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Do you stick to a budget for your crochet supplies?

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I give myself a certain (small) amount each month for supplies related to knitting, crochet, and anything that goes specifically with those projects (like a zipper for a crocheted purse). I don't think I need to buy yarn when I've got enough for most of the projects I have on my list, and it's already taking up too much room (even though I wouldn't mind more! :lol) I actually resisted three different places today for yarn. Whew. It was tough...

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I crochet with threads (tiny threads) , it is very unusual I make something out of yarn, BUT I keep buying yarn A LOT, not to mention tons of threads other than I sell.



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I'm on a budget, but it's a flexible one. I always SAY that I'm not going to buy any yarn this month but then I'll see a really good auction going on Ebay or there will be a great sale in my email and suddenly all my plans to not buy yarn this month are out the window! I have no self control when it comes to buying yarn, but I suppose I could be spending my money on worse stuff.

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I splurge on vacation at new yarn shops. I don't have a budget for yarn, but I'm careful, use coupons and hit sales. This week at Joann's I have used a variety of different 50% off coupons and acquired some cotton for a tote, at little expense.

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My husband doesn't care how much yarn I buy, as long as the bills get paid and he gets to eat. Besides, what I've bought in the last year has come out of my inheritance, it's not his hard-earned cash. But I do try to limit the spending some, because I don't want to be broke! I will take advantage of sales, if I really like something, or think I will use it pretty soon. I don't have a lot of storage space for yarn, so I'm trying to use up some of it, but sometimes I do indulge a little.

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I have too much yarn! I love being able to just dig through it and choose stuff for a new project. I feel more inspired looking through my basket than standing in the aisle at Michael's or Joann. I feel guilty buying yarn sometimes when I know I have a bunch at home. I am thinking of hiding some of it in my closet so my husband doesn't see how much I actually have. Is that bad??:think

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I don't live near any bigger yarn stores, just a little Walmart 30 minutes away, so I save up and wait for good sales before making a trip to Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, Michaels, etc. I don't really have a budget, just have to be careful because I have a slight yarn obsession and money is tight.

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I don't live near any bigger yarn stores, just a little Walmart 30 minutes away, so I save up and wait for good sales before making a trip to Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, Michaels, etc. I don't really have a budget, just have to be careful because I have a slight yarn obsession and money is tight.



Me too:lol

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I, at first, was a slurger! Lately though I only buy if I don't have what I need in my GIANT stash (4 Rubbermaid bins and 2 project bags).


Budget? whats that?:)

I need to get more rubbermaid bins--my stash is spread out and stacked on a full size bed, 1 rubbermaid bin under the bin, 1 XXLarge ziplock full, A gaint rubbermaid bin full, 4 XL ziplocks(2 gallon), blanket bag full, and a huge box inside the closet!:lol What's a girl to do?:eek

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I'm on a budget, but it's a flexible one. I always SAY that I'm not going to buy any yarn this month but then I'll see a really good auction going on Ebay or there will be a great sale in my email and suddenly all my plans to not buy yarn this month are out the window! I have no self control when it comes to buying yarn, but I suppose I could be spending my money on worse stuff.



Thats what i always say, I need to stay away from Ebay for at least a week:lol

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I really try to stay within a budget, I pick up a lot of yarn at yard sales and will take coupons with me to yarn stores, whatever I can. It isn't easy when you have a yarn addiction:lol

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well, i have a very strict limited fixed budget and i usually know approximately what my bills are going to run; but still, i do like to get some yarn when I can. i don't really splurge on high-end yarns, cuz i am afraid that i will love them so much that i will pine for them when i can't afford them! on the other hand, i managed to score nicely last fall on some that normally goes for about five bucks per skein and i paid fifty cents per! i've built up my stock of hooks and needles and things but it seems like there are always a few that i wish i had or that i wonder, hm, wonder if that would make a difference if i...? so, yeah, i stay within budget, but sometimes it's with regret! grins, debra

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First of all "budget" is a very bad word! I am very jealous of "those people" can actaully stick to one ... you know who you are! I am a trained accountant so I know it's important, but I'm not very good at it.


I am very lucky that I have people who buy/donate yarn for me as most of the things I make are for charity ... except for my recent sock-making which I bartered for homemade buns (and got some farm-fresh eggs thrown in). I have a large stash, maybe 8 or 9 totes, and passed along an entire tote of "ends" to the knitting club at my son's school. So really, I'm almost making money, kinda, almost, ok not really. Over the last couple of months (and currently) I am contiplating/expecting a sudden career change, which may include not working for at least a couple of weeks, and I think my husband's job may be changing as well. We are not super-secure financially speaking, but we could completely pay off our debts and have a few months living expenses in the worst case (which is HUGE for non-budgeting people). In the last 2 weeks, we have managed to replace every appliance in our home (2 major appliances broke, and technically the now smooth-top range counts as 2 purchased 'cuz we broke it the same day we got it) and purchased new outdoor furniture (when we will actually get the use out of it) - so I have promised myself this .... when I use up all my stash, I get to buy a truckload of yarn at the factory outlet!! Which of course involves 2 things, using up my yarn and purchasing a truck ... definately long-term goals. That of course, doesn't take into account the possiblility of us moving to a potentially smaller house where I wouldn't have room for a bunch of yarn ... oh, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!


So, in short, at this point yes I am concious of my yarn budget, but it will all get blown out the window one day.


I really dislike budgets lol



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budget what's that?


I can not resist the force. Yarn is my personal Darth Vader, it tries to pull me into the dark side of my checking account all the time. I go into a store saying I'm only going my @#$# and get out, with only what i need. :think I don't know what happens to me but the next thing I know I'm on the yarn aisle contemplating how many skeins I want. Even though I am only in there for non crochet items.

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I try very hard not to buy any more than what I need, but it's getting more & more difficult. Since my mother died I've developed what my DH calls an "unnatural obsession with yarn & thread." I've got several WIP & continually search out more. I've almost filled my section of the bedroom devoted to crochet & may end up taking over a closet that my son rarely uses...of course, if we move & get a bigger house I could take over a full room...LOL!

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I keep hoping to win the lottery someday, because if and when I do, I will have a yarn stash that looks like the one that has been posted here periodically over the last few months - the one where the lady has rooms and rooms of every color and type of yarn you could imagine! Everyone talks about what kind of fancy car or house they would buy if they won the lottern, I would simply have the world's largest and most comprehensive yarn stash! Of course, I'd have to buy a big house to keep all the yarn in, and maybe a new truck to tote all of the yarn home, but the main thing I would buy if I won the lottery would be :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn !!!!!!!

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