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A crime I must confess.....

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I feel so guilty... I've never done this before!


I went with my neighbor today to run all our errands, we go every other friday, it's an all day exhausting event...


On my list of things I needed was a tapestry needle so I can weave in my ends... I used a paperclip the other day :eek


Anyway, it was toward the end of the day, I went in to Joann Fabrics to get my needle, because I couldn't find them in the other stores we had already been to.... there I am... in Joann's... and I did it... I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT THE YARN!!!!! :think Am i sick??? I should be arrested or something....


The only yarn I saw was while I was waiting at the register and looking around the store, I could see it at the top of a shelf in the far back corner... I think it may have been crying.. I feel so ashamed!

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I have actually walked into a Joann's on my last visit home and DID NOT LOOK AT THE YARN...but then, what I really needed at the time was fabric. Blew my husband away that I didn't look at the yarn.

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I can never walk into Joann's or Michael's without going to the yarn, it just calls me. It must be looked at, it must be stroked and you never know if there is a clearance going on. While I admire your restraint I can't recommend it.:D

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Oh my, what a dillema.....I say lets blame JoAnn's..BECAUSE here in ours, the yarn is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY in the back of the store......it will be oaky, as long as it doesn't happen again,, but if it continues, you MAY need thereapy.........

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Believe it or not, I used to go to Hobby Lobby all the time and never look at the yarn. It was a sickness... I was into cross stitching and painting at the time... but I'm happy to say I've been cured, and now I make a special trip to Michael's and HL to shop for yarn. It's at least 15 miles from where I live and a LOT of traffic. I NEVER come home without some yarn. When we had a JoAnn's store here, I don't think I ever looked at yarn... I sewed a lot then, and it was always fabric and patterns. Yes... I could crochet then... but for some reason, I always bought yarn at Wal Mart and didn't even know JoAnn's carried yarn! I was SO uneducated back then!

Maybe you subconsciously knew that if you went to the yarn section, you would be there for hours... and so your brain resisted? Just a thought.

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I can not keep myself from looking at the yarn in all stores that carry it! :yarn

I may not always buy something, but I must look! :yes

I am also a pattern nut!! :devil I must touch, look, and make sure there isn't another book or leaflet I have to own! :eek When they say, Hooked on crochet, they had it right! :crocheting I even dream about patterns and projects!! :blush My husband says I really need therapy! I'll go, if I can crochet while I'm there!! :hook:rofl

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:blush My husband says I really need therapy! I'll go, if I can crochet while I'm there!! :hook:rofl




Well, I've made up for my indescretion.... spent $34 on Bernat yarn at Knittingwarehouse.com or something like that.... felt so bad for not looking, I had to go buy some... then my hubby came home and I had to let him know I'm expecting a package... don't feel absolved yet... I'll just have to buy more :devil

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OMG...how could you neglect the yarn?lol I always go pet the yarn! It's like going to the animal shelter, you have to give every skein your attention. lol


Glad to hear your feeling better...I love the Knittingwarehouse!

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:eek I couldn't fathom going into a store that carries yarn and not looking at it..even a little peek. Oh especially when you go to a really nice store that has about four or five aisles of it... :c9
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My JoAnn's sells those five packs for only $1.29 a pack,but their yarn selection is really awful and crowded so not looking there is not that big a crime.:yarn

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First of all, are you running a fever? Is your appetite diminished? Are you sleeping at night? Even is none of these are true, I am SURE you must be suffering from some rare form of yarn-purchasing resistant virus (otherwise known as YPRV) ! Quick, return to JoAnn's and visit the yarn, it might not be too late!!!! :sofunny

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I had a similar situation this past week. I was looking for craft projects and short on time, but it was my first visit to AC Moores (two hours away :drive, no less), so I just had to see what everyone was talking about.....Oh my. So much yarn. And so much on clearance!!! My only excuse for not buying any was that I am already working on four crochet projects, and really need to spend my extra time sewing for a deadline. I did leave with a stitch booklet, a bunch of pattern leaflets, and a copy of "Crochet Today." Deffinately will return after my deadline and splurge. :dreaming

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Oh The Horror!!! How could you, lol!! See, the yarn was calling you, it was even peeking over trying to get your attention! And all you could do was turn your back.....It will haunt you forever....LOL!


Actually forshame, alas I did the same thing at wally world yesterday. What is this world coming to....? lol.



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When I lived in the states I actually lived across the street from Hobby Lobby once. I had such a stash of yarn! Was able to catch their sales early...Jo Ann and Hobby Lobby were my favorite stores...One of the saddest things when I left the States to move to Australia was that I had to leave all my yarn behind. Butttttttt I left it in good hands....my daughter in law has enough yarn for many many projects.


I love the yarn stores in Australia too. Still looking for cotton tho...just haven't found the right one for this. When I do I can go back to my cotton wash cloths, potholders and dishcloths again.

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I was going to say "shame on you, don't you know there are poor yarn skeins starving in china?" but your's is WAY better! :D



OMG...how could you neglect the yarn?lol I always go pet the yarn! It's like going to the animal shelter, you have to give every skein your attention. lol


Glad to hear your feeling better...I love the Knittingwarehouse!

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