called "van gogh's closet" and it's mostly round ripples done, but what they are doing is using 2 strands of yarn. they start w/ 2 strands of 1 color, do so many rows and then drops 1 strand and picks up a diff color....does so many rounds of the 2 colors, then drops the remaining 1st color and pics up a 2nd strand of 2nd color.


sort of like this:







1 of the examples i remember seeing was a dishcloth, of sorts, done in blues and yellows. I hope this helps :)


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I really like the idea of making a plain (or even shaded) background, then doing embroidery and / or sewing on various shapes like stars.

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You can use this to convert any picture knitting or crochet charts. I've used it myself but not for anything as ambitious I must admit! You could use it for the basic shapes and shading and then applique more detail on afterwards.

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there is a thread on here called "van gogh's closet" and it's mostly round ripples done

I don't see this working for Starry Night. Just my opinion though.

I think a simple graph would be the way to go. It won't be any more time consuming or complex than making appliques.

What I would do it open the photo in Photoshop or PSP, color down to just three or four colors. Color out the city except for maybe a shape or two.

Run it through microrevolt. Crochet it.

You'd have the hills and the tree, maybe a splash or two of color for the city, the sky, the wavy clouds, the circles and moon.

I think the simpler you keep it, the better. Art is all about interpretation, not exact copies.

That's just me though.

Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with.



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I don't see this working for Starry Night. Just my opinion though.

I think a simple graph would be the way to go. It won't be any more time consuming or complex than making appliques.

What I would do it open the photo in Photoshop or PSP, color down to just three or four colors. Color out the city except for maybe a shape or two.

Run it through microrevolt. Crochet it.

You'd have the hills and the tree, maybe a splash or two of color for the city, the sky, the wavy clouds, the circles and moon.

I think the simpler you keep it, the better. Art is all about interpretation, not exact copies.

That's just me though.

Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with.




Exactly my thoughts!

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What an amazing idea! That is one of my favorite paintings, I never even considered doing a version in crochet.


I think Starry Night would lend itself really well to freeform crochet, but if you only have a few weeks that might be hard to get done.


Maybe you could do something like the others have suggested - a rectangular background in a blue, or blue & a variegated yarn crocheted together. Seperately you can do several yellow round motifs, a long greyish strip for the cloud & another in black for the tree thingy, and then sew them on? I'd even do another section in black/grey/white for the town buildings. That'd be quick to do and you'd have a lot more control over the shapes & positioning.


Please let us know how it comes out!

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Thanks everyone! I think I will probably crochet a dark blue rectangle or something and crochet the other parts separately and sew them on. Guess I need to go to Walmart tonight!

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Well, I'm not much technical help for you, but I can give my encouragement!! :D I think it sounds like an absolutely beautiful idea and I can't WAIT to see it when you're finished!!!! :yes

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In an old workbasket mag, they stenciled with fabric paint right onto a crochet ghan...that might work too. (I also like the other ideas mentioned...embroidery, applique) Sounds like a lot of options...even a combination of options, to choose from.

Have fun with your English project :D

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I don't know when you project is due and I know this is kind of pricey, but here's your assignment on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/STARRY-NIGHT-CROCHET-AFGHAN-KIT-BRAND-NEW_W0QQitemZ310044055840QQihZ021QQcategoryZ108867QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


Good luck however you choose to do it, and make sure to post pics of the finished product!

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Have you thought of further abstracting Van Gogh's painting so that you just capture the style and essence of it rather than a realistic representation? A "Starry Night" stole in the colors and feel of the painting? A lap robe? Handbag? And are you familiar with freeform crochet? Prudence Mapstone is an amazing mistress of this art. Whether you decide to try it or not, do look at her wonderful website! Good luck, and we want to see what you do!

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I would encourage you to watch this you tube video a couple of times to help you get in the mood.



JulieKay used that in the Van Gogh's closet and I still keep that bookmarked and watch it all the time. it gets your mind moving in a certain direction so that creativity is released... :yay

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